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Responsibility and Authority, Faith versus Effort Kiddushin 57-60
From the blog of Simcha Feuerman at The Times of Israel
Terumah gedolah
Eynayim hosafos
Bais medrash
Kesef mishne
Chovos halevavos shaar habitachon
Avodah zara
Teruma gedolah
Sefas emes
Siach sarfei kodesh
Shalah shenei luchos haberis
Terumas maaser
Torah shebiksav
Gemara bava metzia
Chovos halevavos
Bava metzia
Beis yisroel
Motivation for Mitzvos and True Wisdom Kiddushin 50-53 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
From the blog of Simcha Feuerman at The Times of Israel
H efa
Moed kattan
Rav sheshe
Rav sheshes
Gemara yoma
Akeidas yitschok
Gemara eiruvin
Yehuda shiur
Shimon hatzaddik
Rav chisda
Lechem hapanim
Yehuda hanasi
Gemara sotah
Machatzis hashekel
Shimon ben gamliel
Daf kiddushin
Divine Justice and Mercy, Pedagogy and Shammai and Hillel Kiddushin Daf 43-46
From the blog of Simcha Feuerman at The Times of Israel
Arvei nachal shabbos hagodol
Arvei nachal
Lekach tov
Radak yirmiyahu
Reish lakish
Mishna shabbos
King saul
King david
Yom tov
Daf yevamos
Sefer chofetz chaim
Tosafos chagigah
Chavos yair
Yerushalmi chagigah
King shaul
Korban haedah yerushalmi
Your True and Soul Self and God s Unconditional Love Kiddushin 36-42 | Simcha Feuerman
From the blog of Simcha Feuerman at The Times of Israel
Cohen gadol
Middah kneged
Rav safra
Gemara rosh hashana
Maharal netzach yisrael
Yom kippur
Choshen mishpat
Ben yehoyada
Ishbitzer beis yaakov vayechi
Shulkhan arukh
Mishna pesachim
Rav yaakov emden
Mishna berura
Rav yosef
Tisha bav
Arvei nachal naso
True Wisdom, Respecting Pregnancy and Believing You Can Fix It Kiddushin 33-35
From the blog of Simcha Feuerman at The Times of Israel
Rav engel
Bava kama
Yom kippur
Gemara letaharas
Rav nachman
Dennis prager
Gemara nazir
Amud aleph
Rabbi yochanan
Sabbatical year
Yosef engel
Beis haotzar klal
General bava kama
Believe that you can damage
Then believe that you can
Amud beis
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