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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20181219

jillian: slamdunk, the 3-year-old raised the roof to honor america. rob: "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪ rob: okay. good morning to you. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, two days from the shortest day of the year. first day of winter. jillian: that is friday. rob: at 1:30 in the afternoon, it is pitch back. jillian: exaggerating a little bit. rob: i never exaggerate. jillian: donald trump blasting democrats for rejecting a deal to pay for the wall with a government shutdown 3 days away. rob: republicans pushing for a new plan to keep washington open and todd pyro joins us to break it down. >> reporter: these will not be cheap thrills, the white house is softening it stands on the shutdown. it didn't stop the president from calling out democrats on twitter, quote, democrats are saying loud and clear that they do not want to build a concrete wall. we are not building a concrete wall, we are building artistically designed steel/so you can easily see through it. it will be beautiful and at the same time give our country the security that our citizens deserve. it will go up fast and save us billions of dollars a month once completed. and besides cabinet secretaries looking at their own budget. >> would like to see congress pass an appropriations bill that fully funds our government. in the meantime we are looking at other avenues that allow us and do constitutional authority. >> democrats countering with $1.3 billion before mitch mcconnell proposed $1.6 billion and a $1 billion slush fund for immigration. chuck schumer shows that is a no go. >> i called leader mcconnell and told him we would not accept a $1 billion slush fund and our offers to fund the government remain. let me be clear. the republican offer has not passed either chamber. rob: it is a continuing resolution. and the house followed suit tomorrow leaving a day to spare and it becomes what donald trump signed. >> the senate passed bipartisan prison reform bill overnight. this is a live look at capitol hill where legislation moves to the house. a vote is expected this week. the president tweeting this will keep our community safer and provide a second chance to those who earn it. billions of dollars will be saved. i look forward to signing this into law, this reduces sentences for drug offenders and reduce realization efforts. rob: capitol hill grilling, getting a look at the transcripts from james comey's second closed-door meeting with lawmakers. jillian: more on how it all went down. >> reporter: test exchanges in these transcripts may explain the fbi director's outburst after the hearing, congressman mark meadows about the source of this dirty dossier that was the basis for surveilling the trump campaign, comey said this. and funded by republicans opposed to them by democrats opposed to trump. what you are saying is part of your investigation, you didn't care, is that what you are saying? it didn't matter? comey continues it doesn't matter. it was republicans opposed to trump. another issue, clinton email, president obama was aware of emails having discussed them. president obama said, quote, i don't think it is a national security problem. how would he have known that at the time. i can't answer that question. trey gowdy says this was not a situation in which the national security was endangered. comey, same answer for him. democrats call it a waste of time but republicans say it wasn't a fair arbiter of justice. >> i lost all objectivity. a lot of folks defending him 2 years ago. i don't mind if jim comey is partisan but don't pretend to be a fair and impartial umpire. >> reporter: next in the hot seat will be president obama's former attorney general retta lynch. shannon: have a good day. rob: federal judge postponing michael flynn at sentencing with a blistering criticism. judge emmet sullivan telling the national security adviser, quote, arguably you sold your country out. i cannot hide my discussed or disdain for the crimes you committed. judge sullivan would not guarantee no jail time as suggested by farrell counsel bob mueller. he did apologize for his remarks. it was a buzz are hearing. flynn's sentencing is scheduled for march. questions were recently raised about how the fbi handled the interview with michael flynn who pleaded guilty to lying to the agency. fired fbi director james comey defend the interview in testimony on capitol hill. jillian: donald trump congratulates martha mc sally for the open senate seat once held by john mccain. the president tweeting congratulations on her appointment by governor the doocy -- doing a fantastic job. excel he will serve in the senate for two years and run again in 2020 working alongside kiersten's inema. trade talks back on track, steve mnuchin telling bloomberg they are planning the next meetings, quote, there could be a win for both in the sense of a large growing middle class that wants us goods. there is an economic outcome that is good for both of us. donald trump said at a march 1st deadline to end the trade war, both countries said they would reinstate deal the new deal is reached. rob: the united states pledging $10 billion to help develop and secure central america and mexico, the plan announced by the state department meant to curb migrations by making central american nations healthier. this goes toward strengthening the government and economy and security and create jobs so people don't have this desire to leave their home countries in search of better opportunities in the united states. thousands of migrant children already in the us may be released from custody, the trump administration announcing a more lax policy saying it takes too long to finger print and conduct background checks for everybody in a sponsored household, the heels health and human services department claims it does not improve a child that safety. according to npr news 2000 children could be released this week in response. jillian: tributes are pouring in for hollywood actors and director penny marshall. ♪ 5678 ♪ jillian: forever known for her role in the tv sitcom laverne and shirley she became a groundbreaking director for major films like big and a league of their own becoming the first woman to direct a film the cost more than $100 million. rob: tom hanks tweeting goodbye, did we laugh a lot which we still could, love you, hanks. rob reiner saying she was born with a great gift, i was lucky to have lived with her and her funnybone. i will miss her. she passed away at her hollywood hills home due to complications from diabetes. she was 75 years old. jillian: a life and career. 9 minutes after the are, fireworks lie as the sentencing of michael flynn is delayed. our next guest, all the drama unfolded, the most unusual sentencing proceeding she ever witnessed. rob: anybody home? a homeowner getting a big surprise. wanders onto their front porch, rang the doorbell. ♪ the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? 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rob: sentencing on national security adviser michael flynn will have to wait until at least march. jillian: flynn pleading guilty to lying to the fbi but was warned he could go to prison if he does not accept the judge's offered to delay the hearing. cindy powell witnessed the courtroom drama and joins us now. thanks for your time this morning. a lot of people stunned yesterday. what do you think? >> it wasn't what i was expecting by any means but not as bad as the mainstream media is reporting it by any definition. the judge seem to me to be trying to provoke a response from general flynn. almost as though he wanted him to withdraw his guilty plea. i think he thinks there's a lot going on here and he's not through with this yet. i've not had time to watch the other coverage but at the end the most telling thing is the judge still has questions especially for the prosecution. one of the things he wants to know is for example how are these statements material to the prosecution and investigation the fbi was conducting and that goes to the nature of the factual basis of the plea. rob: there were two moments that stood out to a lot of people and a lot of the analysis discussed, one was the judge acting whether or not he may have committed treason which seemed to come almost out of nowhere and the second is when the judge accused him of being an unregistered foreign agent for a foreign nation while he was a national security advisor for the president and he had to backtrack that, admitting flynn stopped working with turkey before the election. what did you make of those moments? >> the first was a misunderstanding of fact in terms of working with turkey when working for the president. that was a blatant misunderstanding of fact and with respect to the treason comment it was clear he was trying to shut down that narrative. he knew general flynn had not committed treason because he knows what the treason statute says and he essentially forced the prosecution to look at the statute and come back and say no, we never considered charging general flynn with treason and says he was trying to shut down that conspiracy theory and narrative. shannon: he said, quote, arguably you sold the country out, the court will consider that but i'm not hiding my discussed, my birthday and for this, the offense. i cannot assure you if you proceed to do you won't receive a sentence of incarceration. what did you make of that and what to the next 3 months look like for michael flynn? >> the next three months will be a time to take this seriously and evaluate the question the judge is going to ask both sides to weigh in on and to think about whether actions might need to be taken. remarkably the government filed something else yesterday at the last minute and the judge started the hearing by saying at 10:13 the government filed something else, none of us know what that is. but i would be interested in knowing if that can be unsealed so we can see what it is or get some inkling of what it is. because there is a list submitted in an article on the daily caller, extensive writing material that should be produced a general flynn and still hiding any of that in violation of his supporters and the prosecution is still in trouble. rob: former prosecutor sidney powell, torturous 3 month wait for michael flynn to figure out what his fate is, appreciate your time. jillian: 17 after the hour. progressive democrats for years. >> going to make public colleges and universities tuition free. tuition free. >> tuition free. jillian: the state ready to make good on bernie sanders's promise. rob: a golden retriever got his paws on this. ♪ we are family ♪ rob: police coloring through body cam video after two officers were killed by an oncoming trade, they were on the tracks looking for a shooting suspect when they were killed instantly by the train. police say they may have been distracted by another passing train. a suspect is in custody but police say that person never fired at police officers. officer marmalade oh had a wife and 3 kids, officer gary leaves behind a wife and 6-month-old daughter. funeral services will be held friday and saturday in chicago. jillian: body camera footage shows police shootout with the man behind california's reign of terror. we don't have that but gustavoh garcia opening fire after going on a random shooting spree killing a man and wounding several others. he died in a car crash according to the county sheriff, he was reported in 2014 and faced three ice violations before that. 's immigration status is unclear. rob: a foxbusiness alert. thousands of snow suits for infants are under recall that could put your kid in danger. the popular chain the children's place. jillian: tracy carrasco from foxbusiness with more on the call back. >> reporter: this is a recall of rural snow suits, size 0218 months, they are being recalled, 15,000 invested from children's place, the middle snap could come off and pose a choking hazard. they were sold in two styles with three color patterns, there they are on your screen. if you purchased one as a gift this christmas or your child has one, double check and make sure you can return it to the store for your money. there has only been one report of these metal snaps coming out but no injuries. jillian: krispy kreme getting into the holiday spirit. >> krispy kreme bringing back gingerbread glazed donuts today through next monday, christmas eve. spiced gingerbread version of the krispy kreme glazed original donuts with warm gingerbread molasses glaze. sorry i don't have any. rob: i want one. one regular glazed donut. jillian: you can go anywhere. walk out of the building and go anywhere. rob: incredible moment at a college graduation. a service dog receives an honorary degree as his handler get her masters. jillian: the golden retriever holding his diploma in his mouth alongside britney holly in new york, holly suffers from severe pain, says he helps her with tasks like opening doors. rob: they found each other on the positive prisons program in west virginia, teaching inmates in prison how to train dogs for people like her. how great is that? jillian: 24 after the hour. lawmakers won't buds on $5 million for the wall the $10 billion in taxpayer dollars will head to central america and mexico. peter more easy says it is time for the country to step up to the plate. rob: slamdunk. a little boy who raised the roof and gave an epic honor to the country. ♪ oh stay does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ over the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ .. way of a good night's sleep. that's when he needs vicks vaporub. proven cough medicine. with 8 hours of vapors, so he can sleep. vicks vaporub. goodnight coughs. .. jillian: welcome back. emergent health alert on the dangers of e-cigarette use among teens, the surgeon general sounding the alarm after a report found 3 million teenagers are currently vaping. >> they are not safe, they are not cool and they can cause long-term problems and learning, attention, memory and priming the brain to addiction. jillian: critics argue the industry knowingly marketed to children, the nation's top doctor calling for a tax increase on the devices and ban on indoor use. the fda plans to ban the sale of flavored e-cigarette that stores nationwide. acting attorney general matt whitaker signed an order banning bump stocks, the firearm attachment allows semi automatic weapons to fire bullet like machine guns, they became part of the gun control debate after the las vegas massacre. gunowners have until late march to turn or destroy the device, after that it will be illegal under federal law. former attorney general loretta binge heading to capitol hill, the obama era official grilled by lawmakers on the fbi handling of hillary clinton's private email scandal. lynch is facing questions about her controversial tarmac meeting with bill clinton. the tsa unveiling brand-new enhanced technology that could save time next time you fly. denver airport the first in the nation to test new body scanners with updated detection capabilities, travelers can keep their arms at their size instead of raising the near. the airport wants to implement the scanners by 2021. a rare tornado carves a path of destruction in washington state, powerful winds ripping off rooftops and uprooting trees outside seattle. >> oh my god, oh my god. >> look at this giant funnel cloud near a walmart store, the store moving across the country is millions get ready to travel for christmas. meteorologist janice dean is live in the weather center tracking the storm's path. >> incredibly rare tornadoes in the washington state area, could be an ef 2 or stronger, the national weather service will assess the situation but they haven't seen a tornado of this strength in decades. some of that energy from the northwest is going to bring the next storm system affecting travel today through thursday and friday as the storm meets with the gulf of mexico moisture, moves toward portions of florida, the southeast, the mid-atlantic and the northeast tomorrow through friday. keep that in mind if you're traveling, travel will be impacted. here is what we are looking at, the snow in the northwest, coastal areas could see potential for more rain, more severe weather possible across the northwest. they've seen system after system and mainly a rain event in the eastern third of the country into the weekend, looking ahead to christmas tuesday, looks like we will not see a white christmas, snow across the great lakes, interior northeast for the rockies, the skiing is very nice, a lot of snow packs already. if you are looking for a white christmas, the rockies, the west, the northern plains in the upper midwest along the east coast. rob: i am going skiing in a month, thank you so much. more than 10 billion taxpayer dollars headed to mexico and central america as part of an effort to keep migrants, will this plan work? the chief economist for the us international trade commission, peter maurice he, not the first time we tried a plan like this, we sent a lot of money to central america to keep people there. do you think this makes sense? >> we need to do something and it is better to get it at the fourth and have this confrontation at the border. the real question if we have that part of the world, and a bit more money to do that solving the problem because it is vested in corruption and the overwhelming grip of the drug trade in most parts of the country or most parts of the world, the corruption, gangsters and all the rest. why give money to a nonfunctioning government? >> a lot of people who support this administration hate to hear stories like this, hate to hear our money being sent to other places to make those places better. here's a breakdown of the cash, $10.6 million, not a small amount of money, $5.8 billion in central aid and aid to central america and 4.8 to mexico. i am not sure, southern mexico too, to get them sure of the southern border and get a better quality of life. and mexico people get 5 to $10 a day on average, they know they come here they can make more and spend the money. >> the real question is why are we giving money to mexico? mexico has a huge trade surplus with the united states, doesn't need to be bought off. it has its own money. mexico is running one of the most corrupt enterprises that in what we call the industrialized world, half in the third world and half in the industrialized world, part relates to politics and governance in the third world. it is terribly corrupt and if not the money legal and illegal immigration transferred back to mexico probably would collapse. i don't know why we tolerate this. mexico needs to clean up its act. we have a guarantee from them they will cut these people off as they migrate north. the trick is they shouldn't let them get to the border. heather: they are trying to buy that with their $5 billion. jerome powell raising rates today, there is no indication most people have seen inflation. what do you think of this move? >> the fed goodies back on raising interest rates, the reality is the rate of interest that would be a neutral rate and neither cause inflation or slow the economy or whatever. it is lower than it used to be and we are close to it now. if you look at housing starts, new car sales, the borrowing of weaker companies, we had the effect of higher interest rates and the economy is easing down so we don't want to push it from easing to 3% growth into a recession. it could do that. unfortunately this is not a fed chairman with a lot of experience in economics, like putting me on the supreme court. the problem is confidence. >> we have seen homebuilder confidence is down, people aren't buying houses, how much further do they need to go before people feel comfortable we are not moving too hot i guess? >> the advisory committee that advises the chairman that makes the decision they had interest rates going up above 3% by the beginning of 2020 and that is rattling people, this member of the committee, people will be watching that very closely. more than the change in language, that is what matters but one of the things that has to happen is powell has to project he has confidence when he says the economy will do well so wall street believes him and believes that he won't overreach when it comes to interest rates, he failed to do that. >> not a lot of confidence as it stands, we appreciate your time. jillian: 37 after the hour, what are americans most concerned about going to the new year? the new paul that won't surprise you. >> this has been the worst winter ever. >> millennial's putting their own spin on christmas traditions like leaving avocados and eggnog. carly shimkus is here with reaction. (chime) - [narrator] meet shark's newest robot vacuum. it powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. one dock, two sharks. the shark ion robot cleaning system. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. number one trusted. number one awarded. it's got to be tide heather: alexandria ocasio-cortez versus the press, feeling the heat after calling the report from politico. rob: carly shimkus is here with the online reaction, taking her cues from the president. >> took the words out of my mouth. alexandria ocasio-cortez has something in common with donald trump as she claims to be the victim of fake news. the democratic socialist blasting politico on twitter writing one disappointment about dc's the gossip that masquerades as reporting. my dad had a name for junk articles like this, birdcage lining. the reporting question claims kislyak recruited an african-american woman to challenge new york congressman jeffries in 2020 because she feels he is too conservative. politico is standing by the report saying it is hard to know what the criticism of the piece is since she doesn't specify, nor has she or anyone from her staff asked for a correction. some folks on social media are weighing in, one tweet that is very much a reality, one person saying welcome to washington dc. it is only just the beginning. how true is that? rob: it doesn't always go your way, you may not be the darling forever. >> the official christmas portrait released by the white house, it is beautiful. >> if you made the cut and you were on donald trump's list for a christmas card look at the picture you are getting in the mail, taken at the congressional ball on saturday. the president and the first lady tweeted it out, the vice president and second lady released their official christmas card, you see them looking very festive. some folks on social media reacted by talking about the so-called war on christmas. michael said it is good to say merry christmas again. the war on christmas has ended, thank you, donald trump. that whole bringing merry christmas back thing. jillian: milania*is all white sequins. rob: looks good in a dress. rob: a millennial christmas tradition. >> people started talking about the ways millennial's celebrate christmas, just a little bit of a joke, using the trending hashtag millennial christmas tradition. let's get to the first tweet, somebody suggested leaving avocado toast for santa. somebody else said genderless gingerbread person. millennial christmas tradition. somebody else said swiping under the mistletoe. do you think these christmas traditions will stick. >> we will go brown. brown avocado. >> get ready for a christmas present wrap-up. we are going head to 5 after the break. rob: steve doocy will tell us what is coming up in 15 minutes. >> coming up on "fox and friends," kellyanne good way talking about the news of the day, talking to them about what james comey said on capitol hill. and what is the deal with the president's ultimatum regarding $5 billion and the wall, sounds like he caved, talk about that and back in october, joining us with a special announcement, remember this? >> this car will be given away on "fox and friends" to a recipient. how can you not want to cover something like these guys giving away a car to draw attention to our veterans. >> today a veteran is going to win that car, busy 3 hours, starts 15 minutes from now on the channel everybody trusts for their christmas news. jillian: thank you. i found my tresiba® reason. now i'm doing more to lower my a1c. once daily tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. tresiba® is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your prescriber. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. i found my tresiba® reason. find yours. ask your diabetes care specialist about tresiba®. heather: rob: what are the top problems in the united states? 19% of americans believe our government is the biggest issue, immigration coming in second, unifying the country came in third at 8%, getting political, 29% of republicans believe immigration is a problem, only 7% of democrats think it is a problem. jillian: a border tunnel is discovered underground in arizona. agents in tucson and mexican officials finding the entrance underwater on intellectual -- international waterway channel. the 50 foot passageway which agents says likely means the excavation was still in progress, no word on suspects. all right, 6 days left until christmas which means it is crunch time for any procrastinators who haven't started wrapping the gifts yet. rob: how to wrap the perfect present is the owner of instant rap, angel lee. and rap star marilyn horta. we have a lot to learn here and a lot of our viewers do too. give us an idea what we are looking at. >> these are the right tools, good paper and i like to get it started with having the paper precut. rob: get your things together. you only need one piece of tape to wrap a present. fair enough. on the bottom. >> you tape it to the box. >> she started at the bottom, pulled the paper over and on the side. >> again the key would have been to make this smaller. wrap it around. rob: you cut across for the right size too much paper. >> so you don't actually see the paper. >> you can handle it. >> i'm one of those but if i can fit it in the back, i will. rob: on the side you have too much. >> take this down. i do not have the proper scissors. rob: you take it here. >> keep the corners of the package sharp and the ribbon or i don't know. >> it makes it cross no matter what you do. rob: show us one side here because we are running out of time. and flashbacks of my mom. and then you got the double-sided tape. >> we are going to face off and wrap up, this will be mine. how are we going to do this? sharing is not caring. the clock is starting. you always when these. let's see if we can change it around. we got that. the tape is not working. >> this isn't working. it is not working here. i blame you. >> how much time have we got? i will actually when a competition. >> i think so. [laughter] rob: i think i won! does this need to be wrapped? you don't have to wrap any presents. >> this wrapping paper is glitter. rob: we will be right back, thank you, ladies. to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. your perfect hotel room for the perfect price! - [narrator] meet shark's newest robot vacuum. it powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. one dock, two sharks. the shark ion robot cleaning system. . . ♪ i'm dreaming ♪ of a white christmas ♪ just like the ones i used to know ♪ where the tree tops glisten ♪ where the tree tops glisten ♪ and children listen ♪ to hear. rob: we are so christmassy around here. we have the best location. radio city where the rockettes do their christmas performances. we are in the epicenter of christmas in the united states in my opinion. jillian: we have the grinch is here. rob: the grinch is here. we come full circle. i'm at the camera looking down on the whos in whoville. will thank you for that, i appreciate it do you remember when bernie sanders said this? >> we're going to make public colleges and universities tuition-free. tuition free. tuition-free. rob: democrats in california want to make the first two years of community college free. the state already offers full tuition to for the first year $46 million taxpayers. no word how much adding second year of community college would cost. >> offering travelers emotional support pet that can go on the plane with. they fast food emotional support chickens. travelers can find the playful to go containers at the airport. airlines continue to crack down on real emotional support animals. be. rob: the good, the bad and the you will. a 3-year-old bringing the house down with this performance of the national anthem ♪ for the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ rob: the kid got the words right. the toddler named drake god a standing ovation and fist bumps from the syracuse women's basketball team as well. >> jillian: a woman steal as package and accomplice joins her while carrying a child on her hip. rob: great lesson for the kids: ring ago doorbell and knocking over christmas decorations. can you see it there on the ring. the bear left some minor daniel but that's it. jillian: have a good day. and you are are not the grinch. just kidding. rob: no. fair enough. >> president trump blasting democrats for blasting another shut down solution. >> it is a barrier that prevents people from illegally crossing and democrats have made it very clear that they are on the side of opposing that. >> we are now getting a look at the transcripts from james comey's closed door meeting with lawmakers. >> turned out to be every bit as do you police cities and sanctimonious as folks told me was. >> michael flynn appeared in court where a federal judge was expected to sentence him, but that never happened. >> the senate has passed a sweeping criminal justifiable reform bill. >> this was a big win for president trump and it was a big win for his son-in-law jared kushner. >> a 3-year-old boy


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