Celebrated actor Johnny Githui popularly known as Ras in the drama T.v series "Mother In Law" on Citizen T.v has termed acting, a poor man's venture noting the wanton mismanagement.
Politician and singer Charles Njagua popularly known as Jaguar has appealed to creatives to invest while at the prime of their careers noting that he won't come to their rescue after squandering their loot.
Celestine has been Mwana Mteule’s wife despite the fact that he met her being a single mother of five kids. Celestine, his wife, took it to social media and complained about him physically assaulting her. Celestine has now come out to apologize for 'wronging' him, through a video doing rounds on social media.
Embattled gospel singer Alpha Mwana Mtule has admitted to lying over his alleged poisoning. According to the singer, he married a single mother who almost drove him on the brink of death.