In the center of Kennett Square there is a Spanish health ministry that has been in existence for over 43 years! Passing 205 East State Street and seeing the sign above the door–Spanish Health Ministry–many may not recognize that we have a missionary in our midst. Dona Sensenig BSN, founder and missionary of the Spanish […]
Our Path to Holiness Runs Straight Through Calvary by
Robin Phillips
I think I might stop being a Christian, my friend said, a few minutes after comfortably situating himself in my office. Why? I asked. Have you stopped believing in God? My friend, whom we will call Trevor, pondered silently. A few days before, he had asked to meet me to get some advice about a personal crisis he was facing. But the conversation quickly turned to his more general struggles with Christianity. I renewed my question: Is it because you ve stopped believing in God that you are considering giving up Christianity?