[ laughter ] uh, i hate valentines day. Why . I got one card this year. It was addressed to occupant. [ laughter ] i mean, i wanna tell ya, thats bad. [ laughter ] why am i workin like Andy Youngman all of a sudden . Did you get a valentine . I got one. You really got a from my assistant. Uhhuh, well, we wont talk about her. [ laughter ] thats what you call em. If you girls think you got a how would you like to be dr. Bernards wife . When he gives you a heart for valentine, a real heart. [ laughter ] and thats kinda weird, isnt it . Uh, i just say things like that because its a late night show. If i had funny stuff id be on prime time. [ laughter ] this is just killing time until we get some guests. Uh. [ applause ] don rickles sent me a valentine. I did get one. An 8 x 10 glossy of willard the rat. It was, uh. I have a little poem for the occasion. Roses are red, violets are blue, if you dont laugh at the home with you. [ laughter ] thats tommy back up there. Better than nothin [ laug