Ms. Lerner impeded official investigations. She risked exposing and may actually have exposed confidential taxpayer information in the process. Day after day, action after action ms. Lerner exposed herself as a servant to her political philosophy rather than a servant to the American People. This, mr. Speaker, is why the house has taken the extraordinary action of referring ms. Lerner to the department of justice for criminal prosecution. And why we will request a special council to investigate this case. Not only has the president asserted that there is, quote, not even a smidgen of corruption at the i. R. S. , but leaks from the department of justice have indicated that no one will be prosecuted. Thats not surprising, as a top donor to the president s campaign is playing a key role in their investigation. Potentially compromising any semblance of independence and justice. An independent, nonpartisan, special prosecutor is needed to ensure a fair investigation that all americans can t
Some issues regarding financial stability. Real domestic gross product went up to an average annual rate of and a quarter percent over the second half of last year. A faster pace than in the first half and during the preceding two years. Although real gdp growth is currently estimated to a pause in the First Quarter of this year, i see that it is mostly reflecting transitory factors, including the effects of the unusually cold and snowy winter weather. With the harsh winter behind us, many recent indicators suggested a rebound in spending and production is already underway. Putting the overall economy on track for solid growth in the current quarter. One cautionary note is that readings on the housing activity is a sector that has been recovering since 2011. Main disappointed so far and we will be watching. Conditions for the market continue to improve. The Unemployment Rate is 6. 3 in april, one and a quarter Percentage Points below where it was a year ago. Moreover, gains in unemploy
Well, you know, mr. Speaker, i think something that c. S. Lewis once said will help with that. He said if you read history youll find that the people who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since people who largely ceased to think of the other world that she have become so ineffective in our world. I think joni understands this. Her mind is truly set on another place. Her life has been extraordinary. So, again, on behalf of the house of representatives, id like to recognize and celebrate the life of jon jon tada, a tada of oni eareckson and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The chair recognizes ms. Bonmuchey for five minutes. Ms. Bonamici, for five minutes. Ms. Bonamici i call attention to historic legislation that has for decades served as a lifeline to our countrys seniors. The Older Americans act is responsible for Critical Services like housing, nutrition and employment a
Pressure on longterm Interest Rates and support mortgage tokets and contributes favorable conditions in broader financial markets. Tool intant policy recent years has been Forward Guidance about the likely path of the funds rate. Beginning in december 2012, the committee provided threshold base guidance that turned on the bigger of the Unemployment Rate. The Unemployment Rate nearing the threshold that had been laid out earlier, we undertook a significant review of the Forward Guidance. While indicating that the new guidance did not represent a shift in the policy intentions, the committee laid out a fuller description of the framework that would guide its policy decisions Going Forward. Specifically, the new language explains that as the economy expands further, the committee will continue to assess both the the maximum unemployment and two percent inflation. Assessing the progress, we will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of the labor Market Condition