washing, taking hammers to iphones and blackberries, and destroying hard drives and getting away with that? i would be in jail and calling both of you to bail me out. in a rational world, this sounds like an episode of jason bourne. you catch the i.t. guy when he is trying to leave the country when his wife had left earlier with money. a bunch of family members on at exorbitant prices. and then debbie wasserman shultz kept him. is he blackmailing her? is he one of the sources for wikileaks? we don t know. it seems that the people on the other channel would be interested in this if this were a republican in trouble and as opposed to debbie wasserman shultz. sean: take any of these scandals, take out dnc, and put in rnc, you acid wash and bleach bit hard drives, delete 33,000 emails.
i would be in jail and calling both of you to bail me out. in a rational world, this sounds like an episode of jason bourne. you catch the i.t. guy when he is trying to leave the country when his wife had left earlier with money. a bunch of family members on at exorbitant prices.nt and then debbie wasserman shultz kept him. is he blackmailing her? is he one of the sources for wikileaks? we don t know. it seems that the people on thek other channel would be interested in this if this were a republican in trouble and as opposed to debbie wasserman shultz.e sean: take any of theses scandals, take out dnc, and put in rnc, you acid wash and bleach bit hard drives, delete 33,000 emails. sean: well, a special i m thinking, i m paying you a lot of money for the next three years of my life to get me out of what is the impossible.