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>> reporter: that's a really tough question, alex. it has been a difficult week for the people in orlando who have had to come to grips with what has happened here. one of the things i will say, we started the week with one of the most horrible acts of hate you could ever imagine and almost immediately, there was an outpouring of love. you saw the hospital talk about how they jumped into gear and every morning, we come into work and we drive past the memorial and it just grows, steadily, every morning. people who knew the victims adding messages, adding flowers, people who didn't know anyone but want these victims to know they are supported and loved, adding their own mementos to this. from this act of hate, we are just seeing this incredible outpouring of love here in orlando. what people are telling us now, that needs to continue. the news camera crews, we are going to go away eventually. the people here will still be left with this hole in their heart and it is important that people keep them in their thoughts, keep them in their memories and continue to reach out to see bha people here in orlando need. >> some measure of comfort there for those families seeing how this community has rallied. let's go to politics. a new report is shedding light on donald trump's staffing including a surprisingly low number of staffers on the ground. hallie jackson is awaiting a trump rally. what is the campaign saying on it? >> reporter: the campaign is making the argument that they are running an unconventional campaign and the staffing choices will be unconventional as well. there is a focus inside trump's campaign on these battleground states, steel states like nevada and colorado, where they think they can be successful in trying to turn them or essentially win over those states. the real concern for the trump campaign is going to be what kind of boots can they get on the ground in order to turn out voters in a general election? trump often touts, as recently as yesterday, how many victories he has had, home republican voters come out and support him. it is a different ball game in the p election. he will need several times as many to come out and back him. the question is whether or not he has the ground game organization to do that. >> what about the expectations of what you will here from behind the podium. typical stump speech, is that what we are expecting? >> reporter: most likely. he has been doing that all week, talked about the shooting in orlando, the second amendment, terror. these are pillars that he has built his campaign on. i want to play you a little bit of sound from one of his rallies in texas yesterday. listen. >> we have one after another. we have tragedy after tragedy. it's a tough situation but largely to an extent he is blaming guns and i'm gonna save your second amendment, folks. i'm gonna save your second amendment. >> so that was in texas, a deep red state. obviously, we are here in nevada. what's a little bit different is the setup. normally, we see trump on a setup with the audience splayed out in front of him. this is more from a cirque du soleil theater, in the round and stadium seating for the audience. the crowd is beginning to file in. there were some pretty lengthy lines outside in the casino. the other interesting note is the celeb factor. wayne newton, a trump backer, walked in with us. he wasn't sure whether he would be on stage but he will be on the front row. >> well, it is las vegas and donald trump does have a pen chant for entertainment. let's go to political headlines. senator elizabeth warren wrapped her first speech. during her keynote speech, she went after donald trump just as fiercely as she has been on twitter in recent weeks. >> here is a man who builds a business to profit off other people's pain. donald trump wants to be commander in chief but he is only qualified to be fraudster and chief. trump thought at trump u that he had picked on people who were weak and defenseless but now they are striking back and they have sued the thin-skinned racist bully. >> meanwhile, growing tensions between donald trump and the gop. house speaker, paul ryan, has no plans to unendorse trump but in an interview which will air on "meet the press" tomorrow, he is taking the pressure off fellow republicans to vote for the presumptive nominee. >> the last thing i would do is tell anybody to do something that is contrary to their conscious. this is a very strange situation. this is a very unique nominee. i feel as a responsibility institutionally, as the speaker of the house, that i should not lead some chasm in the middle of the party. that would knock us out of the white house. >> the comments have come amid a new report from "the washington post" which suggests dozens of goep delegates are exploring new ways to stop presumptive nominee, donald trump, one month before the start of the republican convention. meanwhile, trump is wrapping up his rhetoric. this is what he told supporters at a rally outside of houston last night. >> it is a radicalization. it is a hey tratred, a deep-sea hatred. president obama is trying to make terrorism into guns. it is not guns, folks. it is not guns. it is not guns. this is terrorism. you put me in there, we're gonna save that second amendment. we're going to save your guns. they are not going to take away your bullets. they are not going to shorten up your magazines. they are not going to do anything. we're going to preserve it and we're going to cherish and that's what we have to do. >> trump will hold two rallies upcoming in las vegas. the later to start an hour from now. the other in phoenix tonight. bernie sanders and hillary clinton have no events today. within this last hour, the presumptive democratic nominee and former president, bill clinton, issued a statement on the birth of their second grand chooild. it reads in part, we are overjoyed to be grandparents again with the arrival of our grandson, aidan clinton mezvinsky. chelsea and aidan are doing very well. in bucks county, pennsylvania, authorities have found 12 girls living in a home with a 51-year-old man. he is charged with sexually abusing one of those girls. morgan ratford is outside of that home. bha is the latest? >> reporter: upwards of 15 authority figures outside this police barricade. it appears they are taking things out of this house. this investigation is expected to last several days after three adults were arrested and 12 young girls found secretly living inside this home with a 51-year-old man. acting on a tip, police came on a disturbing scene, 12 girls ranging from six months to 18 years old living secretly inside the home of a 51-year-old man. lee caplan has been arrested and charged with sexual assault expected of fathering two children with one of the girl. >> this child gave birth through other children through an inappropriate relationship. >> police are investigating the allegation that the parents of the mother now 18 sold her to caplan when she was just 14. authorities are still trying to identify the other children. >> as far as i know, we haven't been able to locate birth certificates or any kind of paperwork. >> reporter: neighbors grew suspicious of the boarded windows and the girls behavior. >> multiple times i have seen young girls, of various ages dressed mostly in amish clothing. >> he is growing tall weeds. i see children in the driveway. i am like, there is something not right here. they are never at the school bus. >> reporter: the neighbor felt she had to call authorities. >> they looked sad and fearful. that's what made me call. >> reporter: the 18-year-old's parents are also in custody, believed to be members of the amish community and now face child endangerment charges. they have reached out with knowledge to the amish community for help. they don't know how long the girls are living in caplan's house and holding all three adults on $1 million bail. >> reporter: this all comes as a shock to this otherwise pretty idyllic neighborhood. she is charged with three counts of assault and corruption of a minor. police will continue investigating this home. >> senator elizabeth warren rips donald trump in a scathing speech in this last hour. but does that mean she is thinking about being hillary clinton's running mate? 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(announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. now, back to our top story. new details in the investigation of the orlando terror shootings. nbc news has learned a psychologist whose name is on omar mateen's gun permit as having performed a psychological test on mateen says she never performed that test. it is not known how per her name came to be on that permit. new documents show mateen talked about bringing a gun to a florida corrections training program in 2007. 49 people were killed last sunday after mateen opened fire on the pulse nightclub in orlando. mateen died in a gun fight with police. let's bring in james woolsey, chairman of the foundation for defensive democracies and former director of the cia under bill clinton. i want to explain to viewers that we do have a bit of a delay with you. we now know that omar mateen had caught the attention of federal and local authorities years before he went on the spree in orlando. nothing came of the investigations. how do you think he fell through the cracks? well, i'm pretty sympathetic to the fbi on this. they have various constitutional restraints such as habeas corpus and others they have to observe when conducting a domestic investigation. the federal bureau of investigation, not the federal bureau of stopping crime. they look into crimes usually after they have occurred. now, if they have a chance to stop one, they will if they can do it legally under the con strictures that they are under. just because they have some information doesn't mean that they can arrest someone or take an action of that sort. they may be able to stop him from getting a gun or from taking some action of nthat sor. >> does it bother you that the owner of a local gun shop claims that omar mateen, that he didn't know by name because he didn't purchase anything, but came in talking about large amount of ammunition and heavy armor. he was concerned about him. he turned him away from the shop, didn't sell him anything. he called the fbi, said to them, this guy is suspicious. he had him on videotape. again, no name. no one followed up with him. talk about what the fbi -- when they decided to follow up. what are some of the requirements to follow up on a call like that. >> keep in mind, i was on the other side of things. i was on the cia side. so i'm not the best source on this. i would think that the fbi would be working together with local law enforcement on something of this importance. that sounds like a pretty clear signal. so they might have had someone from their team including someone from local police check this out. i'm not sure why it didn't occur. if they checked out everybody that they got a signal like that on, they would probably exceed their personnel limits rather substantially. >> mr. woolsey, in politico this week, several senior intelligence officials are quoted as saying, in many of the thousands of counter terrorism cases the fbi invest gaths a year, what determines who is merely aspirational and who might someday be operational is often just an agent's or squad's intuition. in your experience, sir, is that accurate? is there not a better way to tell precisely who might be a risk? >> i think it's tough. it is a little bit like telling who is lying on a polygraph. some people give an indication they are physically. others it kind of comes down to reading their body stance and so forth on behalf of the polygraph op pore ray to opper ray tore. it may be somewhat like that. this is hard work. it is not work the cia is usually involved in. again, i say i take my hat off to the bureau for working hard on something like this even if they missed it. i must also say that those signals that you described sounded like something that someone should have checked out. whether it should have been the bureau or local law enforcement, i don't know. >> director woolsey, i'm curious what you might say to critics who are going to argue this the intelligence community seems a step behind. it is still looking for more traditional signs of radical radicalization, increasing religious fervor, more trips abroad. that no longer applies to many terror suspects. b what do you say? >> well, if one is looking abroad, that could well be the cia. if they get information or even a hunch that someone is a terrorist back in the u.s., they ought to notify the bureau or probably it would be the bureau. we've had, for example, in the leadup to 9/11, we had a situation in which there was a justice department memorandum that barred the cia and the fbi from talking to one another in circumstances dealing with counter intelligence, because of the concern that the government might use information pulled in for counter intelligence purposes to prosecute a criminal case. so the government is very punk tillus about this. it is not particularly the cia or the intelligence community. we mainly operated overseas and recruit spies, other things but that's what we do. we are not in the business of trying to find someone who may be about to commit a crime if we do turn somebody up, the cia i am sure will tell the fbi. that's normally not what you get as a cia or dia intelligence officer, trying to obtain information about the enemies, potential enemy's military capabilities and the like. >> former director of the cia, thank you very much for your insight. we very much appreciate that. a firsthand account of just how easy it is to buy an assault rifle. my guest tells me how it took him and a colleague 30 minutes but could have really just taken five. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? 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(screams) road trip! whahhhh hahaha... road trip! to politics, donald trump kicking off the first of two rallies in less than an hour. it comes at a time in worsening favorable ratings among african-americans and latinos and growing tensions within the party. senator elizabeth warren used trump's hurdles to fire up democrats at the new hampshire state convention. >> donald trump calls african-americans thugs and muslims terrorists and latinos rapists and criminals but democrats believe that racism, hatred, injustice and bigotry have no place in our country. we believe that black lives matter and muslim and latino families are an important part of the fabric of this great country. we are ready to fight for american values. >> joining me now, betsy woodruff, politics reporter for "the daily beast" and molly hooper, congressional reporter for "the hill." >> betsy, i'll begin with you first. do you think elizabeth warren could turn out to be hillary clinton's biggest weapon against donald trump? >> we see a relate ability with elizabeth warren than hillary clinton can struggle with. it wouldn't be quite unprecedented if she picked a woman. that said, clinton, as a campaigner, tends to be a bit conservative, not idealogically of course but the way she makes campaign choices. having a woman/woman ticket might be something she feels a little uncomfortable with. we know she is looking at a variety of other senators who are male to get on board with her. you watch elizabeth warren and look at supporters and the fact that she is trying to shore up p progressive support for her candidacy. there is a strong argument within clinton lanld that she could be a smart pick. >> i like how you spin na. it wouldn't be so unusual to have two people of the same sex on the top of the ticket there. molly, what do you think about clinton/warren, that would be a ticket that would defeat trump or would warren serve best as a surrogate? >> if you see what's going on, warren is out there causing trump to go off his message a bit when it comes to the women issue or progressive issues. she kind of serves as that bernie sanders figure if you will. so she will be good to have on clinton's size for sure. >> i'm not sure if hillary clinton would like to run with somebody of the same sex. from what i understand, she has better relationships with someone like cory booker from zhuszh or julian castro, the hud secretary. >> it should would be interesting wechlt would hear a lot of poke ka hon tuss references. >> sanders engaged in keeping his revelation alive. is that an outcome of xlin ton making a concession to sanders? >> there have long been reports literally that debbie wasserman schultz is getting marginalized within the dnc. i will believe it when i see it. she has support problems. she is a very controversial figure in the democratic party. however, we also know one of sanders biggest focuses when he is trying to get the maximal concessions that he can when he is planning how he is going to bow out, one of his biggest focuses are nuts and bolts and opposition to the trans-pacific partnership. he would love to say the democratic platform saying they oppose that treaty. trade is an essential part of bernie sanders campaign. that would be so controversial, because it would be an in-paper reputation of president obama's trade policies. bernie sanders is very much go big or go home. making that happen will be extremely challenging. in the meantime, there is likely to have some love lost. >> molly, what kind of negotiating power do you think sanders gets if he con seeds and endorses clinton? does he get more power the sooner he does that? >> no, i don't. he has learned if you really want to get something in a bill, you are not going to sign on immediately. you are going to hold out. you are going to hold your cards and have people come to you. what can we do to sweeten the pot. he does want to influence this party platform. issues controversial to the democrats, they are discussing the platform right now. one of the issues is the israeli situation, whether to leave jair u alem out of the platform. he is not the most pro-israel member of the democratic party. he wants to stay in until the bitter end to make sure he can maximize his leverage and shore up the support for hillary clinton that she will need from his motivated base that aren't necessarily motivated to vote for an establishment nominee? >> i want to ask you both this question. the trump veepstakes. does anyone come to mind? if not, why not? >> i'll go to you first. betsy, you go first. >> one name i hear regularly is jeff sessions, senator from alabama, the first senator to endorse donald trump and one of the very few high-profile republicans who didn't sharply criticize and repudiate his comments on judge curiel. session has been largely uncritical of trump and the controversial statements he has made. we know trump values loyalty and cherishes people who don't needle him publicly. bob corker, of course, was another rumored name. when reporters spoke to him last week about trump, he literally looked like he was about to become physically ill. it remains to be seen if he is still in the short list. >> it is interesting that betsy says jeff session. jeff sessions is the one that is coordinating the weekly meetings on capitol hill among trump surrogates. it is his office that is putting these on. >> what does he bring to the ticket? >> he is in the same position with trump when it comes to trade, immigration, about the wall. he was a judge. he has had a lot of years on capitol hill legislating with democrats and for conservative causes. he brings a lot of legislative experience. >> his state electorally is alabama. >> look at bob corker, he is tennessee. trump recently told bloomberg he is really looking for, he has narrowed it down to four to five candidates for vice-president that actually have a lot of legislative experienced and who are seasoned in the art of making a deal in terms of legislation. >> since donald trump says he is not going to announce his nominee until the convention, we have a few weeks to talk about it and banter about those names. thank you, betsy, thank you, molly. just how easy is it to buy an ar-15. apparently, you can get one in just minutes. we are going to show you how it is done next. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ the bego where you goith you they have weight but are not heavy they teach they inspire and when they happen to you or maybe when you happen to them take these moments for all they're worth only in minnesota welcome back, a firsthand account about how difficult it is to buy a rifle like the one used on sunday in the massacre. they estimated there are likely more than 3.7 million ar-15 style rifles here in the u.s. two "huffington post" reporters came to find out how hard it was to buy it. >> you and your colleague gee to orlando for a gunshot for the purposes of your article. how long did it take you to walk out of that shop with the al-15? >> it took exactly 38 minutes. we actually had a timer going. we basically called around to a few shops and figured out the requirements. my colleague, andy campbell, had a washington driver's license, his permanent residence there. we went to the store. we called around to a few to see if they would let us go in and film. we got negative. we went in as private citizens. andy bought the gun. it took 38 minutes only because the background check process took a really long time to get him in cue, because so many people were going to stores to buy guns similar to the one that were used in the orlando massacre on sunday. this is going on all over the country t ma. it made it harder for him to get flew the background cue. that was the only thing that took extra time. >> it wasn't that the background check was so extensive. >> normally, he said on a normal day, it would have taken five, six, seven, eight minutes. every time there is one of these shootings, people get paranoid, they think the laws are going to change. in fact, our laws haven't changed all that much. they go out in hoards to pick up guns before anything changes. in fact, below the tv, they had a picture of president obama emblazoned with the word, firearm salesman of the year. >> so your colleague, andy, actually purchased the weapon. why not you? >> because my driver's license is not from a state where there is state laws that allow ar-15s. washington has laws that allow ar-15s. new york does not. as a new york resident, i wouldn't have been able to legally purchase the gun. >> what did you guys do with the rifle? >> afterwards, we took it back. we wrote our story. it was sitting in the trunk. we called the store, which we didn't identify, because we didn't think that was important. we think the policy issues was important. we called the store. we identified ourselves as reporters. we let them know we were going to do the story. they asked that they not be named. after the story, they didn't want to take it back. the police took it and the gun will be destroyed. >> as you look back on the ease with which you bought this weapon, what are your thoughts? >> i thought it was disturbing. we knew it was going to be easy. a lot of people wrote stories about how this was an easy process. we wanted to walk through for people for a first-hand experience. to give you a few examples, to obtain a driver's license, you need several types of i.d. and to pass a test. to get a marriage license, you have to pass a knowledge test or you have to pass a three-day waiting period. none of this applies to the purchase of rifles which you can buy in the state of florida at the age of 18 before you can get your first beer. another example, i am a type 1 diabetic. for me to buy a syringe in the state of virginia, i need to provide my identification and to put myself into a registry and provide a doctor's prescription. it is very unsettling that we have such little restriction on these types of weapons that are unique to american society. >> roque planos from the "huffington post," thanks for doing that story. >> thanks for having me. speaking at the new hampshire's democratic convention, senator warren focused much of her speech slamming donald trump. kasie hunt joins us from washington. what all did we say? >> we have played a few chunks that are pretty fiery. give us more. >> elizabeth warren functionally practicing this role of attack dog against donald trump. she has taken upon herself over the course of the last couple of months. it started when she issued that first kind of storm of tweets that has caused donald trump to respond to her and then she delivered a major speech at an event in washington where she tried this out again and today she was up in new hampshire at a democratic party event. take a look at what she had to say. >> hillary clinton is a fighter. she has been on the receiving end of right wing attacks one after another for 25 years but she doesn't give up and go home. she keeps at it and then there is the other side, the big, loud, and i mean loud, elephant in the room, donald trump. every day, we learn more about him. every day it becomes clearer that he is just a small, insecure money grubber who doesn't care about anyone or anything that doesn't have the trump name splashed all over it. >> she, of course, really is able to go a little farther in these attacks than hillary clinton herself might be able to. you heard her essentially insulting donald trump in that way. this is raising the specter of an elizabeth warren vice-presidential pick. warren was in the brooklyn headquarters of the xlclinton campaign talking on friday to a cheering group of clinton staffers. she and hillary clinton working to develop a personal relationship. warren met with clinton at her home here in washington a few days ago. all of this, of course, fueling speculation about whether or not warren on the ticket might allow democrats to bring progressives out on to the campaign trail. warren could continue to play the role she is currently playing in attack be trump without ending up on the ticket, alex. >> we don't have much time. we should say congratulations to the clintons. the reason hillary clinton may be off the campaign trail is because of aidan. >> chelsea clinton and her husband announcing the birth of their child. they issued a statement saying mother and baby are both doing well. park place, the first family visits a national treasure next. ooh... >>psst. hey... where you going? 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because of that extensive experience in this area, it's a higher onus on hillary clinton to prove that she's going to either make changes to the obama administration's policy that can sort of improve, at least the publics' confidence in their safety, or stick to the obamacare poli-- obama policy. >> potential problems for donald trump? >> when something like this occurs, this sort of tragedy on this scale in particular, we have the deadliest mass shooting in american history. thought to be the deadliest terror attack on u.s. soil since 9/11. it sets up a commander in chief test, which is the criticism that the clinton campaign and many others including some republicans directed at donald trump all along. if he were elected, could he take the 3:00 a.m. phone call. what we've heard in response to the tragedy is a lot of rhetoric, a lot of misinformation, actually, with in it in his first speech and playing into people's fears. he had some success doing throughout the campaign, but it doesn't necessarily hold up when you look beyond the rhetoric to the substance of what he's saying to give the people confidence he would be able to take the call. >> without strong immigration policy, donald trump has predictpredict ed thousands upon thousands of people from the middle east would pour into the u.s. with no security screening. how likely is that? >> this is a case in point, in the wake of the orlando tragedy, he emphasizes immigration. this is a u.s. citizens born in new york who committed this horrible act. it's not an immigration issue. so what that is tapping into is sort of this sense of otherness fear as a potent political tool. it may be effective but it's not necessarily accurate. the obama administration has raised the cap on global refugees from 70 to 100,000 in 2017. certainly not all from the middle east, which is one of the things he said. he said immigrants are pouring into the country. in addition to that, the u.s. of the amount they pledged to try to take in from the syrian refugee crisis, that population, in particular, we've only taken in some 4,000. so a lot of these -- this rhetoric we hear is not necessarily accurate. in addition to that, the refugee screening process for the united states is one of the strictest in the entire world. it's an average of 18 to 24 months for someone to be let into the country. the u.n.'s refugee agency goes through an extensive background process to start with and the u.s. begins its own. it's strict and difficult to do. which is part of the reason which the u.s. has let in 4,000 so far. to suggest there's no security clearance whatsoever for refugees from the middle east. besides it's not relevant to the orlando tragedy, it's not accurate. >> so, umm, clinton's proposed policies, are they tough enough to convince americans that she can't keep them safe? >> well, there's some criticism in her speech, to some extent, focussed on we need to step up the campaign against isis. there's a very, very robust debate within the national security community as to whether more military strikes against isis would necessarily detur any sort of lone wolves we've seen that had deadly success in the u.s. but that said, her recommendations for that isis fight and for trying to do more to target these extremists-inspired people within the united states has been very detailed and wonkish. we see that's sort of hillary clinton's style. so in that she's giving specific recommendations for what can be done, that may inspire some confidence in the american people who want to see suggestions rather than sort of this blame game in the wake of a tragedy. it. >> all right. molly o'toole, thank you. we appreciate that and the article. that's a wrap of this hour of msnbc live. up next francis rivera. any minute the president is expected to speak against the spectacular backdrop which ises you lite park. it's beautiful. we're waiting for the president to take the podium in about ten minutes or so. i'm alex whit. see you back here tomorrow at noon eastern why do so many businesses rely on the us postal service? 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