of course not this big, but it s all because of trying to pair it with the monstrosity social spending bill that it became so controversial. big infrastructure bills are not that controversial. i think conservatives have a lot to say about half of the spending in this that really has nothing to do with roads and bridges. you maled it when you said monstrosity. david, i look at the numbers and i ve seen some analysis and obviously some numbers we have touched on from over at wharton. let me share something i think people at home will find instructive. this is a heart pron correction. they re talking about the cost being about $1.7 trillions over 10 years, revenues falling short of that, and that s a massive deficit to say nothing of the fact that there s always a little fudging of the numbers and the timeline lines on what we see past here. tell me, am i right about that? you are absolutely right, kevin. this is another big debt spending bill, and americans don t like it.
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predictable but intended. obamacare could only work the only way they can say it s not going to cost the government a penny is if it was a set of a set of insured americans sub-sidizing others the only way would to be pose people out of their own insurance, put them on the exchanges and force them to get stuck in a plan they have no need forks you get them to overpay. excess is used to sub-sidize others. that was the scheme. it wasn t a mistake. it wasn t as if obama saying we didn t draw legislation cleanly. that is the intent and how it s happening, and americans don t like it. now to suggest say well, we sdroent a specific plan yet to help those who dropped from their insurance. they appear to
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for the international stage. and the reason why it s important is because people don t think of their president, and americans don t want to think of their president as somebody who is going to go abroad and embarrass them. in terms of israel, it s one kind of comedian yesterday said, you expect he is going to go to the wailing wall and refer to it as michigas. this guy has a problem. and his real problem is he s a little bit goofy, and he is very awkward, and he constantly puts his foot in his mouth. and people don t want that in a president of the united states. well, let me ask you both. britain was supposed to be the easy stop. it s the olympics. his wife has a horse competing. they speak english there. it s supposed to be easy. now he goes to israel next, and then he goes to poland. what land mines could he possibly step on in israel when he goes there this weekend?