storm and it s interesting how this has been a consistent theme actually throughout his life, that when the church is in crisis, they look to him. his first turn at leadership was, as he admitted in a magazine interview, troubled. my style of government as a jesuit at the beginning had many faults. i was only 36 years old. that was crazy. i had to deal with difficult situations and i made my decisions abruptly and by myself. it was my authoritarian way of making decisions that created problems. six years later he took on a different leadership role as head of the jesuit college. colegio maximo de san jose. at the college, he lived in this small, simple apartment looking now much like it did back then. translator: he is a quiet and simple man. a sign of a great leader is to be a good listener, and he is one of the greatest in that respect. father angel rossi was at the college with bergoglio. translator: bergolio breaks
simple man. a sign of a great leader is to be a good listener and he is one of the greatest in that respect. father angel rossi was at the school with him. translator: he s a deeply spiritual person, a great connoisseur of the soul, isn t he? bergoglio taught by example, spending as much time in the community as the classroom. translator: this was in the 1980s, 35 years ago. he was the wise man in a poor village, a working class neighborhood. daniel lopez was a young boy living in that neighborhood. lives hard but the bergoglios made them feel important, that their lives could matter. translator: and here he give us children s day, which is the most beautiful day that we kids had at the time where they would give us hot chocolate, they
continued to have a power over the jesuits in the provence, which was very unusual. a number of the older jesuits resented that. priests are not immune to jealousy and petty politics. bergoglio was about to feel the bite. the new regime in the jesuits wanted the way. far out of the way. they exiled him, sending him 400 miles away from buenos aires. translator: he went to cordova to go through a period of reflection, of silence. father angel rossi, who has known pope francis for 40 years, used to visit with him in cordova. translator: he said, i never considered it an injustice.
everyone was talking about that. yeah, yeah. when we come back, the humble priest emerges as father. he could be the great uniter. he is somebody everybody respects.
small simple apartment looking now much like it did back then. translator: he is a quiet and simple man. a sign of a great leader is to be a good listener, and he is one of the greatest in that respect. father angel rossi was at the college with bergoglio. translator: bergolio breaks all the rules. he s a deeply spiritual person who lets himself be guided by the heart. of the soul, isn t he? bergoglio taught by example, spending as much time in the community as the classroom. translator: this was in the 198 1980s, 35 years ago. he was the wise man in a poor village. a working class neighborhood. daniel lopez was a very young boy living in that neighborhood. life was hard, but bergoglio made the kids feel important. that their lives could matter. translator: here at maximo,