that s what it s all about today. this is now about are the middle-class, blue-collar workers getting the first pay raise they ve gotten in 15 to 10 years? because they haven t. we just have been flat for that long, and when you start making more money, you just start to feel good about life. right. and that s what drives voter behavior, and it s the big untold story of the trump years. how much will wages increase and when? and let me give you a couple, st numbers on growth. from 1948 unl 2008, our american enomy grew at a rate of 3.4 percent annually. from 2008 to 2016, the economy grew at 1.5 percent annually. we ve been starving for strong growth. it s the answer to everything. yeah. i agree. and it insulates us from other kinds of worries and anxieties. is that right? i think so. yes. does it? does it? i think so. people are feeling better. right. they re going to behave differently. go ahead. you re a little troubled by this. too much about money? too mu