Social service, criminal justice, health care. All these systems have to be held accountable to ensuring equity. Even to that extent, we have to have conversations about how we recognize injustice. I would like to add the name of Tanisha Anderson to the list of those killed at the hands of police. We mention, tamir rice, eric gardner, michael brown, and we have to uplift the name of women who have experienced disproportionate abuse or had died at the hands of police. The conversation has to happen every day in every setting in order for us to move past as a move past hour past as a country and our present. I have heard people say we just have to get over it. But we have iterations of disproportionally and racism today. These are conversations that have to happen. We all have to be collectively a part of that. In the same way that we have many people of various races and ethnicities and ages uplifting the black lives matter movement. You will see black and white people and latino people
Focusing on racism and the impact on communities. This is one hour. Good afternoon, and welcome to the city club of cleveland. I am a junior at hawkins school. Thank you very much for coming to see our panelists today. The goal of the council is identical to the city club. It is to host conversations, debates, and discussions that empower us to further understand the world around us and the people that comprise it. I am pleased to introduce our form entitled a conversation on race. As i want freedom just as you. In many ways freedom has been granted to races of people subjected to oppression throughout our nations history. There is a difference between freedom and liberty. Freedom being a state of being and being able to make decisions without external control perhaps being guaranteed by government. Liberty can be different. It is freedom granted by society and the world around us. In light of the recent deaths of Michael Brown and others we wonder how far we have come. Many racist law
Host bell guest welcome to the city club of cleveland. Im a student in gates mills and a plot pro member of the youth council. Thank you for coming to see our panelists. Our goal at the council is identical to that of the city club. It is to host conversations, debates and discussions that empower us to engage in further understanding of the world around us. It is for that reason that it is my pleasure to introduce our forum today, entitled a conversation on race. Langston hughes wrote in his peace, democracy that freedom is a strong seed planted in a great need. I live here and one freedom just as you. It may be safe to say that in the age we live in, freedom has been granted to races of people who have been subjected to oppression throughout our history. There is a difference between freedom and liberty. Freedom being a state of being, that of being able to make decisions without internal control. Liberty can be something totally different altogether. In regards to freedom granted by
Taxes whether we make a little bit of money or a lot. This is our system. We have to take control. I ask all of you to take control of it because 10 or 20 years from now, your children and grandchildren will look to you and ask you what did you do for me, to save me . We have to demand better. We cannot allow these choices that are made in our name to continue to drive wedges and to give us a distinction we should not have. The land of the free cannot be the land of the locked down. [applause] i want to thank you all. This will conclude our moderated portion of the forum. I will lead it over to kenya for mid of forum announcements. Hello. I am a member of the Youth Council forum. Today, we are enjoying a Panel Discussion on racism in America Today featuring andreas gonzales, jonathan gordon, and bashir jones. Lately, as im sure you know, racism in america has been sparking a lot of conversation and controversy. I believe that it is our duty to stay informed on such a controversial topi