Bigg Boss Kannada 9 is garnering good TRPs, thanks to all the drama and controversies created by contestants in the house. A few are even pulling pranks on their housemates, while a few others are getting into fights over trivial issues. The new contestants are giving stiff competition to the old contestants. Especially, Amulya Gowda's attitude in the tasks and her bond with
Bigg Boss Kannada 9 Elimination: Aishwarya Pissay has become the first contestant to be evicted from the show hosted by Kichcha Sudeep. Post her elimination, the motorcyclist took to Instagram to share a thank you note for her fans.
Prashanth Sambargi is now trending on Twitter after yesterday's episode. From Bigg Boss Kannada season 8, viewers know that Prashanth Sambargi is a high-tempered contestant and loses control over his words during the arguments. In Big Boss Kannada season 8 first innings, Prashanth got physical with Divya U and Aravind KP during several tasks. Later in the BBK8 second innings,
The most awaited fan war of Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 has begun. Since last night, there has been a heated discussion on social media around Prashanth Sambargi, Divya U, and Amulya. The discussion is about Prashanth Sambargi hugging female contestants. BBK9 female contestants were seen gossipping about Prashanth Sambargi over touching them. This issue surfaced after Divya U