Andrew Wing, a 28-year-old Brevard native, literally shifted gears when he started his own business restoring vintage windows during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Pageant of the Masters was in the midst of auditions in May for the first performance of the summer. Several of our artist friends, Andrew Wing, Dion Wright, Leonard Kaplan, and my husband Robert Tanner McCarron, were deciding if they wanted to enter a juried showing of their paintings and then have to pay for a booth on cold concrete to display their art.
The Maine Press Association awarded scholarships to three Maine journalism students in January two of them from the University of Maine. Recipients of 2023 scholarships are Grace Bradley of Orono, a UMaine senior and editor-in-chief of Maine Campus Media; Hope Carroll of Portland, a UMaine junior in the Honors College and opinion contributor to […]
Lewiston • Anthony Pelletier, 38, of 37 Tessier Road, Livermore, on a warrant charging failure to appear in court, at 10:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 5, at 64 Oxford St. • Kathleen Cochran, 42, of 53 Hampshire St., Auburn, on a warrant charging eight counts of failure to appear in court, at 11:50 p.m. Thursday, Jan. […]