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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20151201

about what she calls racial slurs that mr. trump used and mr. trump clearly is not happy. >> concerning the issue of the racial slurs and the racial comments that he has made, it was addressed head on. it was addressed head on and we are walking away with the feeling that perhaps after more conversation we will be able to echo the tone at the top as a voice to those that are lacking a voice. thank you. >> what racial slurs are you talking about? >> listen, listen, we had a very productive constructive meeting. we made history today. >> that gentleman says he's endorsing him for the candidate that he claims he got many endorsements today from most of the participants but declined to actually get specific. >> i thought it was an amazing meeting. i thought that i met some fantastic people, some of whom i've known. i thought it was an absolutely amazing -- it lasted for two and a half hours. we came up with lots of good ideas and lots of future ideas but i thought it was an amazing meeting. >> with us tonight, someone who was at today's meeting, the senior pastor with united nations church. bishop, thanks very much for being here. >> glad to be here, anderson. >> when you went to the meeting, what did you expect? >> we were told to have an open mind for donald trump's presentation and if we have any questions, ask them. head on and he would answer. >> how did the meeting go? >> well, i think the meeting went so-so because when it came time when we asked donald trump specifically that he needs to apologize to the black community for statements that he's made, apologizing about the handicap statement that he made and things that he says are and being offensive that you're not going to get our vote. when that happened, ms. om rosa >> said you don't have to apologize to anybody. mr. trump sat there -- >> he didn't say anything. >> not at that point because i don't believe donald trump is really ready to apologize for anything. because we're leading in all the polls. >> that's what his message was. >> yeah, so pretty much because he's leading not polls to me, he loses the sensitivity of the communities that i serve and i posture. >> i know the issue of disability is particularly important to you. your brother was paralyzed in a motorcycle accident. >> yes. >> so when you saw trump do the hand gesture -- >> it's horrible. i asked him specifically, i'm actually -- i'm actually the pastor that asked him that specific question and he said he didn't know who the guy was and i said i want to be honest with you, mr. trump, you and hill move just the same, you do it perfectly. he answered that question and said no, that's not what i meant and i never met the guy and it happened to come out that way. the media plays things out, you know. >> i talked to a number of e n evangelical leaders that have doubts about donald trump and have doubts about his level of commitment, his level of faith. do you after meeting with him, did that, do you believe he is sincere? >> you know, i think donald trump is a businessman. he's an enpatrepreneur, he's a developer and i don't think he has full sensitivity as a politician or people-oriented person like we do because he and pastor mike freeman had a discussion about throwing out one of the black lives matters members during a rally. >> right, got roughed up by the crowd. >> he didn't know it was a black man so we felt like okay, if you didn't know, then why don't you control your crowd? because i do big conferences and my wife i and go to big meetings. i mean, we stand before thousands of people at times and if you are responsible for that many people, even if you didn't know the person that did it or you're not in charge of the person that did it, you could still as the leader of the meeting say hey, we're not going to behave like that, conduct yourself this way. >> was it your feeling that the majority of people in the room would endorse donald trump? the majority of the pastors? >> hard to tell? >> i would say from what i saw, you couldn't tell on a lot of them but maybe 40%, maybe. >> would you endorse him? >> not at this moment, not. not at this moment. there is supposed to be some follow up meetings and developmental changes, hopefully, and we'll see what happens in the followup meetings but not at this moment. >> appreciate you being with us, thank you very much. >> thank you. joining us is jeffly lord and charles blow and former regan political director and charles is neither of those things and author and we're glad both of them are with us. jeffrey, let me start with you. you heard what bishop said, not sold on endorsing donald trump at this point. do you believe it was a misstep for the trump campaign to first of all, advertise this as a unified major endorsement by 100 african american pastors and basically have to walk that back? >> yeah, anderson, i've been around these things a lot and those kind of things happen. when you have groups into quote unquote endorse a lot of times i found and this has nothing to do with being a black pastor, it's any kind of group you have people inside the group who are enthusiastic about the candidate, others who are really doubters and people in the middle. the thing that i found very hopeful was that it was held at all. i mean, this is the kind of thing ronald reagan used to do. he was endorsed as i recall by the number two for dr. martin luther king and that surprised a lot of people in the day and this is certainly the kind of thing my old boss jack kemp would do. so the fact that donald trump is doing this i think is a very good thing? charles, a, do you think this is good and there is this disconnect between trump saying a few days ago maybe a black lives matter protester deserved to get roughed up and trying to do a cell on this or saying he has wide spread support. >> i don't know what this is to be honest about it because i think that any person regardless of kind of religious affiliation or race has a right to endorse whoever they want, however, to come to a person like, you know, mr. trump who has said some incredibly negative, even vile things not only about african americans but about immigrants and about muslims, about women and this is not just about this cycle. anybody who has any kind of historical memory or a search engine can find all of the things that mr. trump has said about people who -- kind of ways to marginalize people and disappoi disappoidi disappoi disappoidi disappoint soesuate is a level i have not achieved yet. >> jeffry, you heard the bishop talking about how he was offended by donald trump mocking "the new york times" reporter who has a physical disability. trump says he wasn't doing that. can you defend him? do you believe he was not mocking the disability of this reporter? >> anderson, i take him at his word but the thing, this is -- >> really? you really take him at his word based on what you saw in the video, have you ever seen him -- >> anderson, let me -- i mean, he does stuff all the time with his hands. he's a hands person. he just mimics and does this and that and the other. >> and a wide stance. sorry, go ahead. >> well, the point is here that i think this outrage is phony and the reason it's phony and i know charles' paper quoted outrage. charles is there. the obama campaign went out of their way to make a commercial mocking john mccain's disability because he couldn't use a computer and e-mail, did your paper say this was an outrage? i mean, they endorsed him shortly thereafter and thought he was a fine fellow. was there outrage then? i mean, i'm asking. >> let me -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> you're not asking me because i'm not answering because that is perfect deflection. instead of dealing with what donald trump did -- >> no, no, no -- >> see, i let you speak -- >> this is indicative. >> jeffrey, let charles answer. >> indicative of the way he reacts and as a supporter you think you have the privilege to act that way to to shut me down or cut me off. that's not going to happen. i take him at his word and when he prefaced his hand gestures with you should see the guy, right? and then comes back and says well, i've never met the guy, then what does it mean to say you should see the guy? that means -- >> why the double standard, charles? >> no, this is the question at hand and you basically said you take him at his word and i take him at his word. those were his words. >> we have to take a break. we'll continue the discussion in a moment with donald trump still speaking tonight. we're going to pick up where we just left off. we'll be right back. >> why would anybody want to watch "the apprentice" with donald trump? then the worst insult i've ever had. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. but i've managed.e crohn's disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. welcome back, donald trump the focus in more than one controversy speaking in mageorg and to see if he makes the claim he saw muslims celebrating. first, he said he saw the celebrating himself, thousands and thousands of people and today asked why no one else can find the video when asked about that and celebrations on the west bank, he said maybe it was erase. back with charles blow and jeffrey lord, we were talking before the break about donald trump seeming, at least i mean, what appeared to be mimicking a reporter for the new york times, he said you ought to see this guy and then as charles mentioned, then he did the gesture similar to a hand gesture that i guess this reporter has as a disability. i want you to respond to charles glow. jeffrey, do you really believe it is presidential for a candidate for the highest office in this land to be, you know, doing that? >> anderson, you know, there is a cross of a couple issues here. one is political correctness. >> it's not political correctness, it's human decency. >> yeah, but anderson, when president obama sits on the set of "the tonight show" with jalen know and says he bowls like he's in the special ocho li olympics ind indecency. >> i believe, i believe there was outrage when president obama just off the top of my head said that on jay leno's show. >> where was the outrage over the commercial? >> i just told you there was outrage about one thing he said. we'll have to check on the other thing but can you answer the question about donald trump, do you really believe it is presidential for a candidate, a president to act like that? >> well, i mean, he says he didn't do it. now -- >> okay, but you're an intelligent guy and this guy -- but you're an intelligent guy and he said you ought to see this guy and spazs with his hands. >> i don't know the guy moves like that. i have no idea, anderson. >> okay, well i work with him. i work with him and i work with him. i've seen him in the newsroom. so -- and i think anyone that who has been in his presence, will know the expanse of his disability and the way he's forced to hold his hands and what have you and i think that it's kind of not right to say you should see the guy and imitating, acting in that way. like you said, you don't know the guy. i do. >> i've met john mccain. john mccain's disability is real. this was a planned commercial and no outrage. that's why i think this is a double standard and goes far beyond disabilities, far beyond disabilities. we want to talk sexual harassment when clearance thomas is nominated to the supreme court -- >> is there anything donald trump could do that you would have a problem with? i understand you're a supporter but people make mistakes. i don't why understand why donald trump as a descent human being, which he must be, say i went too far. i got caught up in the moment. i went too far. i've done stupid things and apologized for them. that's what humans do. >> you got to ask him. you got to ask him. i mean. >> well, he clearly doesn't apologize -- >> he said what he said on this issue. i'm only saying to you i think that this reaction here is about a double standard and the outrage is phony. >> so you wouldn't have a problem if the future president of the united states did this sort of thing, talked like this all the time? do you think that's just a presidential level of talking? i'm not -- i mean, i don't know if you want to call that political correctness or dignity of the office. if ronald reagan was doing that, i think people would be surprised, no? >> well, you know, bill clinton was impeached on presidential behavior so i suppose it wasn't a good thing. >> yeah, there was outrage on that. charles, it's interesting because it doesn't seem like certainly among the people that support trump -- >> this is a double standard. >> i hear you. i understand. >> that's the thing that bothers me. >> i hear you. >> that's what bothers me. >> charles, it does seem like among the, say, for independent voters that might be considering trump, do you think this hurts him because among supporters, they don't seem concerned with this or what he says about muslims celebrating in new jersey on 9/11 even though there is no video evidence which he claims there is because he claims he watched it on television and networks actually do keep video and we have video. do you think among independent voters does it make a difference? >> it makes a huge difference. you have to say you now have and have had about 30% of likely republican primary voters, that is a very small slice of people who would come out to vote in a general election, right? take that small slice and say i don't know if that's his ceiling or floor or whatever it is but hasn't moved much from that point. there is that. and then you have to look at and say well maybe the people who are supporting him actually support him because of the things that he's saying, not in spite of the things he's saying which is the most disturbing part. you have to take some of the lens off of the candidate himself and say, you are supporting this person who has said and done these incredibly vile things and what does that say about you? as a supporter of him. and i think that that really is the question that has to be asked at some point and i do believe that the offense that a lot of people take is because of that because the higher you go in public life, the more impact your words have and so it's not just about pc and not just he's just joking in that moment or that moment or that moment many years ago. it is the fact that this person continues to say this and the very nature of forgiveness is first you admit that you did something wrong, which this person refuses to do and then you say i did it. i'm sorry that i did it. like you said, anderson, it's a human thing. people make mistakes. it lacks certain humanity when a person refuses to admit they made a mistake and will tell you to your face that what you saw with your own eyes and what you heard with your own ears is not what you heard or saw and that adds to the offense. >> jeffrey, i want to give you the final thought. to you the bottom line is this is political correctness and a double standard. >> yeah, the double standard thing in particular. one other quick thing about the muslim comment in new jersey, by chance i had a college friend of mine, a woman call me the other night. she is definitely not a trump supporter. she's not a fan. but she said she, too, is from new jersey and she saw the same thing and she said for what it's worth, i think he's right because i saw it. >> okay. well, multiple police officials in new jersey in various towns have said this is ridiculous, this is not true. this did not happen. multiple officials in new jersey have said that and people said i saw that, too, and lots of people on donald trump have said that but donald trump is saying there is video that he saw it on video. so there should be video of it and there's not. so we'll let the voters and viewers make up their own mind. jeffrey, appreciate you and charles blow, as well. new reports another assault was in the works, plus new details on the paris fugitive that got away. this terrorist still on the loose and shockingly, how far away he may have gotten according to some. the best of everything is even better during red lobster's ultimate seafood celebration. with jazzed up new dishes like the decadent grand seafood feast and the ultimate wood-grilled feast why wait to celebrate? 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>> reporter: well, the information that we have is that more attacks were not only planned but apparently quote ready to go and that certainly is something concerning to the authorities here. again, this comes from a source close to the investigation saying that this came from the cell and his cousin that apparently they were planning attacks on jewish areas here in paris and schools and also the transport networks here in the paris area, as well and of course that was a cell busted in saint-denis. this is certainly something that is of huge concern to authorities here and you can see them clamping down or trying to clamp down on networks here. there is information from the sunday times that apparently they are taking a look at security clearances for a lot of workers at paris' main airport after it's apparently come out that 57 people there were on a terror watch list and still working at the airport, anderson. >> that's frightening. appreciate it. a lot to talk about on that note. joining me is cnn terrorism analyst paul cruickshank. the ring lead there got killed is said to have more attacks. >> this comes from french media and from reuters that the ringleader had actually tossed his female cousin hasn hasna aitboulahcen to buy shoes in preparation for a follow up attack at a shopping district, commercial district, lots of shopping malls over there. this coming out in a confidential witness statement but someone in touch with abaaoud's cousin. the idea they would go and buy really expensive suits, get the female cousin to buy them and blend in in the up scale district of paris for maximum surprise before the attacks. and actually, if you look back at a plot that abaaoud was organizing in january in belgium in that plot, this isis cell members bought police uniforms to gain access to sensitive sites potentially. you have isis plotters dressing the part for terrorism for maximum surprise. of you obviously that would be very, very traumatic for somebody in business attire blew themselves up. >> french and belgium authorities are not on the same page whether or not salah abdeslam, the eighth terrorist from friday's attacks, whether he was in belgium or syria. some believe in france. how could a guy at that point would have been on everybody's radar have actually gotten from belgium where he was last seen or at least heading towards to syria, it seems is it farfetched to you? >> i think it is approaching the sort of farfetched, the idea he would be able to get all the way to syria despite the fact he's the most wanted man in europe on every television local news station this picture flashing up but one also has to say that the ringleader in the attack managed to get from syria to france despite the fact he was on the radar screen in a big way. i think it will be very, very difficult for them to get to syria and also somebody that was exhibiting some pretty poor operational trade craft after the attack asking two friends to pick him up in paris to bring him to brussels. he almost got stopped -- well, he was stopped by the french police. they didn't know who he was, let him go, got to brussels and stopped off in a cafe for sometime. that's not the trade craft that gets you to syria. >> paul cruickshank, thank you. breaking news about the suspect in the planned parenthood shooting. why investigators believe he acted alone. at ally bank no bras equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. pinot noir, which means peanut of the night. working on my feet all day gave min my lower back but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my lower back pain. find a machine at breaking from the norm is never easy. doing your own thing, making your own way can be pretty, well, bold. rickie fowler is redefining what it means to be a golfer. quicken loans is doing the same for mortgages. quicken loans. home buy. refi. power. official mortgage sponsor of the pga tour. there's breaking news in the investigation in the deadly attack in colorado springs. the man accused of killing people friday made his first court appearance. he was wearing a bulletproof vest. robert lewis dear is being held without bond and the judge set the next hearing for december 9th. investigators have not publicly disclosed a motive but he apparently mentioned baby ports and express the anti-government views. we have details who investigators are talking to and whether they believe the suspected shooter had any help. pamela brown joins me with the latest. there is indication a security officer is usually stationed for added security but there may have been a gap in time when one wasn't there, is that right? >> yeah, that's right. officials saying there is a security guard posted at the colorado facility. that security guard left prior to the attack once the patient had come in for the day and the security guard's shift ended and then another guard was supposed to come into work later that day, so this planned parenthood official says basically the security guards work different shifts based on the need in certain areas but in that lapse of time, anderson, robert dear allegedly walked in and launched his attack. >> from what i understand, they believe he acted alone concerning new details about the suspected gunman that may not be so surprising, right? >> right. this is a man that really lived off the grid in this tiny yellow shack in north carolina and moved to colorado in an rv and neighbors didn't know much about him. he did have brushes with the law. he had been involve in a domestic despite with his wife and a neighbor complained he tried to peer into her house and there was a civil citation for letting his dogs run loose but nothing to indicate he would walk into a planned parenthood and launch an attack. investigators are speaking to those who knew him in north carolina, south carolina and colorado and by all accounts, this is someone that acted alone. like other planned parenthood clinics, this one in colorado springs provides a range of health care services to women including abortions and the suspect mentioned baby parts and anti abortion and government views. the attack comes as abortion is a white hot issue on the campaign trail fueled in part by controversial videos made by an anti abortion group about planned parenthood. joining me is cecil richards. >> i want to extend my condolences to everyone at the planned parenthood and the family members of those who lost loved ones. the shooter in this allegedly said to police, mentioned baby parts, apparently had anti-government, anti abortion views. what was your reaction when you heard that? >> i wasn't entirely surprised. obviously, he was there at a planned parenthood health center and but it's very upsetting, obviously. our hearts go out to the families that lost loved ones and to many other folks who were injured, and it is really disturbing to see the kind of hateful rhetoric that's been talked about both about planned parenthood, about the women that come to us and the doctors that provide health care. it's very hard to see these kind of violent incidents that sometimes this rhetoric fuels. >> i want to -- to that point, you said hateful rhetoric and words and harass themement of w and doctors, you've never seen the rhetoric we're seeing from presidential candidates. do you directly link the rhetoric that you're seeing -- you're hearing from presidential candidates to what happened? >> of course, i can't directly link it but everyone in public office, people who are leaders in the country have a responsibility to think about the words they use and language and possibility repercussions. >> you believe some of the language that's been used is not only inappropriate but you believe it can and maybe has led to violence. >> you have to look at what we've seen over the last three or four months. we've seen increased harassment at health centers including planned parenthood and rhetoric that i haven't ever seen in a national presidential election before. again, demonizing women and many of the health care providers that provide services to women. i just think it behooves us in this country to look at these kinds of incidents and take stock of what we can do to prevent them in the future. >> are you taking stock of security at all planned parenthood? >> we always do. we not only work with local law enforcement all the time, we train our staff and we invest in security precautions and thank goodness we did even in colorado springs. it made an enormous difference to work with the local police -- >> there was a secure room and % believe cameras at the facility. >> absolutely. in fact, we worked very closely with the police to ensure they got as much information as they could about the shooter and i think really helped prevent further loss of life and in fact, the apprehension of the shooter eventually. >> since the videos were released, can you quantify the number of threats you've received in terms of has it increased? >> absolutely. absolutely. no, we -- i mean, we've seen -- i know there was just a report not only at planned parenthood but women's health centers across the country, the numbers of harassment has doubled. at planned parenthood we had a clinic in washington that was the target of arson and we had to shut down, although, the planned parenthood staff put up card tables and provided birth control to patients waiting for services and i think that's what we -- so we take nothing is more important than the health and safety of our patients and of our employees, and it's -- but we're also an organization that is resilient and it's amazing to see in colorado after the incidents friday and tragic results of that shooting that our health centers were open again on saturday seeing patients and open all across the country this weekend and again today. our motto at planned parenthood is care no matter what and i feel like our staff has the resolve to make sure that women receive health care that they e deserve and want and free from harm and injury. >> appreciate you being with us, thank you. the first police officer goes on trail in baltimore in the death of freddie gray after being shackled and put in a police van without a seat belt and his death led to massive protests riding the question can an impartial jury be picked in the city? we'll look at the strategy for the defense. ♪ is it the insightful strategies and analytical capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest financial services firms in the country? or is it 13,000 financial advisors who take the time to say thank you? 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>> proving that an officer had a duty to do something and didn't do it and there were consequences to his lack of performing that duty is classic office. >> reporter: three of them facing reckless endangerment for failing to seat belt gray. defense lawyers say they may be a policy violation but criminal? >> if you have an accident and somebody dies for not wearing a seat belt, is that going to rise to the level of manslaughter or murder? >> reporter: the trial aside, freddie gray's death already changed baltimore. >> it made us ask questions we haven't asked in years, how could this be? >> reporter: a city outraged by the death of a young man, will anyone be satisfied these trials will deliver justice? >> miguel marquez joins us. baltimore obviously erupted in protest and rioting. what is the mood like in the city now? >> reporter: we did have protests in the beginning of the day as jurors sat, the first 75 jurors sat and heard those same chants all day, all night we'll fight for freddie gray at night there were about two hours of protest outside the courthouse and marched out to the tourist area of the city. tension. there is a lot of tension in this town. they want to get the first trial going. so far that jury has not been selected. i think everyone will feel better once the trial begins and they can start to feel out how it's going to go. >> all right. miguel, thank you very much. a lot to discuss, joining me sunny hostin and harry and cnn law enforcement analyst jeffrey toobin also federal prosecutor and cnn senior legal analyst. 75 potential jurors were asked if they are unaware of who freddie gray is, does that concern you? >> it doesn't. i don't want a juror that hasn't heard of that case, that's a juror living under a rock -- >> knowledge of a crime shouldn't eliminate someone from or potential crime or alleged crime shouldn't eliminate anybody. >> i don't think so. i think you want a juror that can make a decision based on the facts presented to them despite of the facts they know. >> do you think the jury knowing the settlement tainted them? >> i think so. i do. know why they had to settle now. they should have waited until all the trials were over for all six officers. >> that sends the message something was done wrong. >> if they come out and she stated this has nothing to do if the officers are guilty or not but that seed is planted. >> jeffrey, do you buy that? >> not only were all jurors familiar with the case, they were all familiar with the settlement for $6.4 million. i usually don't think changes of venue are a good idea. i think this case is one to move it to indianapolis or prince george's county. remember, this convulsed the city. this whole city was a crime scene. i really, i just think the opportunity for prejudice is so great here that even though -- >> do you agree with that, sunny? >> i don't. i don't know that you can go anywhere in the state of maryland and not know about that case. so many people were riveted. i think what you need to do is use the jury pool that you have and make sure that you weed out those jurors, weed out those jurors that can't put aside the fact that there was a settlement or know something about the case. >> the judge has said that he will consider a change of venue if after voir dire he can't get a fire jury, but i think it was -- >> what do you make of the fact, jeffrey, officer porter rejected a plea deal. >> i think he has a defensible case. he's going to be the only person who can talk about what happened in that van. so he is going to have a story to tell. now, the jury may not buy it, but you know, we just got finished watching this horrible videotape from chicago. this case is very different. this is a case without an eyewitness to how freddie gray died and, you know, i don't know what the result is going to be but i can see why he didn't plea. >> harry, i heard you say police around the country will be watching what happens to officer porter very closely. >> exactly. once he told the sergeant that gray needed medical attention, his culpability is gone because it's up to the sergeant to make a decision whether or not gray needed medical attention. i'm trying to think what is porter being charged with? he didn't commit any crime here. >> i don't know about that. >> we don't know about that. >> the prosecutors said they want to try porter first because he's a material witness against two others which is why he got this plea -- >> the offer of a plea deal. >> no question. but i think there certainly can be culpability. i think that's why he's been charged but i do think jurors find it typically very difficult to convict police officers. juries like police officers. they believe police officers. so this is by no means a slam dunk but this prosecution. >> i'm sure there is probably a lot that i have not seen yet but very interesting once this trial starts exactly what they have here because i see no culpability at all for porter based on what i've seen. >> remember, also, in a case that has so many complicated racial over tones, you have an african american police officer who is the defendant, african american victim, which, you know, certainly changes things at least in terms of how people might perceive the case initially. the evidence obviously is going to be the most important thing. none of us seen it specifically but i think it's a tough case. >> thank you-all. appreciate it. just ahead at the top of the hour, more on the breaking news, frightening details what the ringleader on the paris attacks was planning, next. believe it. at&t and directv are now one. which means you can watch in the house, in a treehouse, or even in miss pepperpie's house. pause in your pjs and hit play during a pb&j. nice! and enjoy some cartoons instead of listening to dad's car tunes. 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Transcripts for MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240604 17:26:00

it is packed with love and goodness and serenity. >> anderson robert at a vigil, heartbreak still raw on -- saturday. more tributes last night as the men's team played instate rival, michigan, classes resuming monday for the first time since the shooting. >> so, all of this unfolding, as we know, turkey hall, where the shooting, one of the shooting locations, we are told it will not reopen again, at least through the end of this semester. that was the scene a very harrowing and unfortunately deadly scenes. alex, we expect an update from officials here within the hour, as we get ready, again, to bring students back to campus. this is the university of more than 50,000 students, alex. >> yeah, that particular building, the classroom with the professor with whom you've spoken to those students that were killed there, i can


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Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning Washington At 500 20111006

variable wind, not much of the trees. tomorrow, nothing but sunshine high temperatures in the low 70's, a, average. what about the commute? >> average time of the drive means that we have normal delays forming on 95 in dale city. if 66 out of marshall to get to manassas. 270 into montgomery county. no worries on the beltway or 95. let's go to go door still lingering on the inner loop near connecticut avenue. 395 northbound leaving the beltway past edsall road, beautiful as the pentagon. we begin this morning with the devastating losses in the technology world. >> steve jobs, the leader of apple has died at the age of 56. a giant in business technology, and entertainment, he has battled pancreatic cancer around eight years. brianne carter joins us this morning with more on the legacy that he leaves behind. good morning. >> good morning. creative genius, and innovative, those are words being used to describe steve jobs. he is best known for devices that recreated like this, the iphone. it is no surprise that many people found out about his debts through these devices. -- his debt. >> one of the great visionary leaders in america and maybe the world. >> the 56-year-old who battled significant health issues stepped down as ceo of apple the company that he co-founded decades ago. >> recall of the ipad. -- we call it the ipad. >> he was truly an innovator. >> floors and candles outside the apple store. inside, technical achievements. in georgetown customers were singing the praises of the man who was a heart and soul of alcohol. -- of apple. >> he changed the music industry and the way we interact wisps technology -- with technology. >> there are flowers candles and some people wrote on walls outside the store. on the apple website they have a note that says apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, the world has lost an amazing you mean being. brianne carter, abc 7 news. >> we have more details about steve jobs' medical history. a reform of pancreatic cancer in 2004, underwent surgery,, then was cured. they believe the cancer returned and spread to deliver. that's why he had a liver transplant in 2009. we have much more on his life, legacy medical battle, on our website, >> a jury today could seal the fate of a fairfax grandmother and charged with murder. carmela dela rosa is accused of killing her two year-old granddaughter. jury deliberations will resume in a few hours. jummy olabanji has been following this story all week long. she has the latest. >> good morning. this morning the jury will continue to try to figure out whether or not to convict carmela dela rosa of first- degree murder, second-degree murder or not guilty. reason of insanity. yesterday was when the jury began deliberating. that was yesterday afternoon after hearing hours of closing arguments from the prosecution and defense. the prosecution knows the final witness took the stand yesterday, the doctor who testified he believes delaware -- carmela dela rosa suffers from a borderline personality disorder but that she knew right from wrong. her defense team has been trying to argue all week in favor of their insanity case. we should find out later on today whether or not their case is the one the jury believed. carmela dela rosa does face life in prison if she's convicted of first-degree murder. if abc 7 will be inside the courtroom today and we will bring viewers any updates on the case as soon as. reporting from fairfax county, abc 7 news. >> thank you so much. pocket by wall street protesters plan to rally at noon at ec's freedom plaza. -- occupy whole street. that same group protested last night in downtown washington. protests began in new york city and expert across the nation. demonstrators are angry about corporate greed. more coming up in a live report in a few minutes. sarah palin makes it official. she's not running for president. the former alaska governor released a statement last night saying she made the decision after "much prayer and serious consideration." this comes after, a speculation about whether the tea party favorite would enter the race. president obama is set to embark on another bus tour with an official dobbs plan. the president will make a three- day trip through a virginia and north carolina between october 17 and 19. the trip will be similar to the other three-day tours through minnesota, iowa, and illinois that the president did in august. expected that the washington monument are complete. they found cracks and removed some loose pieces of stone. they still say the monument remains structurally sound. there's no time line for when repairs will begin or how long that process might take. 54 degrees outside. >> still ahead how you could own a piece of d.c. history. >> i think it's ridiculous. >> the owner of one of the world's largest yachts is in d.c. and, controversy surrounding the purchase. >> first another check on [ snoring ] [hthunder crashes ] [ snoring ] [ thunder crashes ] [ snoring ] [ ma a announcer ] vickcknyquil cold and flu. the nighttime, sniffling sneezing, coughing aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold... medicine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. ♪ ♪ 5:10 on this thursday morning. >> what's going on? >> not much. pretty quiet weather for the next several days. it is a weather pattern where we will have day-to-day sunshine and maybe a couple clouds. we deserve this. really need this after, all of the damp weather. 47 degrees in hagerstown, 58 in lexington park currently. upper 60 posted to near 70 later on today -- upper 60's to near 70. then a few degrees warmer. strong high pressure building in from canada through the weekend, warning us of a little near 80 degrees by sunday monday and even tuesday. extensive brain is not until wednesday. commutes' is perfect. 70, 95, no problems to report around the beltway. overnight construction taken care of. green light between richmond and baltimore. 66 270, dulles greenway, dulles toll road, and on the trip to the airport all clear. back to you. >> thank you. give a 54 degrees out there. >> coming up, apple will not be the same without steve jobs, but will it be as good? clacks as many as 200 people are expected to flood freedom plaza later today. the message they are bringing, coming up. >> first, the new disturbing phone recordings of michael jackson. man: my electric bill was breaking the bank. so to save some money, i trained this team of guinea pigs to row this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. the best approach to foodod is to keep it whole for better n nutrition. that's s what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal the checking our top stories -- >> [unintelligible] >> prosecutors played a recorded conversation between dr. conrad murray and michael jackson shortly before the singer died in 2009. jackson spoke about a lack of love from his family and his upcoming final tour. if dr. murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter and in tax and debt. bank of america customers are fighting plans to be charged $5 a month to use your debit card. one customer plans to deliver a petition with more than 1000 signatures to a downtown d.c. bank branch today. the bank says that the fee is needed to help it stay profitable. wounded congresswoman gabrielle giffords will attend a retirement ceremony for her husband in washington today. mark kelly, a retired restaurant, spent more than two decades in the navy. >> there's a new book coming out soon from them. the protests continue against wall street. demonstrators plan to gather in d.c. later today. autria godfrey is at freedom plaza in northwest with more on what is in the works. >> good morning. this area at freedom plaza is the latest spot for the protests we have seen all across the country, people protesting agreed and economic equality. they are expected to stop here at noon today and what people to start gathering at 7:30 or eight crops -- or 8:00 this morning. from manhattan to mcpherson square, the octopi wall street protesters are now occupying the district. -- occupy wall street. >> people are coming out of the woodwork. >> the planned march today to protest corporate greed. d.c.'s demonstration will focus specifically on corporate money in politics. >> that's why i am here. clearly there's enough money in the economy, but it seems to be going only to 1%. >> mainly the middle class is what many are marching for, demanding help for they say needed most. >> america is fed up with just being forced into poverty. >> anywhere from 70 people up to 200 people are expected to make it to the march, garnering more attention with every step they take. >> i know we will not change the system overnight's fall but for this spreading to other cities, is already a success. >> they are planning a march to the chamber of commerce's this afternoon. overnight protests we have seen in new york turned violent. police had to use pepper spray to get the block under control. so far nothing like that has been seen in d.c. back to you. >> thank you. here's your chance to own a piece of d.c. history despite. cause from the hawk and dove bar are being sold at an online auction. the capitol hill and mark closed last weekend after more than 40 years in business. everything from to signs and posters will be auctioned off today and tomorrow. >> the redskins owner is generating a lot of talk around town. his new yacht is estimated to be worth $70 million. take a look added. she is believed to be among the 100 largest in the world. it includes a five-story spiral staircase, a library, a gymnasium, six state rooms. he is not confirming the price tag, but you can see more pictures of it on a special photo gallery on our website >> that's a happy lady. cracks apparently. >> you have to wonder how much it takes to fill up at gas tank. >> i don't wanna know. moving on -- >> wi-fi users are not as secure as they think. tanya rivero gives us the inside scoop. >> what is next for apple after steve jobs? opinions are mixed. some analysts say that he left apple in good hands and the company is very strong right now. others like this university professor say that apple will struggle without him. >> it is a tough to keep inventing things and coming up with great new things. steve jobs was the main reason apple was able to do it. >> the question is whether apple will be able to follow his vision while also adapting to changing marketplace. most wi-fi usersshould be doing to protect their security, but not all of them actually do it. top mistakes are weak passwords and not turning off automatic --. google eric posneearth application has been downloaded more than 1 million times. i am tanya rivero. shaping up to be another beautiful day where i can open my windows like yesterday. >> we call it fabulous. you call it boring. >> it is boring. i am enjoying it. we really need this. august and september ended over 5 inches above average in terms of precipitation. the first four days this month we had rain fall. sunshine yesterday and today. i could get used to this weather for the next week. 55 now when the district, 48 in gaithersburg. 47 at andrews air force base. 54 in leesburg. we have a couple clouds out there early this morning. that's all. just a few clouds to speak of. that is all we will have to talk about for the next several days. comfortable temperatures and a few ships in the weather pattern by the end of the wheatweekend. clthere is snow fall in parts of the u.s. we are still in the omega blocking patterns. we are on the nice side of that. sunshine and comfortable temperatures, near record warm temperatures in parts of the midwest's with a big rig stretching into canada. the upper 60's today. total sunshine. low 70's tomorrow, sunny skies. sunny weather all the way through the weekend, 80 degrees by sunday. mass-transit trains on time. no accidents on the beltway or the interstate. quiet into the district. northeast, 16th street, massachusetts avenue nothing there and nothing from park police. 270 uneventful, headlights are southbound in the clarksburg. next we take you across the american legion bridge. traffic getting away from a store tysons. we are good near the pentagon on 395. back to you. >> thank you. 5:21 5 degrees3. >> a close play. stole the spotlight at last night's phillies/cardinal's game. >> you will meet women who survived her six situations and are standing up and taking their lives back. this woman's ex-husband starter in the face. now he is out of jail and she is afraid. >> it gives me chills down my spine. he is angry. >> how to recognize the problem and get away and rebuild your life. >> it's not going to get any better. >> that today on the next "anderson." robert gibbsrts hits one hight. >> when the series shifted to the desert, the picture went into a meltdown, giving up 18 runs over two games. the series moves back to wisconsin for a decisive game 5 on friday. the brew crew had their best home record in baseball this season. >> now tim brant has the other matchups in the nationally. >> let's start with baseball. cardinals facing postseason elimination last night playing the philadelphia phillies. the cardinals came out ready to play. let's go to st. louis, where things got squirrely early. this guy threw a pitch and a squirrel started across home plate and into the stands. maybe it was an open, but across home plate. i think i will go get a hot dog. here's the story of the game. the matter had this almond in the bottom of the sixth inning. the cardinals beat the phillies 5-2. game 5 is tomorrow. tiger woods has its first endorsement deals since the downfall two years ago. an ambassador for blacks. meanwhile, he went through his final practice session yesterday and these off this morning. we will have the highlights of the first round tonight at 5:00 and 6:00. have a great day everybody. 55 degrees outside. >> the news continues in at 5:30. >> still ahead in the next half- hour -- >> it was an instinct i heard somebody yell for help and i responded. >> what helped this woman tricked an attacker. >> it could be decision day for local grandmother on trial for killing her granddaughter. i'm outside fairfax county court with a preview of the case, coming up. >> adam caskey in the weather center. it's a boring weather pattern but we could use it. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] when you're a true fan... [ exhales ] ...there are no sick days. [ crowd cheering, screaming ] vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. [ snorg g ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil c cd and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching fever, best sleep u u ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, won't you be good to yourself? ♪ ♪ and don't you feel like coming home? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it'll be like coming home ♪ [ male announcer ] some rooms feel like a fish bowl. but in our roomy suites, you can spread out and live a little. with breakfast, dinner and drinks included, you'll feel right at home. ♪ la la-la-la-la la la la ♪ ♪ ♪ live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> there's no reason not to follow your heart. >> that is exactly what steve jobs did for nearly three decades as a visionary leader four technology giants apple. people all around the world are mourning his death. good morning, washington. nearly 5:30 on this thursday, october 6. thanks for waking up with us, i am cynne simpson. >> i am natasha barrett. we begin with traffic and weather every ten minutes. adam caskey as the forecast. >> i am not complaining about boring in this situation. we have had enough rain and enough dampness and gray skies in our weather. nothing but a sunshine for about a week. temperatures right now, 51 in northwest d.c., and 57 in mclean 49 in clarksburg, 47 in frostburg. nothing but sunshine. wall-to-wall sunshine today, 69 for the high temperature. a few degrees warmer tomorrow, the skies. sunny skies all the way through the weekend, but near 80 degrees by sunday. we have a warming trend in the future. nothing but good news in traffic. overnight construction is gone, no accidents on the interstates. metro rail on normal service. traffic moving nicely in college park. green lights along the greenway, the toll road, 66, 270. back to you. >> thank you. today apple is going to reinvent the phone. >> that announcement changed the lives of millions all across the world. we continue with a loss of steve jobs. >> he died of pancreatic cancer last night. people are reminded of how is amazing provision for technology has changed our lives forever. brianne carter joins us with the legacy of steve jobs. good morning. >> good morning. everywhere you look you can see the impact steve jobs and on technology. just walking down the street you can see the ipod, the iphone, the ipad. outside the georgetown store you can see all the love people had for that creator. flowers, candles, and notes this morning out here. he really has changed the way people communicate with one another. six weeks ago the 56-year-old stepped down as ceo of the company that he co-founded decades ago. in his final years he was an inspiration and a continued innovator. he transformed new devices into near necessities. while his mark will not be missed, many people say that it will be forgotten. perhaps the latest unveiling that we just saw from apple about the iphone 4s, perhaps maps-- that s will stand for steve. two women were attacked as they walked along a busy road in suitland on september 27 and october 4. this was all on silver hill road near the suitland metro station. if a man with a gun forced the women behind a building. the man sexually assaulted one woman. the other managed to get away. police are trying to figure out if the attacks are related. d.c. police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a woman hit by a car. it happened last night on wisconsin avenue in northwest d.c. a source tells us that it appears the woman was hit by an unmarked police vehicle. at this point d.c. police and fire are not commenting on the accident. the woman was taken to a local hospital. the question today is was it a deadly decision? a jury could decide whether to convict a fairfax grandmother of murder. carmela dela rosa is accused of throwing her granddaughter from pedestrian bridge. jummy olabanji joins us outside the gfairfax county courthouse with the latest on the store. >> 50-year-old carmela dela rosa is not far from where we are sitting in a jail cell. later on this morning the jury will gather in the courtroom behind us to decide whether or not to charge her with murder or say she's not guilty due to reason of insanity. the jury has been listening to testimony for about two weeks now. yesterday they heard from the prosecution's final witness, a doctor who testified that he believes carmela dela rosa supper's from a borderline personality disorder, but he said that he does not believe she is insane and does not believe she was insane last november when she talked her granddaughter over the walkway and at tyson's corner. her defense team has been trying to prove to the jury all week that their client is insane. the prosecution said that she was motivated to kill her granddaughter because she was angry at her daughter and son- in-law. this case will be back in court this morning, during expected to deliver it several hours. as soon as we hear any update from the jury, anything they decide, if we will bring up all that information to our viewers on mine and on-air -- on line and on air. a 25-year-old woman trapped an alleged purse snatcher. carolyn was walking in an alley in downtown hagerstown last friday a wednesday realized that a woman was following her. >> she came up behind me and put her finger in my back and that she had a gun and wanted my purse. i started screaming. >> ashley saunders was driving by and presented the suspect into getting into her car by offering to be her get away. once the woman was in the backseat, she locked the doors with the child safety feature and call police. officers arrested the suspect. good work. quick thinking. >> that is very brave. it's 53 degrees. >> still ahead -- protests against wall street. d.c. joining the masses. and how far this is spreading across the nation. >> if you are not careful, you will be expected to pay up. >> ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra soft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. we all go... why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. time to check things outside. let's go to adam caskey to see what's going on. >> don't get used to this weather. similar conditions day after day. the only thing that will change is temperatures will rise a little every day and all the way up until about sunday when we reached 80 degrees for the afternoon high. right now, 47 in hagerstown, 50 in cumberland, 52 in culpeper 58 in annapolis and lexington park. temperatures will drop a few more degrees as we go through the morning until sunrise, which is a little after 7:00. total sunshine today, a few scattered morning clouds. 69 for the high temperature locally. we will be near 70 for the most part. a little warmer southwest of the metro. mid to upper 40's tonight, low 50's's within the beltway. no big changes tonight compared to what we have right now. if nothing but sunshine all the way through the weekend , the weekend80 by sunday and monday, columbus day. b-w parkway northbound, accident. park police scrambling and arriving at the scene. northbound before 198, vehicle off the road into the woods on the left. northbound, the crash near 198. southbound is open and quiet. southbound 270 moving nicely at 28. in virginia, normal volume, 66, 95, 395, everything is open. back to you. >> thank you. 5:40 53 degrees. >> coming up, dozens of new jobs coming to d.c. thanks to a popular discount clothing store. >> autria godfrey at freedom plaza where protesters are expected to arrive later today. the message they are bringing to the district, coming up. >> let's move, the [ male announcer ] one-hundred-nineteen data points. this is what we can gather from an ordinaryy crash test dummy. two million data points. this is what we can gather from a lexus crash test genius. [ engine revving ] when you pursue industrleading safety you don't jt engineer breakthroughs in simulation technology youngineer amazing. ♪ ♪ [ speaking french ] [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, ut the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your intert rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah. i am the executive chef of food and friends, where we prepare and deliver meals to people with hiv, cancer, and talented illnesses. >> good morning, washington. the world is mourning the loss of a man who transformed the way that we work, play, and entertain. steve jobs of apple died at the age of 56. the iphone, ipad, and ipad. he lost his fight to cancer. 50-year-old carmela dela rosa is charged with killing her two year-old granddaughter angelyn off a pedestrian walkway at tyson's corner center last year. a jury is deliberating. officials found some cracks of the washington monument and remove pieces of stone that broke free during the august earthquake, but the monument is structurally sound. looking at the day ahead, it is a movement moving forward in the streets of d.c. anger over unemployment, corporate greed, and war will take center stage downtown, probably occupy wall street protests that started in new york and have since spread across the nation. autria godfrey is at freedom plaza, where dozens will start gathering in a few hours. good morning. >> good morning. we have seen the protests all across the country people are protesting wall street greed and economic inequality. freedom plaza will be the latest stop in d.c.. there are arriving and around 8:00 this morning and will march around noon to take their anti- capitalism message to anyone from the new zealandseum to the chamber of commerce, anyone will listen. they come from every walk of life from college students to union leaders. they're protesting corporate greed. d.c.'s demonstration will focus specifically on corporate money in politics. the movement is built on the idea that there's plenty of money flowing into the economy but it's only it's the top 1% 0 seems to be seeing any of it. it's the other 99%, mainly the middle class that many are marching for. this will garner attention and even more support with every step they take. about 3:00 this afternoon they plan to march to the chamber of commerce to denounce the chamber's support for big corporations. in new york city overnight the protests did turn violent with police having to use pepper spray to try to get the mob under control. we have not seen anything like that so far in d.c. they are planning to start the march and supplies of around noon today. -- starting march s freedom plaza around noon. concerns are growing about overcrowding in arlington county public schools. officials announced yesterday that in two years there will be 800 more students than seats. the student population is growing by 4% per year. trailers and our service classrooms at half the county schools. and authorize signs have been popping up along maryland highways. officials are taking action. state and local governments will be allowed to issue a $25 fine for each sign that is placed illegally. the warning time is now in effect. those fines will go into effect on january 1. >> a new clothing store will bring dozens of new jobs to d.c. next week. ross has asked d.c. and plummets services to find workers. of 65 people the company has hired so far, 40 were not employed. the city's unemployment rate is at 11.1% right now. michelle obama want to jump into the guinness book of world records. >> next tuesday the first lady will kick off a 24-hour of dumping tech talent. she will lead hundreds of local children in doing one minutes of jumping jacks on the south lawn of the white house. officials from the guinness book will be there in attendance to oversee the event. to break the record, more than 20 cows and people around the world will need to do jumping jacks for 1 minutes during the 24-hour challenge. are you guys ready? >> that reminds me of the m- class as the kids and our teacher ron when you would get out of line and he would make you get down and do burpees. -- gym class. >> they don't mess around in minnesota. >> i am loving the weather. >> it's beautiful. kind of a boring weather patterns for a meteorologist, but i'm enjoying this. some of the cold as numbers i could find on the network this morning, 41 in middletown, 42 in mount airy, 44 in rockville 45 and sterling. calm wind, light and variable all day and for the next couple days with high-pressure selling in -- settling in. lexington park is a l58 along the water. we have a couple clouds early this morning to speak of. you might see a few clouds this morning. that might be all for today all the way to the weekend. that's because of the overall weather pattern. i've spoken about the omega blocking patterns where the jet stream is shaped like the greek letter omega. sunshine and comfortable conditions, near record heat in parts of the northwest to do? that's rich. the average high is 72 for us. we will be in the upper 60's today. a few degrees warmer tomorrow in the lower 70's. wall-to-wall sunshine today all the way through the weekend. warming up a little. that is one change will experience. 80 by sunday through tuesday. as of now, the next shot at rainfall is wednesday. so this is a great chance for us to dry out and open the windows and let the fresh air circulate. that's the forecast. i have a live picture from newschopper 7, a wreck on the datab-w parkway northbound before 198. they moved it to the right side of the highway. single car crash. someone slightly injured. we will have to wait for more equipment. northbound on the way to nsa, no delays. they will back to the right. southbound cannot see it do to the trees in between. we will have more from the traffic sides in less than 10 minutes. stick around. back to you. >> thank you. 5:51. it is october, so you might be thinking about halloween costumes for yourself or for your kids. charlie sheen tops the list of this year's most popular costume for adults. you can get a mask in his likeness and there's a shirt with his catch phrase "winning." and the cigarettes to a company that. other big names this year will be lady gaga snooki from the jersey shore. for children it's all about the cute little "angry birds." >> i have no ideas what i will be. >> i thought of going as needed a -- as niki manaj. investors are turning their focus to apple and its future. >> linda bell is at bloomberg headquarters in new york. good morning. >> good morning. steve jobs has made a massive impact on apple. apple's stock prices rose 9000% when he returned to the company in 1997. in the past two years the shares of more than doubled. moving forward, tim cook faces a talented of pushing into new markets such as china with the company generated $4 billion in most recent quarter. that is up sixfold from a year earlier. the company is also turning its focus to icloud, a service that lets customers access their pictures music, and other information across its devices. that rolls out on october 12. apple revenue it record $65 billion in fiscal 2010 with analysts predicting they will exceed $100 billion this year. president obama called steve jobs one of america's greatest innovators, adding up the world has lost a visionary. by building one of the planet's most successful companies from his garage, exemplifies the spirit of american ingenuity said the president. that is business news, linda bell reporting for abc 7 news. back to you. >> thank you. 5:53 to 53 degrees. >> you are watching "good morning washington." 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[ snoring ] [ iidistinct talking on tv ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ ♪ an international pop star has accepted a job at the white house. yesterday president obama appointed colombian singers akira -- shakira for hispanic issues. some star power there. >> there's your halloween costume. you could been her and you could stathake it. is the color of your car last season? silver is out, according to one study. stay with us to find out what color is in. >> he was an innovator creator of the things we use every day now. steve jobs is being remembered for all that. details coming up in a live report. >> lisa baden is coming back to help you navigate this thursday morning commute. traffic and [ female announcer ] can a health insurance company be ahead of the curve and still completely behind you? dave thinks so. he's putting two kids through college. ♪ ♪ and aetna's payment estimator lets him compare in-network specialists and out-of-pocket costs. ♪ ♪ so he knows what to expect before getting the bill. money saved. ♪ ♪ see the savings. aetna. know more. get better. mourning the loss of a modern-day thomas edison. the technology world remembering apple founder steve jobs. >> waiting for a verdict in a high-profile murder trial. today jury debates carmela dela rosa's fate. >> hitting the streets of washington to protest what is happening


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