While we await the release of the changes in the official conforming loan limits later today (many lenders and MI companies went to $750k in October, the CLL will probably increase around 6 percent for 2024 to around $770,000, and to $1,155,000 for high cost areas), both vendors and lenders continue with changes, instituting workweek reductions, furloughs, pay cuts, and layoffs due to overcapacity… Much different than a couple years ago when those same companies couldn’t hire people fast enough. Things rarely stay the same forever, whether it is in mortgage banking, shipping, or population. For example, there’s this: “Amazon Takes the Delivery Throne From UPS and FedEx.” Is Texas losing population? No, but here’s yet another example of a sensationalist headline that would make you think so: “People are leaving Texas over rising costs, partisan politics, and a sense of disenchantment.” Paging down a bit shows, “Over 494,000