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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180731 21:00:00

A roundtable ensemble discusses and debates the day's news. A roundtable ensemble discusses and debates the day's news. a lot. the 2016 election was all about issues. people voted for trump. they didn't like him and they didn't like some of the stuff he did. it's not anti-immigrant fervor. they cared about illegal immigration in trade and the economy. they said on these issues, i think this guy, he may not be somebody i want to invite to my tea party or have a beer with or whatever. i can't imagine any true american not wanting to have a beer with donald trump. >> katie: if you drink beer. >> charlie: beer or anything. they trusted him on the issues. he was talking about issues that republicans and democrats. a guy like adam putnam in florida, very popular politician from there. it hurts him, the fact that he was in washington so long. he hadn't been bringing up these issues. trump slashes in the brains of these issues that we are not supposed to be talking about. >> juan: thinking about what you're saying. just give me a second. >> katie: go ahead, juan. >> juan: we can't wait to hear your point but i wanted to reflected charlie while i have the moment. when you think about republican party stance, i think about free trade. i think about being open to immigration. that's why i think we've remade the republican party into the image of donald trump. >> jesse: the only thing i would say command that i will let katie take the floor. i believe the only thing they can really hurt the president and the midterms are two things. the enthusiasm gap. that the democrats are rabid and they come out so strong and overlong republicans. or the trade issue. if he doesn't score tradewinds between now and november, a lot of the white working-class voters are affected by the free-trade situation right now. they may stay home. >> katie: trade is a local issue. midterm elections are all about turnout. we talk about president trump going to florida and having this rally, phil keating was reporting people camped out overnight. they are excited to be there. there's going to be thousands of people there to support him. desantis has been accused of being in washington for far too long but he can make the argument that he's going to be a candidate. he's going to keep his promises if he wins the governorship. and he can govern like an executive, as the president has come on the number of issues. you can take the trump platform, illegal immigration, law and order, tax cuts, deregulation. apply them in a local sense. in that perspective, he may have something -- "the five" can i add one other thing to your two things that could hurt the president. i'm a little bit of a broken record on it because i don't think i've gotten the message through. that is the registering of new voters. the democrats are really good at it. they are super organized about it, and republicans need to do the same. >> jesse: go they do that at a rally like this? >> dana: these people are probably already voters. you need to find new voters. where can you find them? new voters are usually enthusiastic voters. in virginia, ed gillespie has more republican turnout than ever in the history of the state and he loses by nine points. look at the total electorate, 12% of those voters in virginia had never voted in a gubernatorial election before. you need to try to find new voters because the democrats are doing it. >> katie: gubernatorial race is very different from the congressional race. congressional races are more specific on issues on the governorship. >> jesse: we are looking at the crowd started to gather in tampa for the big trump rally. what do you think he's going to stay tonight? he has given one of these every two to three weeks. is it going to renew material? the same old razzle-dazzle? >> charlie: i think there will be some new material. one of the appealing things about donald trump all along is that he's brought in new voters. people that haven't voted before ruth have been -- or who have been apathetic. you walk into a truck stop in the middle of the 2016 election and we walked by a couple guys. they would be talking about what donald trump had said the night before. i think -- it was like with president obama in 2008. he was running a very different campaign. a very hopeful campaign unlike the 2012 campaign. it was hopeful he was bringing in new people cynical about politics. in both cases come i think it's very good for the republicans to get new people in. >> juan: the man who usually sits in your seat, mr. gutfeld, he says america is watching two movies and they are not the same movie. i see something different than you do. in this case, the flip side of what you're talking about is that trump activates the democratic base and a big way. that's why there is the enthusiasm gap. if you look at the poll numbers. for a while, people were saying he is at 45. that's the highest he's ever been. he starting to go back down, and his disapproval rating is still 50-something percent. we talk about the different races, you have to understand maybe the trump movie for a lot of people commits playing out. he's very entertaining. you said he's very funny. >> jesse: i would say for the trump voters, the movie is an action thriller and for the democrats it's a horror flick. >> juan: jesse said that, mr. president. not me. >> jesse: he wrote up some approval numbers and we ran some numbers to the waters matrix. historically. >> juan: is able and getting there? >> jesse: wouldn't go that far back. 2006 and 2008, democrats picked up 20 or 30 seats or something. that generic congressional ballot had democrats up 13 to 15 points going in. now they are up seven points. historically that's not going to be enough for them to pick up enough seats in the house to retake it. >> katie: the president is going to be extremely involved flying all over the country. he said he will be on the road six or seven days a week campaigning. we will see if we can keep up. they see it as an investment in his agenda long term. yes, he will be on the road for two or three months but they are saying it that we have to make sure we keep the house so that the agenda moves forward and democrats don't move forward with some kind of impeachment process. >> charlie: donald trump's numbers may be upside down but you know whose numbers are more upside down? nancy pelosi. i think we will start seeing maxine waters getting poultry people up have been running campaigns against them for a long time and they are still doing it. >> juan: you asked, we will see new stuff of the campaign rally tonight. i suspect it will be the same old stuff about immigrants. it'll be about nancy pelosi. >> charlie: not immigrants. illegal immigration. >> juan: he wants to cut legal immigration in this country. >> jesse: another topic for another day, juan. far left medi-cal for all -- medicare for all plan comes with an insane price tag. it's the ford summer sales event and now is the best time to buy. preparing classic campfire trout. say what? trout. trout. all right. you don't think i need both? why does he have that axe? make summer go right with ford america's best selling brand. now get 0% financing for 72 months plus $1,000 ford credit bonus cash on a great selection of suv's. during the ford summer sales event, get our best offer of the season 0% financing for 72 months plus $1,000 ford credit bonus cash. 0% financing for 72 months plus no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. could make history. what's in your wallet? socialist platform comes with an eye-popping price tag. a new study finds the medicare for all plan would cost over $32 trillion. that's trillion. over the next ten years. doubling all federal tax revenues to wouldn't be enough to pay for that. this study over at george mason university. sanders office has not done a cost analysis of his bill. when he announced it, 16 other senators, democrats, cosponsored it without a cost analysis. i think we have a list of those senators. charlie, have the democrats decided this is where they are going? they are all in for medicare for all. >> charlie: i'm sure there are some smart democrats in washington. certainly out in the country, who are not on board with this. but the fact that so many of their leaders are talking about this, it's absolutely staggering. you look at the numbers and of course it's expensive. we also know it doesn't work. >> dana: that is the real key. >> charlie: you can point to all these reasons for rejecting it, but it's the moral issue. the idea that these people are perfectly okay with just taking things from people who work and giving them to people who do not work. the whole notion of, from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs, the question is who determines what people's ability is? if i was in charge, i would say i have no ability, so i'm not going to do anything. so i have a lot of need to, and so everyone's going to work for me. i sound like an old man. i was kind of born an old man. kids today, they are not even learning these things. they are not studying these questions in school. of course they come out and think yeah, socialism is great. >> dana: you talk about the skiing. >> katie: bring your own bandages if you're going to italy for vacation. >> juan: bernie sanders went after the koch brothers who paid for the study. saying that they are opposed to health care and they just want to maintain the status quo. he said that about the democratic establishment. but the fact is most of the western world has medicare for all. not only that, they provide health care at a lower cost with better outcomes than we have in the united states. when people say leave it to the free market. according to every study. >> dana: no, juan. i will challenge that. >> jesse: name one. >> dana: it is the juan institute. >> juan: these studies have indicated we spend the most on health care. >> katie: for quality health care. >> juan: that's not what i was going to say. the reality is in our emergency rooms, they are jam-packed with people who should be getting primary care. they shouldn't be in the emergency room. they are driving up my costs, your costs for health care. >> dana: our system isn't perfect. let me get jesse in there. tell us what we need to know. >> jesse: i have an anecdote like the italian one. in venezuela, sick people are taking dog medicine. that's how bad it is in venezuela. this is how they pay for it. they are going to have, in order to get the 32 trillion in america, they will have to raise the top rate from 37% to 74%. they will raise middle-class tax brackets from 20% to 30%. they are going to take the corporate tax rate from 20% to 40% and then they are going to impose a carbon tax. then they are going to impose a 20% national sales tax. then they are going to take the payroll tax and jacked that up to 10%. and then they're gonna say we want to bring u.s. military spending to the level of france. even that, after all that, that still doesn't pay for it. >> dana: >> katie: in the end, t thatcher would've been correct. the problem of socialism. >> juan: we have heard this from people who say social security, that will kill the country. >> dana: well. give it 12 more years. basketball star lebron james claiming president trump is trying to divide the country. here his stinging words when we come back. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ to and practice... kidlots of practice.tion. get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials. 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i think so. jimmy kimmel said there's other people on the list, like matthew charles, who was wrongly imprisoned. that case is before the justice department. hopefully we'll get some attention. i think she has the right idea witches if you've been an issue and you want somebody powerful to help you solve it, you can figure out a way to work with them. i think that lebron james, i respect him. his decision to not want to sit down across from him, that's fine. but he is a leader in the country, lebron james, and in sports. he has the power to meet and he has the power to convene. if he changes his mind, i think you might find a willing partner in the president to have a conversation. >> katie: i think he should give the president more credit. if they had a meeting, i think donald trump would listen to his concerns and see what he could do within his administration to kind of help them further his goals. he seems like he's doing a lot of really great things. he just opened a school yesterday in ohio to help the ohio public schools to system. this is a president who believes in school choice to give students in poor neighborhoods a better future. i can understand why he wouldn't want to sit down. that's his right and choice not to but i think he could have an impact on the president and use the power of the federal government to help some of his programs. >> juan: jesse, seems like everybody here doesn't want to talk about trump igniting racial division in the country. i don't understand it. in fact, lebron said after some of the things trump has done, he worries about his kids. >> jesse: well, he has a right to worry about that. that's fine. lebron has put his money where his mouth is. he's done a lot for the education in the state of ohio. i disagree with his strategy. i would sit down with him. the president will sit down with kim, the mullahs, the kardashians. kim kardashian, i don't believe trump divided at all on the anthem. i believe trump lead on the anthem. it was kaepernick and the other people who knelt and started the division during a time where there should be unity and it's not a divided issue on that point. it's not a 50/50. it's like 70-35 kneeling during the anthem. among nfl fans, it's about 90-10. i would expect that president to come out and stand with the flag on that. >> juan: i don't think most americans thought there was a big controversy when this first started. i think donald trump used it in a way to stir his base. >> jesse: i think we covered it in 2015. >> juan: from all of you suffering from gutfeld monologue withdrawal, never fear, greg is here. he's giving us a sneak peek in his exciting new book. that's next. l more strength & energy in just 2 weeks. i'll take that. ensure high protein, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure® we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you with 16 grams of protein >> tech: at safelite autoglass, to get your windshield fixed. with safelite, you can see exactly when we'll be there. saving you time for what you love most. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ (burke) so we know how to cover almost anything.en almost everything even "vengeful vermin." not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ another planet, as if she's not already living in one. identity politics is the 7-eleven of self-esteem, a quick stop to become whoever you are. instead of shark week, why not... don't they remember those celebrity videos before the election? they are the ex-lax that cleared our political system of clinton constipation. >> charlie: it is the moment you've all been waiting for. greg's new book is officially on sale to pay. greg joined us from d.c. to talk about his favorite nuggets of knowledge like you to sob. greg, how are you. >> greg: hello, charles. we have switched sides. you are usually there and i am usually -- it's a bad british accent. >> charlie: it's really bad. when i wanted to ask, of all the amazing monologues you have given. do you know how many there are? what's your number one single favorite monologue? >> greg: you know, that's like asking kirk douglas -- it's like asking kirk douglas to name his favorite child. he has 500 of them. i think i've done 1,000 monologues. the one i remember most is one of the, the montage, terror week. the idea that here we have a whole week devoted to sharks that do very little damage compared to what we are going through now with existential terror. why wouldn't we do we call terror week and every night highlight a different terrorist group. we bring home the reality of the real evil in the world, not some grim fish we really see. >> charlie: i think the problem with that is there wouldn't be enough boat footage. or underwater footage. >> greg: just an idea. nobody took it out. >> charlie: dana, my question to you. a lot of these monologues get a little salty. i was wondering if you might want to point out some of the potty mouth stuff you think that greg gets away with. >> dana: greg and i have been on the show together for seven years. we sat next to each other not because i thought we would get along. because we were the shortest. it was the easiest way to light the set. i don't know if come i didn't know greg. i guess i did want to ask you. is it annoying to you that i start laughing in the middle of your monologues? i just get such a kick out of it. it's true, charlie. there are times when there are things i don't understand that i have to ask him about in the commercial break. your monologues are usually my favorite part of the show. >> greg: going back to when this started, the whole point of me being on the show was basically at the end of the show, some comic relief, not really participate in anything else. but right this one little thing and provide some levity in otherwise serious news. it kind of evolved i guess into, i don't know what it is. i like to think of it as the monologues army trying to avoid something that everybody is thinking but they haven't articulated it yet. they might say if they haven't set it yet. i always figure each monologue has to be an unspoken truth when i'm helping to express. i think maybe that's why you laugh. people laugh when they hear something that in their head. >> dana: yes, and you would think i would never have thought to say it that way. we are onto something there. >> greg: i am preoccupied with certain kinds of, you know, filthy things. potty humor. i haven't grown up. >> katie: greg, i have a question. this is katie. i'm filling in today. when do you figure out when to write these? are you in the shower? are you waking up in the middle the night, do you rate -- do you write them on your computer? >> greg: megan the producer will send me some options and i like getting options because i don't like to think. when somebody says do this, i kind of like it. even if i hate the idea. especially if i don't like the idea. it's a fun challenge to create something out of something that wasn't there. i write it on my computer. takes me 20 minutes. then i go to the gym and i'm on the stair climber and i have my clipboard. so i'm on the stair climber for an hour working on questions for the show but also kind of reworking it, and then i edited the monologue all day. i basically rearrange the monologue constantly, it seems like a big waste of time because it always ends up being back the way it was. but that's kind of -- i'm a neurotic person. >> katie: good to know. >> greg: as if you did not know that. >> juan: i love conservative humor. the fear i have, someone coming from the left, hey, i a lot of conservative humor these days is all about mocking. like skinning the libs. >> dana: it is owning, not skinning. owning. >> jesse: you should know that. >> juan: jesse watters. >> greg: where do you think the right learned it? they learned it from the left. >> juan: i don't think so. i can't wait for your next book which would be skinning donald trump. >> greg: i won't be skinning anything. what i'm interested in this finding the unspoken truth and having fun with it, whether it's right or left. you have to understand it was the left that owned this territory for the longest time. to them, it was okay to mock because they felt that the person was necessarily immoral or evil so you could say whatever you want. the right is now catching up. >> jesse: if the president were to tweet something about your book, what would you suggest he tweet? >> greg: if president trump were to tweet about my book, it should be "buy this book. it's amazing." and then you would have to have a link. it's very important you have a link. amazon would be good. simon & schuster. he never puts a link on it. >> dana: he doesn't like amazon. be careful. >> greg: that's true. he won't do amazon. go to your local bookstore. >> dana: congratulations, greg. >> greg: thank you. see you tomorrow. i will be on "special report." any tips? >> katie: be nice to bret baier. >> greg: can i say one more thing? the food here in the d.c. bureau is not good. >> juan: they were trying to welcome you. >> greg: they told me to tell you that. >> charlie: and next, a brazen heist to steal a shark caught on video as america asking what with the thieves thinking? that i next. om. that's the same things i want to do with you. it's an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. i want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he's gonna get mine -but i'm gonna get a new one. -oh yeah when it's time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 18% of msrp cash back on all silverado 1500 crew cab lt pickups when you finance with gm financial. that's $9,000 on this silverado. plus, during truck month make no monthly payments for 90 days. ♪ it is such a good time to dance ♪ ♪ it is such a good time to [ laughing ] ♪ scoobidoo doobidoo ♪ scoobidoo doobidoo [ goose honking ] ♪ [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. ♪ progressive helps keep you out there. >> jesse: it's like a fraternity prank. i think we need to do armed aquarium employees. this can happen. we need to batten down the defenses. we need to protect these sharks with all the firepower possible. this was obviously a soft target, we need to do a little bit better job. >> katie: sharks have self-defense. the investigator said one of the men grabbed the shirt by the tail while the other two people wrapped in a wet blanket and wheeled it out. >> dana: was it a prank? >> katie: they were stealing it. >> charlie: apparently the guy, he had other, lots of other aquariums. >> dana: that's terrible. >> charlie: you think about serial killers or crazy people, they have to operate along because they can't get anyone on their wavelength of weirdness. this guy had two accomplices. this is socialism right here. >> juan: socialism. >> charlie: socialism on display. this was something they needed, and nothing is owned under socialism. you can steal whatever you want. >> juan: your argument would say we shouldn't have an aquarium so that young people go and watch a public aquarium and learn about sharks. what amazed me was jesse's response. jesse wants to harm sharks, like they are not bad enough already. >> jesse: arm aquarium employees. >> juan: we should arm kindergartners and you go to the aquarium and you have to face guns. >> jesse: i was kidding, juan. >> juan: the most amazing part of this was the baby stroller. >> katie: and wrapped in a wet blanket and a bucket. >> jesse: the smartest idea. how else are you going to carry it out? >> dana: you can't put it in your tote bag. >> juan: a baby stroller, it's kind of innocence. then they denied the police the right to search the car. that was interesting. >> dana: i want to know why the woman, they are still deciding whether she should face charges. the other two are facing charges. i think she should. in case you are listening. >> katie: it's a war on men. >> juan: a war on sharks? >> katie: helen, the shark, is doing just fine. >> dana: imagine the tale she can tell. >> katie: imagine. "one more thing" is up next. there's a lot to love about medicare. we have grandkids out of state. they love our long visits. not sure about their parents, though. call unitedhealthcare and ask for your free decision guide today. why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. start with water that has a lot of dissolved solids. pour it through brita's two-stage filter. dissolved solids remain? what if we filter it over and over? (sighing) oh dear. thank goodness zerowater's five-stage filter gets to all zeroes the first time. so, maybe it's time to upgrade. get more out of your water. get zerowater. ♪ >> it is time now for "one more thing." >> neil diamond, one of my favorites, turned on a light last night for firefighters. here he is serenading them with sweet caroline in a pop up concert. ♪ >> now has parkinson's, rarely performed in public today but he was playing for dozens of firefighters. he has lived in the community for years. the blaze has consumed more than 12,000 acres since the beginning of this month, but thankfully at the end of the month we can say is 80% contained. thank you so much to neil diamond. >> the diamond of the table. >> thank you. i have something to promote, what doesn't happen all the time. this saturday, be sure to come by the briel public library, that's in briel new jersey for a special conversation i'm going to moderate with the author of the new book "the bankers life." i read that book in six hours this winter. i couldn't put it down. it's fantastic, great this summer great beach read. the event starts at 10:00 a.m. on saturday august 4th. you can rsvp by visiting also tomorrow there is a very special guest i'm going to have as part of my "one more thing." >> that's exciting. >> a little tease. i will not even tell you. >> i read a book this summer in five hours, so there. >> little golden books are pretty easy. >> walked right into that one. it was actually the art of the deal. so in france this guy has got a jet powered up or bored jet pack and check this out. the friends actually are better than we think. this guy hovers up in the air and then harbors out into the middle of the ocean. check this out. this is the future, folks. you know how that felt always has a bunch of robots playing around and serving you coffee? this is the future right there. people are going to be doing this. >> you can get across the water right here really quick. >> this is how i'm going to be commuting to work. >> katie was skydiving and forgot about pulling the string. >> never going to live this down. >> no strings on the jet pack. >> i can share myself a bit of a connoisseur of liquor stores. you expect to see alligators in florida but it's not everyday you find one in a convenience store. >> what is he doing? >> a florida man decided to bring an alligator with him while making a beer run. here he is chasing people around with a reptile, even in going the fridge with it. he said he was blackout drunk at the time. [laughter] what is that? >> that is so awful! >> he had taped around his snout. >> he's terrorizing people. that is bad and i'm sorry i just said that. >> so bad. nobody deserves to be called that. >> that is like an armed robbery with a weapon. an alligator. never heard dana say that before, sorry, guys. this is from a local news station. he's worked for the department of transportation -- [laughs] -- in charge of taking care of the flags on the brooklyn bridge. there are two flags, one on each tower that fly 24/7 throughout the year. it seems like a fitting job because he was born on the fourth of july and immigrated here from columbia with his parents when he was ten years old. both of his sons are police officers, even more patriotic. he says the hardest and most meaningful part of the job is when he lowers the flag to


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg 20240604 08:16:00

people face? the government's belief, and i think this is reflected by what other governments are doing as well, is you need to go to the root cause of this. you can provide temporary amelioration, you can provide... that provide temporary amelioration, you can provide- - -_ can provide... that is the question. as i have can provide... that is the question. as i have said _ can provide... that is the question. as i have said earlier, _ can provide... that is the question. as i have said earlier, we _ can provide... that is the question. as i have said earlier, we keep - can provide... that is the question. as i have said earlier, we keep that under review. there are two critical things. if we are thinking about any sort of support for anyone going through difficult times, it would be the chancellor of the exchequer who would make any announcement at the appropriate moment, taking into account everything we face here. another very important point here as well. both the intervention in covid and on energy require government to spend money. if government is spending money, it cannot be much checked out of thin air. it will either come from from people's income from taxation and we have to keep that low...


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 21:13:00

the government to step in with emergency support, like with jobs during covid, or energy bills last year. but ministers are prioritising bringing inflation down, to try to ease the cost of living for everyone. you need to go to the root cause of this. - so you can provide - temporary amelioration. you can provide a salve, j a balm and intervention. and as i've said earlier, - we keep that under review. the whole housing market will be affected, as landlords grapple with likely increases in buy—to—let mortgages, pushing rents ever higher for tenants. all eyes on the bank of england on thursday to see if it puts its base interest rate up again and, with it, housing costs for millions. marc ashdown, bbc news. the former first minister of scotland and former snp leader nicola sturgeon has returned home for the first time since she was arrested and released without charge as part of an investigation into the party's finances. speaking outside her home in glasgow, she maintained her innocence.


Transcripts for MSNBC Alex Wagner Tonight 20240604 02:48:00

second or third failed attempt. that their conference, their caucus would pull them aside. and say, you should withdraw. you're someone else who is ready. and i think that this is telling into ways. one, that they're willing to allow the historic amelioration. to continue, that he's willing to continue himself. and to, the fact that they don't have someone else as he has said, to step into this role. you have a conference of 222 members. they don't have anyone else that they can coalesce round, to be their leader? what kind of leadership have they've shown to the american people. and i think it's also very important to remember, i think you were just talking about this in previous segments there's a.


Mali: la sécurité s'est fortement dégradée depuis l'arrivée de Wagner, selon les États-Unis

Mali: la sécurité s'est fortement dégradée depuis l'arrivée de Wagner, selon les États-Unis


Elections Locales 2022 : Ce qu'il faut améliorer pendant le prochain scrutin selon le Consortium Panafricain

Elections Locales 2022 : Ce qu’il faut améliorer pendant le prochain scrutin selon le Consortium Panafricain


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