To help nervous moms and dads navigate what it means to have kids age 5-11 vaccinated, News 4 talked to some of the thousands of parents who entered their kids.
and like pfizer, moderna says its vaccine was safe in the younger group with mild side effects like headache, sore arm, fever and fatigue. pediatricians who care for these kids want to find a solution. it s a miracle we potentially have one. reporter: 28 million children could be eligible for a pfizer shot as early as thursday, november 4th, after a green light from the fda and cdc. the pfizer vaccine was found to be 91% effective in 5 to 11 year olds. pediatrician amanda dropic enrolled all four of her children in the pfizer trial. if it s something i can prevent with a vaccine that is both safe and effective, that s my job to protect my kids and other people s kids to the best of my ability. reporter: 11-year-old eli and 9-year-old lila say they ll encourage their friends to get vaccinated. they should definitely get vaccinated. it really doesn t hurt and it s definitely worth it even if you