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Transcripts For NHK Newsline 20140618

class="nosel noCC"> 01406&q=china">China 13, Vietnam 8, Nhk 8, Tokyo 7, Hanoi 6, Malaysia 5, Iraq 4, Ukraine 4, Europe 4, Baghdad 4, Asia 3, Bangkok 3, Newsline 3, Craig Dale 3, Russia 2, Southeastern China 2, Thailand 2, South China Sea 2, North Korea 2, Brazil 2 Network NHK World Duration 00:31:00 Scanned in Philadelphia, PA, USA Language English Source Antenna Tuner Channel 35 Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 704 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color


Transcripts For NHK Newsline 20140618

class="nosel noCC"> 01406&q=china">China 10, Nhk 8, Vietnam 7, Malaysia 6, Tokyo 5, Baghdad 4, Newsline 3, Hanoi 3, Iraq 3, South China Sea 3, Ukraine 3, Italy 2, Europe 2, Bangkok 2, North Korea 2, Southeastern China 2, Al Qaeda 1, Petro Poroshenko 1, Yoshihide Suga 1, Takafumi Terui 1 Network NHK World Duration 00:31:00 Scanned in Philadelphia, PA, USA Language English Source Antenna Tuner Channel 35 Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 704 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color


Transcripts For NHK Newsline 20140618

class="nosel noCC"> 01406&q=china">China 11, Nhk 7, Malaysia 6, Tokyo 5, Baghdad 4, Iraq 4, Bangkok 3, Newsline 3, Ukraine 3, Hanoi 3, South China Sea 3, Italy 2, Halal 2, Southeastern China 2, North Korea 2, Europe 2, Opec 1, Yoshihide Suga 1, Aliter 1, Petro Poroshenko 1 Network NHK World Duration 00:31:00 Scanned in Philadelphia, PA, USA Language English Source Antenna Tuner Channel 35 Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 704 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color


Transcripts For NHK Newsline 20140618

class="nosel noCC"> 01406&q=china">China 11, Nhk 7, Malaysia 6, Tokyo 5, Iraq 4, Baghdad 4, Hanoi 3, South China Sea 3, Newsline 3, Ukraine 3, Bangkok 3, North Korea 2, Halal 2, Southeastern China 2, Europe 2, Italy 2, Petro Poroshenko 1, Yoshihide Suga 1, Nouri 1, Aliter 1 Network NHK World Duration 00:31:00 Scanned in Philadelphia, PA, USA Language English Source Antenna Tuner Channel 35 Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 704 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color


Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20130824

>> and good morning everybody. welcome to mornings on two. it's saturday august 24th. >> let's head right over to rosemary for a look at how warm it'll get for us today. >> its going to be a mild one out there. even the warmest locations only into the mid80s for the afternoon. at this hour a mix of sun and clouds as we start the day. temperatures on the cool side, as we get into the afternoon similar temperatures expected from what we felt yesterday and it's going to be a nice one in most case. extended forecast only small changes, we will look at that,ly have your numbers for today coming up. >> we start with developing news. oakland police gearing up for a search this morning for a child who vanished more than a month ago. investigators say they may have new information about her possible where abouts. >> reporter: we expect authorities to start searching just about an hour from now. somewhere in this location near the college and i want to show you the scene. we are in the parking lot and you can see they are getting a command post set up. oakland police officers are here, the fbi expected to show up as well and then as you come over to the riyocan see volunteer searchers from the alameda county search and rescue. they are getting their truck set up. i asked a couple of people on scene but nobody will say where this search will be focused but we understand investigators have a new piece of information that's led them to this location. nobody revealing though what that information is. of course oakland police are working with the fbi to find 22- month-old d aphne webb. her father claimed a stranger kidnapped her from his suv while he went inside a store. the girl was left in the suv with her grandmother. her father is considered a person of interest in the case and since her disappearance there have been a number of large scale searches in parks and along trails near his home in the oakland hills. some of her relatives have expressed frustration with this investigation but police assure them they are making progress. >> this case has never stopped. the case continues. as we receive information, if that takes us to this identified area we will go. >> reporter: and just yesterday the fbi added another ten thousand dollars to the reward fund in this case doubling the total to $20,000. now later this morning searchers will be using cadaver dogs though in the past they have said that's just standard procedure. police do say though at this point there are two parallel investigations going on. there is a missing persons case and at same time a homicide case as well. we bring you back out live to the picture. this is a parking lot. a search and rescue team from alameda getting set up. searchers expected to fan out through the area here in the oakland hills searching for that missing child. that search starts just about an hour from now. live, alex savage. >> we have built a map showing where police have looked for her. she was reported missing at 79th avenue. they searched the martin luther king junior shoreline and trails near her father's home. >> new, law enforcement in san francisco shoot a suspect accused of a deadly stabbing in marin. just after 11 united states park police say they saw the suspect getting off a bus. they say he was armed with a knife and covered in blood. they first fired a taser but it didn't stop him. he then lunged at them forcing them to shoot and wound him. >> the guy was on the ground. he was on the ground running around like he was insane and the police was like telling him not to move and they had the guns trained on him. i guess they figured he was still a threat. >> the suspect was taken to san francisco general hospital where he is being treated for multiple gun shot wounds. around the same time sheriff deputies were called to investigate a horrible scene. a person had just returned home and saw the living room covered in blood. deputies found a woman in the bedroom with stab wounds, they preformed cpr but she was pronounced dead. investigators have not discuss the relationship between the victim ands. >> the rim fire continues to burn out of control threatening thousands of homes across the sierra foothills. it now covers 12 5,000 acres, that's nearly two square miles which is four times the size the city of san francisco. it's burning a remote section along the western boundary of yosemite. people just a few miles away say she they evacuate. crews are trying to contain the fire and protect structures by seth back fires. the park is still open and popular destinations such as yosemite valley and half dome are 20-miles the fire line. want to show you the latest numbers. it has burned 125,000 acres or 196 square miles. the fire is just 5% contained, threatening 5500 homes. it spread west of paper cabin ridge and prompted advisories along highway 108 corridor. more than 2600 firefighters are battling this wildfire. >> the fire has also prompted the governor to declare a state of emergency for the city of san francisco. flames damaged electrical equipment. two of three plants that generate power to city buildings have been shut down. utility officials are also worried that the ash from the fire may damage the water supply >> if water quality were to degrade past a certain point we would then make the decision to switch to the local sources of supply. >> engineers are using dozens of sensors to measure the water. current levels are at 0.2 which is safe to drink. 5.0 and the water is unusable. we want to show you how fast the fire has grown. this is from monday. the rim fire had burned 4400 acres of land, then by wednesday you can seat burned area nearly quadrupled to more than 16,000 acres. we fast forward to this morning where it has grown to 12 5,000 acres, this third map shows how much land the flames have consumed and how close they are to that reservoir. as you can imagine air quality is a concern and a red alert has been issued for reno. coming up, the threat to air quality and the damage its causing to local tourists. the yearly event that's already been called off. >> and weather playing a role out there yesterday. let's turn to rosemary and see how we are looking today in regards to the rim fire and weather conditions. >> yesterday we had a southwesterly flow. that smoke was moving north into tahoe where they have the alert again for today. if your plans are to head to the sierra its something to consider. especially if you are going to be outside. we have alerts into tahoe. let's come back home and talk act what's happening here. we have pleasant weather in the forecast. giving you a live look at the overcast condition as we look toward areas right around -- thank you show director. giving you a look at what we can expect for the afternoon. i want to touch on the rim fire. the winds are light at though hour. i have an arrow show you the direction the wind is blowing from. it's blowing the east at this moment. areas in the central valley may be smelling the smoke. upper 80's in the forecast. relative humidity 20, 25%. the winds five to 15. the weather like what they had yesterday. not to bad but again it's just so extremely dry out there and when it's warm and dry that fire is allowed to burn a lot faster. here we have partly cloudy skies, gray inside the bay. we showed you oakland just a moment ago. you can see it here. over parts of the north bay but santa rosa, napa starting out sunny, and down in to the south bay you have sun. 60 degrees right now in oakland. upper 50s in fair file. as we get along the coastline, half moon bay 59 degrees. sfo reporting delays because of the low clouds this morning. that to expect. if you know anyone coming in. we have this system off the coast. we have the on shore breeze, the low clouds and temperatures very similar to what we had yesterday afternoon. not a lot of change for the second half of the day. 80 degrees for santa rosa. 79 in nevado. as we shift east upper 60s for oakland, san leandro 69, mid80s in and around pittsburgh, 86 antioch, 83 pleasant on. just a nice looking day. 74 sunnyvale. 76 wood side. 64 in san francisco. low 60s along the coastline with partly sunny skies expected for the afternoon. the extended forecast with the weekend in view is expected to be slightly cooler. we have high clouds drifting over as that system remains off the coastline. we will continue to filter in the cooler air, high clouds, as we get into monday, tuesday and wednesday we have a warm up in wednesday will be one of the warmest days, mid to upper 80s in the forecast. low 70s around the bay. mid60's at the coast. i will have a look at your lunchtime numbers coming up. >> a father and his children have been rescued after a jet ski accident. the 30-year-old took his 9-year- old daughter and 5-year-old son on a jet ski. family members reported them missing last night. soon after search crews found them clinging to a log in the middle of the delta. authorities say they why treated for hypothermia but were otherwise unharmed. >> right now tens of thousands of people are marching on the mall on washington. how organizers say the civil rights battle has changed since martin luther king junior made his i have a dream speech. >> a critical meeting as the united states considers it's next step in syria and what the navy is now doing in that area as tensions rise around the alleged use of chemical weapons. >> first let's go out to the east shore freeway. traffic is moving along there. the highway patrol is clearing a deadly accident right now. that accident has the eastbound on-ramp shut down. we will keep an eye on that for you you're watching mornings on two. goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. . it's a partly cloudy start over south san francisco this morning. temperatures in the upper 50s outside your door >> and we want to show you what's happening now in the nation's capitol. as you can see people gathering there right now, thousands expected to come together for a march on the national mall in washington dc. the event does mark the 50th anniversary of martin luther king junior's 1963 moran -- march, on washington. several thousand will address the crowd before they walk the half mile to the memorial. some of the speakers include eric holder, nancy pelosi and some of trayvon martin's family members. this is no future for a people who forget their past. today we come to remember our past in an effort to continue to forge our future. >> free at last. >> it was on the day of the march in 1963 that king gave his famous i have a dream speech. organizers say this he hope today's event will inspire people to educate themselves about modern day civil rights struggles. >> there are some events for residents wanting to remember the anniversary. in san jose people will march for one mile from saint james and second street to the santa clara county building. there will also be a rally at 1:00 p.m. in oakland and at 3:30 p.m. the lgbt coalition will hold a rally at san francisco city hall. the postal service is also doing its part to remember the march. yesterday they revealed their newest stamp. it features marchers holding signs at the monument john louis spoke at the ceremony. he took part in the 63 march. >> this morning the president is meeting with his national security team to discuss possible next steps in siry. he is considering military action for its alleged use of chemical weapons. the nah navy has already sent a war ship into the area. rebel forces are accusing the government of attacking a strong hold with a rocket armed with chemical weapons. the rebels hosted images online of what they say were remnants of the rocket. at least a hundred were killed. if chemical weapons were used it would be the deadliest attack since thousands of kurds were gassed in 88. thousands took to the streets to protest. businesses and schools were closed to let people take part. the government is denying the use of chemical weapons on its people. . more protests are being held in egypt but demonstrators are trying to keep them peaceful. the supporters of the former president held this march yesterday after morning prayers. organizers urged people to stick to the main streets and avoid military checkpoints. they say to many people have lost their lives to violence. yesterday's protests ended without incident. the california attorney general has launched an investigation into complaints against the out going san diego mayor. he agreed to step down. his resigning after 18 women accused him of harassment. during a hearing yesterday he apologized but also said it he was the victim of a lynch mob. >> not one allegation, members of the council, has ever been independently verified or proven in court. >> in exchange for his resigning the san diego city council has agreed to pay his legal fees and any settlement costs stemming lawsuits. a special election will be held to replace him. the office wouldn't reveal details about the investigation. >> the adopted son of jerry sandusky has settled abuse claim against penn state. it's one of 31 lawsuits filed against the school in connection to the scandal. penn state has now settled with seven young men abused by the former assistant coach. the financial terms haven't been disclosed. the school can has already spent $50 million on the scandal and that number doesn't include payments to victims. there are new details about what led police to a surf instructor accused of molestation. police first started investigating him earlier this month after they were contacted by one of his alleged victims. police say the now 17-year-old girl said that she was concerned about a 14-year-old girl living in his home. when officers arrived to investigate they say they found a secret video recording of the girl in his home as well as recordings of other young girls. they are still trying to identity all of the victims. >> a south bay man has been charged with murder after an accident that killed a pedestrian. prosecutors are accusing accusing 55-year-old of being drunk behind the wheel. his car hit and killed a 43- year-old. the da cited the six prior dui convictions as reason for a murder charge. san francisco police are now reviewing video of antique sift accident that killed a 24- year-old woman. they say it shows the accident that happened on august 14th. they say the bicyclist was on a bike when she was struck and killed by a truck . the driver has not been charged. the san francisco bike coalition has been pushing for better safety measures. in livermore a man died in a motorcycle accident. it happened just before six on westbound 580 near the exit for north livermore. yhp said the motorcyclist was lane splitting or riding in between lanes when he was clipped by a car. that caused him to fall and slide underneath the wheels of the big rig in the next lane. the driver of that car kept going but the big rig driver stopped and is cooperating. >> new zealand is looking to move to the finals of the america's cup today. the one thing that could stop that from happening . >> and back open to traffic. what caltrans is blaming for a huge sink hole. >> and enjoyable weekend in the forecast for your bay area. i will have a look at numbers expected for your neighborhood coming up. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles rethink possible. . two lanes of interstate 80 are open after a sing hole opened. it was first noticed by a construction crew. it was at least eight feet deep. crews closed one lane in each direction and filled that sink hole with cement. it was caused by water and it's something that's been developing there for a while. it said the roadway is now safe to travel on. >> new zealand could advance to the finals this afternoon. it has a commanding 5-1 series lead. two races are scheduled for this afternoon and if new zealand sweeps them they will win and take on usa on september 7th. keep a close eye on the weather today because strong winds may force the races to be postponed until tomorrow. a legal cloud over the start of the america's cup is gone at least for now. the sailing group north carolina withdrew its request to delay the races. the african corporation had claimed it was discriminated against and not allowed to compete to be the american defender in america's cup finals. race organizers say the case was without merit. though the group withdrew its request it has saved its right for future legal proceedings. >> golden state warrior fans getting fired up for the upcoming season folks put on their best dancing moves in oakland yesterday during a cast canning call for a television commercial there. were no requirements. fans of all ages could do whatever they wanted for 30 seconds to show their love for the team. the we are warriors ads will start running in the upcoming season. >> let's head on over to rosemary. talk about that wind for america's cup. will it be windy windy? >> it'll be windy. if you are going to watch, no advisories inside the bay with you winds from ten to 20knotts. the afternoon sea breeze will be with us. temperatures will be a lot like what we had on fridayed partly cloudy around the coast and bay. temperatures in the low 50s along the coast. mid to upper 50s long the bay. a few into the mid60's. inland cities i'm talking about you. into the lunch 60 degrees along the coast. mid60s, 70s for the noon hour for the inland communities and communities and then for the afternoon like this. 79 vallejo, low 80s concord, livermore, in and around the bay. upper 60s. low to mid-70s. 75 redwood, 69 degrees this afternoon in oakland. 64 in san francisco. if you are going to play there today. the extended forecast with the weekend in view. temperatures a bit cooler tomorrow and it increases the high clouds in the forecast for the second half of the weekend. into the workweek i know, don't need to talk about it but take a look. just a slow warm up. monday, tuesday with the warmest day being wednesday. back to you. >> crews chevron are now installing the first of three air quality stations. the sensors will monitor any possible toxic gases that could becoming the refinery. the equipment is being installed in a richmond neighborhood and more are planned. the lack of air monitors were criticized when the fire at the refinery sent a toxic smoke cloud over richmond. this will be the first off site monitoring system that's able to detect a wide range of chemicals. >> the rim fire is now in the yosemite valley where visitors are being told to go. >> and a controversial soda ban on the table in the south bay. >> and a new lead in the search for d aphne webb. ask me what it's like to get your best night's sleep every night. [announcer] why not talk to someone who's sleeping on the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur-pedic. ask me how fast i fall asleep. ask me about staying asleep. 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>> reporter: we know investigators have a new piece of information that's led them to this general area. nobody is revealing what that information is. you can obviously see behind me a command post is being set up. authorities getting set to search in this general area near lake -- near merit college. command post set up here. want to show you the scene from a short time ago. members of the alameda search and rescue team got their command center set up. there will about between 30 and 40 volunteers here today. there will be at least six cadaver dogs and search dogs. oakland police are working with the fbi to find the 22-month- old who disappeared back on july 10th. her father john claimed a stranger kidnapped her from his suv while he was inside a store. the little girl was left with her grandmother at the time. her father is considered a person of interest in this case and since her disappearance there have been several large scale searches in a number of the parks and along trails near his home here in the hills. one of the men who has been involved in coordinating all of the searches is the chef with thal needa count -- alameda search and rescue team. what strategiys are you doing today? >> it'll be pretty much similar to the previous searchers who will have specific teams that will cover areas that are assigned to them based on the information that he we got from oakland police and we will cover quite a broad area in about three or four sections of the area here. a lot will be steep wooded, deep terrain, some of the roadsides, it's similar. >> reporter: can you say what they will look for today? >> any evidence related to the case, any items that we may run across that -- articles of clothes, anything that may be suspicious or may be connected to the missing person. >> these folks are getting set up. you can see the parking lot has been turned into a command center. the oakland police involved and alameda county search and rescue and this search expected to get underway just after eight. live this morning. alex savage. > >> a memorial for the mother and brother of a teen kidnapped by a family friend will be held today in san diego. christina and ethan anderson were found dead in the burned home of james dimaggio. he is a accused of kidnapping hannah anderson and taking her to the idaho wilderness where he was shot and killed by fbi agents. he set fire to his home using a timer giving him a 20 hour jump on law enforcement. and vallejo police say a suspect has been shot by an officer after an alleged armed robbery. it happened just outside the blue rock inn on springs road. when they approached the three suspects, one of them showed the officers a silver object. the alleged robber suffered one gun shot wound but is expected to live. >> our coverage continues of that massive wildfire spreading into yosemite national park. the rim fire is just 5% contained this morning. it's burned an area of nearly 200 square miles. that's four times the size of san francisco. five homes and 12 out buildings have already been destroyed. 5500 other homes have being threatened. residents near sonora have been told to evacuate. >> really scared and stressed. it's like you want to stay and guard your place but then you are like we need to be ready to go. >> the fire has damaged lines that pipe power to san francisco. there is also concern about the reservoir that's just a few miles from the fire. 85% of the water comes from that reservoir. several bay area fire departments have sent units eight there is also a crew from napa san francisco sent a 22% strike team as well. officials say why they want to help sometimes it does mean that crews that stay behind do have to work overtime to cover shifts here at home. the air quality is a major concern. washo county nevada has issued a red alert. not just those suffering from breathing problems. school children were told to stay inside yesterday and people living in communities such as placerville say it smells like a camp fire and some of them have to wear masks to stop breathing problems in the unhealthy air. >> it helps some. it doesn't help a lot but it helps -- i wouldn't even go out without it. >> it looks like placerville is on fire. >> the health concerns are damaging the summer tourist season. visitor bureaus report some are canceling plans, several events and concerts have been canceled. the popular lake in the sky air show was also grounded because of the poor air quality. >> yosemite is offering free admission tomorrow for the national park service founders day. the drivers hoping to use the shortest route may have to pick another way because of that fire. people travel should travel south on highway 99 to merced and take highway 140 into the park. the other entrance is on highway 41. >> let's head right ono over to rosemary. it's shaping up to be a very warm day. >> its going to be nice for the soccer games going on. perhaps you will be out and about, stopping along the city. we are looking at nice weather in san francisco. i do want to touch on the fire. the rim fire and the air quality issues that claudine mentioned. it's interesting how this fire, a lot closer to yosemite than lake tahoe but that's one of the areas with an advisory and this is the reason the flow in the atmosphere is coming the southwest. areas north and northeast getting the bunt of that smoke. an advisory in areas, portions of yosemite included in this. take a look at the shade of yellow. this very muchs in -- visibility is really tough at times so it's hard to see. it's hard to breathe. it's something you want to consider if the sierra is your weekend plan. giving you a look at what you can expect at home. we have a system off the northwest coast and that will continue the temperatures where they should be, even a bit below average. mostly cloudy skies, along the coastline for today. 62 degrees around the bay. upper 60s to near 70 in the inland communities, low to mid80s in the forecast. for the most it'll be enjoyable. morning clouds around the bay and along the coast. we will break away to partly cloudy skies, partly sunny again for the coast this afternoon. look at your temperatures right now. widespread 50s to low 60s. 57 haywood. afternoon highs for today. 80 degrees santa rosa, 81napa, 68 berkeley. 64 san francisco, in to the south bay 75 for you san jose, 84 morgan hill. the extended forecast showing temperatures will cool just slight slightly into sunday afternoon. partly cloudy to mostly clear into the first half of next week and temperatures will begin to build back into the upper 80s by tuesday; wednesday for inland cities, low 70s around the bay. >> and we are continuing our coverage of the opening of the new bay bridge. we are just about four days and 12 hours and 21 minutes from next wednesday night's bridge closure. want to give you a live look at the toll plaza this morning. there are several lanes closed to let workers put in fast track lanes for the new span. if you peek over onto the left side of the screen there appears to be a slow down. usually this time on a saturday morning. things are moving quickly through. won't take you much time to get in. caltrans gave reporters a special view of the construction site. they went under the deck of a new span to take a look at the safety fixes. crews installing steel pieces to help stabilize the faulty bolt that were found earlier this year. >> the most important thing is moving traffic off the bridge that will sustain damage in the next major quake and getting them onto a bridge that's vastly better. >> even with the shims? >> yes. >> reporter: the new bridge is built to last for 150 years. it should with stand sizable quakes. as we have been reporting crews will close the existing bridge next wednesday at 8:00 p.m. then the new span should open by five the following tuesday. now on the website you are going to find a special section dedicated to the bay bridge including information about the closure and how to get around it. >> the clock is ticking in the bart labor dispute and the unions now want the attorney general to get involved they sent this letter. they said bart has refused to continue negotiating during the court ordered 60 day cooling off period. the unions are asking the attorney general to move in court to seek a contempt citation compelling the district to get back to the table. >> start negotiating, get this done. stop playing games. that's what the union wants to do. >> we are not standing in the way of meeting. we are able to meet at whatever time they want. >> the union said the attorney general's office hasn't responded yet. >> a controversial soda ban that would limit vending machine options at san jose city facilities. under the proposal both diet and regular soda would be banned, certain sport drinks, flavored water and fruit juices would also be removed. even milk with more than 2% fat would not be available. this all has parents upset. >> milk is good for some children. this little guy has a gallery problem. he needs milk. >> there are other things they should focus on. if it passes happy hollow park and zoo would also have to remove their machines but certain places would be exempt. next week the council will decide if the proposal is worth exploring more students are headed back to school next week and events will being held all over the bay area to get them ready. at eight a back to school fair is going to be held in san jose at the giant's barber shop. students who attend will be given school supplies and a free haircut. then at 9:30 a back to school festival will be held on grand avenue near lakeview in oakland and at ten the concord police department is holding a school safety fair. >> former seven jr. care facility now a home for recovering addicts. one residents are raising concerns. >> first, let's take you outside, still a little gray but that's a pretty shot. there is a death on highway 4 that we want to tell you about. that accident has the eastbound boulevard shut down. . thank you for joining you. a live look there over san jose. mostly clear skies and 56 degrees outside your door >> happening now, another live look. this one at the rally march going on in washington dc. thousands of people have come together in honor of the 50th anniversary of martin luther king junior's moran washington. it was on that day of the martha king gave his famous i have a dream speech. they hope the event will inspire people to educate themselves about modern day civil rights. new this morning the president talked about helping middle class americans pay for higher education. >> students and families and taxpayers can't just keep paying for college costs that keep going up and up. not when the average student now graduates with $26,000 in debt. >> he is proposing rating colleges to make sure they keep tuition costs down and then asking that schools test out low cost approaches such as more online courses. >> people in san francisco with questions about health care reform in the coming changes to insurance are invited to a free education event today. the affordable care act day is happening later this morning in the city's bayview district. the event is designed to raise awareness about recent changes in health care, often referred to as obama care. the event runs from ten this morning until two at the ymca. delta is issuing a warning about the impact obama care will have on its company. they claim that the law will contribute to $100 million increase in health care cost. the biggest parts will go into effect at the beginning of 2014. one of the more costly items in the fee of $63 a participant. >> the teens accused of killing a australian student won't face hate crime charges. there is no evidence to support race was the motive in the murder. three teens have been charged in the death. authorities say they shot the 23-year-old while he was out jogging. police say one of the teens told officers they decided to kill someone because they were bored. there is speculation that the killing may have been part of a gang ritual. residents in spokane washington are coming together after a world war ii veteran was beaten to death by two teens. last night a few thousand gathered to pay respects to the 88-year-old delbert belton. he was robbed and beaten on wednesday night in his car outside the eagles lodge. friends and family, even strangers have made a memorial with candles and american flags. >> it was a travesty what happened. it was wrong and the family is going through a tough time so they need everybody. >> police say that the 16-year- old demetrius glenn turned himself in and the others still at large. both have a criminal history. >> military jury has found nadal hassan guilty of killing 13 people in the largest mass murder at a military base in united states history. he went on the rampage at fort hood in november of 2009. 32 people were hurt in that attack. he had no visible reaction as the guilty verdict was read. he is eligible for the death penal. the sentencing part of the trial begins on monday. two officers were hurt during the arrest of a man after an alleged shot and vandalism bing. it happened yesterday around one at the shopping center. witnesses say that the 20-year- old threw a rock into the marin gun shop after assaulting two strangers. he then resisted arrest sending one officer to the hospital. >> construction has started on a new underpass project in honor of a richmond police officer killed in the line of duty. yesterday the 29-year-old bradley moody was honored during the special ground breaking. the new roadway is being built in his name and it's located near the railroad tracks his brother, officer james moody -- his brother spoke. >> he was a brother, a father, a son, and he was well loved. >> the officer was also an organ donor saving five lives. he was killed five-years ago when he lost control of his patrol car. some residents are getting upset over a new group home for recovering addicts. full circle living is set to open in two months. without special permit itself will only be able to provide beds for six men but they hope to eventually offer 18 beds for men and women. opponents say it'll disrupt the neighborhood. >> we would be opposed to any business that brings noise and traffic to the neighborhood. it's not about full circle intervention, it's not about the work they are doing. >> two of the co founder who say they are former addicts say the housing is an important step to saying sober. the recovering residents would be monitored. >> health workers are on high alert after a type of mosquito carrying dangerous diseases was found in menlo park. the yellow fever mosquito was found this week at the holy cross cemetery. the mosquito can transmit yellow fever, and viruses that cause other diseases. they are working to prevent them from spreading. and plan to protect a mountain's water shorted system against quakes is now underway. the marin water district has approved a contract for the environmental study. at issue, is the pine mountain tunnel and reservoir that holds water for the thousands of people in the county. both are aging in danger of major damage during quakes. the water district wants to replace it with two concrete water tanks that would be partly buried have minimal exposure. if approved work could start in 2016. >> some doctors saying technology could affect children's sleeping habits. more and more children have access to smart phones, tablets and tvs. doctors say that most of the children using the technologies are getting less than the recommended hours of sleep. study shows poor sleep is connected to poor academic performance. him he are constantly plugged in. they want to know what's going on and they have this need to let everybody else know what's going on. >> what stage of sleep. >> they say school age children need ten hours of sleep and teens need eight. they recommend parents shut down the devices at least one hour before bed. >> a popular pub in the county is using social media as it's new bouncer. the owner of finnegan's is using facebook to screen his patrons. the only way to get in after nine is to be a facebook friend of the pub. the owner said it's a way to avoid problems. patrons say they couldn't be happier with the new process. >> for the most part there is not a lot of trouble here because people know they can be identified. >> the atmosphere has been good. i bring my wife here, my daughter, my son. >> managers said the bar became more popular and started to attract trouble and he said using facebook as his bouncer has eliminated nearly all of their problems. >> a small plane crashes out on a golf course in northern california and the quick thinking of the golfers out there on the green. >> and flooding in colorado after heavy rain and hail. what a drive her to do -- drive her to driver had to do as his car filled with water. . two people were hurt after a small plane crash landed on a golf course in sacramento. this all happened around 6:30 last night at the course. golfers pulled the men from the wreck and their injuries are not considered life threatening. witnesses say they heard the plane's engine sputter before that plane ended up landing upside down among the trees on the 13th hole. >> streets and streams are flooded colorado this morning after heavy rain and hail slammed parts of the state this week. want to show you video from ken which is southwest of denver. the rain and hail trapped drivers in already cars on the road. one driver said his car filled with so much water it'll likely have to be totaled. >> the water just takes my car up over the hood and like i have to go. forced open my door and all the water came in and i just -- i knew i had to get out quick. >> the county is now using snow plows to open roads up for drivers out there in colorado. >> nothing like that here. let's head over too rosemary for a check of a nice day. she is cook up for us. >> yes. we have nice weather in the forecast. if you like what we had yesterday more of the same to come for today. a mix of sun and clouds outs side right now and then into the second half of the morning and afternoon, it's going to peel away partly to mostly cloudy will remain along the coastline. if you take a look over the north bay, high clouds will begin to pull in. we have a system off the northwest corner and we will continue to watch that system bring us the morning clouds, on shore breeze, the mild to warm temperatures and i'm stopping here because do you see moisture there hanging off the coastline? perhaps we will wake up to morning drizzle for sunday morning. i don't expect we will see any rain. where we could see just a few sprinkles. areas around clear lake and to the north. if you are going to travel in that direction for sunday we will that for you. we have a pleasant afternoon in store. low 60's at coast. low to mid60's around san francisco. get this to the east bay. upper 60's to near 70. the inner east bay going to be nice and warm with mostly sunny skies, low to mid80's expected in the warmest locations your extended forecast with your weekend in view showing you temperatures slightly cooler. perhaps an increase in the high clouds over the north bay. monday, tuesday, wednesday, temperatures changing very slowly but it'll be a warm up that we see and eventually the upper 80s back in the forecast. no 90s. 87 expected on tuesday, 88 for the inland cities on wednesday. widespread lows 70s for the bay and 60s for the coast. >> the big game between cal and stanford could be moved. both are considering a proposal by the 49ers to move the game from memorial stadium in berkeley to the new levi stadium in santa clara. a decision is expected next week. if the game is moved to santa clara. it would return to berkeley in 2015. the bears and cardinals square off in this year's big game on november 23rd. >> the search continues this morning for a missing child. want to give you the live picture from oakland. folks gathering, we are just minutes away from learning where specifically police want to look. >> and a wildfire continues to rage near yosemite national park and now it's threatening a reservoir that provides water to millions. . dozen of volunteer searchers in the hills set to fan out and search some of the trails and parks in this area trying to find a missing child. we will tell you what led searchers to this location. >> and firefighters continue to battle an out of control wildfire in the sierra foothills and now thousands have been forced out of their homes in san francisco's water sly is threatened > > and a surf instructor accused of molestation. what led police to him. >> complete, bay area news coverage continues. this is ktvu mornings on two. >> and good morning. welcome to mornings on two. it's saturday august 24th. >> good morning. let's check in with rosemary for a look at your weekend forecast. good morning rosemary. >> good morning. it'll be a nice one for most. we are mixing it up with sun and clouds be temperatures in the low 50s to low 60's beginning their rebound in to the next half hour to hour. mostly sunny skies, temperatures a lot like what we had yesterday. i adjusted them very little. i will show you those numbers expected for the afternoon. just a slight cooldown sunday. i will line it up for you  coming up. >> the developing news in oakland where police are expected to release new details about the search for a missing child. she was reported missing on july 10th. alex live for us at merit college where a staging area has been set up. >> reporter: good morning. more volunteer searchers are beginning to gather here at merit college here behind me. this is the command center that's been set up and obviously you have several dozen volunteer searchers both with alameda county and we understand people are coming in from santa clara as well. they are getting geared up and will start searching some of the trails and parks in the area here of the college this morning. obviously searching for missing daphne webb. police say a new piece of information is what prompted the search but they aren't being specific about what that information is or what they are searching for out here today. this is what things looked like. more than 40 volunteers arrived early this morning to get set up. we understand at least six cadaver dogs will be involved as well though police have said in the past it's standard procedure. oakland police are working with the fbi, trying to find the 22- month-old who disappeared back on july 10th. her father john webb claimed a stranger kidnapped her from his suv while he was inside a store for a short time. the little girl was left with her grandmother. her father is considered a person of interest and since her disappearance, there have been several searches in parks and trails near his home here in the oakland hills. a short time ago the head of the search and rescue team talked with me about the strategy with today's search. >> we are looking for anything, that may -- that will be tied back to the case, evidence or anything of that nature. brush lines, things of that nature, looking on trails and maybe unmarked pathways >> reporter: yesterday the fbi even added ten thousand dollars to the reward fund in this case. that doubles the total to $20,000 for any information leading to the where abouts of d aphne. they say there are two investigates they have going on. there is a missing persons case but at the same time a homicide case as well. we come back out to a live picture. this is the parking lot at merit college where you can see a couple dozen volunteer searchers are getting set and they will start fanning out shortly here to search some of the trails and parks here near the college trying to find her. we do expect to get the update on the investigation from oakland police. we will bring that to you once we get that information. live in oakland. ktvu channel 2news. >> new, law enforcement in san francisco shoot a suspect accused of a deadly stabbing in marin. just after 11 united states park police say they spotted the suspect, getting off a golden gate transit bus at filmore and chestnut. he was armed with a knife and covered in blood. officers say they first used a taser to try to stop them but he kept coming. he then lunged at them. the suspect was taken to san francisco general hospital where he is being treated for multiple gun shot wounds. his identity has not been released. police say he is suspect of stabbing a woman in marin city. sheriff deputies were called there after a resident returned home and found the front living room covered in blood. responding deputies found a woman in the bedroom with stab wounds. she was pronounced dead. investigators have not released detail its about the relationship between the victim and suspect. and there are new details about what led police to a surf instructor accused of molestation. police first started investigating him earlier this month after they were contacted by one of his alleged victims. police say that the now 17-year- old said she was worried about a 14-year-old living in his home. when officers went to investigate they found secret recordings of the girl as well as videos of other young girls. police say they have still trying to identity all of the victims. >> the rim fire continues to burn out of control this morning threatening thousands of homes across the sierra foothills. the fire now covers 125,000 acres. that's nearly 200 square miles write is about four times the size the city of san francisco. it's burning a remote section along the western boundary of yosemite national park. people living just a few miles that fire say they evacuated their homes reluctantly. >> i know a lot of people haven't left yet. >> reporter: how fast did you pack? >> all this was already packed. it took about 15 minutes to check everything and then we left. >> reporter: crews are trying to contain the fire and protect structures by setting back fires. the yosemite national park is still open and popular destinations like yosemite valley are more than 20 miles from the fire line. here are the latest numbers regarding the fire. it's burned 125,000 acres. the fire is only 5% contained. threatening some 5500 homes. it spread west of paper cabin ridge and prompted evacuation advisories into area as long the 108 corridor. more than 2600 are battling that fire. the fire has forced the governor to take the step of declaring a state of emergency in the city of san francisco. coming up the threat to the reservoir. we will talk live to the city's acting mayor about the concerns overo drinking water and electrical power. >> we want to show you how fast this fire has grown this week. here is a snap shot from monday. two days after it started. the rim fire at that point had burned 4400 acres of land. by wednesday you can see that burn area nearly quadrupled to more than 16,000. fast forward to this morning, where it's grown to a massive 125,000 acres. this third mass illustrates just how much land the flames have consumed. >> just massive growth over the last 72 hours, who knows what we will see by sunday night. for more on that let's see how we are expected to look. >> its going to be warm again, of course it's have dry and those -- those obviously play into the fire and the weather out there for the afternoon with the winds generally light but with in those canyons and the fire itself can create it's own wind pattern. the winds generally right. eight miles an hour. the humidity 35% but that will drop in to the afternoon. the wind is blowing in this direction. some of that smoke this morning, maybe smelling the smoke and fire as well. as we get in to the afternoon back in to the upper 80's and relative humidity will drop, when it's very warm, very dry, just allows that area to of course start and burn faster because the fuels are very, very dry at this point. even with winds five to 15 miles an hour as claudine showed you. that fire is just huge and still, still not in control the firefighters in control of that. here at home we have a system off the coastline that continues our on shore breeze. it's a little stronger than yesterday. the marine layer shallower. thoroughfare field and temperatures on the mild side already for inland communities experiencing mostly sunny skies, 63 livermore, 61 fairfield, 60 concord. mid50s to low 60o's in ask around san francisco. 59 for you. sfo reporting delays for arriving flight was the clouds outside there. 82sonoma. 89 clear lake, 89sele in, a. some of the warmest locations in the upper 80's. 79n,evado. 69 san leandro. mid80's areas around antioch, upper 80's expected for brentwood, low 80s for livermore and concord. 75 for san jose, these numbers repeat from yesterday. just slightly cooler for some, slightly warmer in other places, 64 for san francisco, 69 san bruno, and low 60s along the coastline. extended forecast, temperatures, will trend down just slightly for sunday, but then back up as we get into monday, tuesday, wednesday with a slow warm up. the warmest day on the extended forecast is wednesday. >> thank you new zealand could advance this afternoon. it has a commanding 5-1 series lead. two races are scheduled for this afternoon. if new zealand sweep itself will win the challenger series and take on oracle. try to keep a close high on the weather. strong gusty winds may force them to be postponed until tomorrow. the santa rosa police department arrested two people for dui during a checkpoint. it was set up last night. a second location was on santa rose a. in addition to those two arrests 14 unlicensed drivers were arrested and side. two others were arrested for driving on a suspended license. >> your time is 8:11. honoring one of the most known speeches in american history. >> i have a dream. that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning. >> the celebration happening now in washington and the events being held here in the bay area to remember martin luther king junior. >> and the out of control rim fire approaching the reservoir. we will speak live to the acting mayor about the state of emergency. ovide the exact individualization that your body needs. this labor day, don't invest in a mattress until you visit a sleep number store. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah! at our biggest sale of the year, every bed is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599. and save an incredible 40% on our limited edition memory foam mattress sets. only at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized. . a live look there, blanket of lue clouds and a live look this morning, temperatures holding in the upper 50s. >> the rim fire has prompted the governor to declare a state of emergency for the city of san francisco. flames damaged equipment near the reservoir, two of three plant that generate power to buildings and rights have shut down and officials worry that ash from the fire may, cause contamination to the water supply. with more on this we are joined on the san francisco supervisor mark ferrell, he is acting mayor for the city. is he speaking the san francisco public utilities commission. good morning. >> good morning. >> i understand you just received an update an hour ago. >> yes. just had our saturday morning update at seven from the public utilities commission. as acting mayor i have been continuely in touch with the mayor, his staff and the puc here and continue to receive these briefings on the rim fire. >> what is the situation? is it getting worse, are we holding stead steady? a knowhow are we looking? >> here is what we know as of this morning. the fire has grown from 103,000 acres yesterday to 12 5,000 acres this morning. it's grown but at a smaller pace than it had been growing over the past few days. we do have federal, state and local firefighters actively attempting to contain the fire right now. we have approximately 30 san francisco fire departments people up there and serge -- want to take the time to thank them. >> let's talk about how serious this situation. you have the power issue and the water. what is the more pressing issue? >> certainly from the city perspective our concern is how the fire may affect water quality. as you know over 85% of the water comes the reservoir and it's an support resource. specifically its around the ash and other remnants the fire getting in to the water supply anda teching the quarter quality level for our drinking quarter and commercial water. >> so we know they take the water from the deepest part of the reservoir, 270 feet i think i was told. when we talked yesterday i know you said this may be a problem that we see later on, maybe its not immediate because the ash maybe settles on top and starts to sink down, we may see something in a week or longer? >> that's correct. i think it's very important to know that right now the water system is unaffected and the water quality level is the same today as a week ago. we want to make sure we let the residents and commercial users in san francisco and the bay area now we are monitoring the situation closely on an hourly basis. we are fortunate that voters have approved bonds to him prove approach the water system including redundant water supplies. >> thank you for joining us. obviously a changing situation and we thank you for helping us keep an eye on things let's move now from water quality to air quality because crews from chevron are now installing the first of three air quality stipulation that will track any toxic gases in richmond coming the company's refinery. the equipment is being installed in a north richmond neighborhood but morin spare the air leapings are planned for point richmond and the village neighborhood. the lack of air monitors was noticed the fire happened last august and sent that toxic smoke cloud over richmond. this had be the first off site monitoring system that will be able to detect a wide range of chemicals. >> nows of people are coming together at the national mall in washington dc. this event mark its the 50th anniversary of the martin luther king junior's junior's march, on washington. they will walk a half mile there the lincoln memorial to the martin luther king junior memorial . >> keep dreaming, revive the [inaudible] keep dreaming, go from [inaudible] stop and educate, stop and house, stop and chose schools over jail. >> it was on the day of the march when king gave the speech. meanwhile in the bay area there are events for residents. people will march for onesavanh mile from saint james to the santa clara county building there. will also be a ralphly in oakland and at 3:30 this afternoon the coalition will hold a rally at san francisco city hall. the postal service is also doing its part to remember the anniversary of the march on washington. they revealed their newest stamp featuring marchers with signs with the monument in the background. >> police in press no are looking for people who attacked an exmarine because of his military service they spray painted an x and scrawled marks against marines. the military veteran said he doesn't understand why anyone would attack him or his service to the country. >> i was just confused by when i walked out there and i saw -- it was -- i almost broke down and started crying because it was so offensive and it was such a surprise to me. >> the retired machine said he takes great offense because he views it as toward him and all retired service members. california attorney general has launched a criminal investigation into complaints against the out going san diego mayor. he agreed to step down from office effective august 31st. his resigning comes after 18 women accused him of harassment. during a special city council hearing yesterday he apologized to his victims but also said he was the victim of a lynch mob. >> not one allegation has ever been independently verified or proven in court. >> the council agree to the pay his legal fees and any settlement costs. a special election will be held in the next 90 days to replace him. his office wouldn't reveal details about the state investigation. >> the golden state warriors doing some recruiting but they are looking for stars off the basketball court. . and a morning shower starts with a scare for michigan woman after looking up and seeing the head of a snake sticking out of a fan. . a zoo is asking for help to name it's newest gorilla -- the baby will officially debut in november from now until september 17th the public can submit baby names online. just go to and click web linings to find out how. a michigan woman got an unwelcome surprise when she went to take her shower. >> i got up when she screamed. she was like it's a snake up there. i was like a snake? you got to be kidding. >> nope. there was a four foot long snake in their bathroom ceiling fan. his girlfriend saw its head poking out and looking at their kitten who was also in the bathroom. johnson and his friends turned the snake over to security who released it outside. turns out it belonged to a neighbor and had escaped in to the ventilation system. >> for kitten. >> yeah. don't look at me. >> so much for a long hot shower. get in and oat get out. >> weather not freaking anyone out. nice day in store. >> you are right. that snake creepy. nothing creepy about the weather. a nice one in store for the afternoon. partly cloudy. temperatures still in the 50s to low of 60s. as we get in to the second half of the day it'll feel good. by noontime 60 along the coast with partly sunny skies, mid60's around the bay. for the afternoon, temperatures filling a lot like yesterday. 81 for napa, 74 san rafael. upper 60's oakland, haywood, 75 san jose, the inland east bay temperatures will be nice and warm but not to hot even a bit below the season allah al for this time of year. temperatures will cool slightly on sunday. a weak system across northern california. we will continue with weather similar but see a slow warm up into next week. temperatures rebounding back in to the upper 80s by tuesday and wednesday for the inland cities, low 70's around the bay. if you are getting out this morning i will have a look at the current temperatures. >> golden state warrior fans are already getting fired up. they are having a good time. warriors television commercial. there were no requirements. fans of all ages -- they showed their love for the team. the we are warriors ad. >> three month investigation end was multiple arrests. now one of the most visited areas in the city is a little bit more drug free. >> and more details about the kidnapping of hannah anderson as family and friends prefair for a memorial service for her mother and brother. ♪ [ male announcer 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[ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. . we are following developing news for police have launched a new effort to find a missing child. welcome back. >> daphne webb vanished more than a month ago but authorities may have an idea of where she is. we are live at merit college. >> reporter: i just spoke with the grandfather and there have been several searches up in this area in the hills for this missing child. this is the first time any of her relatives have come out to be involved in the search itself. they just arrived a short time ago at this command center. we are set up in the parking lot at merit college and you can see here dozens of volunteer searchers are getting their assignments right now and will be fanning out a short time from now searching some of the parks and the trails in this area. obviously searching for any evidence that could lead them to the girl who disappeared last month. this is what things looked like this morning as volunteers got set up. more than 40 volunteers will be involved today and it'll be also at least six cadaver dogs as well though place say -- police say that's standard. police are working to find the girl who disappeared july 10th. her father claimed a stranger kidnapped her from his suv while he was inside a stop. her father is considered a person of interest in the case. her grandfather said he doesn't believe that the father will be out here today for this search. ever since the disappearance of this little girl there have been large scale searches in parks and trails near his home. her grandfather did speak with us and said he wants the family to be here to show support for the volunteer searchers. yesterday the fbi added another ten thousand dollars to the reward fund in this case. it's now at $20,000 and at this point the volunteer searchers are getting their final assignments and will start fanning out searching some of the trails and the parks here near merit college searching for any sign of the little girl. we expect to get the update shortly on their investigation and we will bring that to you. live this morning. alex savage. >> a memorial service for the mother and brother of a san diego teen kidnapped by a family friend will be held today in san diego. christina and ethan anderson were found dead in the burned home of james dimaggio. is he accused of kidnapping 16- year-old hannah anderson and taking her to idaho. investigators sashed he set fire to his home using a timer giving him a 20 hour jump on the law. now to the continuing coverage of the rim fire and air quality this morning. that air quality is a major concern. a red alert for all residents. school children were told to stay inside yesterday and people in communities say it smells like a camp fire causing them to wear masks to avoid unhealthy air. >> it helps some. it doesn't help a lot but it helps -- i wouldn't even go out without it. >> it looks like we were on fire. >> the health concerns damaging the summer season. visitor bureaus report people are canceling plans. several events from concerts to sports have been canceled. the lake in the sky air show was also grounded because of poor air quality. >> several fire departments have sent units to help battle that wildfire. eight are in the yosemite area right now. there is also a crew from napa and san francisco's acting mayor said just about 15 minutes ago that san francisco sent a crew of 30 firefighters though officials say while they want to help sometimes it means firefighters who stay behind must work overtime to cover shifts here at home. yosemite national park is offering free admission for the national park service founders day. drivers hope to use the shortest route from the county ney have to pick another way because of the fire. people traveling from the county should travel south on highway 99 to merced and take highway 40 to the park. the other available entrance is on highway 41. >> time now 8:34. let's go over to rose rosemary. >> especially just around the bay. along the coastline, overcast condition, some of us waking up mostly sunny and we have another beautiful day in store with mostly sunny skies and just a few high clouds, a live look here this morning at what is happening. you can see a few low clouds there over the east bay hills. we are going to continue with this trend. temperatures feeling quite nice these days. right about the seasonal. the morning fog will burn away to afternoon sun away from the coast. at the coast i expect we will be partly sunny to partly cloudy. the afternoon sea breeze will be with us. here is the system that stays off the coastline and as it does the on shore breeze, the low clouds will continue to filter in, day after day. with temperatures only changing a little. i will look at that coming up. for today the afternoon sea breeze picking up. it'll be breezy through the bay. if you are going out to sea america's cup bring along that jacket. the sea breeze will be with us for sure. low 60 around the coast. high clouds also being pushed in by this system here. for today as well as tomorrow. temperatures right now low to mid60's fort inner east bay. 62 antioch, 61 fairfield. low 60s livermore. pretty good under mostly sunny skies, we are still gray outside the door. temperatures in the low to mid50s. going to feel cool and santa rosa reporting fog and 54 degrees at this time. for the afternoon 82 in sonoma. 79 in nevado, if you are going by the water, 67 expected for you. into the east bayh long the shoreline 68 for alameda. 69 for haywood. upper 80's for brentwood. upper 80's for danville and livermore. nice, mild to warm weather, 84 morgan hill. 75 san jose. a great day along the peninsula. 72 san mateo. 64 in -- that sea breeze, something to prefair for in you are going to see the giants play for the second half of the evening. the extended forecast here, temperatures will cool just a bit on sunday with high clouds in the forecast for the afternoon. then we see a turn around. temperatures will trend upwards, it'll be a slow one. getting back in to the upper 80s, tuesday, wednesday for inland cities, low 70s, 60s at the coast. >> two lanes of interstate 80 are back open after a sink hole. it was first noticed by a construction crew. it was at least eight feet deep. crews closed one lane in each direction and filled that hole with cement. it was caused by water and is something that had been developing for a while. they said it's now safe to drive on interstate there. >> we now want to turn to our continuing coverage of the opening of the new bay bridge. let's take a look at that countdown clock to the closure, four days, 11 hours and 22 minutes away from that bridge shutting down. several lanes at the toll plaza are closed this weekend to let workers put in fast track lanes for the new span. are you checking out a live picture and as we have shown you before, those left lanes are -- i think slowing down just a little bit but people with fast track speeding right through this saturday morning. caltrans gave a special view of the construction sight. reporters went under the deck to look at the safety fixes that drivers going to rely on but will never see. crews are installing steel sh ims that will help stabilize the faulty bolts found earlier this year. >> the most important thing is moving traffic off a bridge that will sustain damage in the next major quake and getting them onto a bridge that's vastly better when it comes to safety. >> reporter: even with the shims? >> absolutely. >> engineers say it's built to last for other years and -- for 150 years. crews will close the existing bridge next wednesday at 8:00 p.m. to make the transition. the new span should be open by five the following tuesday. now for more information go to because you are going to find a special section dedicated to the bay bridge. it does include information about the closure and how to get around it. the clock is also ticking in the bart labor dispute and now the unions want the attorney general to get involved. attorneys for the unions sent this letter to harris. in it they accuse bart of refusing to continue negotiations during the court ordered 60 day cooling off period. the unions want the attorney general to move promptly in court to seek a contempt citation compelling the district to get back to the table. >> start negotiating, get this done. stop playing games. that's what the union wants to do. >> we are not standing in the way of meeting. we are able to meet at whatever time they want us to be there. >> the union said the attorney general's office has not yet responded to its letter. >> santa cruz police said they arrested seven people including four gang members during an operation targeting street level drug sales, they were arrested after a three month enforcement. these three men are known gang members, they were also arrested in connection with selling drugs but are not connected to the gang. police say all seven arrested are responsible for a lot of the drugs being sold on the streets near santa cruz beach. in vallejo a suspect has been shot by an officer after an alleged armed robbery. it happened on springs road. police say when they approached the three one of them showed the officer a silver object, police say the allege robber suffered a gun shot wound. police are reviewing surveillance footage of a bic accident that killed a woman. it shows the accident that happened on august 14th. investigators say that the bicyclist was on a bike when she was struck and killed by a truck . driver of the truck has not been charged. the bike coalition has been pushing for better safety measures. >> construction is underway on a project to honor a fallen police officer. where it is and the lives that officer changed even after his death. >> the cdc is investigating a new drug after people in georgia are rushed to the emergency room unable to breathe. >> first, let's take you outside for a look at traffic on the golden gate bridge. this will be one of your alter nail routes during the closure and it'll be very busy. right now out there little fog but no traffic delays you are watching mornings on 2. . thank you for joining us. a sweeping view of the low clouds over the bay and into san francisco, breaking away the mostly sunny skies for the afternoon. mild to warm temperatures. >> two people were hurt after a small plane crash landed on a golf course if sacramento. it happened around 6:30. golfers pulled the men from the wreck. their injuries are not considered life threatening. witnesses say they heard the plane's engines sputter before it handed upside down in those trees on the 13th hole. >> and happening right now another live look at the rally and march going on in washington dc. right -- eric holder just wrapped up speaking to the crowd. people have come together in honor of the 50th anniversary of martin luther king junior's march on washington. it was here in 1963 that he gave his famous i have a dream speech. organizers hope it inspires people to educate themselves about modern day civil rights struggles. >> students and families and taxpayers can't just keep paying for college cost that keep going up. not when the average college student now graduate was more than $26,000 in debt. >> the president said that he is proposing reforms that include rating colleges to make sure they keep tuition costs down and asking that schools test out low cost approaches to education such as more online courses. people in san francisco we questions about health care reform are invited to a free education event today. it is happening later this morning in the city's bayview district. the event is designed to raise awareness of recent changes in health care, often called obama care. the event runs from ten this morning to two in the afternoon at the bayview ymca. delta is issuing a warning about the impacts obama care will have. they claim that the law will contribute to a 100 million- dollar increase in health care costs. the biggest parts of the law will set to go into effect at the beginning of 2014. delta said one of one of the items will be the fee of $64 per participant that will be charged. >> some residents are upset over a new group home for recovering addicts. full circle living is set to open in about two months. without special prosecutor mitts -- permits they will only be able to provide beds for six beds, they hope to eventually offer 18 beds. opponents say it'll disrupt that quiet neighborhood. >> we would be opposed to any business that brings noise and traffic and parking congestion to the neighborhood. it's not about full circle intervention, it its not about the work they are doing. >> two of the co founders say transitional housing is an important step to staying sober. the recovering resident also be monitored by case managers. police are testing a new synthetic drug after eight people were sent to the hospital, some minutes from death. police in glenn county georgia say the children became sick after they inhaled a subdance called crazy clown at a party. now authorities are warning against the drug. they say it's still unclear as to what chemicals it contains. >> the thing is we don't know if what we have right now is illegal or not. >> the chief said all eight users ages 16 to 26 were unable to control themselves. he said that some were taken to the hospital because they couldn't breathe. the results of lab tests are expected monday. >> the teens accused of killing an australian student in oklahoma won't face hate crime charges there. is no evidence to support race was the primary motive in christopher lane's murder. three teens have been charged in the death. authorities say they shot him while he was out jogging. one of them said they decided to kill someone because they were bored. there is speculation that there may have been a gang ritual involved . last night two thousand people gathered to pay their respects to delbert belton. was robbed beaten on wednesday night sitting in his car outside the eagles lodge. friends, family and strangers have made a makeshift memorial. >> i think it was a travesty what happened. it was wrong. the family is going through a tough time. they need everybody. >> police say that the 16-year- old demetrius again turned himself in thursday in connection to the case and the other 16-year-old is still at large. officers say that both suspects have a criminal history. >> the cousin of former new england patriots tight entity aaron hernandez is facing charges. she is facing a criminal contempt charge for refusing to testify to a grand jury investigating the death of odin lloyd. hernandez was indicted yesterday. hernandez is due in court next week to hear the evidence against him. >> a military jury found hassan guilty of killing 13 in the largest mass murder at a military base in united states history. he went on a shooting rampage in november of 2009. 32 people were hurt in that attack. he had no visible reaction as the guilty verdict was read. he is eligible for the death penalty and the sentencing phase begins on monday. and construction is now underway on a new underpass project in honor of a richmond police officer killed in the line of duty. yesterday the 29-year-old bradley moody was honored during a special ground breaking. the new roadway under crossing is being built in his name and it's located right beneath the track that cross marina way parkway. his brother spoke at that ground breaking. >> he was a brother, a father, a son, and he was well loved. >> the officer was also an organ donor and saved five lives. he was killed five-years ago when he lost control of his patrol control while responding to a car. >> a unique baby shower held at this year's pga tour in new jersey. it's called operation shower. the event supports wives of troop who are deplayed or about to deploy overseas. many of their husbands won't be there when their babies born and since a lot of them don't have family to throw them a shower operation shower was born . >> every mom gets a car seat, stroller and baby bedding along with a lot of other gifts. the last six years it's founder has hosted 1600 women all across the country. >> next year's game could be on the move. the decision expected to come down next week. . and facebook getting anti social. how its being used to keep some people out of the bar >> we have a good-looking weekend in store for the bay area forecast. i will look at the numbers. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good! . not a good day at the ballpark. matt cain goes to the dl, then the giants loose again. giants up 1-0. gaby sanchez hitting a foul ball in to the giant's dug out. not a nice way to say hello to the other team. the game rolls on. three batters later two on, deep for that three run shot. pirates go onto win 3-1. the orioles trim the a's wild card lead to just two games, a's up 3-0 but then jones takes it the offering deep to right field for a two run shot. orioles cut the lead 3-2. later in the same inning, same score, brian roberts, bases loaded, i want to get into the mix. roberts unloads on this one to right field. baltimore takes the 6-3 lead. they go onto win. you can watch them go at it today right here on ktvu. >> the big game between cal and stanford are considering a proposal by the 49ers to move the game from memorial stadium in berkeley to the new levi stadium in santa clara. a decision is expected next week. if the game is moved next year it wouldn't stay there. it would return in 2015. the bears and cardinals square off a popular pub is using facebook as it's new bouncer. the owner of finnegan's is using facebook to screen patrons. the only way to get in is to be a friend of the pub. some say they just couldn't be happier with the new screening process. >> for the most part there is not a lost trouble here because people know they can be identified. >> the atmosphere has been good. i bring my wife, my daughter, my son. >> the manager said as the bar became more popular and started to attract trouble he said using facebook has eliminated nearly all of the problems. >> talking about stanford and cal. stanford opens their season in a couple of weeks. cal next weekend college football right here. fall is in the air. we don't have the fall like temperatures. still a good month left of summer. >> you are right. as we get in to the last leg of summer, temperatures seasonal, even a bit cool for this time of year. in case it's going to feel good in most areas, giving you a look at the temperatures right now. widespread mid50s to low 60's along the coast and around the bay. mid60's in areas like antioch and brentwood. as we get in to the lunch hour, low 60s to mid60's around the bay. inland areas touching about 70 to mid-70s. livermore, concord, fairfield, nearing -- upper 70s to low 80s around antioch to -- 84 fairfield. around the bay, nice and mild. 69 in oakland, 75 in redwood city, 64 san francisco and low 60s for pacifica with partly sunny skies, the extended forecast, we begin to rebound but notice it's a slow warm up. getting back in to the upper 80s tuesday into wednesday. no 90s in the extended forecast. you can see for yourself, along the bay we have temperatures ranging in the low 70s, for the next several days and along the coast low to mid60s. >> the massive rim fire continues to rage out of control at yosemite. the intense battle firefighters face as they head to the frontlines. >> and putting a stop to small plastic bottles, why the san francisco board wants them banned from city and government buildings. a search is under way for a missing oakland toddler. the tip that has led police to a new location and a news conference we're about to bring you live. >> and the marin fire continues to grow. the latest on the fight to stop the maxwell fire that has now moved into yosemite national park and the state of emergency now declared in san francisco. >> plus . looking outside our door, breaking away to mostly sunny skies away from the coast, temperatures very similar to what we have seen lately and for the second half of your weekend, a slight cooldown. i'll have a look at temperatures, coming up. happening right now, there is a press conference under way about the search for missing toddler daphne webb. let's let you listen in. >> -- information that led you out here today? >> no. this is just from the ongoing investigation that we're conducting. >> can you give us the update on the investigation into trying to find daphne? >> the investigation is still going. it has never stopped. as you know, this is a parallel investigation. it started off as a missing person, but with a homicide aspect of it, so it's never stopped. we continue to search for daphne. >> tell us about the man and woman effort out here today. how many people, dogs, equipment? >> i'm going to defer that question to alameda county search and rescue. >> for today, we've got about-- >> sorry to interrupt. tell us your name. >> ron sites, alameda county sheriff's office, search and rescue. we're here today with 45 personnel from the sheriff's office, alameda county, santa clara county, with about six cadaver dogs also working with us on our teams in the field. >> and what kind of equipment? >> ground searchers and canine dogs and technology we're using to track our personnel so we can do our debriefing reports in areas we've covered, to make sure we've covered all the areas. >> anything from the air? >> no air assets from alameda county. >> what specific areas, parks, trails, et cetera you'll be looking? >> most of it's going to be focusing around this particular area, because this is where we're at, and areas that border some of the east bay regional parks and joaquin miller park areas. [ inaudible question ] >> anything of evidentiary purpose that might be able to help with the investigation. >> and how wide of an area? is there a radius? how far are they going out? >> it's not really a radius. it's strategically based on the information that we've gotten from oakland police that says we would like for you guys to go in these particular areas and search. >> will they be here until sundown today? >> we're hoping to be wrapping up sometime between 2:00 and 3:00 this afternoon. >> how important is it for you guys to be out here in terms of providing assistance for the family? >> it's important for a lot of aspects. there's a lot of people that want to be involved and trying to help bring resolution to this investigation, in this case. our personnel, you know, we've worked a lot of similar cases. our team members want to be able to do what they can to support both the family, the oakland police department, and the other investigative agencies and bring our expertise and the resources that we have to assist in these types of operations. >> can you spell your last name for us? >> s-e-i-t-z. >> can i ask, this has been obviously a long investigation for you. you do feel like you're making progress? >> yes, i do. i do. >> and do you -- how much hope do you have you'll be able to figure out what happened to daphne? >> with the investigative team that we have here at the oakland police department, i'm pretty confident that we are going to find out what happened to this baby. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for your time. >> you've been listening live to a news conference that's under way mere merritt college, as you can see there, folks gathering, search teams about to head out to search for missing toddler daphne webb. oakland police say they are making progress and say this is all part of their ongoing investigation. cadaver dogs, search teams will be out there for a search that will last into the afternoon. and now to our continuing coverage of the rim fire. it continues to burn out of control this morning, threatening thousands of homes across the sierra foothills. the fire now covers 125,000 acres, nearly 200 square miles, which is about four times the size of the city of san francisco. it is burning a remote section along the western boundary of yosemite national park. people living just a few miles from that fire say they evacuated their homes, but did so reluctantly. >> i know a lot of people haven't left yet. >> so how fast did you pack up? >> all of this has been already packed. it took about 15 minutes to check everything and then we left. >> crews are trying to contain the fire and protect structures by setting back fires. yosemite national park is still open and popular destinations such as yosemite valley and half dome are more than 20 miles from the fire line. here are the latest numbers regarding the rim fire. it has burned 125,000 acres, 196 square miles. the wildfire is just 5% contained, threatening some 5500 homes. it spread west of paper cabin ridge and prompted evacuation advisories in nearby areas along the highway 108 corridor. more than 2600 firefighters are battling that wildfire. we want to show you how fast this fire has grown this week. here's a snapshot from monday, two days after it started. the rim fire had burned about 4400 acres of land. by wednesday, you can see the burn area nearly quadrupled to more than 16,000 acres. we fast forward to this morning, where it has grown to a massive 125,000 acres. this map illustrates how much land the flames have consumed and how closely they are to the hetch hetchy reservoir. the fire has prompted governor jerry brown to declare a state of emergency for the city of san francisco. flames damaged electrical equipment near hetch hetchy reservoir. two of three hydro electric plants that generate power to city buildings and lights have been shut down and utility officials are also worried that ash from the fire may also contaminate hetch hetchy water supply, which serves 2.6 million bay area residents and businesses. >> if the water quality were to degrade pasta certain point in hetch hetchy, we would make the decision to switch to the local source of supply. >> engineers are using dozens of sensors to measure the water. current levels remain at 0.2, which is safe to drink. 5.0, the water is unusable. the city says it has enough water stored in reservoirs to last several months. the clouds are clearing. you can see there a live look over downtown oakland. started out with mostly gray conditions and now we can see sunshine and blue skies. we will be mostly sunny for the afternoon with high clouds in the forecast. i want to touch on that fire burning in and around, right by yosemite. do you see the smoke here? it's traveling all the way north of highway 50, i-80. if you have plans to head to the sierra for the weekend, you just may want to change those plans. the smoke is traveling all the way into tahoe, perhaps into reno, even farther north than that. it simply has to do with the flow in the atmosphere coming from the southwest, pushing it all the way into tahoe and reno. we have advisories in place for portions of yosemite, but really to the north of yosemite where visibility is down to a quarter mile in some cases. tough to see. tough to breathe in some cases and of course it's unhealthy. for the sierra, lake tahoe, advisory in place until 7:00 this evening. could reissue it for tomorrow as well. we'll be tracking it for you. back here at home, we showed you partly cloudy skies over oakland. you can see here along the east bayshore line, where, yeah, dealing with some of the gray still. but it's beginning to break away and it's clearing to mostly sunny skies. still seeing some along the coastline. santa rosa reporting a little fog this morning as well. winds are onshore and blowing to about 25 miles per hour through the delta. so decent onshore breeze through fairfield indicating temperatures will be nice and warm, but not too hot for the afternoon, with only subtle changes in store for the second half of your day. we're tracking a system off the coastline. so the onshore flow will continue. afternoon seabreeze will be with us. the cloudy skies, late at night, early morning, and temperatures feeling quite nice in most cases, will be mostly cloudy and cool along the coastline once again for today. 63 in redwood city right now. mid-60s in mountain view. upper 60s in livermore. 60 degrees san rafael. 54 in santa rosa, would we're dealing with patchy fog this afternoon. afternoon high's today, 69 for oakland, mid-70s in redwood city. mid-70s for san jose. low to mid-80s as you get into the inner east bay. 82 for livermore today, 86 in antioch. extended forecast here, we'll cool slightly for sunday and warm slightly on monday, with a gradual warming trend tuesday, wednesday. temperatures in the low to mid- 80s for the inland communities for your weekend, low 70s around the bay. low 60s along the coast, as we kick it down the road a little bit, notice tuesday, wednesday, temperatures warmer, but not bad at all. upper 80s in the forecast for the inland communities. low 70s around the bay. 60s at the coast. i'll have a look at lunchtime numbers, coming up. new this morning, law enforcement in san francisco shot a suspect accused of a deadly stabbing in marin county. just after 11:00 last night, u.s. park police say they spotted the suspect getting off of golden gate transit bus at fill more and chestnut. police say he was armed with a knife and covered in blood. officers say they first used a tasetory try to stop him, but he kept on coming. police say he lunged at them, forcing officers to shoot him. the suspect was taken to san francisco general hospital. he is being treated right now for multiple gunshot wounds and his identity has not been released. however, police say he is suspected of fatally stabbing a woman on coal drive in marin city. sheriffs deputies were called there overnight after a resident returned home and found the front living room covered in blood. responding deputies found a woman in the bedroom with numerous stab wounds. she was pronounced dead at the scene. investigators have not released any details about the relationship between the victim and the suspect. a masn and his two children have been rescued overnight after a jet-ski accident left them stranded. a 30-year-old man took his 9- year-old daughter and 5-year- old son out on a jet-ski. family members reported the three missing around 8:15. you can see there, there they are, back on shore. crews found them actually clinging to a log in the middle of the delta. authorities say they were treated for hypothermia, but otherwise, they are fine. the america's cup finals will take place this afternoon. two races are scheduled for this afternoon. if emirates team new zealand sweeps the races, it will win the challenger series and take on oracle team usa beginning september 7th. keep a close eye on the weather today. gusty winds may force the races to be postponed until tomorrow. a legal battle tied to the america's cup is gone, at least for now. a sailing group from north carolina withdrew its request to delay next month's competition. the african sports maritime corporation had claimed it was discriminated against and not allowed to keep to become the american defender in the america's cup finals. race organizers say the case was without merit. the maritime group withdrew its request to delay the race. it preserved the right for future legal proceedings, however. payday is coming for some safeway shoppers. we'll tell you which store is affected and why the company has been ordered to pay back $46,000. >> plus, a new threat has health workers in san mateo county concerned. more on the mosquito that could be putting your life at risk. >> first, let's take you outside. there's a clear shot, no fog there on the san mateo bridge. as you can see, it's a little busy on the roadways, but traffic is moving just fine in both directions. it is 9:12, and this is mornings on 2. it's great having at&t u-verse high speed internet. walter likes to download fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." it helps sam with math... [ beeping ] ...and online gaming. and suze loves her smartphone for "social" studies... like video-chatting with sara. hi, ms. kelly. hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call to get the fastest internet for the price -- $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network, get more connectivity, reliability and speed options -- now up to 45 megs. we have our own private wi-fi hot spot -- right here. getting connected is no problem -- even all at the same time. it's fast. it's reliable. and it's affordable. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. with a wireless gateway, connect all your devices and save on tablet and smartphone data usage at home. now i can do the things i want to do, like email my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] at&t brings it all together. ♪ . welcome back. a live look there at the skyline of san francisco. partly sunny skies, turning partly cloudy for the afternoon, and a nice day for a ball game, as the giants play later this afternoon! stop and educate. stop and house. stop and choose schools over jails. keep dreaming! >> that was the reverend jesse jackson speaking to the thousands who have come together at the national mall in washington, dc this morning to mark the 50th anniversary of martin luther king, jr.'s 1963 march on washington. several speakers are addressing that crowd, and will then walk the half mile from the lincoln memorial to the martin luther king, jr. memorial. among the speakers this morning, is the country's first african american u.s. attorney general eric holder. >> we recognize that we are forever bound to one another and that we stand united by the work that lies ahead and by the journey that still stretches before us. >> free at last! free at last! thank god almighty, we are free at last! >> it was in 1963 that martin luther king, jr. gave that famous "i have a dream" speech. organizers say they hope today's event will inspire people to educate themselves about modern day civil rights struggles. meanwhile, in the bay area, there are some events for residents wanting to commemorate the anniversary. in san jose, about 15 minutes ago, people started marching the one mile from st. james and second streets to the santa clara building. there's also going to be a rally at 1:00 p.m. atmos wood park amphitheater in oakland. at 3:30 this afternoon the lgbt coalition will hold a rally at city hall. the u.s. postal service is doing it's part to commemorate the anniversary of the march on washington. yesterday, the postal service unveiled its newest postage stamp, featuring marchers holding signs with the washington monument in the background. actress gabrielle union spoke at the ceremony, along with a congressman from georgia who took part in the 1963 march. this morning, president obama is meeting with his national security team to discuss possible next steps in syria. mr. obama is considering military action against syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons. the navy has already sent a fourth warship armed with ballistic missiles into the eastern mediterranean sea. more protests in egypt this morning, but this time demonstrators are trying to keep them peaceful. [ crowds cheering ] >> supporters held this march yesterday following morning prayers. organizers urge people to stick to the main streets and avoid military confrontation at all cost. they say too many people have lost their lives in recent violence. yesterday's protest ended without incident. california attorney general kamala harris has launched a criminal investigation to look into complaints against outgoing san diego mayor bob filner. filner did agree to step down from office effective august 31st. his resignation comes after 18 women accused him of sexual harassment. during a special city council hearing yesterday, filner apologized to his victims, but also said he was the victim of a, quote, lynch mob. >> not one allegation, members of the council, has ever been independently verified or proven in court. >> in exchange for his resignation, the san diego city council agreed to pay filner's legal fees and any settlement costs in the lawsuit. a special election will be held within the next 90 days to find a replacement. harris' office would not reveal details about the state investigation. there is new information this morning about what led police to a santa cruz surf instructor accused of child molestation. according to court documents, police first started investigating dalen griner earlier this month after they were contacted by one of his alleged victims. police say the now-17-year-old girl told them that she was concerned about a 14-year-old girl living in griner's home. when officers went to investigate, they found secret video recordings of the girl inside his house as well as other young girls. police are still trying to identify all the victims. crews from chevron are now installing the first of three air quality stations. those stations are going to track any toxic gases in richmond coming from the refinery. so far, that equipment is being installed in a north richland neighborhood. more installation are planned for point richland and the atchison village neighborhoods. the last of air monitors was noticed when a fire at the refinery last august sent that toxic smoke cloud above the city. this is going to be the first off-site monitoring facility that will be able to detect a wide range of chemicals. and two lanes of interstate 80 in truckee are back open after a sing hole opened up in the middle of that road. this all happened early friday morning and was first noticed by a construction crew. that hole was at least eight feet deep. crews had to close one lane in each direction to fill the sinkhole with cement. cal trans thinks it was caused by water and is something that had been developing for a while. cal trans crews say it is now safe to drive on the interstate through truckee. health workers in san mateo county are on high alert after a type of mosquito carrying dangerous diseases was discovered in menlo park. the yellow fever mosquito was found this week at holy cross cemetery. the mosquito, which is not native to california, can transmit numerous diseases, including yellow fever and other viruses. safeway is paying $46,000 in penalties for a computer glitch that overcharged hundreds of customers. the problem was noticed in 2011 by a customer who used a safeway gas station on hamilton avenue and campbell. she said she was overcharged and reported it to the santa clara county district attorney. about 700 customers of this gas station were also overcharged. the company is paying all these people back. the $46,000 fine is for not admitting liability or cooperating with the da's office. san francisco board of supervisors president wants to ban the sale of small plastic bottles of water. he is expected to introduce the legislation next month. it would ban the sale of so- called single-serve water bottles on city property and in government buildings. the ban would apply to plastic bottles containing 16 ounces or less. the city of concord, massachusetts recently enacted the nation's first such ban in an effort to reduce waste. time now is 9:22. a baby gorilla at the san francisco zoo needs your help. the unique contest under way right now and how you can have a part in naming the zoo's newest addition. >> another round of nice weather in store for your saturday. i'll have a look at what you can expect for your area. . well, the washington national zoo has welcomed its newest addition, a baby panda. the panda's mother had a number of failed pregnancies leading up to this one. the zoo said it could hear the cub crying and the mom immediately picked it up and started caring for it. congresswoman jackie spear helped kickoff a baby naming contest at the san francisco zoo yesterday. look at who she is snuggling there. she was visiting the newest addition born last month. look at that face! the baby gorilla will officially debut to the public in november and from now until september 7th, the public can submit baby names online. if you have a good idea for what that baby should be named, go to and click on our web links section. >> looks like a foggy gorilla, because it's so foggy out there. >> all right. i don't like that one. i'll vote for something else. >> i like that one. any other votes? brentwood wine festival starts today. beautiful out there, not even in the 90s. >> you're right. in the extended forecast, no 90s. if you like it mild to warm, well, that's what we're serving up for the next few days. outside right now, partly cloudy skies and those low clouds are beginning to tear away. we will be partly to mostly cloudy along the coastline once again today. but for the rest around the bay, inland, we're looking at mostly sunny skies. i want to show you by 4:00 in the afternoon, you may notice these high clouds. the clouds that bring us sort of the white sky, expect that for the afternoon. then as i run us through sunday, notice a little bit of moisture off the coastline here. the possibility of patchy drizzle tomorrow and areas north, areas around clear lake, could see a few sprinkles because of a weak system that will be rolling through northern california tonight, into tomorrow. meanwhile for the afternoon today, nice. 64 in san francisco, 69 in heyward, low 80s in concord, upper 80s for antioch and brentwood. extended forecast, a tadd cooler tomorrow, then a gradual warming trend for next week. back to you. >> thanks, rosemary. golden state warrior fans already getting fired up for the upcoming season. ♪ >> folks put on their best dancing moves, i guess, in oakland yesterday during a casting call for a warriors television commercial. there were no requirements. fans of all ages could do whatever they wanted for 30 seconds to show their love for the team. we are warriors ads will start running during the upcoming basketball season. >> they had the moves. time now, 9:27. a controversial soda ban is now on the table in south bay. what it could mean for city vending machines and how residents are reacting. >> plus, the fight continues to heat up in yosemite national park, as a wildfire continues to grow. more on the challenges firefighters face today as they head out to the front lines. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. . trees are going up as if a flame thrower hit them. >> it is a wildfire that is now four times the size of san francisco. firefighters are fighting to bring the rim fire near yosemite under control. good morning. welcome to mornings on 2. i'm claudine wong. >> and i'm mike mibach. firefighters say the rim fire is burning slower than it did just days ago. however, it's still just 5% contained. it has burned an area of nearly 200 square smiles, four times larger than the size of the city of san francisco. five homes and 12 outbuildings have already been destroyed. 5500 other houses are still threatened. residents near the town of sonora have been told to evacuate. >> you're really scared and stressed. it's, like, you want to stay and guard your place. then on the other hand, you're, like, we need to be ready to get gone. >> the fire has damaged transmission lines that pipe power to san francisco. there's also concern about hetch hetchy reservoir, which is just a few miles from the wildfire. 85% of san francisco's water comes from hetch hetchy. an hour ago, we talked on the phone with san francisco supervisor mark ferrell, serving as acting mayor this week, as mayor lee is out of the area. ferrell told us preserving the hetch hetchy water supply is a top priority. >> right now the hetch hetchy water system is effective and the water quality level is the same today as it was a week ago. we want to make sure that we, with the residents and commercial users in san francisco and the bay area, let them know we're monitoring the situation very closely on, an hourly basis. >> the emergency declaration makes san francisco eligible for more federal funding and resources to help with water problems and power shortages. several bay area fire departments have sent units to help battle the wildfire. eight firefighters from orinda fire are in the area right now. there's also a crew from napa county. san francisco sent about 30 firefighters. however, officials tell us while they want to help, often crews that stay behind must work overtime to cover shifts here at home. the air quality in the sierra is a major concern. washington county, nevada has issued a red alert for all residents, not just those suffering from respiratory problems. school children were ordered to stay indoors yesterday and people living in communities such as placerville say it smells like a camp fire causing them to wear masks to stop breathing in the unhealthy air. >> it helps some. it doesn't help, you know, a lot. but it helps. i wouldn't even go out without it. >> it looked like placerville was on fire. >> the health concerns are damaging the summer tourism season. visitor bureaus report some people are canceling plans. several events from concerts to sports have also been canceled. the popular lake in the sky air show was also grounded due to poor air quality. yosemite national park is offering free admission tomorrow for the national park service founder's day, but drivers hoping to use the shortest route from san joaquin county may have to choose another way because of the fire. people traveling from san joaquin county should travel south on highway 99 to merced and take highway 140 to the park. the other available entrance is on highway 41. construction is now under way on our new underpass project in honor of a richmond police officer killed in the line of duty. yesterday, 29-year-old officer bradley mooney was honored during a special ground breaking. the new roadway undercrossing is being built in his name. it is located right beneath the railroad tracks that cross marina bay parkway between regatta boulevard and meeker avenue. his brother, officer james moody, spoke at that ground breaking. >> he was a brother, a father, a son, and he was well-loved. >> officer bradley moody was also an organ donor. his donation saved five lives. officer moody was killed last year when he lost control of his patrol car when responding to a call. prosecutors are accusing 55- year-old ricky lartigue of being drunk behind the wheel. last saturday in east san jose, his car hit and killed 43-year- old willy yumale. the district attorney listed the driver's six dui charges as the reason for the charges. countdown clock, just four days and 10 1/2 hours from next wednesday night's bay bridge closure. several lanes at the toll plaza are closed this weekend to allow workers to put in fast track lanes for the new span. this is a live picture of the approach to the toll plaza. backup in the middle. otherwise, smooth on this saturday morning. cal trans gave reporters a special view of the construction site. reporters went under the deck of the new span, looking at the safety fixes drivers will rely on, but never see. crews installed steel shims last weekend to help stabilize the faulty bolts that were discovered earlier this year. >> the most important thing is moving traffic off of a bridge that will sustain damage in a next major earthquake and getting them onto a bridge that is vastly superior, even with these shims, absolutely. >> engineers say the new bridge is built to last for 150 years and should withstand sizable earthquakes. as we've been reporting, crews will close the existing bridge next wednesday at 8:00 p.m. the new span should open by 5:00 a.m. the following tuesday., you'll find a special section dedicated to the bay bridge, including information about the closure and how to get around it. . the clock is ticking in the bart labor dispute. a citation would compel the district to get back to the table. >> start negotiating, get this done. stop playing games. that's what the union wants to do. >> we're certainly not standing in the way of meeting. we're able to meet at whatever time the mediator wants us to be there. >> the union says the attorney general's office has not yet responded to its letter. a controversial soda ban is being proposed to limit soda at city facilities. under the proposal, both diet and regular sodas would be banned. certain sports drinks, flavored water and fruit juices would also be removed. even milk with more than 2% fat would no longer be available. this all has some parents pretty upset. >> whole milk is pretty good for some children. this little guy, he's got a calorie problem, so he needs a little whole milk now and then. >> there's other things i really want the city to be focusing on. >> if it passes, happy hollow park and zoo would also have to remove their soda machines, but certain venues would be exempt. next week, the city council is going to decide if the proposal is worth exploring. the sun is shining over mount diablo this morning. a pretty start in many areas. partly cloudy skies around the bay and over parts of the north bay, dealing with mostly cloudy skies and a little fog in santa rosa. we have this system off the northwest coastline that continues our pattern. the low clouds in the morning, late at night, onshore breeze, and it's a little breezy through the delta. for the afternoon, the seabreeze kicks up and we'll see winds anywhere from 10 to 20 miles an hour, even 25 along the coast and through parts of the bay. it will be a breezy afternoon for some of us. we'll get rid of the low clouds, but high clouds are expected by the second half of the afternoon, as they move in, again, associated with this system here. temperatures along the coast, low 60s. 70s around the bay. low 80s for the inland cities. high clouds actually will be a little thicker as we get into sunday, as the system, again, begins to move inland. right now, i'm seeing low clouds hugging the coastline, inside the bay, but turning partly cloudy, partly sunny, oakland to san leandro. low clouds and fog and some areas around santa rosa still in the 50s this morning because of it. getting in closer, you can see how it's thinning out in the live shot, even though we have clouds there, sunshine pouring through. for the afternoon, mostly sunny with high clouds beginning to pull in for the second half of the afternoon. 64 in concord right now, 61 in napa, 64 in fairfield. 60s around the bay. low 60s in oakland. 63 sfo. 63 san francisco. again, i want to point to santa rosa. 55 degrees right now. we'll see the sunshine in santa rosa as well for the afternoon and temperatures expected to get to 80 degrees for the second half of the day. 79 for novato. upper 60s in richmond and vallejo. comparing to yesterday, temperatures are a lot like yesterday. slightly cooler, slightly warmer. 61 for oakland this afternoon. 77 castro valley. 80s in danville, livermore. upper 80s for antioch and brentwood. santa clara valley, a nice day. 75 santa clara, as well as san jose. 84 morgan hill. upper 70s to low 80s at cupertino, campbell, los gatos. peninsula for the afternoon, 69 san bruno. 76 for woodside. 73 for mountain view. 74 for palo alto. 60s in the city of san francisco. your extended forecast here, temperatures will cool slightly tomorrow. some may not really even notice. then we begin to warm slightly by monday, with a gradual warming trend through the first half of the business week. i'll have a look at your lunchtime numbers for you, coming up. . well, the big game between cal and stanford could be moved next year. both schools are considering a proposal by the san francisco 49ers to move that game from memorial stadium in berkeley to the new stadium in santa clara. a decision is expected sometime next week. now, if the game is moved to santa clara next year, it would return to berkeley in 2015. the bears and the cardinals square off in this year's big game on november 23rd at stanford stadium. he may have just completed his first practice yesterday, but seneca wallace says he's ready to play in tomorrow's game out at the stick. the nine-year veteran was signed to a one-year deal on thursday. head coach jim harbaugh says he expects all five quarterbacks on the roster to play in tomorrow's game against the vikings, which kicks off at 5:00. and if you are planning to head out to candlestick for the game, don't forget about the league's new bag policy. beginning this season, officials are limiting the size and type of bags fans can bring into stadiums. only clear plastic or vinyl bags will be allowed and they can't be any larger than 12 inches by 6 by 12. the new bag restriction is meant to enhance security and speed up entry into stadiums. the san francisco 49ers have also announced that supermodel and bay area native marisa miller and golden state warriors forward andre iguodala will battle tomorrow on twitter. it's the first-ever twitter takeover. during the first quarter of the game, they will be interacting with fans about the game. at the end, fans will then vote for the favorite host. again, kickoff tomorrow, vikings and niners, set for 5:00. well, the president takes a stand on our nation's higher education. why he says colleges shouldn't be the roll of the dice. >> and we have new information about the search for missing oakland toddler daphne webb. where crews are now focusing their investigation this morning. >> but first, let's take you outside for a live look at the east shore freeway. things are pretty busy out there, although you can see traffic moving smoothly in both directions. time now, 9:42, on mornings on 2. [ male announcer ] with at&t, you're sure to get a better bundle. just choose the 2, 3, even 4 services you want to build the bundle that works for you. [ female announcer ] call at&t now! choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month, our new low price. get the same great price for 2 years. plus, switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] with u-verse high speed internet connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices to your wireless gateway and save on smartphone and tablet data usage at home. and now choose from internet speeds up to 45 megs, our fastest speed ever. with u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once with a total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ female announcer ] so call at&t now. to choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for 2 years. plus, switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] choose at&t and build your bundle. it's whatever works for you. ♪ welcome back. a live look into the city of san francisco, low clouds, blanketing the bottom half of the tower this morning. . and happening right now, highly trained searchers are out looking for an oakland toddler who has been missing for more than a month. >> the investigation is still going and it has never stopped. and as you know, this is a parallel investigation. it started off as a missing person, but with a homicide aspect of it. it's never stopped. and we've continued to search for daphne. >> right now, the search team is scouring open spaces in the oakland hills and merritt college area. there are more than 50 people involved in that search, including fbi agents. there are also six cadaver dogs, hoping to find 22-month- old daphne viola webb. her father reported her missing on july 10th. other family members say they have not seen her since late june. >> family members are a little overwhelmed by it, because it brings back, us back to reality that not only is she missing, but some harm could have possibly happened to her. and of course we are hoping that's not the case, but that they cover all bases. >> a reward for information about daphne's whereabouts has been raised to $20,000. investigators have posted signs asking for the public's help throughout oakland and at the oracle arena. investigators say daphne's father, john webb, remains a person of interest in the case. in vallejo, a suspect has been shot by an officer after an alleged armed robbery. it happened around 1:30 this morning outside of the blue rock inn on springs road. police say when they approached the three suspects, one of them showed the officers a silver object. police say the alleged robber suffered one gunshot wound, but is expected to survive. san francisco police are now reviewing surveillance footage of a bicycle accident that killed a 24-year-old woman. they say it showed the accident happened on august 14th at fulsom and 6th streets. investigators say the woman was on a bike when she was struck and killed by a truck making a right turn. the driver of the truck has not been charged. the bicycle coalition has been pushing for better safety measures as a result of the crash. in livermore, a man died in a motorcycle accident just before 6:00 last night on westbound 580 near livermore avenue. chp says the motorcyclist was lane splitting, riding in between lanes, when he was slipped by a car. that caused him to fall and slide underneath the wheels of a big rig in the next lane. investigators say the driver of the car kept going, but the big rig stopped and the driver of the big rig is cooperating. a memorial service for the mother and brother of a san diego teenager kidnapped by a family friend will be held today in san diego. christina and ethan anderson were found dead in the burned home of james dimaggio earlier this month. he's accused of kidnapping 16- year-old hannah anderson and taking her to the idaho wilderness, where he was later shot and killed by agents. dimaggio set fire to his home, using a timer, which gave him a 20-hour jump on law enforcement. two people were hurt after a small plane crash landed on a golf course last night. golfers pulled the men from the wreckage and their injuries are not considered life threatening. witnesses say they heard the plane's engine sputter before it landed upside down in the trees on that 13th hole. residents in one area are getting upset over a new home for recovering addicts. without special permits, the former senior care facility will be able to provide beds for six men, but supporters hope by next summer to offer 18 beds for both men and women. opponents say the transitional housing will disrupt the quiet neighborhood. >> we would be opposed to any business that brings noise and traffic and parking congestion to our neighborhood. it's not about full circle intervention. it's not about the work they are doing. >> two cofounders say they are former addicts themselves. they said transitional housing is a crucial step to staying sober. recovering residents would be monitored by case managers. police in fresno are looking for vandals who attacked an eczema reason because of his military service. they smashed windows to his car, spray painted an x on the seats and scrawled a disparaging remark against marines on the back of the hood of his car. the military veteran says he doesn't understand why anyone would attack him and his service to the country. >> i was just baffled by -- when i walked out there and saw it, i almost broke down and started crying, because it was so offensive and it was such a surprise to me. >> the retired marine says he takes great offense at the crime because he views it as being directed toward him, as well as every retired and current service member. a military jury found nidal hassan guilty of killing 13 people at the largest mass murder at a u.s. military base in november of 2009. 32 people were wounded in the attack. major hassan had no visible reaction as the guilty verdict was read. he is eligible for the death penalty. the sentencing phase of the trial begins on monday. the adopted son of jerry sandusky has settled an abuse claim against penn state university. the claim is one of about 31 lawsuits filed against the school in connection to the sandusky scandal. penn state has now settled with seven young men sexually abused by the former football coach. the financial terms have not been disclosed. the school has already spent an estimated $50 million on the scandal and that number does not include payments to any victims. new this morning, president obama talked about helping middle class americans pay for higher education. >> students and families and taxpayers can't just keep subsidizing college costs that keep going up and up, not when the average college student graduates now with more than $26,000 in debt. >> the president says he is proposing reforms that include rating colleges to make sure they keep tuition costs down, and asking that schools test out low cost approaches to education, such as more online courses. people in san francisco with questions about health care reform and the coming changes to insurance are invited to a free education event today. the affordable care act education is happening later this morning in the city's bayview district. it actually starts in just about nine minutes. that event is designed to raise awareness about the recent changes to health care that are often referred to as obama care. it starts in nine minutes and will run until 2:00 at the bayview ymca. delta air lines is issuing a warning about the impact obama care will have on its company. delta claims the law's implementation will contribute to a nearly $100 million increase in health care costs and says the biggest parts of the law are set to go into effect at the beginning of 2014, with one of the more costly items, the annual fee of $63 per covered participant that will start being charged next year. they were on a roll. now, just trying to stay alive. what happened during yesterday's a's game that has put them fighting even harder for the lead in the west, as well as for that wild card? >> the clouds are clearing. temperatures are rebounding. i'll have a weather time line for your saturday, coming up. ♪ [ hero mom ] oh, yeah. we're gettin' cereal. 'cause over 40 general mills cereals are 130 calories or less per serving. just look for the g. boom! that's how nutrition is done, people. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® your time now, 9:54. let's recap our top stories for you this morning. a man is in custody, accused of stabbing a woman fatally last night in marin city. investigators say the living room was covered in blood. authorities believe the suspect then took a golden gate transit bus to san francisco. police say he was armed and covered in blood. officers say he lunged at them, forcing them to shoot and wound him. a father and his two children were rescued after a jet-ski accident left them stranded at the antioch marina. a 30-year-old man took his 9- year-old daughter and 5-year- old son on a jet-ski. authorities say they were treated for hypothermia, but were otherwise okay. a wildfire continues to rage out of control in yosemite national park. the rim fire has now burned nearly 200 square miles and is only 5% contained. firefighters say they have been able to slow the flames down, but they will take days before that fire is out. the fire is threatening the hetch hetchy reservoir and there are concerns about its effect on san francisco's water and electrical power supplies. not a good day at the ball park. matt cain heads to the d.l. a few hours later, the giants lose again. to the 7th inning, a foul ball into the giants' dugout, not a nice way to say hi to the opposing team. game rolls on. three batters later, two on, barmes, not necessarily a power hitter, fourth homerun on the season. pirates win 3-1. the orioles trimming the a's lead in the wild card last night, just to two games. a's up 3-0 in the top of the 4th. but then jones goes deep and orioles cut the lead 3-2. later in the inning, same score. brian roberts, bases loaded, see ya later. orioles take a 6-3 lead and go on to win 9-7. watch the a's and orioles battle again right here on ktvu. coverage begins at 12:30. a popular pub in san joaquin county is using facebook as its new bouncer. the owner of finnegan's irish pub in stockton is using the social media site to screen patrons. the only way to get into that bar after 9:00 p.m. is to be a facebook friend of the pub. the owner, tony manner, says the new rule is a way to avoid problems and some patrons say they are happy with that screening process. giants, not looking good. a's, still two and a half back in the wild card. tough loss yesterday. let's check in with rosemary, one last check on the forecast. >> nothing to complain about out of the weather department. along the coastline at this hour, mid-50s. 50s around the bay. a few low 60s inland. and some of us with sunny skies well inland, upper 60s already at this hour. for the lunch hour, low 60s along the coast. mid to upper 60s around the bay. for inland communities, low to mid-70s expected for your lunchtime. for the afternoon today, 80 degrees in santa rosa, 79 for vallejo. 83 in concord. around the bay, 69 in oakland. 75 redwood city. 64 san francisco. 61 pacifica. sun setting about 7:50 this evening, so we have a splendid day in store. tomorrow, slightly cooler, then a gradual warmup into monday, tuesday and wednesday. notice in the extended forecast, running a little cool for this time of year. no 90s in the forecast for inland cities. around the bay, 70s. very comfortable weather as we get through the weekend and into next week. >> splendid. love it. thanks, rosemary. that is our report for this morning. we appreciate you making ktvu your choice for news. >> we'll continue to follow all the latest developments on the daphne webb search and bring you updates on our next newscast at 6:00. thank you for joining us. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And John Berman 20170221

brilliant neurosurgeon. saved many lives and helped many, many people. we're going to do great things in our african-american communities together. ben is going to work with me very, very closely. and hud has a meaning far beyond housing. if properly done, it's a meaning that's as big as anything there is. and ben will be able to find the true meaning, and the true meaning of hud as its secretary. so i just look forward to that. i look forward to watching that. he'll do things nobody ever thought of. i also want to thank senator tim scott for joining us today. a friend of mine. a great, great senator from south carolina. i like the state of south carolina. i like all those states where i won by double, double, double digits. you know, those states, but south carolina was one and tim has been fantastic how he represents the people. and they love him. i also want to profoundly thank alveda king for being here. and as we saw her uncle's wonderful exhibit and he certainly deserves that. mrs. king, and by the way, pmrs king, i watch her all the time and she is a tremendous fighter for justice. and so thank you very much. i have been watching you for so long, and you are so incredible. and i want to thank you for all the nice things you say about me. not everybody says nice things, but -- >> [ inaudible ]. >> thank you, thank you. >> appreciate that. >> so with that, we're going to just end this incredible beginning of a morning. but engraved in the wall very nearby, a quote by the reverend martin luther king jr. in 1955, he told the world, we are determined to work and fight until justice runs down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream. and that's what it's going to be. we're going to bring this country together. maybe bring some of the world together. but we're going to bring this country together. we have a divided country. it's been divided for many, many years, but we're going to bring it together. i hope every day of my presidency we will be honoring the determination and work towards a very worthy goal and for lonny n david and david and ben and alveda and everybody, i just want to -- i just have to say that what they've done here is something that can probably not be duplicated. it was done with love and lots of money, right? lots of money. can't avoid that. but it was done with tremendous love and passion and that's why it's so great. so thank you all very much for being here. i appreciate it, and congr congratulations. this is a truly great museum. thank you. >> there you have the president of the united states delivering remarks in a message of unity calling this a nation divided. a nation that will come together under him. this after touring this morning the national museum of african-american history and culture noting he is the second sitting president after president obama to visit this. he's also thanking people there that toured with him, including his hud secretary dr. ben carson, his wife candy there. you also have senator tim scott of south carolina, as well as his daughter, ivanka trump. he addressed the wave of anti-semitism in the recent attacks across the country saying work must still be done to root out hate, prejudice and evil. he also spoke about the work that he will do with dr. ben carson to help those in inner cities. those african-american communities in need of help, a promise he made on the campaign trail. he also singled out alveda king, the niece of dr. martin luther king jr. he brought her. now we watch the president walking out there with the group that he's toured with. he did not take any questions. let's bring in our panel and talk more about what we just heard from the president. back with me, joe johns at the white house, mark preston, ron brownstein from "the atlantic," and jackie kucinich joins us, washington bureau chief for the daily beast and bruce lavell, director for the president's national diversity coalition during the campaign. nice to have you all on with us. mark preston, let me go to you first and your thoughts. >> presidential, subdued. pointed out, of course, the contributions that african-americans have given to this country. specifically those who helped lead the fight for equality and equal rights. as far as the criticism he's come for not directly addressing the anti-semitic wave of violence we've seen sweep across this country, he did today. will that be put to rest? by and large, donald trump acted like a president and not somebody that wakes up at 4:00 a.m. and starts firing off tweets to his critics. >> you supported the president all through the campaign as well. i want your take on the comments today juxtaposed with some of the recent things we've seen, such as him criticizing civil rights icon john lewis after lewis called him not a legitimate president, after he's not met with the congressional black caucus. elijah cummings did not want to meet with him for political reasons. congressman cummings says that's not the case. there's been a lot of controversy and back and forth around this. how do you square the two? and then what we heard from the president today, standing alongside alveda king. >> that's a long question. thanks for having me. the national diversity coalition for trump is still ongoing. i'm still active as executive director. we're the larmgest diversity coalition in the history of a republican candidate founded by michael cohen. a jewish american for trump, and his survivor -- his dad was a holocaust survivor. we have a lot of different facets. over 1 million-plus actively involved. i want to put more light on this historical day. i talked to alveda king earlier on the phone as i went to the studio. she was very emotional, the fact that finally there's a republican president or president that has really touched the nerve and the hearts of the american people and as he said in his inauguration. it's profound. and to have dr. ben carson being over hud and all the things we need to accomplish in our inner cities. february 28th, meet with all the hbc to talk about dire needs in our hbc colleges. my good friend omarosa who has the president's ear on a lot of things we need to accomplish in the african-american community. >> on that point, how will you hold the president accountable to follow through on those promises he made on the campaign trail, saying things like to inner city african communities, largely in front of white audiences at these rallies. he said you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what do you have to lose? how will you hold him accountable? >> well, first of all, the president trump, the good thing, i've been supporting him since 20 2015, in june. what he says he backs up. he's proven that in this month presidency in the white house. so i am very elated the fact that president trump did take account that there is these needs in these inner cities. it's also fair to say, guys, and everybody on the panel, you know, these particular areas and cities have been under democrat rule for years so the question is, yeah, what do you have to lose? give the trump administration, president trump administration, a chance to come in here. we're putting our money where our mouth is. so this is very positive. it's awesome actually. >> jackie kucinich, he also addressed these anti-semitic attacks and threats and the wave that we're seeing in this country. we heard him do that just after hillary clinton tweeted directly at the president this morning saying jcc threat, cemetery desecration, online attacks are so troubling they need to be stopped. everyone needs to speak out, starting with potus. >> this was definitely a step in the right direction, certainly. this is the first time he's addressed this directly. but this can't be a one-time thing because this has been something that has been growing for quite awhile at this point. just last week was when he told a jewish reporter asking about this to sit down. he avoided the question in the past. so this isn't just -- you can't just say it once. this is something that if it continues in this country, which it hasn't stopped, he's going to have to continue talking about. in order to reassure americans who are afraid, frankly, that their president isn't going to speak up with them on such a serious issue. >> ron probrownstein, your thoughts. as bruce is pointing out, these are struggles that have persisted for a long time for inner city communities and bruce makes a point that, look, the president is arguing that democratic policies have not served them. at the same time, you have the nomination and the appointment of attorney general jeff sessions who some african-american groups spoke out against because of his past and track record. how do you think the president's actions jive with his words? >> the actions are the key. lots of opportunity to justify or support what he said he was going to do. first of all, he won 8% of african-american voters. he made modest inroads. better than republicans did against the first african-american presidential nominee barack obama. his beachhead is rather constrained to begin with. there are lots of opportunities on the policy. the justice department under president obama was a significant force in pressuring for police reform, for example, at the local level. signing a series of consent decrees. are those going to be revisited? are we going to see new ones in new areas? voting rights where attorney general sessions has a history. and let's focus on where ben carson is going to be. under castro, the obama administration aggressively promulgated a series of regulations about fair housing. about extending access, trying to break down residential segregation. what is the future of those initiatives? on a lot of different fronts there will be plenty of opportunities for president trump to put his actions where his words are, and we will have to see how that unfolds in practice. >> one thing that i've heard from some trump supporters, namely in african-american trump supporter in inner city cleveland who leads a group of inner city residents for the president. this is what she did during the campaign. he needs to have ainer city town hall. he needs to come here, see our concerns and address them directly. not something we've seen yet from the president. should we expect something akin to that? >> i don't think we're going to go as far to see something like that. one of his biggest weaknesses is his inability to take criticism. and i think, time and time again, we've seen donald trump get very defensive when challenge challenged about what his personal views are. i think going into a situation like that as we've seen with republicans who have gone home to hold town halls themselves, we've only seen a handful that have actually gone out and talked to those who were challenging these republicans about the policies that are forthcoming. so i don't necessarily think we'll see that happen, but to the point of actions do mean more than words, and i think we should give president trump a chance to try to do something. he said he's going to. let's see if he follows through on that. >> joe johns, we didn't know if we were going to hear from the president today, make these remarks. he did make them. he also gave an interview to msnbc. >> that's right. and to be honest, this was a perfect venue, the perfect time for the president to step out and say some things that needed to be said. things that were coming to a head, if you will. so an opportunity for him to get himself on the record and move in the direction of what he calls unity. important also that many presidents have been very good at symbolism. this was a symbolic event, but as many have said, the issue is what happens next. and a lot of that has to do with budget priorities and donald trump is not the only person who gets to decide. on capitol hill, there are a lot of concerns about government spending and reining it in and how that affects minority communities like the community represented at the african-american museum remains an open question, poppy. >> it's an important point. joe johns, thank you. mark preston, ron brownstein, jackie kucinich, bruce lavell. we'll quiet a quick break in and be back on the other side. red lobster's lobsterfest is back with 9 irresistible lobster dishes. yeah, it's a lot. try tender lobster lover's dream and see how sweet a lobster dream can be. or pick two delicious lobster tails with new lobster mix and match. the only thing more tempting than one succulent lobster tail, is two. is your mouth watering yet? 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>> it's a shift as compared to under the obama administration. we see here now language laying out in plain detail how we're going to start a process of expedited deportations for undocumented immigrants and giving much more discretion to immigration officers. president trump recently gave an interview to msnbc on these immigration issues. we might have some sound available to go to. >> we have to have a safe country. we have to let people come in that are going to love the country. this is about love. this building is about love. we have to have people come in that are going to love the country, not people that are going to harm the country. and i think a lot of people agree with me on that. so we'll have various things coming out over a period of time and you'll see them as they come out, and we'll let you know exactly what i are. but we have to let people come in that are going to be positive for our country. >> so as you heard, poppy, he wants to say we want to let in people who are going to be positive, but these restrictions that we're seeing from the dhs, the homeland security guidance is an expansion of people now deportable under the president's executive orders. >> does it address -- i'm just looking at them here. we've got all them printed out. i haven't read through them because they just crossed but you have. does it address daca, children who have been brought into this country as young, young children to undocumented parents? >> it does. right off the top it says for now daca will stay in place. that's the deferred action that president obama put in place for the it's something that homeland security at least has been highlighting as something to say, look, for right now, that stays. >> the executive order, the new travel ban if you will, that's being written, they are taking a lot more care, a lot more eyes on it. the white house counsel's office is writing it. do we have any sense of what the key change is going to be to try to get this one to stand up to any court challenges? >> one of the things we know from what was previewed over the weekend by homeland security is green card holders will now be exempted under the new executive order. so they will not face the travel ban. what happens to visa holders like a student visa holder? we don't yet know. green card holders are safe. we expect to see a phase-in period. whereas before under the old order there was that automatic switchover which caused all the chaos in the airports. so this time we're hearing from homeland security. it will be more of a stepped, you know, phased in process. >> laura jarrett, great reporting from washington. thank you so much. coming up next for us, the president makes a big pick, tapping a new national security adviser, lieutenant general h.r. mcmaster known for speaking his mind. known for his candor. what will he do to change the national security counsel as a whole? we're going to talk about all of that straight ahead. ♪ everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. i love how usaa gives me the and the security just like the marines did. at one point, i did change to a different company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service. we have switched back over and we feel like we're back home now. the process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like you're a part of the family. i love that i can pass the membership to my children, and that they can be protected. we're the williams family, and we're usaa members for life. call usaa today to talk about your insurance needs. good morning. i'm poppy harlow. john berman has the week off. brilliant, outstanding and a force of nature. some of the phrases used to describe the president's pick for national security adviser. lieutenant general h.r. mcmaster. >> a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience. i watched and read a lot over the last two days. he is highly respected by everybody in the military. and we're very honored to have him. >> i'd just like to say what a privilege to continue serving our nation. i'm grateful to you for that opportunity. and i look forward to joining the national security team and doing everything i can to advance and protect the interests of the american people. >> general mcmaster already earning bipartisan praise. senator john mccain describing mcmaster as a good pick, a man of genuine intellect, character and ability. this announcement comes after the president fired michael flynn just a week ago. let's discuss with cnn global affairs analyst david rhodes. for a president that said he knew a lot more about how to defeat isis than the generals, he's got a lot of generals around him. he now has mcmaster. retired general james mattis. general john kelly as hhs secretary. he's got general keith kellogg as someone who will serve on the national security counsel as chief adviser there. but let's remember what the president said about all of the generals back in november. >> i know more about isis than the generals do. believe me. i would bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. >> so that was november 2015 on the campaign trail. but, look. he's surrounding himself with generals now. what do you make of that? >> you can say it's a step forward and again, everyone is praising this choice. but what's specialing about that sound bite to me is this reference to bombing them. that's the opposite of mcmaster's philosophy. he was very much about working -- legendary with this, about working with local iraqis, urging his troops to read local books about them and turn local people into allies. that's very different from thinking you can bomb people into submission. >> it is. and the question becomes sort of whose strategy will win out when you've got the president's right hand steve bannon sitting on the national security counsel that mcmaster will now head up. >> it is. and it's very different because mcmaster, he's got on the ground experience. and whereas you have other people, bannon is seen as an ideologue. he was in the navy, but he's not spent time on the ground deal with these insurgencies. that's the question and the president makes the decision who will he listen to? is it going to be mcmaster? >> some of the reporting that cnn has around why general harward turned down the offer from the president last week on this is because he didn't think he could bring in his own team. but now here's what's the president's chief of staff reince priebus is saying. >> the president has said very clearly that the new nsa director will have total and complete say over the makeup of the nsc and all of the components of the nsc. and there is no demand made by president trump on any nsa director. >> how important for mcmaster to bring in his own team? >> it's critical. the decision by admiral harward maybe gave mcmaster more leverage. one of the first things to watch is who he brings in and does he change some of the people brought in by general flynn. >> let's listen to something that general mcmaster did say. he did this video with the army about developing talent. here is the general in his own words. >> oftentimes we can confuse activity with progress if we're not thinking critically about what we're doing. so you want -- you need officers who can think, really, about those first order questions. how they relate to what we're doing. who can frame problems from the outside and look at it critically. those officers have to be able to thrive and we have to encourage that kind of thinking. and we have to be able to tolerate a certain degree of irreverence. >> tolerate irrelerence? what do you make of that? >> that's what mcmaster is famous for. it held him back in his promotions because he did question his superiors. he doesn't support the idea of simply building many more ships and spending money that that will automatically lead to military strength. he wants a small dynamic force and officers who think independently, not just spending more money. >> what about the book he wrote that a lot are pointing to as being very telling of his thinking. "dereliction of duty" about the vietnam war and a look back at what he deems are failures by military leadership not to fully inform the president, especially president lyndon johnson, about the successes and the failures of the vietnam war? >> yeah, the book was widely praised, and it criticized generals for not pushing back on president johnson and warning that certain tactics in vietnam weren't going to work. look, it's a great choice, but, you know, depends on who president trump listens to. let's give president trump credit for choosing mcmaster. he will speak his mind and we'll see what happens in this trump white house and again who the president listens to. >> you have a lot of people speaking their mind. the president, mcmaster, steve bannon. now they'll all work together. david rohde, nice to have you on. republican lawmakers across the country holding town halls, getting quite a lot of feedback. an earful from their constituents. and this is what they're hearing. >> down with trump! down with trump! >> coming up, we'll be joined by someone who is helping get these angry constituents to their town halls. not just democrats, but republicans as well. ck. it's been touring the country telling folks about our heart healthy idaho potatoes, america's favorite potatoes, and donating to local charities along the way. but now it's finally back home where it belongs. aw man. hey, wait up. where you goin'? 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>> absolutely. protesting has become a profession now. it's not these organic uprising we've seen that the tea party was a very organic movement. this has become a very paid astroturf type movement. >> is your movement a paid movement? do you know protesters being paid? are you guys paying those folks to go? >> we are not paying any protesters. i've not heard of any protesters being paid. if that's the case, i don't know why 1,000 people were in oregon for a ron wyden town hall. this is something that's happening across the country, red states, blue states. there's civic engagement like we've never seen. it's all organic and happening at the grassroots level. >> many would argue where was this engagement for hillary clinton during the campaign? >> so i think monday morning quarterback a lot of things, but we're here now, and there's more people involved in the process than we've ever seen. so trying to give them a constructive outlet to start that dialogue with their representatives. >> let me read you what republican consultant doug hye wrote. democrats who criticized the 2009 and 2010 tea party protests missed the point and lost their house majority. democrats were caught flat-footed. is he right? >> so i don't want to speak to what happened then. i think there's some similarities and there's a ton of energy and enthusiasm. and today and these are things that have happened throughout our country's history and town halls have been a staple of american democracy since the founding of our country. so i think republicans are being a little surprised by some of the crowds at their districts but it's also happening in democratic town halls as well. >> it certainly is. let me get your sense on how far you and fellow democrats are willing to go because one thing that made the tea party so successful in its mission, some people didn't like the tactics but was it obstructionism? was being willing to have the government shut down, was being willing to primary people in their own party. are you and those in your group on this willing to primary some of those democrats who are running if they work with this administration, if they support some of the president's moves because there are some proposals from the president, like a big infrastructure spending bill, that a lot of democrats can get on board with? >> we're not taking sides on any policy issues or primaries or anything like that. we're just engaging -- encouraging people to engage in the process and empower them to use their voicers and like i said, we have events from both parties pushing everyone to go and be a part of the process. and i think that's a step in civic engagement. we've seen protests and marches and now people are wanting to get involved locally in their communities and we think that this is the next step to maybe running for office or volunteering on campaigns or midterms. historically turnout is low. so just voting in general. >> what's the lesson learned from 2012 for you guys? >> 2020 still a ways away. when people are active, when people are paying attention, when people care this much about the policies that are being discussed in washington, i think it's good for the nation n the country that people are having these conversations and representatives are having to listen to the people that voted them in and that are effectively their bosses. >> and that pay their salaries. >> yes. >> nice to have you on. >> thank you. a programming note, tomorrow night on cnn, a big debate hosted by our dana bash and chris cuomo. who will lead the democratic party in the era of president trump? the democratic leadership debate is ahead tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. coming up, the trump administration expected to release a new tweaked travel ban this week. it's putting some visa holders on edge. coming up, a story only told on cnn. you'll hear from a doctor, a syrian doctor in the united states who is not a citizen, is treating these patients in rural south dakota and afraid that if he leaves the country, he won't be able to come back. >> we have relied on non-u.s. physicians to meet the need of our growing and aging population. it's the only way we can provide a workforce of a sufficient size to meet those needs. my insurance rates are but dad, you've got... with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands. wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. all umm...ed. you wouldn't want your painter to quit part way, i think you missed a spot. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. you want this color over the whole house? this week, any day now, the white house set to release a new executive order on travel from seven muslim majority countries to the united states. this after that original travel ban was held up by the courts. so big question right now is what will it mean for people from those countries who are living and working in the u.s. right now? like syrian doctor allah al nafal. he's in this country on a special j-1 visa waiver that allows 1500 physicians to come from overseas each year to this country to temporarily work in underserved parts of the country. christine romans has his story. >> south dakota is considered an underserved area where there's shortage of physicians. that's why international physicians are welcome here. >> reporter: it's winter in sioux falls, south dakota. >> i was born and raised in damascus, syria. i went to medical school back home in damascus. graduated in 2008 and came to continue my education here in the united states. >> reporter: today dr. nafal is a pediatric endocrinologist at the medical clenic serving patients from north dakota and south dakota, minnesota, iowa and nebraska. >> all right, young lady. so i have patients who have traveled hundreds of miles to come see me. and there are many patients who i travel to go see. >> we also use airplanes to get physicians out into those rural communities when the distance is significant. >> reporter: but there's one place al nafal is hesitant to fly to. out of the u.s. to see relatives. president trump's executive order bars citizens of seven muslim maurgeity countries, including syria, from entering into the united states. with that order in legal limbo, he is afraid he may be forced to leave his patients behind if he travels abroad and can't get back into the u.s. that's because he's not a u.s. citizen. he is here on a special j-1 visa waiver. a specific but important program that allows about 1500 international physicians each year to temporarily work in underserved areas of the country. >> he is significant to this part of the country because he treats a lot of children who have type 1 diabetes, and he is one of only five full-time pediatric endocrinologists in north dakota and south dakota. >> what they did not consider is this executive order is not going to affect just people of the seven countries. it's also going to affect people in the united states, people in rural america. >> reporter: the state department said exceptions to the travel and visa ban could be issued on a case-by-case basis if it's in the national interest but did not specify if a doctor shortage in a rural area would be an exception. >> we don't know what's going to happen in a year and a half, two years from now. we might need to move outside of the united states. >> for our family, it really disappoints me that this was done because it's teaching my son that people from these countries are threats. i don't want him growing up thinking that people from syria, that his family are threats, because they're not. >> christine romans reporting. thank you both very much. still to come, allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination at silicon valley giant uber. so now the company is tapping a former attorney general to lead this investigation. lori segal will join me next on that. and is this a rampant problem across silicon valley? 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>> i guess what's disheartening about this is this story didn't surprise me. how many times have i been on talking about an engineer, a woman who was harassed because there are two silicon valleys. a silicon valley we see where it's innovation and it's ameritocracy. if you are smart, you can get ahead. the sky is the limit. then the silicon valley i see where i go out and talk to women, and everyone has a sexual harassment story. there's a study called elephant in the valley last year that got a lot of attention. they asked over 200 women to talk about their experiences. they reported unwanted sexual advances. 65 of those women, they said they received those advances from a superior. and they felt afraid of their personal safety. >> one in three? >> yeah, that is a really big deal. especially when you look at silicon valley. this is the modern day american dream. >> especially in a land of so much opportunity. >> exactly. >> for you covering this, you have experienced this yourself. >> yeah, and i guess it's even personal to me. i remember a big venture capitalist i had a meet with to talk start-ups, i started getting weird text messages late at night with him saying the most inappropriate things. i remember thinking, do i say something? and if i say something, does he tell the star-ups not to talk to me. do i lose who i am and what makes me good? so that's the problem and that's amplified by women inside of these companies. and that is why you are beginning to see people speak ou out. >> thank you. i'm poppy harlow. "at this hour with kate balduan" begins right now. i'm brianna keilar. moments ago, president trump condemning the recent wave of anti-semitic crimes across the country including bomb threats toward jewish community centers. the president spoke at the national museum of african-american history right here in washington, d.c. let's take a listen to that. >> the anti-semitic threats targeting our jewish community


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