relations between the 2 countries and, and also certain other elements and i want to bring in stephanie decker, he s joining us live from a west jerusalem at stephanie. what were the key points out of that that you picked up on while 2 main subjects, really iran, that ticket, the communal efforts against iran, the potential for military alliance. the fact that they will never allow iran or to become nuclear. the fact that israel reserves the right to unilaterally deal with it, but the fact that they are very much working together on this and also israel s integration into the region of you heard there from the air. and i p saying he had an outstretched hand to the leaders that will be present in jetta at the g. c. c summer talking not just militarily, but also talking about their scientists being ready to cooperate their businesses. being ready to cooperate and also you know, so this is read the ment he was asked about the 2 state solution, but it was very brief. i thought in