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Transcripts For DW DW News 20221009

ola sholtes is social democrats. celebrate an election victory in the state of lower sacks. with soaring, inflation and energy crunch. the vote was seen as a test of confidence in the national guard. and in sports max 1st stop and claims his 2nd formula, one title in a row. but dangerous driving conditions and a close call with a recovery vehicle overshadow his victory and raise serious questions about formula one safety ah. andre spicer, welcome to the program. we begin in ukraine, or at least 13 people were killed and dozens wounded in a russian missile attack on the southeastern city of operation. the missiles had an apartment block and other residential buildings. rescue crews are searching for survive. nurse, the city is under ukrainian control, but it is part of a region that russia says it annexed. last month. the small ring chasm is where apartment had stood. the top floor collapsed, ours after a garage or missiles had houses, and high rise buildings and aboriginal his old couple who lived in one of the nearby apartments are shaken by the brush with death . the 73 year old woman broke into tears as she spoke inside her damaged apartment . took no mercy. mitchell, there is nothing in the area, no industry and military, no military factories. why are they bombing us? why not? but we're in the so many others have lost their homes and somehow managed to escape as their buildings came crumbling down. we ran out into the street and we left the corridor. a neighbor run out with her eldest son and she screamed that her husband was dead. and the whole wall was torn out. their apartment fell into our apartment . got you? going to a great deal when you bring him president, whether the news, the landscape of the dock was absolute, evil might people he called savages and debtors. meanwhile, emergency what goes continue to look for survivors. and what is the leaders in the threes of deadly attack from the freesia and miss tyler came a day after a huge explosion, badly damaged to bridge, connecting russia to the occupied peninsula of crimea. officials in moscow, se limited traffic has now restarted on the bridge, which partly collapsed. russian president vladimir putin blend ukraine for the explosion and called it an act of terrorism. ukraine had repeatedly threatened to strike the bridge, but did not take responsibility for the blast. at earlier i asked security expert, don't tell us agra most so if the bombing of the residential building, since our region could have been a retaliation for the attack on the crimean bridge, i think so, i think this really very much fits weight that put in some sort of usually modus operandi after there is some kind of a mainly tree as sort of defeat or retreat or he faces some kind of very difficult situation on the ground. and he just reacts by indiscriminate bombing of c, v n of c v n a infrastructure and civilian targets. that has been very much, he's his way of responding. so i think this is what we expected as an immediate response. i'm not surprised at all. it's very, very sad, i think a very sad reality unfortunately. and the kremlin however, of course, always claims that it's targeting military infrastructure or supply lines. but we keep getting these attacks on civilians. are you or can they not aim properly? mean what, what, what is it possible explanation here? i think it is really a sort of a i desire by putting to sort of punish ukrainians. ah, because he doesn't have the possibility to or ab, you know, operate effectively on the ground militarily. so he uses the instruments that he has, which is to try to fry down on scare and punish that population in the hope that maybe they might turn against that leadership on. they might sort of in a way of surrender in some fashion, upward pressure on their government to change its policy. but i don't think there is a clear, you know, strategic operation along the logic in this. i think it is purely sort of i response of sort of anger and punishment and i'm building asked on base many, many it's sort of part of his way. the way he operates is done this in ukraine. he's danita injection. yeah. you know, he tends to, to sort of respond with brutal forcing the hope that that would eventually sort of break them or sort of the willingness to find about as we've seen in ukraine. i mean, it doesn't really work. yeah, i need really indicate how he's sort of military capabilities are, because he's not in a position really to respond yet i affectively on the ground military. just briefly, if i'm a professor about that bridge attack, will that significantly her russian supply lines in the self of the country and across are the occupied parts of ukraine? yes, because i think that this was one of the fastest and most effective, you know, lines of communication as we know russia transpose most of its military equipment via re roads. so this was a way, very foster sort of provide supplies to try me. and then from crimea, which has become a major military hobby. now to send addition, i mean, it supplies to both and the credit on the front, but also to separate easier region and also to maybe talk on self rather to the. so i think this is going to affect, you know, initially the sort of that the ability of russia to supply united sell more effectively. i'm rapidly that in that area was dom until a sucker, most of king's college in london. let's take a look now at some of the other stores making headlines around the world. hurricane julia is battery in the caribbean coast of nicaragua. forecasters are warning that heavy rains may cause flash floods and mud. slides. storm is forecast to emerge over the pacific and then hit el salvador and guatemala. the incumbent, alexander, vendor belin, is on course to be re elected as austrian president projection show, he received 55 percent of the vote to secure another 6 year term. and to avoid a run off for exit polls show the center left. social democrats have won a clear majority in regional elections in the germans state of lower sacks. the party of german chester ola sholtes took 33 percent of the vote. main rivals, the christian democrats trailed with 27 percent election is being seen as a test of confidence in sholtes is government, which is battling an energy crisis and a looming recession. earlier i spoke to political correspond hands branch and i asked him if these results come as a surprise, it's not surprising that so democrats managed to stay ahead, managed to retain being the strongest party in this region. there was a surprise to, in the extent to which the conservatives last votes lost support and this vote. and that's also fed into the other surprise of the election. and that is how well the right wing a populace, a f t. the alternative for germany. how well they did. they got just about 12 percent of the vote at that us are clearly a protest vote. they're gonna vote for both from the social democrats and from the conservatives. and from the market liberal free democrats, so that the big winners really of this evening are the right way populace. and that is a warning to germany as a whole. there clearly is quite a potential for protest and for dissatisfaction in the population. ok, well you just told us about one of the sort of national lessons that can be drawn from this regional pool. are there any other i messages for the rest of germany or any other instances of what the significance is nationwide for these results? as i think it was clear that this regional election was fought on the basis of national policies on the problems with the inflation with energy prices, all the parties involved with pay little attention to regional issues. so the vote was clearly a vote also on the policies of chancellor schultz and his social democrats and of the coalition. that he is the governing with the, involving the green party and the market liberal, free democrats. and for that coalition of this verge, especially for the social democrats and the greens, that will be a confirmation of their policies. they will see this as support for what they have been doing. why that coalition partner, the 3 democrats, the market, liberal free democrats have been doing very badly in this region and might end up not being in parliament in this region. as one of the shots and the greens are really the winners of the regional election. and will feel confirmed and their policies in germany as a whole. ok, i guess sometimes not all politics is local as the saying goes, political correspondent. hence brandt. thanks so much for that. ah. baxter staffing has grabbed his 2nd straight formula. one title after winning the japanese grand prix. it was a dramatic race in poor weather conditions and included an incident that invoked memories of the suzuki circuit tragedy in 2014 chaos and confusion at the japanese grand prix were weather conditions caused major visibility problems. he has a look at just how dreadful it was. spanish driver color signs losing control over secret. the red flag was eventually shown, the race was stopped and resumed nearly 2 hours later. but serious questions were raised about the safety of it. all attractor crane on the track. before all the drivers had returned to their pits, caused disbelief. french drive, pierre ghastly, was one of those drivers. here you see just how close he got to one. the instagram post was made by none other than jewell bianca's father who wrote no respect for the life of the driver. no respect for jewels memory. incredible. beyond he of course lost his son f. one driver, jewelled beyond. key june hid, attract on the same japanese track and in similar weather conditions. back in 2014 maclaren, driver, land or norris also expressed his anger at formula one. how has this happened? we lost a life in this situation. years ago, we risk our lives, especially in conditions like this. we won a race but this unacceptable. but there was more confusion ahead. red bull driver marks for shot and finished for us. but would he be given full points since the race didn't go the full distance? has he or has he not one? i think it may be of chinese for you maybe have changed for you. come back in, charlotte, all 5 2nd penalty there. to hi nancy and the fact that the race was suspended and not abandoned handed trash happened the title. well, how can i say incredible force? yes, we're supposed to do it here. if one of the whole, the home, the people, all the japanese lands fish that contains his 2nd street formula, one title with 4 races remaining at safety concerns overshadow his victory. turner football. now darkman and by and munich have faced off in the biggest clash in the buddhist league and known as dare classic her dormant. we're hoping to bucket trent with buyer and having 19 or the last 10 encounters. and thanks to a last 2nd goal, they were able to hold the mighty barbarians to a, to all draw. the legendary yellow wall at dort, men's acknowledged una park was throbbing ahead of the much anticipated clash with arch rivals buyer munich. but by iron wood deflate doors, men's hopes with just over half an hour gone. leanne garris doing the honors his sir, reading through a sea of legs to put the visitors up one meal. and that's how it stood at half time . then 8 minutes after the restart the rice and a made it to nail for buying the floppy department. defending put the ball in sunny pan and keep her alex maya could only diverted into the top of the net. but 20 minutes later with time and hope running out for jordan and anthony modesta set up the super mckoko to cut by and lead to to one my dad doing a great job to retain possession and mckoko firing path. manuel. no, yeah, that's a 90 minute mark. bio kingsley come on, did some pulling and tugging and cut my d. amy. and he was sent to an early shower. now with buying a man down and added time, don't mean kept pushing him a death bag. the equalizer and the home team rep did any motion? neat goes like the back putting the ball right where my death good head home. to all the final score and the draw felt like a win for a man who stay level one points with byron in the title race. and that's all we have for now. up next is shift living in a digital age. find out how robot dogs are challenging real ones. i'm the spicer, thanks for watching the news . people in trucks injured was trying to see the city center. more and more refugees are being turned away at the border family playing phone tag. to leave craig.


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181123 03:02:00

nissan moves against its legendary chairman officially ousting carlos ghosn after his arrest on financial misconduct charges but the french have yet to act on the star executive who also beats we know. and the european union may be a single market but it's not an even playing field for fostering high tech business we look at whether the e.u. can really create a digital single market. i'm stephen beers in berlin thanks for joining us the board of nissan has voted to fire chairman carlos cohn he remains in jail on suspicion of falsifying financial reports on japanese car the japanese carmakers french partner renault is meanwhile keeping going on as chief executive at least temporarily naming an interim c.e.o. just yesterday a major rift is threatening to open between the two companies endangering the profitable alliance the french and japanese economy ministers even met today over the matter. it was an equally awaited decision in tokyo and around the world for hours nissen's top executives held consultations with their c.e.o. hero to a psych hour then it became clear go and must leave his position as chairman of the site is expected to be his temporary successor. carstone has clones from the plush surroundings of his executive suite to a spartan cell behind the walls of this tokyo jail rumors that management was behind his fall from grace spread like wildfire. it's a source of coup de tat by nissan those who didn't like him tonight's him internally to make him full. carlos ghosn is one of the most successful also company bosses of all time in one thousand nine hundred six he began restructuring struggling french carmaker ran zero three years later he engineered the alliance with nissan he soon had this company back on the road to success as well but a no holds a forty three percent stake in a sand giving the french a lot of power in the company through to even appointing than is on board the japanese company has only a fifteen percent stake in reno leaving it with no effective vote or power in its french partner a complete merger would have cemented possession as the weaker partner even though the company is performing better than ran oh the as sting of goan could signify that the japanese automaker wants to expand its influence and its alliance with frog this right now. it's complicated story to help us unravel this a little further let's turn to andre spicer the cast business school in london andre we heard french and japanese officials met today on the subject what do you know when they're talking about. on the one hand you can imagine the french officials perhaps making a case for going he's a representative of all of right now representative the french company and also has turned around the company the japanese officials i could imagine are presenting the evidence which has been put to the knesset and bold about misuse of company and sits but also misreporting of pay this would probably raise logic questions about corporate governance in the group after all if a company cannot tell you how much exactly their chief executive is getting paid what can i tell you now you heard in the piece there that there's some speculation about what's really behind this or if there is something more to the story is there any reason to believe that the accusations presented by nissan are true well at this stage is there's not that wall we have is the accusations which in essence has put forward clearly there's a clear interest on the part of newsstand to push forward these allegations and and present them fairly but on the other side you could argue that there's a clear interest on the part of to to cement and keep their position and try and keep together the alliance which if going indeed does go could begin to fall apart or at least be called into question now both sides say that they want a profitable alliance to continue but obviously they face a lot of challenges maybe you can tell us about the. well the most the biggest challenge is some ways is the question about the equality between the different groups so we know that. nissen makes around about sixty percent more cars than what then does renault its partner bought renault holds forty three percent of control in sound so it means that a rhino is the stronger controlling partner despite being in a weaker position there's also kind of questions about japanese corporate governance at stake here so japan has been through a kind of larger reform of corporate governance in the last few years this is boortz into the prospect that logic companies could from external companies could have a stake in the japanese economy and perhaps this is an example of some of these anxieties being expressed through this particular tussle obviously a lot of national interest at stake here two well known car companies with big histories where would this alliance be or would this alliance be where it is today without going considering all these complications yeah dawn was the absolute lynchpin of this alliance is the kind of ideal they have also man some people have called him so it's spent his average month one week in france one week in japan then two weeks anywhere in between so he was clearly trying to bring together a global alliance now with him removed it's like removing the lynch pin which holds these companies together which then brings many analysts to question whether they're going to move towards closer integration such as some analysts was speculating a merger was on the cards or begin to kind of go their own separate ways and that would raise rather large questions for the actual future strategy of h three of these companies so plenty more to watch in the weeks ahead andras pfizer in london many thanks thank you. think of high tech startups and you might think of silicon alley in the u.s. or china where the tech scene is flush with cash but you're also both success stories like spotify or skype the market there is fragmented however and member states vary in terms of digital investment so can the e.u. create a single digital market computer programming begins at a very early age in a stone in the small baltic states is regarded as a pioneer of digitalisation it's where skype was founded and became a global player digital conditions differ widely in the european union global successes like skype are rare nordic and baltic countries are way ahead of the e.u. pact though when it comes to digital development denmark tops the blocks index for economic and social digitalisation followed by sweden and finland the stone is the ninth position germany comes in fourteenth pretty much mid-field in the e.u. used twenty eight members rumania is the digital taillight for high speed digital network is paradise for business and some countries authorities now even offer digital services to citizens but with much key business and government data now accessible on the web countries are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. so what role can the e.u. itself play in fostering digital to vellum meant christian asked european commission vice president. who hails from a stonier whether the e.u. can become a global player in the digital sector. for example when talking about robotics of all time period systems europe is to be doing grandly weddle and also when speaking about solutions based on not officially intelligence using small volumes of states and then those solutions are greatly here in europe the best in the world so we can be proud about some kind of solutions we already created here in europe and when thinking about artificial intelligence about industrial data then i think the europe as a really good chance is to compete with a much bigger countries and a much bigger service provider this why does germany occupy only in the field of vision and europe at best what needs to change we have to great teach the single market in the european union and instead just have huge single markets with more than twenty hundred million healthy customers in fact we have twenty eight relatively small markets and for startups for. the young companies it's pretty complicated to scale up here in europe we when we will continue with the fragmented europe we've sent the really bad message to our small feet stay at home or go to the united states where they already have huge single markets with more free hundred million have the customers of course we don't want to send that's kind of message is to always start up so we have to create a single market in the european union and here you have a problem with germany i don't think we have a problem with the chairman and when speaking about artificial intelligence and then i'm very happy about our national strategy we share the same violin and even actions we are planning to take or they are exactly the same on the level of their p. and you own a gun here in germany i think. that in many heel member states including in germany people they caught that this understanding that when acting alone we are not able to compete with much beer countries or who are global service providers. i'm talking about high performance computing kovach contemn computing about cybersecurity but also about your artificial intelligence we have to join our forces in the air appear and the only and only then we will be a bill to compete with those global service providers are countries like the united states of america or china is a vice president thank you very much for the interview about them. thousands of tunisians have taken part in a general strike to demand higher wages the demonstration has grounded planes and closed schools a powerful labor union called the strike after a break down and negotiate with the government the union wants a monthly salary hike of up to thirty euros for all civil servants the protests calm as the government faces pressure from international lenders to reform its economy. and that's it for us i'm stephen thanks for joining us. they make a commitment. they find solutions. in stronger. africa on the move. stories from people making a difference shaping their nation. and their continent africa on the move the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands ok. the series from her god. dot com africa. hundreds often use in the night clubs. where i come from rajoy remains an important new soft transmitting to a new stand for mission and when i was young my country was in the glory of the news conference the war throb enough to keep most people would cause that


Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181122 23:02:00

nissan moves against its legendary chairman officially ousting carlos ghosn after his arrest on financial misconduct charges but the french have yet to act on the star executive who also the u.s. will know. and the european union may be a single market but it's not an even playing field for fostering high tech business we look at whether the e.u. can really create a digital single market. i'm stephen beers in berlin thanks for joining us the board of nissan has voted to fire chairman carlos coned he remains in jail on suspicion of falsifying financial reports on japanese car the japanese carmakers french partner renault is meanwhile keeping going on as chief executive at least temporarily naming an interim c.e.o. just yesterday a major rift is threatening to open between the two companies endangering their profitable lions the french and japanese economy ministers even met today over the matter. it was an equally awaited decision in tokyo and around the world for hours nissen's top executives held consultations with their c.e.o. hero to a psych hour then it became clear go and must leave his position as chairman of the site is expected to be his temporary successor. carstone has plans from the plush surroundings of his executive suite to a spartan cell behind the walls of this tokyo jail rumors that mr management was behind his fall from grace spreads like wildfire. it's a source of kuttab by nissan those who didn't like him tonight's tim internally to make him full. carlos ghosn is one of the most successful also company bosses of all time in one thousand nine hundred six he began restructuring struggling french carmaker ran zero three years later he engineer the alliance with nissan he soon had this company back on the road to success as well but a no holds a forty three percent stake in if than giving the french a lot of power in the company through to even appointing than is on board the japanese company has only a fifteen percent stake and ran no leaving it with no effective vote or power in its french partner a complete merger would have cemented nissen's possession as the weaker partner even though the company is performing better than ran over the as sting of goan could signify that the japanese automaker wants to expand its influence and its alliance with france's red now. it's complicated story to help us unravel this further let's turn to andre spicer the cast business school in london andrea we heard french and japanese officials met today on the subject what do you know they're talking about. on the one hand you can imagine the french officials perhaps making a case for going he's a representative of all of the right now representative the french company and also has turned around the company the japanese officials i could imagine are presenting the evidence which has been put to the nests and boards about misuse of company and sits but also misreporting of pay this would probably raise logic questions about corporate governance in the group after all if a company cannot tell you how much exactly their chief executive is getting paid what can i tell you now you heard in the piece there that there's some speculation about what's really behind this or if there is something more to the story is there any reason to believe that the accusations presented by nissan are true well at this stage there is there's not that wall we have is the accusations which in essence has put forward clearly there's a clear interest on the part of me send the push for these allegations and and present them fairly but on the other side you could argue that there is a clear interest on the part of brando to to cement and keep their position and try and keep together the alliance which if going indeed does go could begin to fall apart or at least be called into question. now both sides say that they want the profitable alliance to continue but obviously they face a lot of challenges maybe you can tell us about the. well the most the biggest challenge as some wise is the question about the equality between the different groups so we know that. this one makes around about sixty percent more cars than what then does renault its partner bought renault holds forty three percent of control in sound so it means that iran i was the stronger controlling partner despite being in a weaker position there's also kind of questions about japanese corporate governance at stake here so japan has been through a kind of larger reform of corporate governance in the last few years this is boortz into the prospect that logic companies could from external companies could have a stake in the japanese economy and perhaps this is an example of some of these anxieties being expressed through this particular tussle obviously a lot of national interest at stake here two well known car companies with big histories where would this alliance be or would this alliance be where it is today without going considering all these complications yeah gone was the absolute lynchpin of this alliance is the kind of ideal they've also man some people have called him so it's spent his average month one week in france when we can japan then two weeks anywhere in between so he was clearly trying to bring together a global alliance now with him removed it's like removing the lynch pin which holds these companies together which then brings many analysts to question whether they're going to move towards closer integration such as some analysts were speculating a merger was on the cards or begin to kind of go their own separate ways and that would raise rather large questions for the actual future strategy of each three of these companies so plenty more to watch in the weeks ahead under a spicer in london many thanks thank you. think of high tech startups and you might think of silicon alley in the u.s. or china where the tech scene is flush with cash but you're also both success stories like spotify or skype the market there is fragmented however and member states vary in terms of digital investment so can the e.u. create a single digital market computer programming begins at a very early age in a stone in the small baltic states is regarded as a pioneer of digitalisation it's where skype was founded and became a global player digital conditions differ widely in the european union global successes like skype are rare nordic and baltic countries are way ahead of the e.u. pact though when it comes to digital development denmark tops the block's index for economic and social digitalisation followed by sweden and finland a stone is a ninth position germany comes in fourteenth pretty much mid-field in the e.u. is twenty eight members rumania is the digital taillight for high speed digital network is paradise for business and some countries authorities now even offer digital services to citizens but with much key business and government data now accessible on the web countries are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. so what role can the e.u. itself play in fostering digital to vela bent christian asked european commission vice president. who hails from a stone here whether the e.u. can become a global player in the digital sector. for example when talking about robotics of all time period systems europe has to be doing grandly weddle and also when speaking about solutions based on artificial intelligence using small wonder sulfates then those solutions are greatly here in europe where they are the best in the world so we can be proud about some kind of solutions we already created here in europe and when thinking about artificial intelligence about industrial data then i think the year present really good chances to compete with the much bigger countries and a much bigger service provider this why does germany occupy only in the field of vision in europe at best what needs to change we have to great teach the single market in the european union and the states have huge single markets with more than twenty five hundred million healthy customers in fact we have twenty eight relatively small markets and for startups for. the young companies it's pretty complicated to scale up here in europe we when we will continue with a fragmented europe we've sent a really bad message to our small fifo stay at home or go to the united states where they already have huge single markets with more than one free hundred million have the customers of course we don't want cent of us kind of messages to always start up so we have to create each the single market in the european union and here you have a problem with germany i don't think we have a problem with the chairman and when speaking about artificial intelligence and then i'm very happy about our national strategy and we share the same violin and even actions we are planning to take because they are exactly the same on the level of the r.p. and the owner and then here in germany i think. many heel member states. of people they caught that they saw on the spending when acting alone we are not able to compete with much bigger. or why those. i'm talking about before most computing. but also. we. only then we would be able to compete with those global service for a wider us or contras like the united states of america or china because of us president thank you very much for the interview about. thousands of tunisians have taken part in a general strike to demand higher wages the demonstration has grounded planes and closed schools a powerful labor union called the strike after a break down and negotiate with the government the union wants a monthly salary hike of up to thirty euros for all civil servants to protest the government faces pressure from international lenders to reform its economy. and that's it for us. thanks for joining us. they say that you mean the technology digital advances are transforming the world. is humanity ready for. the second season of our documentary series the founders foundation. join german founders. as they explore our digital future. sally starts november twenty fourth oh b.t.w. . i don't think that that well i guess sometimes i am but i said nothing which is that we should have been thinks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotypes of the question but here think the future of the country that i'm not full time. yet need it seems ridiculous grandma's day out to me it's all about ok. i might show join me from the gem and sunday to be a. post every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word published in the book. rico is in germany to learn german and why not with him it's simple online on your mobile phone and free to suffer from d w z e learning course nikos fake german mating see. the vikings voyage the seas new team far and wide in europe from their bases in the


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