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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20140117

several news sources say that governor brown will make the announcement at 10:00 a.m. in san francisco, a huge crowd rallied on the steps of the state capital, starting for relief from drought. they believe once the governor makes makes makes the declaration the state could move what little water is to the central valley. and 62% of california is in extreme drought. the second worst category. the dynamic clearings makes farmers eligible for federal assistance, and we're getting record warm weather still. spencer christian is here live with live doppler 7hd. no relief, sounds like. >> with or light declaration, it's very dry and -- here's live doppler 7 hd. clear sky, and hot today. we had record high temperatures all over the place, richmond, oakland museum, san francisco, oakland, san francisco airport, moffet field and san jose, new record highs for this date and these two, oakland museum and sfo, actually had record highs for the month of january in those locations, and to the south, similar pattern of record warmed around monterrey bay. 77, gill -- gilroy, and a record, 84, salinas airport. so we keep wondering how long can the record warm and dry spell continue? i will give you a look at the seven-day forecast in a few minutes. >> tonight man accused of setting at least 12 fires in san jose over a five-day period last week, is behind bars, being held on one million dollars bail. patrick brennan, 48, also a registered sex offender, has been charged with lighting two of the fires. so. reporter: investigators were going door to door this morning asking neighbors what they knew about the suspected fire bug. police arrested 48-year-old patrick brennan yesterday and booked him on two counts of arson. one fire destroyed this commercial warehouse, causing an estimated $5 million in damages. another ravaged this house on john street last friday. a home where vincent and sharon shared for more than sex -- six decade. >> he hat -- has to be insame. sane people don't burn down things. >> since last week cops and firefighters have been conducting an exhaustive investigation, passing out sketches of a fire bug, and video of a pan pacing near a house that would later catch fire. citizens are vigilant in the end it was hard-working sergeant who identified brennan. he searched the law enforcement data bank on a hunch. >> we have databases that are used frequently by officers. arsonist have to register, and he is a registered arsonist. >> he found brennan's mug. i. it looked like the sketch and he left in the areas of the fire. his neighbors say he same to be unstable and a loner. >> he was looney,eye he was like a halfway house person. didn't say hi. >> the suspect has prior arson arrests, in 1999, he was charged with setting 16 wildfires in the south bay at a rate of one a week. this is how he appeared in a sketch that police contributed -- distributed tot. chair that to the most recent one. authorities say he will be charged with most if not all of ten other recent fires in the neighborhood near downtown san jose. among them, a blaze that swept through a portable building in the back of a church, a church that is right across the railroad tracks from the mobile home park where brennan lives. abc7 news. >> firefighters have stopped the forward progress at least on a roaring wildfire near los angeles. it's burn at least five strike tours and led to manner to evacuation of nearly 2,000 residents in and around the city of glendora. this is new video of the fire, sent in less than an hour ago. it's burning very close to some homes. although some mandatory evacuations remain in place, most residents have now been allowed to return home. with the latest, here is david wright. >> bone-dry brush and hot winds, all it takes is a spark. this is the result. the spark that caused this blaze from a reckless camp fire. >> they were tossing paper into a campfire and a breeze kicked up and set the fire. >> today, 700 forths are out there fighting it. on the ground, and from the air. >> we have been airborne since this morning, and five homes have gone up in flames. they hit it with everything; many of the homes were in the hills. >> their job the more difficult because there's so much fuel for the fire. new numbers show two-thirds of the state is now in an extreme drought. the worst in 150 years. >> doesn't seem like january. >> it doesn't. this is only the beginning. >> today, 2,000 home owners were forced to evacuate. with whatever small items they could grab. >> i just got married and brought my wedding dress. >> and your dog. >> yes. >> these neighbors banned together, using garden hoses and a bucket brigade to save their block. >> we went up to the front lines. the flames just feet away from these homes. >> it's right behind there. you can see. coming down. >> captain montana and his group doing their best to defend these houses while they waited for air support. busy dousing hot spots nearby. >> the cavalry was arrived. the helicopters attacking the flames just in time. looks like this home owner is very lucky today but there's a long, dry winter ahead. others today weren't so lucky. this man came back to fine his apartment gone. >> what's next for me is go to work on saturd and take it one day a tight. >> you -- at a time. >> we're at the singer estate, as in singer sewing machines, beautiful mission style hacienda in the hills. it was. these used to be the servant quarters, all again now, cop assumed by the fire -- consumed by the fire. a british newspaper is reporting that the nsa collected and stored nearly 200 million text messages a day from all around the world. that are guardian report is provided by leaks from edward snowden. the agency was able to distract people's travel plans, contact books, financial transsections and more. the nsa says the information was lawfully connected. tomorrow president obama is expected to announce changes to the surveillance program. an east bay teenager accused of setting another high schooler on fire on an ac transitus, will be tried as an adult. a judge denied a motion to try the case in juvenile court. sasha fleischman had nodded off on the bus in november when another rider lit his clothes on fire. sasha was wearing a skirt because he does not identify as mail or female. richard thomas was arrested for assault and a hate crime enhancement for saying allegedly because he did is because he is homophobic. police tonight are announcing one of the biggest drug raids in the history of contra costa county. this is part of what authorities recovered. 475-pounds of methamphetamine, worth $18 million on the street. smuggled in by a mexican drug cartel, guns, cars, motorcycles, and a million dollars in cash. suspects in the case or connected to a street gang. tonight the mother of a man killed during a robbery attempt in east oakland is making a plea to fine her son's killer, brandon clemmons died near 14th avenue and east 21st 21st street just after midnight. authorities haven't released many details but the victim's mother says her son was headed home with a friend when they were confronted by someone who held them up. the robber shot clemmons when he refused to handver his wallet and backpack. his mother says her son died a hero. >> my son yelled to his friend to run, and he told his friend to run, he saved friend's life. >> no arrests have been made. well, when is free speech hate speech? that debate is being played out in san francisco where banner advertising a demonstration by those opposed to abortion have created a fire storm. here's the story. >> have you've noticed these banners along market street? that proclaim abortion hurts women. there are 50 of them prominently hanging from city lamp posts, promoting a january 25th january 25th event. >> everything legal lyrics -- leaguely, by the book, no reason for this to be an issue right now. >> but it is an issue. creditaches like allen schaffer of the trust women campaign say the message is a lie. >> the truth is abortion is the safest procedures women can have. it is critical access to safe legal abortion is critical to women's health. >> for the past decade, those who oppose abortion are opposed to what -- have posed what they call a walk for life. they advertise on billboards and muni buss and this time the banners, and the controversy could generate an even larger crowd than the more than 40,000 who attended last year. >> one of the things the city is always talking about, how tolerant they are and how they're open to all views, and here we are with a view that is different than what some san franciscoans believe and they're trying to shoe us down. >> the supervisor says the banners on city-owned properties are spreading misinformation about abortion and city policy. >> we in government have a responsibility to be on record saying that, you know, in san francisco, we do trust women with respect their right to decide for themselves, and we're going to protect that right. >> he sponsored a resolution asking for a review of the criteria for accepting ads, and to determine if the banners violate city law. in san francisco, carolyn tyler, abc7 news. >> we have a lot more ahead for you at 9:00. up next, good news in the flu outbreak. plus, new low-cost way to get immunized. >> no snow, no business. what one store is now doing to get customers walking through the door. still ahead, the envelope, please? who will be fighting for oscar the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her. soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at a bit of positive news in the bay area's flu outbreak no deaths have been reported today. the total in the bay area is 21. doctors say one of the best ways to protect yourself is to get a flu shot. and it's not too late to do so. here's the story from washington hospital in fremont. reporter: she brought her two young daughters for their flu shots to fremont's washington hospital. >> every year since they were a baby, and i'm a teacher, and they're in school, so we're around germs all the time. >> what will the shot protect you from? >> from the flu, so you don't get sick that much. >> it's not always pretty but bay area health officials say getting a flu shot is absolutely the right thing to do. >> how would you describe it? >> um, it's -- >> this doctor says they're seeing a broader cross-section of people with the flu. >> the very young and old affected and now middle age, working population, the moms and seniors are getting flu this year. >> told us the surge in deaths prompted them to act sooner rather than later. >> i actually work at a daycare so i'm around six -- six babies, so want to make sure i'm good. >> the clinic continues at washington hospital on friday. there's no concern about supply in fremont, abc 'news. >> certainly doesn't seem like flu season with this weather. the lack of rain here and snow in the mountains is putting a damper on sales of ski merchandize at bay area sporting goods stores but not all of them are taking it lying down. sports basement is discounting all merchandize 20% until it snows again at tahoe. >> people are in shorts and tank tops right now. but that's the reason why, still, everything in the store is 20% off, not just the snow stuff, not just the winter stuff. the sale has been going on for a week. if the drought continues, they have given themselves an out and would end with the end of the normal rainy season. they're discounting skis. they ought to mark up flip-flops. that's what you need in large numbers. i. >> certainly do. this is amazing winter weather -- winter-time weather. here's a look at live doppler 7hd. dry, warm, january goes on. here's a look at clear skies and dry conditions around the bay area. in fact dangerously dry because we have identify fire danger in -- high fire danger in many areas, red-flag warning for this area south of monterey, and other long area in the sierra, under a red-flag warning until 4:00 p.m. tomorrow, and a wide expanse of southern california from santa barbara to south of san diego, under a red red-flag warnings. here's a live view from the emeryville camera. it is 60 degrees right now in san francisco. low 50s from oakland, redwood city. 63 at half moon bay. another live view from our rooftop camera towards the bay bridge. temperatures in the 40s. so the inland north bay and east bay beginning to cool down rather significantly right now. here's a view from sutro tower. more record highs likely tomorrow. mild to warm through the holiday weekend, through monday, which is martin luther king, jr. day and still no rain in sight in this mid-winter season. here's a large area of high pressure dominating the area. this big ridge of hi pressure is a blocking pattern and we are getting a steady flow of warm dry air from the east northeast bringing mild air from the land to sea, and that's worsening the drought. so right now, 28% in the state of california was under an extreme drought. right now, this week, a week later, 63%. nearly two-thirds of the state in extreme drought conditions, and it continues to get worse with each passing dry day. overnight tonight. clear skies. low temperatures ranging widely from 29 at santa rosa, and 'oat napa to 50 on the coast, and tomorrow another record warm day in the south bay. high turns, low to mid-70s. san jose and gilroy, likely to set records tomorrow. on the peninsula, records are likely at redwood city and mountain view, on the coast, a high of 74 at half moon bay. san francisco, low 70s, and santa rosa, 72. record for tomorrow's day there. 71 in oakland tomorrow, another record for that date and the east bay, highs in the low 70s as well. 71 at livermore. here's the seven day forecast. the unusually warm weather doesn't begin to taper off at bit until the middle of next week. temperatures will drop maybe three oar four degrees. but that's not a very sharp drop. still very unwinter-like weather, and it continues to go on and on, with no significant change in sight. >> we expect the for to declare a drought emergency in california tomorrow. >> up here next at 9:00, the ultimate 49ers fans. wearing their loyalty for the wearing their loyalty for the team in [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious, but say i press a few out flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sauce and cheese, fold it all up and boom! delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. [ angelic music plays ] ♪ toaster strudel! best morning ever! [ hans ] wm, flaky, gooey. toaster strudel! [ female announcer ] try new pillsbury heat-n-go mini pancakes. there are fans and then there are fans. tonight a concord business is offering a chance to show your 49er spirit permanently. for just $49, silver needle studios will give you a niners tat of your choice. artists will put the words 49ers, sf, or a shield on your back, arm, leg, or chest. no necks or hands. >> a guy talking about it yesterday. thinking about getting a head tattoo. he might be showing up today. that would be a good one to do. >> no word yet if that guy ever showed up. the 49 buck tats will be available through the postseason, meaning up through sunday and if the 49ers win, right up to the super bowl. >> getting a candy bar could soon be as easy at hits print. hershey developing a 3-d printer that makes chocolate and edible products. it's a good way to help the relatively new technology go mainstream. remember that food gizmo on star trek? like that. i don't need that at my house, making chocolate at home would be dangerous. >> a google glass usesser takes her case to court. a decision whether you can wear them while driving. >> you'll see why this bay area software company is one of the ten best places to work in all of america. ♪ >> and the music that brought >> and the music that brought katy for over 60,000 califoia foster children, >> and the music that brought katy nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. to thsuffered in silence... hoped... and lived in a state of fear... welcome to a new state... of health. welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage. financial help for those in need. and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll now at the way we clean.ange and free ourselves from the harshness of bleach. lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it kills 99.9% of germs and is family friendly. that's healthing. and can cost thousands of dollars to repair... thankfully, the powerful dual action formula of rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time released bacteria to reduce tank build up. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. ticket dismissed. a san diego traffic court dismissed a citation a woman received for wearing google glass while driving. here's the story. reporter: there was not enough evidence presented by california highway patrol officer to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that cecelia abadie was driving with her google glass on when he ticketed her. >> reassuring the judge went with the facts and really did the things right. so i feel very good about that. reporter: since then the temecula woman was driving her car in october when she was ticketed for speeding and secondarily for driving with a monitor visible to a driver. the chp said that vehicle probe prohibits a screen that is operating in front of a driver. but in courtney their a ticketing officer nor an expert from the chp could prove the she had the going glass activated. in fact the expert says he has never worn the google glass and his knowledge is based on what re head on the internet. >> another critical code is that evidence be presented beyond a reasonable doubt the device was operating at the time of the alleged violation, and in the this case the court finds such evidence has not been presented and agrant the finding of not guilty as requested on count two. >> the google glass displays an image in front of your eyes. like a smart smartphone but on your glasses and turns off when not in use. so while the google glass may be have been on her face, it was not active and not a violation. >> by having it be voice activated you can command that without taking your eyes off the road. >> abadie is one of the first to test the google glass. what happened here can lay the foundation authorize similar cases across the nation. >> jennifer jensen reporting. google glasses expected to go on sale later this year. >> foreign magazine has a list of the 100 best companies to work for and five are in the bay area. number one is google, w employer and the company donates $50 for every five hours its workers volunteer. they even launched a ferry service to get people to and form worse. number seven, sales force. its people are motivated by recognition programs and lavish incentives. we also got a look at what makes intuit a top ten company. reporter: competition is fierce among bay area tech companies for engineers and other talents. intuit has trainer-led exercise classes to cafes with healthy eating options. intuit, has a different management style it thinks makes this a great place to work. brad smith is the ceo. >> i serve 8,000 employees. that's my job. i work for them, and the entire leadership team believes the same thing. with try to put a death to power points, politics and persuasion. we let the best ideas come out. >> he has been an intuit inninger and has allowed her to test and implement her ideas. >> a lot has happened. if i have an idea i can suggest it to my peers, to my managers. there's a way to test it with the customers, validate the idea, and we can go aheads' submit it. >> the ideas can add to an innovation prize. an employee was awarded $1 million. perkses include time to work on projects and money for health-related expenses. >> every year we have $250 to use to get reimbursed for health and exercise and lessons and get certified to go scuba diving. >> they're celebrating with cupcakes. while the company has broken into the top ten for the first time this year, some employees record evidence videos setting a goal to take the top spot next year. >> in mountain view, abc7 news. >> intuit has 1,000 job openings. it was number eight. to men tech and gpr also made the national top ten list. pop superstar katy perry says she was brought to tears by a unique rendition of her smash hit, "roar." she was in beijing when the china national orchestra performed the song with instruments. here's perry's version first and then the orchestra. ♪ ♪ you're going to hear me roar ♪ >> at the end of the performance, perry rows to her feet and roared, bravo, and understandably. beautiful rendition. just ahead, the top tom knees -- top nominees for the academy awards. a look at industrial bulldog: out with the old out with the old and in with the new! mattress discounters' year end clearance sale ends monday! puppy: what's this red tag mean? bulldog: through monday, save up to 40% on clearance mattresses. puppy: oh, here's another. bulldog: that means up to $300 off serta, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic. puppy: i found another red tag! bulldog: what! where? puppy: right here, silly. ha-ha-ha! bulldog: tickles! mattress discounters' year end clearance sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah. everybody knows that. did you know there is an oldest trick in the book? what? trick number one. look-est over there. ha ha. made-est thou look. so end-eth the trick. hey.... yes.... geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. omg, jack. have you ever checked out these new product ideas people posthey're kind of amaze. yeah - that's where i got the ideas for my new- fajita ranch melt. seasoned chicken with a gooey blend of pepper jack cheese, roasted peppers and onions, on toasted sourdough for just $3.99. is that where you also got the idea for that clock bracelet you always wear? my watch? no...these were invented a long time ago. like in the 80's? block. a political con job and a space mission gone wrong are the stories hollywood nominated today for its biggest prize. of course, the academy awards. the oscar nominees for best picture are, "american hustle", ten nominations, "gravity", ten. "12 years a slave", nine. "captain phillips" and nebraska, six knock neighborses. "dallas buyers club" six knock nicks followed by "the wolf of wall street" with five, and "philomena" and "her" round out the best picture. best actor are christian bale for "american hustle", chiwetel ejoe for for "12 years a slave", and leonardo dicaprio, for best actress, amy adams in husband husband , kate blanchett, judy dench, meryl streep, and sandra bull lock. now, you'll find a complete list of all the nominees at abc7 really good year for movies. >> hollywood is abuzz over oscar nominations and so are the mangers of movie magic in the bay area. jonathan bloom paid a visit to the digital wizards at industrial lights lights and maa stands guard in front of lucas films. it's lined with props and costumes from star wars,; not it's the other space franchise has a team nominated for an oscar. >> i woke up, went downtown stairs, turn on the tv and start looking online and saw my name and i couldn't believe it. >> his first nomination. "star trek into darkness". >> so much to do with smoke, lava, and fire, a challenge with the visual efight. >> the challenge was putting realact ors into imaginary roles, and i destroying san francisco, and doing justice to the most famous shareship. >> the enterprise is special and fans know it inside and out. >> ilm's other oscar nomination is the lone ranger. they had to create a world from the past full of effects you can't see. >> the director verbinski was that the visual effects had to be hidden and not seen at all. >> it's tim alexander rest first oscar nomination for a film with computer generated smoke and grit. >> we added a lot of hey and it was just little bits flying through the air. >> death defying stunts. >> 80% of lone ranger and silver on top of the train car are digital doubles. >> ilm won a technical academy ward for making these fire balls. >> sometimes there's no substitute for a real explosion. >> industrial light and magic is now owned by disney, which also owns abc7 in san francisco, abc7 news. >> a reminder, oscar sudden -- sunday will be here before you know it, on abc7. >> the skies may be clear but the snow is coming down. see how the snowmaking process see how the snowmaking process has soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at for ovnights can feel califolong and lonely.dren, i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. [ rattling ] that's one smart board. what else does it do -- reverse gravity? [ chuckles ] split atoms? [ whoooosh! ] hey, how is that atom-splitting thing going? [ rattling ] [ electronic whistling ] oh! [ zap! ] a smarter way to shop around. now, that's progressive. call or click today. yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ >> the martin luther king holiday usually means a big weekend for sierra ski resorts. this year there's not much natural snow so ski areas that make their open have a big advantage and they're trying to get out the word that even when skies are blue in the bay area, there's a blizzard almost every night at tahoe. the fine art of making snow. >> ski resorts have come a long way since they started making snow in the 1950s. >> mixes cold air with water. >> the resume for manmade snow is still the same, but the process has evolved into a high-stakes, high-tech operation. >> you can see it's a pretty sophisticated piece of machinery. >> have a control panel like this. >> the last big snowfall in the sierra was in december. so major tahoe resorts like squaw valley, north stay, and heavenly, are spending big money to keep at least some slopes covered. napa school teacher betsy masterson has been skiing at heavenly for a week. >> conditions are great. they're doing a great job grooming the runs and i had a blast. >> that's the kind of endorsement that keeps barrett warm while he is making snow. he is in charge of heavenly's snow-making system, and has been at it for 26 years. >> been doing this for a long time and passionate about it. >> this is the mountain without snow, but on the ski area, several feet of base and new snow on tom. only 20% of heavenly is open but the mountain is so big that's still 14 miles of trails available for skiing and snowboarding with more expected to open. heavenly is owned by vail resorts and reports attendance is down but there's enough snow to have fun. >> nice and warm and sunny and slushy. could use a little more snow but i'm not a complaining. it's sweatshirt weather. >> heavenly's systems include more than 200 snow guns, piles of pipes connect the guns to reservoirs that bring the water. >> 6,000-gallons a minute. >> all monitored by an elaborate computer system, and just in case the snow is not enough to get you here, heavenly is working to turn the mountain into a party spot. a giant grooming machine has been transformed into a traveling deejay platform. >> bringing the good vibes. >> when the slopes close in the afternoon, a mid-mountain lodge has dancing girls, discounted drinks, and crazy creatures who happen to show up. >> i recommend put on your best costume and come up here and have a good time. >> that's a look right there despite the warm temperatures in the bay area, up at tahoe it's been cold enough for heavenly to make snow 13 of the last 14 nights and they're going to have to keep making snow at tahoe for the foreseeable future. >> i need some backup dancers. i'm saying the same thing, warm and dry, warm and dry. here's live doppler 7hd and it's going to be dry. in australia, the australian open is being played, it's 111 degrees. it was up to 110 yesterday. so, a couple days of extremely hot weather there. play had to be interrupted for several hours yesterday, but it is summer in the southern hemisphere. winter here but conditions tomorrow, high temperatures well into the seven -- 70s. in the bay area, we expect five more days of high temperatures above 70 degrees inland and around the bay. even on the coast next couple of days, we'll get a little cooldown next week. won't be dramatic but won't be near record levels either. >> i love high 60s, a cooldown. take a look at these niners pride. this one is from a bay area family that has starte traditiog up in their niners gear. we want to see your 49ers fan photos e-mail them to, and post them on our facebook page or tweet them to us. and this is a good time to remind you about the battle of the bays. a rivalry that we have going with the abc station in seattle, which is going to go down. we're competing to find out where the best fans are, san francisco bay or elliott bay in seattle. come on, right? what we're asking you to do is go to the abc7 news facebook page and click, like, where you see this battle of the bay's image. whoever has the most likes by kickoff on sunday wins. now, look, i'm going to be candid. we're running a little behind. but we're lulling them into a false sense of confidence. that's the key. so rally your friends, send them to our facebook page and let's give seattle a little what for. >> and dan will give you each a dollar for every one of you. you can verify that. >> and you'll match it with two. >> oh! >> come on. show your commitment. [laughter] >> getting warm in here. >> could be a huge factor at a huge headache. dan? >> that was pretty good. >> will seattle's >> tonight at 11:00, you'll hear from san jose's hero cop who helped track down the serial arson suspect. >> pedestrian safety on streets. the meeting to keep the death toll in san francisco from going higher. >> google ventures into the medical field. what they're doing to help diabetics. those stories and more at 11:00 over on channel 7. >> right now sports director larry beil is here. a couple more days. >> we're getting down to it. 49ers coming at the hottest team in the nfl. there's only four teams left but they're the hottest. won eight straight games, last three on the road. can they win in seattle where the seahawks rarely lose? the road to the super bowl goes through century link field and the 12th man. >> want to win the nfc championship. >> getting past the seahawks will be gargantuan. the 49ers have been outscored their last two times in seattle. beast mode has personally outscored the niners 24-15, and containing him is a major priority. >> being as physical as he is, when he runs the ball, you don't want to shoot your gun you want to gather yourself and make sure you have him in front of you. he is a hard tackle. i will admit. but it can be done. >> lynch is one focus. russell wilson is another. smith needs to provide pressure on the quarterback. he was one of the few bright spots for san francisco with the september loss in seattle. four tackles for a loss and two sacks. >> we have had some success in the past but it's important that everybody gets pressure on him and we work as a team. >> the seattle defense will have their own concerns, namely, michael crabtree, who did not play in the week two loss but a was instrumental in the week 14 win at candlestick. ed a today if richard sherman is the best corner back in the league, he replied? >> i don't think. so i don't know nothing about the best cornback. i just know, playing the seattle seahawks and hopefully come away with the win. >> this rivalry has been growing year by year. its roots stem from jim harbaugh and pete carroll. what's your deal? what's your deal? that game. today carroll said he doesn't really know harbaugh. >> we're not friends over the years because we don't know each other very well. just through the game, through when we used to coach against him back when he was playing and since we coached against each other. so, very confined relationship in that regard. >> or none whatsoever. the explosive percy harvin is the x factor for the seahawks. played last week against the saints. took two huge hits and suffered a concussion. harvin did not practice today. must go through concussion testing, and then be cleared by doctors in order to play on sunday. at this point percy harvin is very iffy, so a potential break nor 49ers. mike shumann will be traveling to seattle for the game, and another version of "vernon's vow" and youle follow shu on twitter. >> sharks on the road tonight. looking for some momentum in florida. trying to win two in a row for the first time since late december. joe thornton didn't have a shot on goal the past couple of games but finds himself hereafter with a break -- himselfs here with the breakaway. sharks up 1-0. third period, the save on scotty upshaw. 24 saves in and his first career shutout. and then tyler kennedy on the rush, the rookie is there to clean up. the sharks go on to win 3-0. >> college hoops. usf coach's six year on he hilltop, taking on byu. collinsworth for the layup. coach say, learn to live with rejection. i have. collinsworth, redeeming himself. he had 19. the dons in traffic there. but byu would pull away, but carlino here, up to hall, and he's going to lay it up and, boom, explosion. cougars win. dons fall. >> good hoops today. >> that's it for abc7 news here on kofy tv 20. [dramatic music] ♪


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