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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20201208

this comes as a surprise to experts according to the new york times. savior but sarah, head of health and human services, the right-leaning "national review" put it this way, a former congressman, he has no experience working at hhs, no medical background, never been chief executive of a state or run a large complex organization. 's chief credentials are protecting the affordable care act and being vocal about fighting for women's health. it also comes against the backdrop of the biden team having trouble finding a qualified nominee to run hhs. rhode island democratic governor gina romano was a topic according to politico but she pulled out last thursday unexpectedly. they say the government disputes that claim, progressives are slamming how she handled the pandemic. >> she had medicaid cuts in rhode island, rhode island is one of the places the covid-19 outbreak has been the worst, arguably the worst managed. >> welcome to fox news at night. the latest in the transition talks. >> reporter: joe biden faced mounting pressure in recent weeks to appoint black and hispanic leaders when making good on his promise to appoint a diverse cabinet, his pics facing scrutiny. the congressional hispanic caucus cheered president-elect biden's pick for secretary of health and human services but according to the new york times public health experts held their thoughts, medical groups wrote to biden, our organization which represents 400 positions practicing in the united states right to request you identify the.physicians to appoint leadership positions in your administration. but sarah is expected to help secure legislative changes strengthening the aca and to promote covid-19 vaccine to latinos but politico reports the job was supposed to go to gina raymundo until she took herself out of the running, critics 0 in. >> when healthcare lobbyists went to her and asked for an executive order giving legal viability shields to nursing homes she snapped to and did that immediately even amid the death toll that was exploding in her state. >> xavier becerra is being singled out by tom cotton who says he is unqualified, he spent his career attacking pro-life americans and tried to force pregnancy centers to advertise abortion. biden's pick for secretary of defense will also add diversity to his cabinet, retired general lloyd austin, the first black person to be the pentagon if confirmed that his selection is prompting concerns over the routing civilian control of the military. would require congressional waiver since he retired twee 7 years ago. and the latest progress of attack on biden's team watchdogs are leery of austen's role in equity firm in government contracts in which his secretary of state choice was involved in. shannon: thank you so much. for some more context on general lloyd austin, the left-leaning atlantic wrote in 2016 about his reported views on ice is, quote, according to administration officials, he oversees us military operations in the middle east, told the white house the islamic state was, quote, a flash in the pan. this analysis led obama in interview with the new yorker to describe the jihadist groups as terrorism's jv team. the atlantic authors said in austen spokesman told him at no time had general austen considered isis a flash in the pan. the trump campaign hopes the supreme court will take a pennsylvania case as justice samuel alito speeds the calendar on election disputes, pennsylvania official to respond by 9 am tomorrow a day earlier than previously scheduled. it happens to be the safe harbor date we should mean if the response came after, congress could not challenge any electors named in accordance with state law. to cruise argued numerous cases he will take on the case if the justices do agree to hear it. >> the pennsylvania constitution has very explicit limits on voting and in most circumstances requires in person voting. mail in voting is more susceptible to fraud. >> donald trump is actively urging his supporters to vote for georgia republicans kelly leffler and david perdue, at the georgia crowd chanted fight for trump a reference to the contested election in which georgia recertified a third time ahead of the deadline. kevin cork is the latest on the path ahead in georgia. >> reporter: today is the deadline for georgia residents to register to vote for the runoff on january 5th. that will decide the balance of power in the senate and while the president is doing all he can to shore up the gop candidates he may also be looking at another big day in january. remember when the president tried to stage a comeback from coronavirus in october? his grand finale in january could look like it, citing unnamed sources, the president is considering a white house departure on marine one and the final air force one flight to florida for a political rally opposite joe biden's inauguration but he would not be the first to skip the swearing-in his successors holding an opposition rally is, they are dismissing that report but anonymous sources who claim to know what the president is considering have no idea. >> the case has been made and we find out what we can do about it, big things happening over the next couple days. >> you to make the case that he infected when the election donald trump today talked about a theme he champions over the weekend to rally his support with the state's gop senate runoff candidates. >> they are trying to convince as we lost, we didn't lose. >> the democrats have tried to -- >> backers of the president held a, quote, stop the steel prayer vigil, the latest of divorce georgia officials to examine election irregularities and increasing number of gop leaders pushing against the narrative that something went wrong. lieutenant governor jeff duncan became one of the first senior republicans to acknowledge biden's apparent victory while brian kemp warned lawmakers against attempting a end run on choosing presidential electors in the state as the secretary of state recertified the state's vote count. >> i know people are convinced the election was fraught with problems but the evidence, the actual evidence, the facts tell us a different story. >> reporter: a different story that will need more attention with the balance of power. kelly (david perdue sets to battle challengers rafael wornknock and john ossoff, it will determine leadership in the senate and a huge impact depending on who is sitting in the white house about the way the country will go over the next two years or longer. shannon: january 5th will be here before you know it. 33 million locked down in california. the million new positive tests in five days but the science support banning outdoor dining, the state's order to provide data to back up the decision. actor michael rappaport expressing frustration at what seems like random decisions what can operate outdoors as he drove by an open air farmers market. he had choice words for eric garcetti and gavin newsom. >> how is this okay but right across the street all the cafés, all the restaurants are shutdown? this doesn't make sense. this is why people are protesting. shannon: chief correspondent jonathan hunt joins us with more details. >> so many businesses are struggling right now and the most obvious sign a is our favorite local restaurant or bars shutdown, permanently out of business or closed because of lockdowns and hard-pressed owners saying enough is enough. >> the hypocrisy is out-of-control. >> in washington state for five years, he closed earlier in the pandemic, he's not about to do it again. >> they want to find me, that is fine. >> he feels much the same way. >> he cannot pick and choose who is essential or not. >> angela marsden became a viral sensation after being told to close her outdoor dining area as the production set up across the street. >> this is safe, 50 feet away. this is dangerous. >> anyone on a movie or tv production is subject to rigorous testing while restaurant goers are not. the bans on outdoor dining are step too far. >> we really wanted to limit the indoor crowded places, we need to do what is necessary to turn the pandemic that not more that is not evidence-based. >> the evidence of the severity of the pandemic is overwhelming, the us approaching 15 million infection. the latest surge is likely to get worse as the effect of thanksgiving travel and gatherings becomes clear later this weekend with christmas and hanukkah still coming doctor anthony fauci says january could be a really dark time for us. it. our culture warrior, not a doctor with expertise on viruses like covid-19, the man who may be nominated to head of the department of health and human services. the editorial board criticized xavier becerra for his prosecution of pro-life activists, felony charges are disturbing overreach behind the sting video. the catholic association said he spent years tormenting little sisters of the poor in court trying to force them to get abortions against their consciences. pregnancy resource centers to advertise for abortion. free and former hhs secretary tom price, good to have you back. >> thank you so much. shannon: a letter came from a top medical group at the american academy of family physicians and pediatrics at all kinds of a-list groups who wrote the biden transition team and said we want you to pick physicians, the administration of the country would be well served by the.of qualified physicians to serving key positions. identify and appoint positions to help your leadership position in your administration and didn't specifically talk about hhs. what does it say to you that an attorney is a very aggressive one is being tapped for this position and not a doctor does it make a difference? >> it does make a different an important to appreciate that physicians regardless of their ideological strike would prefer that a physician, a medical individual liens on affirmative health and human services. biden plans on having the most progressive administration ever in this nomination or potential nomination fits that bill. he sued the little sisters of the poor, aggressively anti-pro-life organization and individuals and support single-payer and check the box for a progressive individual leading hhs but doesn't have the kind of background the american people would like to see in health and human services secretary. shannon: one of the biggest selling points, and all come to the forefront in the next 5 years, if the conversation is ongoing. so many pro-life groups, hhs regulatory policies, a lot of sway over barring churches, a group of nuns we talk about. how does that square to the fact that joe biden portrayed himself as a devout catholic, his faith and how he has been, something that saved him at many points in his life but he would shoot someone like this the catholic community is worried about. >> this is really troubling. joe biden has changed over the past few years in his position about his public stance as relates to abortion. he said he didn't oppose abortion, he held that personally but wasn't going to impose that view on others but he has become very strident in that, very progressive in the left sense of the word in terms of the abortion issue. this is concerning, not a test for folks are actively pro-life but for the mainstream individuals in american society if they don't believe the kinds of things xavier for sarah has promoted in his position as congressman and as attorney general of the state of california. they don't believe those are the positions that are appropriate to be pushing at the federal level. shannon: one of the things mister biden changed position is the hyde amendment, taxpayer dollars used to fund abortion. a hearing on that on the hill, interesting to see where that goes with paul so majority of americans regardless where they are on abortion don't think taxpayers should be paying for it. great to have you with us. governor newsom still defending california's lockdown measures as one share of calls them unbelievably faulty and says show me the science. chad the onto is up next to explain. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. .. the owner of max pub instead facing the charges and condemnation from political leaders. later on the autonomous zone created a reaction to the latest covid-19 lockdowns with the highest death rate in the five boroughs. >> reporter: max public houses famous for defining new york state's covid-19 regulation but now the bar's co-owner finds himself in new legal trouble. he was arrested yesterday for driving his jeep into a new york city sheriff sergeant reportedly injuring both his legs. two officers tried to arrest him after they observed 2 dozen customers entering and exiting his bar despite being ordered closed by the state, attorneys provided fox news with surveillance video showing the incident was the sheriff says the two officers identified themselves before he ran inside his jeep, accelerated, hitting one officer and carrying the sheriff on the hood about 100 yards. 's attorneys claim he was, quote, running for his wife, two men dressed in dark clothing who never identified themselves as officers. >> i was scared the entire time through the entire ordeal that happens, i was running for my life because that is what i thought was happening. at no point that i think this were sheriff. >> reporter: he was arrested the first time less than a week ago for defining covid-19 regulations, he faces ten charges including assault. shannon: thank you. a california sheriff said his department will not enforce the strict new lockdown orders. riverside county sheriff chad the onto this is a will not be blackmailed, believe uses muscle against riverside county residents. gavin newsom's motives behind the lockdown. that riverside county sheriff joins us now, good to have you. so how did you get to this point? you are a law enforcement officer. what do you make of hearing the governor's new plan and what point did you decide that's not what i'm going to do? >> this was early on back in march when we had the original lockdown orders, myself of the rest of the sheriffs in the state and predominantly chiefs of police in the state have been very vocal about not enforcing these orders and on multiple fronts. the main reason is we work 24/7 handling real crime where real victims being injured and assaulted in those types of things so to say we have to put that aside and move over to responding to calls for people not wearing masks or being outside their house or showing up outside a restaurant doesn't make economic sense and is unreasonable for law enforcement to be used in this manner so we haven't been enforcing this from the beginning and it spilled over into this when he threatened to remove or withhold money from jurisdictions that are not going to enforce his order. shannon: my remembrance is california has sued the federal government a number of times in several portions of california over the fact they wouldn't get federal money because they became sanctuary states or sanctuary county's, they sued over that and are you saying that the threat you are facing, your county is facing? >> that's exactly the same threat and it was our governor who was so vocal against the president for trying to do the same thing. so for him to come right back out and do it, the hypocrisy is amazing, it puts the onus on us and the responsibility on us to enforce this in a time when law enforcement is trying to build bridges and fix relationships with our residents, he's warning us to shut their businesses down and arrest them. it doesn't make sense at all. shannon: what do you say to those who will point to numbers this week from the california public health department saying california has the biggest surge in covid-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, we must protect each other, engage in fewer activities, keep your masks on and stay home when possible, this is your job, you need to break up these illegal gatherings and make sure people are as safe as possible because there is a spike across california. >> i understand the statistics, the numbers but also talking about they are testing more than they were yesterday or the day before so logic will tell you we are going to get more positives because we are testing more. even tweet is centered a horrible message the public because they want everyone to believe if you get this virus you are going to die immediately and talking about the overrun of hospitals, our hospitals, our emergency rooms are definitely taxed and seeing an increase, a normal increase in the winter season compounded with the addition of covid-19 patients but we have 135 patients in icu for covid-19, we have to a half million people in this county so there's a statistic that shows it isn't really that bad. they want you to believe if you get this you will die and how horrible it is but there is a horrible message because it isn't the truth. shannon: there are people who are more susceptible and families watching people die and it is difficult finding the balance, it is an effort at this point. keep us updated. nbc news accused of deceitfully editing a viral video, that is next. mom: we're all just trying to keep things running for those who rely on us. that's why we don't have time to be sick with the flu. chef: we don't have time for delays. ready! grocery clerk: we don't have time for spills. next. paramedic: we don't have time for setbacks. vo: let's be real. getting the flu shot helps you fight the flu. get a flu shot for yourself, and those around you too. 's because they >> reporter: the vaccines a great vaccines, safe and brilliant actually we've done in a short time. they call it, some of the enemies, and a medical miracle what we have done and we have great therapeutics and they are already here and i can testify to that fact, incredible work over the past 7 months and we should always get credit for that, don't let anyone take that away. >> donald trump wants the world to remember who launched operation speed, getting vaccines where they need to go in there is a novel idea that involves putting star athletes near the front of the line. in operation work speed summit at the white house tomorrow. >> us da focuses on getting a vaccine approved state and federal officials are more focused on getting it distributed, showing many americans have access as possible. donald trump plans to apply his america first doctrine to the coronavirus vaccine, expected to sign an executive order governing the stockpile. posted an administration official who says the priority is to make sure we distribute vaccines to americans before we start shipping around the world, it plans to distribute 40 million doses by the end of this month and millions more next year. >> 40 million releasable as well as comparable amount through final quality control for release in january. >> the white house is denying a new york times report that said it refutes pfizer's offer to produce more doses. states are deciding who will be eligible first, massachusetts governor expects to have 1000 doses available within weeks. >> those doses will be prioritized, frontline health reporters and long-term care facilities. >> other states will likely follow some of the protocols but officials here too many americans will avoid the vaccine wanted is available by late spring. >> i'm frustrated we see polls that suggest a high percentage of americans are not ready to take the vaccine. >> three former presidents pledged to take the vaccine on television to show people it is safe. but the wall street journal writes american athletes could do a better job selling the vaccine. the journal quotes a former dean of harvard school i can envision celebrity sports figures play a constructive role in vaccine hesitancy but there's potential for public backlash if athletes get priority access to a vaccine, they are accused of getting special treatment when it comes to testing. >> thank you very much. last week joe biden would not answer questions whether he reached out to republicans about a kim jong un for relief package was a reporter praised biden for not answering one for colleague's question tweeting joe biden wouldn't say if he talked to mitch mcconnell. i'm struck by the reality we now have a president who doesn't lie even when it might be easier. show conch so that a joins us now. not surprisingly trump team would want to fire back, social media managers is imagine never answering your parents question is a kid and then saying i'm struck by the reality we have a kid who is a rule doesn't lie even when it might be easier. what do you make the coverage of joe biden to >> the assumption that joe biden, quote, never lied, first time he ran for president he dropped out because he committed plagiarism, that's one start and during this campaign he said he was endorsed by the boilermakers union, he wasn't, the naacp, no he wasn't. also that he was arrested in south africa when trying to visit nelson mandela, when the country was under apartheid and that never happened but the biggest duty, he said this in september, if the president had done his job on covid-19, had done his job from the beginning all the people would still be alive, just look at the data. president biden would have made sure no one died from covid-19. that whole premise alone is interesting but to pray somebody for not answering a question is a preview for we will see from the marshmallow media for the next four years. shannon: it will be interesting to watch. jorge ramos is what i learned from my brushes trump is we journalists should have been tougher on mister trump questioning his every lie and insult, we should not have let him get away with his racism and xena phobia, never again allow someone to create an alternative reality to seize the presidency. there is a lot to unpack but easter with the overall theme, the media should have been tougher on donald trump. >> fascinating because every study and analysis in terms of corrective donald trump shows coverage in the 90% negative range. it is salaries he gets to be called an anchor because clearly he's an activist and i don't take what he says seriously. shannon: i want to touch on nbc and their editing of a video. everybody watching this channel has seen it a business owner so distraught she spent this money on outdoor dining only to come in and find out a media company had set up trailers that had chairs in them, tables, a place for people to eat and talked about how nbc edited the tape, they didn't show that or say it was a production linked to nbc, only part of her comments made it into nbc of sunday today but megan fitzgerald edited out marsden pointing to the hypocrisy with the tents and tables, nbc covered up the fact the catering was for nbc's comedy show good girls, don't why they edited it down, can't show every case we get. with a questionable they didn't show the proximity of what was going on? >> two kinds of ice, the kind you see in broad daylight, very apparent bias is going on that is the bias of omission which you don't see. you have to mention that was in nbc show even if it was an nbc report and the bottom line is in new york close to where i am 1000 restaurants have closed during the pandemic, hundreds more will over the next couple weeks as we go into the cold weather season. nbc is allowed to have insights to the audience for saturday night live, broadway just down the block isn't allowed to open. that's all you need to know in terms of's for thee but not for celebrity. >> you are a poet and maybe didn't know it but you have an eye on all these things are great to have you with us. new tonight for the homeland security is accepting new deeds of the aca applicants, a judge ordered dhs to reopen the dreamer program for illegal immigrants brought to the us as children, dhs is it is taking new application starting tonight, the trump administration may still appeal the judge's ruling, the founder of a private testing company stumbling of what she terms in a superspreader event, testing 179 people in the week after a festival in mexico the reportedly felt 60 percent-70% of tests conducted in new york were from people who attended the event and went back to the big apple. honoring those who served our country by telling their stories as we remember the devastation and bravery of pearl harbor on this anniversary. p texas on his new bestseller modern warriors, he's next. hope you got dental. and that's why i love healthmarkets, your insurance 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you with us live. you, humble as you are, served a number of times overseas. you share your story and a lot of folks will recognize, tell me what it was like to put together this book and have people recount your stories in a way that is true to combat and what goes on for people? >> we want to be honest, candid, non-politically correct and on the anniversary of pearl harbor these men know they stand on the shoulders of previous generations, the real one%, they said we will do the dirty work for a nation and what i love about this book is we got a little more comfortable, more honest, don't want to talk to reporters, to tell the story knowing it will be portrayed fairly, the good, the bad and the ugly and you meet the men behind the real one% of our generation who have given it all and it will make you cry, make you laugh, inspire you. shannon: this is a volunteer force, that is what is unique about this moment, these are men and women signing up to do this because they believe in something greater then themselves. sergeant major eric talking about what he went through as part of this project. >> we were attacked within 48 hours of being on the ground, the outpost was attacked from three directions at once. the thing i say the most i couldn't be more proud, taking care of each other during a difficult situation. shannon: these modern warriors walk us through what those moments were like and what it is like as you try to return to normal life and different things that are part of your life because of your experience. how much is that part of the story too? >> there is no normal life after those experiences. he is a dear friend of mine, one of my closest friends, my first sergeant when i was a platoon leader, his next-door he earned the silver star defending outpost in every man of that outpost, i'm not back home in america, because of what he did to prepare us and train us and how resolute he was but you can hear the bullets whizzing by, you know what it is like to be in combat. in the words of dan crenshaw and joey jones, nick irving, army sniper, but you allude to the transition back home, and a video. the army does a great job training you to fight but coming home, how you find the next chapter of your purpose of these men and women demonstrate how you do that, how you force that and there are lessons for americans today facing our own threats here and channel those lessons into moments like this. >> the thing is along with the book modern warriors which is doing fantastic, you have on fox nation stories where people can watch as well. >> the book is an extension named modern warriors. you have a segment on "fox and friends," 3 and a half minutes, medal of honor recipient, just scratches the surface, modern warriors on fox nation doesn't hour and a half and told the story and this is an opportunity to put it in the printed word, people can take it with them, a gift you can get for christmas, we are proud of the book and think it does go deeper. it is honest. you will get the real story so we are excited it is the first fox news book but you are the next fox news book and you will blow the doors off i have no doubt. shannon: you set a high standard with a martyr warriors in this amazing book and i will follow your lead in march as well. thank you. >> appreciate it. shannon: separating fact from fiction on the covid-19 vaccine, doctor mark siegel is next. ♪ still the one ♪ and i can't get enough ♪ we're still having fun, ♪ and you're still the one applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eating good in the neighborhood. ♪ i got it all from you ♪ i'm always pushing through ♪ i know we'll make it to the finish line ♪ ♪ i know you're waiting on the other side ♪ ♪ i'm like you on-demand glucose monitoring. because they're always on. another life-changing technology from abbott. so you don't wait for life. you live it. >> shannon: coronavirus shannon: coronavirus putting a dent in the holidays but seasonal flu not having its effect, experts point to mask wearing and social distancing. we ask doctor mark siegel to investigate the things working for the flu but covid-19 test numbers going up in a third of cdc jurisdictions across the country. >> good evening. for those public health experts who warned of the twin shannon: considers, us joy at a mild flu season, so far the same seems true here. flu activity in the us is very low and according to cdc, not a single pediatric death has been reported. is in australia part of the reason is the early rush by people to get flu vaccines, teleworking, use of facemasks and fewer social gatherings all of which seems to be tamping down the start of flu season across the united states. in georgia as of last week the state was a pretty minimal activity, 0 definitely two hospitalizations from flu. wise covid-19 spreading but not the flu? one reason is covid-19 is more contagious than the flu, another reason is it is too soon to see flu peak and if so remains a possibility but we have a vaccine for the fluent effective antiviral drug and her covid-19 we are just launching a vaccine based on new technology but will people take it? dangerous myths abound on social media about the vaccine. >> many people have a fear that the vaccine will cause a lot of harm or that the goal of the vaccine is somehow tracking people with a microchip with some connection to 5g, those conspiracies turn the effort to save lives almost on its head, the craziest things i have ever heard about myself. >> the reality is the vaccine does not affect your dna in any way. it is far safer than the virus is protecting you against. throughout the pandemic this information abound but we must follow the science. shannon. shannon: thank you. tomorrow night 6:00 pm on special report be sure to check part 2 of the series on the vaccine looking at so many people plan to say no thanks. legendary pilot chuck yeager passed away at the age of 97. the world war ii a speaking the first test pilot to fly 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20201206

reporter: democrat jon ossoff says he too will take the debate stage, field questions, dehis opponent republican senator david perdue to refuse to agree to single debate in the senate runoff elections. perdue's campaign says they will take the message at stake what the democrats control to the people. that is exact when weigh call from him and senator loeffler. the president did most of the heavy lifting so to speak, calling ossoff and warnock pawns of senator minority leader chuck schumer. >> as off and warnock are the two most extreme liberal candidates in our lifetime. if you don't vote the communists win. georgia patriots must show up and vote for these two incredible people. reporter: warn november and ossoff are expected to paint the republican rivals has senators who are corrupt, only looking to enrich themselves instead of helping the people of georgia. >> this isn't even bp democrats versus republicans. this is about the people versus crooks who have been lining their pockets in office while they hold up relief for ordinary people. >> the wealthy and well-connected have enough representatives in the united states senate. it is time for somebody representing ordinary people and ordinary families and working families and struggling families reporter: guys, 24, these are the first and only debate that we see ahead of the senate runoff elections next month. it starts in just a matter of hours. it should be very interesting. gillian? gillian: high-stakes. charles watson from val does today, georgia, thanks so much. leland: "countdown" to the debate in the right-hand corner of your screen. we have republican tex -- texas congressman dan crenshaw. campaigns are taking different approaches. perdue is not showing up for the debate, ossoff is. any difference? >> i don't think as seven as a serious candidate. leland: you're saying the guy who got 46% of the vote and only was behind by 100,000 votes is not a serious candidate. >> i don't think a socialist should be a serious candidate in america. we have to deliver that message loud and clear to the american people. he reminds of georgia beto o'rourke. he is against your god, against your energy, this is terrible, terrible idea for america. i have explicit message for everyone, if you don't want soesism in this country you have to vote for perdue and loeffler. if you're mad at the presidential election, best way to get back at them to make sure they don't take think more power. leland: when you say serious candidate, isn't it up to the voters to decide ho is serious or not. >> of course they do. that is why we're here. to get the right candidate-elect. leland: you sort of engage, the general talking point has been to lump ossoff and warnock in with alexandria ocasio-cortez and members of the squad, a group you clashed with successfully at times on twitter. here is the latest tweet from alexandria ocasio-cortez. the gop acts like they care but behind closed doors this is what they're actually saying about working class. good to know how little you think of good workers dan crenshaw of texas. did have catering while bonding with wealthy donors over your disdain for the poor. this started with her saying something along the lines she knew, she had cried while people were upset over sparkling water as i understand it. >> yeah. she is confused. first of all we were there with hundreds and hundreds of working class georgians. she has no connection with. let me give a message to her. they have no interest in her policies and her socialist rhetoric. she is out of control. she pretends to have this strange connection to working class. she does not. they also need to remind her this, comes off the back of her crazy comments earlier this week. the republicans all they know is leatherbacked chairs. she, she is working class citizen. this is nonsense. remind her, three memmers about of congress in the house missing body parts because we actually fought for this country. i think we know a little bit about hardship. it is insulting for her to pretend in this out of touch fashion she is the only one who understands what it is to work in this country. she does not. she needs to be reminded of that. leland: a point you made on twitter as well. follow it @dan crenshawtx. this has come up. we heard a little bit from jon ossoff in charles watson's hit, difference between crooks and those who are fighting for the working class as he would put it. this reference this is longstanding charge against senator perdue, to lesser extent senator love letter in terms of their stock trading. this is what "new york times" wrote about mr. perdue's stock trading. examination of mr. perdue's stock trading during six years in he haste been the senate's most prolific stock trader by far. reporting 20 or more transactions in single day. 2596 trades mostly in stocks and bonds and funds, equally next five most active traders in the senate. is this an unforced error right now you guys are having to deal with? >> i don't see why, i'm not sure why this is relevant, somebody trades stocks a lot. i'm certain they have somebody who mutual fund or something. i don't really know the details. i'm not sure why this is relevant. leland: come on, congressman, the charge obviously is that he been trading on somewhat inside information and that he has been trading stocks and companies that he has influence over and might have inside information over. if you don't want to have the appearance of impropriety put it all in the zap if i have hundred index fund and not make a single trade. >> that is nonsense. i don't see any proof of these allegations. only making appearance of impropriety of you repeating unverified allegations. look if democrats, if democrats want to take this stance that they're for the working class, then maybe they should actually talk to some people in the working class. here in georgia you know what? they want to defend themselves when the mob is combing for them. they want to keep their guns. they don't want the government telling them what to do. they don't want their taxes increased. they don't want their businesses to be locked down. don't want to told gas prices electricity prices go up under green due l new deal because they're polluting the earth. it these are things georgia doesn't want. they want manufacturing brought back home. this is what working-class people actually care about. i would challenge democrats to come up with message, we'll they're corrupt, make them prove they're not. that is basically what you're saying. leland: sir, i don't think i'm saying anything, i'm raising questions of senator trading in stocks that he has influence over or perhaps has inside information about. i don't know -- >> that is allegation. you can't just throw that out there right? lots of working-class people -- leland: for example, he traded fireeye stock 61 times and he was one of the senators whod is about it on a committee? that is the question. >> yeah. i mean i don't know the details of that. i know that it's a little strange to be, if this is the best they have got, like he trade as lot of stocks that is a weak argument. leland: fair enough. important to note that we asked members about both the ossoff and warnock campaign to come on if they wanted to talk about. they didn't. you took the opportunity. we appreciate you doing it, sir. >> absolutely. you know, one last thing, get out and vote. it is the best way to keep your freedoms and your rights and your prosperity. get out and vote in georgia. leland: that is right that you fought and sacrificed for all of us to have. we appreciate i, sir. >> thank you for having me. leland: "fox news sunday" has latest on the georgia runoffs. chris wallace with a interview you don't want to miss secretary of health and human services alex azar. martha maccallum anchors our special coverage of the debate between after pail warnock and kelly loeffler. that start a 6:45 p.m. eastern. gillian: federal funding is set to expire on friday. rich edson has new developments where those negotiations stand right now. hi, rich. reporter: good afternoon, gillian. congressional leaders are negotiating a spending bill to keep the federal government running through much of next year. aides are discussing a one week spending bill if they fail to reach an agreement by friday's deadline. house speaker nancy pelosi and she and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell have agreed to combine this annual government spending bill with another coronavirus economic package. the foundation for these negotiations is a more than 900 billion-dollar framework, bipartisan group of house and senate members released last week. >> this is not a stimulus bill. it's a relief bill and it is something for the next three to four months to help those in greatest need. >> the republicans accepted 900 billion-dollar level. so we worked to that number. if there is more money available, certainly i would want to see more help to the families across america. reporter: senators are scheduling a call today to continue these negotiations. the current bipartisan framework would spend $160 billion on state and local governments, 180 billion on an employment benefits, $300 billion on assistance for businesses and more than 80 billion on education. in october treasury secretary steve mnuchin float ad $1.8 trillion bill. speaker rejected it then saying it lacked enough broad provisions to adequately address the pandemic. the speaker says incoming democratic president and approaching vaccine approvals have since changed the political dynamic. gillian. gillian: rich edson in washington, d.c. great to see you. thank you. ♪. leland: starting tonight millions of people living in california will be under a new stay at home order all the way through the christmas holiday. a little bit more on those orders and fight against them. christina coleman live on the streets of los angeles with more. hi, christina. reporter: hi, leland. the entire bay region has not reached a threshold for the new lockdowns but five bay area counties are going ahead to start them early. start them today. officials citing a surge in covid cases and hospital says. now the new regional stay at home order is triggered in areas with icu capacity drops below 15% overwhelming hospitals is a major concern right now. the southern california region which encompasses large population centers like l.a., san bernardino and san diego have 12.5% capacity icu capacity remaining. the san joaquin valley region capacity took a nosedive since friday, sitting 8.6%. that area includes central california. those two regions will start a new stay at home order at 11:59 tonight. the new order instructs californians to stay home as much as possible. stop mixing between households. capped retail at 20%. restricts restaurants only to take-out. closes movie theaters, wineries, life audience sports, family entertainment centers and amusement parks. >> this is time limited. it's based upon the facts. it's based upon what's happening on the ground. it's based upon epidemiology. it's based upon transmission rates. it's based upon what's happening by regions. reporter: we also want to give you an update on this viral video we reported on the past few days. in it the owner of a restaurant in sherman oaks, california, said she was upset to find meal tents set up for an apparent film shoot right next to her outdoor dining patio had shut down by the city. the meal tents were removed after her post went viral. here is angela marsden speaking with fox news. >> i came in to give last paychecks and bags of groceries to my employers and saw 200 person tent with tables set up in a catering truck for a movie company in the same parking lot within five feet away. i mean, 20 steps away from me. so that is what really upset me. reporter: l.a. mayor eric garcetti responding to the controversy in "the new york times." he says my heart goes out to miss marredden and workers at pineapple hill saloon who have to comb ply with state and public county helps restrictions. mr. garcetti says no one likes restrictions but i support them as our hospital icu beds fill to capacity and cases increased by 500%. we must stop this virus before it kills thousands of more angelinos. a lot of controversy there but there is some light at the end of the tunnel. on thursday the fda is set to meet to discuss and possibly approve emergency use of new pfizer vaccine and you know, more vaccines are on the horizon. leland? leland: not soon enough for so many, christina coleman in los angeles. thank you. gillian: the fda is considering emergency use authorization for pfizer's coronavirus vaccine on thursday a couple days from now but there are potentially major logistical hurdles they will have to overcome before the vaccine can ultimately be widely distributed. for more on this we're joined by johns hopkins professor of public health policy and management. he is also a fox news contributor dr. marty mccarry we have terrifying spike in up in perps of confirmed coronavirus cases nationwide. get your reaction to this. look at this line. it is horrendous. >> people are letting their guard down. there is fatigue. there are mixed messaging. people are not recognizing indoors with loved ones where we're seeing a spread right now. gillian: so sounds like you agree with the picture that is being painted by public health professionals like dr. anthony fauci, dr. robert redfield that we're heading into a winter that is most likely going to be pretty devastating, gutting for tens of thousands of american families, right? >> we're hitting new records but people need to recognize we're only confirming one in five to one in six cases. when we see on the johns hopkins tracker for example, that we added 200,000 cases in a single day, we're adding a million new infections. people who were taking it lightly are getting calls from friends and loved ones somebody is having trouble breathing or home sick. unfortunately that is not what you want to get religion on this virus. gillian: a big hot topic right now is as you mentioned, we look at the population, not just in the united states but worldwide. i think it is close to a billion people have been infected with the virus. i'm one of them who also recovered. a lot of people very eager to know you know, now important it is for them to get a, have seen if they need to get a vaccine at all? if they should consider, are they high priority, or low priority? should we step aside let people who haven't had the virus have access to the vaccine first, even if we are ultimately lobbed in with the general population of healthy people when it comes time? >> yeah. i would say step aside. look, if you had the infection. if you're one of 75 to 150 million americans, almost a therapy of our population, that has had the infection and confer some natural immunity. it seems good up until this point. from the other coronaviruses, they generally are good for about two to three years. let's study that population and in the meantime if you had infection step aside let peace get high-risk essential workers. we heard guidance from the cdc. unfortunately it is disappointing, very broad. it was general. not all health care workers are the same. give botox for a living, versus kidney dialysis treatment. give essential health care workers immunized and move on to nursing homes and workers with medical problems. gillian: is that the latest data out there right now? people who recovered from the coronavirus are likely to be immune? i think you said two to three years, is that right? i hadn't heard that? >> yeah. if we look at the other coronaviruses like sars and merz, that immunity lasts for two to three years. we can extrapolate, and we've seen almost no reinfections. when they occur they're extremely mild. gillian: doctor, you have been critabout the pace of these vaccine rollouts. tell us, so we understand, you think that things should be happening faster. whose fault is it? not because we're looking to cast aspersions on people but to understand the weaknesses in the process, is this on big pharma? is this on the trump administration, on who? >> "operation warp speed" and pharma done their job moving quickly. once it get to fda on november 22nd. they scheduled a meeting for december 10th? what are they doing for three weeks? that process can be shortened specifically. i did research, as you mentioned for a piece i wrote on the dispatch. there has been a lot of sitting around time. there has been a lot of colating information and taking off for thanksgiving. they should not be cutting any corners at the fda but they should work harder. people are getting crushed out there right now. we're making massive sacrifices. we're starving our society. they should work harder and faster and turn that around in 24 hours. what are they looking at? 90 infections in one group and five in another. as we heard from salawi today, no serious adverse events. they should move faster on that basic data. gillian: a great point. we'll reach out to the fda. we'll let you know if we hear back. lag time in three weeks in the middle of a pandemic where thousands of americans are contracting this virus every day, sounds a bit inexcusable. we'll see what they have to say. thanks, dr. makary. leland: white house is upset about this. the fda commissioner has gotten called in couple times over the past week. in the past few hours a pastor in colorado held worship services defying the democratic governor in that state. the pastor's case is in the supreme court. he said he is willing to be arrested for shepherding his flock. he joins us next. this is us talking tax-smart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest. this is andy reminding me how i can keep my investing costs low and that there's no fee to work with him. here's me learning about schwab's 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police custody allegedly opening his bar in violation of covid-19 restrictions and striking a sheriff's deputy while in his car. they approached the man, danny presti after seeing people enter his bar, mac's public house. presti allegedly drove into one of the deputies. his lawyer says he expects to be arraigned some day. leland: we have two owners have been hit hard are with us today. fitness in oak grove california, because of restriction and frank ritchie, the bar in pause tin texas, rocking at 12:25 central time, already open and serving. frank, start with you, you have a stack full of citations. your bartenders gotten them as well. you managed to stay open. how do you pull it off? >> we turned ourselves into restaurant. we're rockin' cigar bar and grill. back in march they tried to shut us down. had 20 police officers on me to take us down. stood our ground on st. patrick's day. stayed open until 2:00 a.m the day after that the fire marshal said if we even again they will yank our permit. with that happening we would be out of business. leland: "saturday night live" went after the staten island bar owner and protests outside. they seem to be making fun of small business owners still trying to make a living. take a listen. get your reaction in a second. >> i saw the protest. people were outside of the bar shouting about freedom, taunting the cops, chanting that they should arrest the governor but it is staten island i assumed it was a like a typical last call. >> making us look like babies. leland: frank, are you baby or just trying to keep your employees with food in their mouth and roof over their head? >> obviously we're trying to make sure that our employees are taken care of. we have mortgages to pay. we have car payments. we have electric bills. we need to have food. and the reality is we've gone up against this it has been tough. we done what the governor said we could do. we're allowed to work inside of this. it has been quite challenging though. they shut us down at 9:00 at night. money in the bar is made after 9:00 of course from 9:00 to 2:00. so it is, although, yes we are open, we are running on -- leland: you're running on fumes but at least you're running. lee, i understand it, you all are totally shut down. i can only imagine these new restrictions in california make it impossible? >> it has been quite impossible. we've actually been shut down this year over 255 days. leland: wow. >> we have pivoted right away. went right to virtual. however when we opened up our business that was not how we planned to have our main business. we spent over $125,000 alone just in the remodel of our space that has been empty for 14 years. and we signed a five-year lease for $5600 a year. i mean, a month. you know, obviously online virtual classes is not going to do that. the longer this goes on, a lot of our clients have lost their jobs. they have had to quit their jobs to homeschool their children. or they have had a pay decrease. now we've lost up to 50% of our regular members and about -- leland: do you feel like, do you feel like the governor, who is putting all these new restrictions in place cares about you and what your sacrifices have been. >> honestly i don't. from the very beginning we wanted to flatten the curve. we were okay with closing two tore or three weeks. now it is turned into 255 days. we know we can open safely. we received a variance from the sacramento health department. within four days governor newsom took it back. we are a small based studio, class-based studio. you have to make a reservation to come in. leland: real quick, lee, i will get frank in, any chance you will defy these orders, dlee? >> we're really talking about it. i know a couple of congressman are fighting for us, kiley, gallagher. we hope those guys will come through for us. there is no reason why we should not be open safely. we know we can. manufacturer people walking in and out of target in one hour than i would have in my studio the entire month. leland: we hear argument a lot about people in target and people on airplanes yet they can't go to a small business like yours or frank's. frank, real quick, you have all those citations. >> yes. leland: are you willing to get arrested over this if you have to? >> well, this is the kind of guy i am. this is me. they're criminalizing good people. so i do support the police. i do support the tabc. i also believe that the leaders that they have to follow these leaders, are the culprit to this. when they come in, almost become family with the tabc and the police. leland: well, that is good family members to have. i'm guessing tabc is the texas alcohol commission there. >> yes. leland: we appreciate you both being with us. come back to update us as this, this goes on. unfortunately seems like a long road ahead for small business owners around the country. we appreciate it, both of you. >> thank you. >> thanks for having me on. leland: gillian. gillian: president trump is back from his trip to georgia where he rallied last night. thousands of supporters gathered for that event in support of the gop senate runoff candidates. we'll take you live to 1600 pennsylvania avenue next. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ but when i started seeing things, i didn't know what was happening... so i kept it in. he started believing things that weren't true. i knew something was wrong... but i didn't say a word. during the course of their disease around 50% of people with parkinson's may experience hallucinations or delusions. but now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. the only fda approved medicine... proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to 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[szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪. gillian: president trump is back at the white house now of a rallying support for georgia senate run i don't have candidates kelly loeffler and david perdue last night in what the campaign billed as a victory rally. mark meredith at the white house. he has the latest how the team is feeling today. hi, mark. reporter: gillian, president trump appeared to be thrilled to be out on the campaign trail. the rally in valdosta, georgia, was the first one since the november election. it is very important as the republicans try to keep the gnat their control. the president made a direct pitch to voters last night. president trump: the most important congressional runoff in american history i really believe that, there has never been a time like this where you have two at one time, at least you have two beauties. you know what you have two beauties running against them. reporter: the trump campaign has not announced anymore rallies yet but it is expected the republican party will continue to send high-profile surrogates like the president and vice president down there between now and the fifth. the vice president stopped in savannah on friday. the chairwoman of the rnc says the party plans to spend millions of dollars more to keep georgia senate seats in gop hand. >> if you want a check on chuck schumer and democrats and what they will do to stack the supreme court and get rid of the filibuster and embrace the green new deal and destroy our economy and destroy the country we love, we need to make sure we send republicans to the senate and keep that majority. reporter: democrats are sending their own high-profile surrogates to help counterbalance that republican punch down there in georgia. a lot can happen between now and january 5th. this week i want to mention, gillian the trump administration continuing to focus on a coronavirus vaccine. the fdaidate, a drug believed te the 95% effective against the coronavirus. a lot of people eager to see what the fda will decide. department of health and human services are stepping up the awareness campaign trying to convince people, want the proof, now the time to get the vaccine. gillian. gillian: one might call the vaccine distribution question the real trillion dollar question in washington today. thanks so much, mark. reporter: you bet. ♪. leland: earlier today the high plains harvest church held worship services. unremarkable in normal times up possibly an arrestable offense because of colorado governor's covid orders. pastor mark hoteling is suing in the u.s. supreme court to shepherd his flock in person and joins us now. pastor, we appreciate it. don't know howd today that the the state would actually enforce it other than removing a business license or tax status or something like that. you know the thing is is that all we're trying to do is worship god. i mean we as christians, we can assemble. we're called to assemble by scripture and the government is putting the screws to us and we're just simply using the system that god has placed over us, the authority to petition our government to stop discriminating against us. leland: the founders wrote that our rights come from god, not from government. one of those rights is the freedom of religion. this is what your petition to the supreme court writes. the lynchpin of the state's attempted justification for discriminating against churches in favor of secular uses is that somehow churches are uniquely risky environments for the spread of covid-19. the data are profoundly at odds with the state's position. so as i understand it you got an issue because target and walmart are open but your church isn't able to be. explain that. >> yeah. i can go to lowe's down the street and you know, there is 300 people just in the garden section. i can get on an airplane and sit six inches away from somebody. there is 100 people or whatever you know in a tube, a metal tube confined for multiple hours yet i can't have more than 15 people worshiping together. leland: jared polis, democratic governor of colorado, a very liberal one at that do you think he has something against religion and this is just sort of another way that the democratic left is trying to put a president thumbscrews in your words to hurt churches in america or do you think it's a profound difference of opinion on the science? >> i don't know what jared polis' heart is. all i know is that god's people are being discriminated against and this country was founded on freedom of religion and of assembly and i think there is a reason why the supreme court has said they're going to look at this case. leland: this is what justice gorsuch has written in the past about these issues. while the pandemic poses many grave challenges there is no world in which the constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues and mosques. do you come at this from a unique perspective given your background in the military and time you spent overseas defending our freedoms. did you think you would have to fight for the freedom to worship in court? >> i was born and raised in colorado. i'm a native. i was born and raised in boulder colorado, the most liberal part of colorado. leland: yeah. >> no, i, i never dreamed that i would be in this position right now but i mean, i've got a job to do and that's to allow, and you know, let's be very clear, it is in our it's in our filing, we've always maintained social distancing. we have provided masks. we have sanitized. we have provided all of that and the government in an emergency, can and should have the ability to you know, to be able to regulate things. leland: yeah. >> you about this is, this is stupid. we're beyond it and -- leland: pastor, we appreciate you coming on and talking about it. we know there is a long distance between where we're at right now and a supreme court ruling and we'll talk to you along the way, sir. we'll let you get back to the flock through this day. we appreciate you taking the time to be with us, sir. >> good to talk to you. leland: all the best, sir. gillian? gillian: president trump is looking to fulfill one of his hallmark campaign promises. ending america's longest war in afghanistan. can he do it safely in the few weeks we've got left? benjamin hall is live in kabul. hi, benjamin. reporter: gillian, we're live in kahn bull. we're get mixed reactions to the impending u.s. military drawdown. we'll have the story after the break. alright, i brought in ensure max protein to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. [grunting noise] i'll take that. woohoo! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. with nutrients to support immune health. leland: president trump says he is going to forge ahead with his plan to withdraw 2,000 troops from afghanistan but congress is going to try to block the president's attempts with a key provision in the new defense bill. so what does this mean on the ground in afghanistan where the 9/11 attacks originated from? benjamin hall is in kabul with what they're saying there. hi, benjamin. reporter: hi, leland. this drawdown is seen two very different ways in afghanistan. on other hand people here in kabul and other cities who fear, rightly so, if the drawdown goes ahead then the taliban will take over large parts of the country and freedoms they have been given over the last 20 years will disappear. if you leave the cities, speak to people in the rural areas they believe only the taliban can bring law and order peace and security at time they're attacked by increasing taliban forces. we saw both sides of this earlier on today when we were out and about. have a look. the taliban are not only knocking on the door of kabul, they're already inside of kabul. districts like this are taken over by the taliban at night. when night falls, they come in, put up roadblocks, arrest and kill people that work for the government. people here know exactly that is what will happen when the u.s. leaves. for many people that is not a terrible concept. they are war-weary. many tell us they would welcome the taliban taking over. it brought them security. at the end of the day all they want is peace and stability. they don't mind who gives it to them. for better or worse the u.s. drawdown is happening. president hoped to get all u.s. troops out by christmas. that will not happen. they're still on target to reduce the number from 5000 to 2 1/2 thousand. at beginning of the year this were 13,000 u.s. troops here. nevertheless this is criticized by many, many people. that being said peace talks are underway and moving forward slowly in doha to find a settlement between the two, power sharing between the afghan government and taliban. secretary pompeo has been meeting with taliban representatives to make some headway. we're hearing reports that we might hear of a cease-fire coming this week but the big question is whether the taliban will renounce al qaeda. they have not been made to do so yet. indeed many people say including the u.n., that in some taliban-held areas al qaeda leadership are being protected by them. until they are renounced, then the purpose of u.s. troops being here and prevent the country becoming a springboard for attacks, then allies say it simply isn't the right time for the u.s. to be leaving. nato and coalition allies generally all feel strongly about that leland. leland: the cost of afghanistan over past 20 years in blood and treasure has been so real. benjamin hall in kabul reporting there for the next couple days. benjamin, thank you. gillian. gillian: coming up next we'll take a look how some of our colleagues at fox news are planning to celebrate the holidays. stick with us. ♪. at visionworks, we know it's easy to forget to use your vision benefits before the year's up. this is us making sure you don't. use 'em before you lose 'em, backed by our 100-day guarantee!! visionworks. see the difference. this on us, on every plan! get an iphone 12 with 5g, and if you're 55 and up, switch to our essentials 55 plan and save 50% on your bill vs. the other guys. that's right, iphone 12 on us! holiday on with t-mobile. ♪. gillian: it is the holiday season. officially that means it is time to take some extra time to think about ways to connect with our fellow americans in uniform who are deployed across the globe. one organization, semper fi america's fund has amazing ways to bring america together to help our wounded warriors in particular. joining us the ceo and founder, karen gunther and also retired marine sergeant mike frazier. he is one of the many veterans the group is working with this holiday season. thanks so much, happy holidays to both of you. we really appreciate your time with us today. karen, tell us about the organization and tell us about in particular the program you're running for the holiday season. >> yes. thank you so much for having us on. we love to talk about the program. we, our mission is to care for our nation's injured and critically ill servicemembers, active duty and veterans. we wrap our arms around our army, navy, marine corps, air force and coast guard veterans and their families. we've been doing -- gillian: called semper fi but you work all the branches? that's important. >> we do. when we were started we were on a marine corps base and we helped sailors and marines from the beginning. in 2012 we opened it up to all service branches. >> that's awesome. sergeant, tell us about your, i understand you've been deployed in combat multiple times. you have paid dearly for your service and you're now working with this organization. tell us a little bit about your story and then about the work you're doing together. >> well, on my fourth deployment in 2011. lost both my legs one above the knee, one below the knee, semper fi if i america's fund has been there from the get-go. helped me recover through athleticism, riding bikes. helping me pay for a gym in my garage. most importantly they helped my family through the toughest time. my mom and dad came. they didn't have anybody there. they didn't know what to do. semper fi america's fund has saying what can we do to help? how can we help you make this transition easier. and, i'm forever thankful for them. gillian: karen, one of the wonderful things about semper fi is that you guys work with veterans as individual. meaning you don't have the blanket policies money must be used for x, y and z. really work to design programs and design services or whatever it is that families, veterans and their families may need taylored to their needs? -- tailored. >> we made that dedication to those from the very beginning. we're gap fillers. we won't duplicate what others and others are doing but we try to come up with solutions to have the best quality of life and independence, when they get back home and they move back to their communities. we want them to be thriving members of their community. we've been blessed. america has supported us. we started with $500 and we have now given out over 230 million. gillian: that's an incredible, incredible leap you've made there. congratulations, karen. best wishes to both of you. happy holidays for the viewers who want to get involved, donate time, money, energy whatever you have. thepunditorg/match. log on, take a look. -- >> thank you, happy holidays. leland: a look at fox square in new york. our christmas tree is lit up and on display. that where we are for the "fox nation" special to "the all mercuries mass." starring some of our favorite fox talent who can sing a whole lot better than gillian and i can. get it done right, right aw. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. - [announcer] meet the make family-sized meals fast. and because it's a ninja foodi, it can do things no other oven can, like flip away. the ninja foodi air fry oven, the oven that crisps and flips away. beautiful. but when i started cobra kai, the lack of control over my business made me a little intense. but now i practice a different philosophy. quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. and now i'm back on top... with koala kai. hey! more mercy. save over 30 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. the easy way to a happier business. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ chris: i'm chris wallace, states plan for the first doses of covid-19 vaccine as the number of daily cases and deaths in this country hits a new record. >> the reality is december and january and february are going to be rough times. chris: grim news as the pandemic overwhelms healthcare systems, threatens the economy and locks down weary americans but there's hope on the horizon. we will talk with health and human service secretary alex azar about the prospect for approval this week by the fda. plus -- >> that's a total


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20201207

power grab and their pathetic fawning over biden. tammy bruce is here, janelle king is here and joining us later, dr. scott atlas who just left to the white house this week. he is here to respond to my message to the lockdown leaders. but first, a message to mitch mcconnell about georgia and the election. there is nothing mcconnell wants more to keep his job as senate majority leader. what he wants perfectly is what were publicans want politically. it also happens to be what the country needs as a president made clear last night. >> now they are trying to steal these two important senate seats from georgia. these seeds are the last line of defense to save america and protect all that we have accomplished. steve: if mcconnell wants every voter to get behind the probably can candidate in the senate races he needs to do more than take out ads on tv saying how important they are. america is the home of people power and the rule of law. that is what the constitution is all about. the people's power comes through their vote so we should want the greatest possible number of legal votes and the smallest possible number of illegal votes. no one can say we have that in america today. everyone can see that our electoral system has fallen into total disrepute, not by accident but by design. this year we saw a massive latest changes to the system, none of it was necessary to cope with the virus but all of it was pushed by democrats years before the virus and you can read it in nancy pelosi's notorious hr one early voting, laid voting, mass mail in voting, instant registration complaint state voter id laws, corrupt practices like ballot harvesting. it was deliberate vandalism by the democrats for their own part is in a vantage. we don't know how many votes were affected so it is ludicrous and offensive for the establishment to state, without evidence and without a full investigation that outcomes weren't affected. they all parrot the same mantr mantra,. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. steve: how do they know? they don't know for they are just as saying it anyway. listen to this from npr. >> president repeatedly claimed falsely that voting by mail was susceptible to fraud and abuse. steve: claimed falsely that election expert rick carson said voter fraud occurs through absentee ballots but bipartisan commission on federal election reform chaired by jimmy carter and james baker said quote, absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud. over and over again this year "the wall street journal", take one example, warned that mail-in voting would lead to disaster. in 2016 there was a problem with 1.2% of mail-in votes and this year we have 65 million double the amount and with that massive overnight increase you would expect more problems, not fewer. but now no one wants to no, shut up and move on. this establishment arrogance is dangerous for our democracy and we have to get to the bottom of this. it is outrageous that the trump campaign is fighting on its own. everything one of those pompous establishment pontificate tours sanctimoniously lecturing everyone about trust in our democracy should join the fight for election integrity. as usual, the truth is the direct opposite of what they say. it's a total lack of curiosity about what just happened that was really destroying trust in our democracy. republicans are angry and rightfully so and here is what it means for georgia. if mitch mcconnell wants to state majority leader he had better pledge as quickly as possible to hold a full senate investigation into the 2020 election, into mail-in voting and what needs to be done to restore faith in our election system. you can tell which mcconnell yourself by following us at steve hilton x and share this message when we posted. joining me now fox news contributor and president of independent women's voice, tammy bruce and cofounder of the speak georgia janelle king. great to see you both. tammy, your thoughts on my suggested message to mitch mcconnell there. >> very appropriate and very good and yet this really shows us that nothing much has changed with the mentality from four years ago. it was the system against a donald trump and against the forgotten man and woman then and they are trying to revert back to that same dynamic. they wrongly think that donald trump's power was just onto himself and that we are all going to assimilate back in. the fact is what they have mistaken is that it wasn't donald trump's power but it was our power that he represented which is exactly what the founders wanted in an active presidents. this is where once again it is this bubble they like but the major mistake will be in thinking and it has been in thinking, that donald trump was the key. in fact, he is to a point of being able to lift us all up but we have his back and we are going nowhere. donald trump and his family is going nowhere and this is like letting the dragon out and it is out of the cave and there is no chain on it and then you thank you will just chain it and tell it to go back into the cave. we are not going back into the cave. they have to understand that whether you are a coalminer or a bank worker or a restaurant owner or a tv critic or whatever it is you do, on mom, a, a housewife, a stay-at-home dad, a lawyer, whoever you are, we have all been forgotten by these people and that is changed four years ago and is unlocked and will not go back and mcconnell will have to face that fact and behave accordingly. steve: exactly, you've written it so well put. you've always understood this movement and the power of it that was absolutely great britain reminded me of something i just read today in "the new york times" of all places, never trump critic of the president, conservative but made an interesting point and set for those on the left and in the establishment who think this is a handful of conspiracy theory minded people putting crazy things on facebook but no, he was pointing out that the number of people that you would not expect to have come up to him with concerns about the election and no measure the caricature of the people in the establishment attacks is striking and you got to take it seriously. do not, i want to move on if i could to the georgia aspect of this and you been involved in politics there so just before i get your response i want to play you some from the debate tonight and i think this could be put in a category of things kelly loeffler, i think we got the message. have a look. >> radical, liberal raphael warnock, radical liberal raphael warnock. radical liberal raphael warnock, radical liberal raphael warnock. [laughter] steve: to my account she said that about 14 times and i stepped out for a few minutes. janelle, is that the right message and what you think about this question of the election and people's skepticism about the votes and how we can get that trump movement fully behind these two candidates? >> first, i do think that that was the message. i think she drilled it home. here is the thing. she's not there to entertain everyone but they are to inform you and that's what she did. she wanted you to see who the real raphael warnock is. he is the one walking around and having this commercial with puppies and these things but there's so much that comes with him and with his message that he said. i think it's important that the state of georgia understands that we are the state that will decide the future of this country. no matter what side of the aisle you are on this is a very pivotal moment and that is what she was highlighting and i think she did a great job at doing that. i don't think raphael warnock defended himself well at all. i think he just showed us that everything she said about him was true because he had no defense for any of it. i look forward to seeing what turns out as it relates to this but i think she did a great job. steve: quickly, to think the trump base will turn out for these candidates? >> absolutely. i absolutely think they will turn out and the reason why i say that is because they understand what is on the line and then you can have one side over the other and if you are whether a trump or republican no one can win without the other but you have to show up. i think they will. steve: alright, thank you both. still ahead tonight, my message to the lockdown leaders, scott atlas reacts and angelo marsden who who made a powerful video about california's cruel lockdown rule joins us live. don't go away. ♪ students of color typically do not have access to high quality computer science and stem education. ♪ i joined amazon because i wanted to change education and i am impatient. amazon gives me the resources to change the world at a pace that i want to change it. ♪ we provide students stem scholarships and teachers with support. ♪ i'm a fighter and i'm fighting for all students. ♪ steve: welcome back. this week scott ellis left his position of white house coronavirus advisor paid for years he was a senior member of stanford university's department of medicine. i know stanford well and taught there when i first moved to america in 2012 and of always been grateful for the opportunity they gave me but on november 20 the university equity senate condemned dr. atlas and said his actions quote, contradict medical science and claimed he misrepresented knowledge and opinion regarding the management of the pandemic showing disdain for establishment knowledge and alleged he violated stanford's core values and high ethical standards. high ethical standards but interesting. earlier in the year three current members of stanford medical faculty epidemiologist, jay and aaron published a study that completely offended what we thought we knew about the virus and by testing antibodies where standard is based the doctors establish that coronavirus is much more infectious but much less deadly and then we have been told for this finding called into question the entire strategy of our leaders blocking everyone down to try to stop anyone being infected. if the virus was as infectious as the stanford doctors showed there was no point in showing on the economy because that would not stop the virus and if it's much less deadly than for most people it doesn't matter because they will have zero symptoms if they get infected. the right policy would be to protect the vulnerable while letting everyone else get on with their lives. this was hugely significant because on the show we were the first to criticize the lockdowns and to say the cure is worse than the disease. we brought you the stanford doctors findings as soon as they were available, the doctor joined us on april 12. what was the reaction from stanford? this man lloyd minor is head of stanford medicine and instead of supporting his colleagues groundbreaking work he tried to silence them and using the pretext of a manufactured whistleblower complaint he ordered an investigation for six months the doctors were threatened with retribution, hounded by stanford lawyers, prevented from speaking out and even subjected to smear campaigns in the press. yet, their pioneering findings have since been confirmed by multiple other studies in this one conducted in july and published in september and another more recently from the cdc itself after six months the doctors were completely exonerated and able to speak freely again. the doctor became a founder of the great barrington declaration which argues against lockdowns and in favor of what they call focused protection for the vulnerable. it is then signed by over 12000 medical and public all scientists around the world. everything from the stanford doctors said in april was true. dr. scott atlas shared their analysis and was a vocal advocate of the focused protection approach and that is why the president hired him so, why did stanford try to silence its own doctors? why did it smear dr. atlas because of this person . sarah cody clancy cara who ordered the nations first lockdown and fanatics and here is the queen of corona misinformation, msnbc rachel maddow. >> doctor cody and the health officers in the same for cisco bay erica acted faster and more decisively than anyone else in the country and i don't know that stay-at-home orders were within the public health toolk toolkit. how prepared were you, how did you all know to think about these things as options? steve: good question. here is the answer. the lockdown plan sarah cody ordered has been infected so to speak the whole country but wasn't formulated in response to the coronavirus but wasn't off the shelf plan that she and former colleagues have prepared after 911 as a response to potential bioterrorism attack or a theoretical pandemic, not on the data or the science of this pandemic. still, sarah cody shot down santa clara county and then the bay area followed and then all of california and then across the country. we are constantly told we have the best public health system in the world and this week data was published showing that the virus was circulating in mid- decembey this year doctor anthony fauci was telling us there was nothing to worry about and the virus was here three months before sarah cody's lockdown and it was not going to contain it, even at the time the stanford antibody studied literally conducted in sarah cody's county prove that lockdowns were never going to contain it. yet, preposterously given the data sarah cody was still talking into this year about quote, full containment. what has this got to do with stanford and dr. atlas? guess who sarah cody's husband is? a professor of medicine at stanford and so they close ranks to protect their own. this is led by stanford medicine's boss lloyd minor and how dare anyone question the lockdown that was ordered by the wife of our colleague. this is how the groupthink started. the stanford study was the first scientific challenge to the lockdown policy so naturally, it had to be destroyed. the dissenting doctors had to be attacked, smeared in silence and universities, science, the whole point is to be open to gather evidence and to debate. stanford did the exact opposite and they attempted a cover-up and it is grotesque and a total disgrace. meanwhile, the rest of us had to live with the consequences and the lockdown group think spread from stanford to the medical establishment to the media to the bureaucrats and the democrats with utterly cynical bad face realizing the weakness of their own positions and they accused anyone against lockdown of wanting people to die. of course, people died despite the lockdowns and thousands more died because of the lockdown. we brought you the toll week after week and the establishments cruel, destructive lockdowns failed and yet here we are again about to repeat them. none of it is based on science or data and big business or small business closed but it is all capricious, pseudoscientific nonsense and look at biden with its pathetic statement about masking in his first hundred days but it is pure bs. it's plucked out of thin air by some pr idiots and everything biden says about the virus is for politics, not public health. he has zero credibility. lockdown leaders know the rules make no sense or they wouldn't break them all the time. every day there is a new democrat lockdown hypocrite. what moral authority to they have two impose lockdowns on anyone anywhere? they are exploiting this virus to micromanage our lives and we have had enough of it. this lockdown groupthink is as wrong as the establishment groupthink that gave us endless war in the middle east and a 50 year suck up to china. this is worse then both because the costs are higher. lockdowns are the biggest public policy mistake in history and we have to fight them. be responsible, protect the vulnerable, live your life. help us fight back by following us at steve hilton x and it next rev fnc and share this when we post it. scott atlas, i'm delighted to say is here to respond. >> thank you for having me, steve. steve: dr. atlas, i just want to ask you straightforwardly to respond to what i laid out the there. >> you covered a lot of territory but i'm not in a position to comment on an individual university but i would say a couple of things. first of all, you know, we really need to make sure that universities in general allow the free exchange of ideas because if we don't have that free exchange of ideas even when many people may disagree with them we will never arrive at the scientific truth that we need to solve crises like a pandemic or any other crisis. in fact, if you don't allow the free exchange of ideas i'm not sure what kind of country we are living in. we are really at a very dangerous point in time and that kind of basically groupthink, as you put it or censorship of free exchange of ideas, is going to lead us into making massive tragic mistakes. steve: really well put. i think that is one of the biggest lessons of all of this great let's turn to the specifics of the lockdowns. we are seeing them back right here in california where i am right now and just lay out for us but constructive positive alternative. as i said they are, those of us who are skeptics and i just want people to die but it's ridiculous and unfair and i would love you to lay out your thoughts on the lockdown strategy and what we should be doing instead in order to protect people while allowing or avoiding the costs of the lockdowns. >> sure, first we could comment on the lockdowns themselves but one of my colleagues oxford epidemiologists said it very clearly, lockdowns are a luxury of the ridge. the elites do not get impacted by working at home and by hiring another tutor because schools are closed but working-class people and the poor are destroyed by lockdowns. moreover, the lockdowns are killing people because people are afraid because of the fear instilled to seek medical care and there are such logical, damage that one out of four adults ages 18 through 24 thought of killing themselves during the month of june and depressed symptoms have tripled and there is economic devastation that translates into things like more social, more spousal abuse, child abuse has skyrocketing and suicide hotlines are skyrocketing in terms of calls so we have to be very cognizant of the fact that there is a reason why in the classic pandemic papers lockdowns were never considered as a potential solution. we have to also be aware of this. the public faces of public health and they say we are not for lockdowns but the lockdowns are what they are pushing in the policies that are restricting and closing businesses and of preventing kids from being in person schools or restricting person to person businesses and by telling families they can't see each other, this is lockdown. the alternative in the appropriate policy that i had been advising the president on was always very, very significant protection of the high-risk people and we did that at the white house. we push that with increased protective equipment with tens of millions of new tests to senior citizens and new alert systems of seniors living outside and we want to increase the protection of the high-risk people but we cannot confine healthy people to their homes. it's creating a disaster. this targeted protection but careful opening of the schools, of businesses, opening of normal lives with protection as much as possible of high-risk people. i think people in your viewership should do this, they should try to figure out what is the endgame for people who keep pushing lockdowns? went to get back to normal? exactly what is the plan of public officials to get back to normal because we are entering now a phase of a continuous cycle of lockdowns with no end in his sight and we see all over europe and all over the states in the u.s. lockdowns do not get rid of the virus. the virus is there and you can slow things down by delaying things as, unfortunately, was done and part of the reason why we are seeing so many cases is because of the lockdowns delaying things into winter months, colder weather where vcu cannot socially distance with elderly family members. i think the public health officials need to do something essential which is been missing. they have to consider the impact of the virus and have to consider the impact of the policy itself. this is what public policy is supposed to do print that has been saying it and that's one of the things i try to do at the white house. steve: dr. atlas, that's fantastic and clear pit i appreciate it and i'm sorry to say that because i thought this madness would've been in the rearview mirror but i think we will have to have you back on to talk about it because i see these lockdowns coming back and you have such a strong voice on it it would be appreciated. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. steve: after the break we will be joined live by los angeles restaurant owner angela marsden who made that video about the outrageous cruelty as we discovered with california's lockdown rules. ♪ like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. ♪ you can count on me ♪ i'll be home for christmas ♪ if only in my dreams ♪ i'm a peer educator,... a fitness buff,... and a champion for my own health. i 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liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping,... tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato-i did. ♪ steve: welcome back. one california restaurant majors went viral this week. >> mayor garcetti and gavin newsom is responsible for every single person that does not have unemployment and does not have a job and all the businesses that are going under and we need your help. we need somebody to do something about this. steve: joining me now is the owner of pineapple hill saloon and grill in sherman oaks, california, angela marsden bird thank you for being with us but most of all for that incredible video. i've got to tell you i never watched anything related to a story in the news that had a greater emotional impact on me than watching your video. for those that have not seen it just tell us your story. >> i mean, the day that i did that video basically they started the lockdown well, they closed outdoor dining two days before thanks giving without any notice so our last night was the night before thanks giving and i had to tell my staff that i would like to stay open for takeout but i lose so much money doing it that if i did that i may not be able to ever reopen again so i had to shut down. that friday i was coming in to give last paychex and we had taken what food would go bad and put in grocery bags for the staff. i also had decided, ironically, the week before that i was not going to be afraid and going to start speaking out so i was trying to plan a protest and i came in to my parking lot and there were my, you know, when i come in the back it was very surreal because or shocking i have my patio that i have spent, i'm living off loan money, sitting there shuttered and then right there in the same parking lot within 20 steps was the same exact -. steve: where showing that right now. >> yeah, the same set up for a movie crew to eat lunch and stuff catering trucks and, a tent for two hunter people it seemed like to me and i don't know but and i was in shock. i went in to my restaurant and was like trying to stay focused to get things together and i just broke down crying and then i got angry and said i have to tell the truth. i mean, as business owners we are afraid to say anything because we are afraid to be taken like we don't care about people if we stay open or we are just worried about us but you know, i have ten people working for me but i had to tell they have no job right before christmas with no notice. i just said to my friends who were there that i've got to fill this and let the world see it. i got people have to know the hypocrisy of what is going on and it makes no sense. steve: exactly. none of it makes sense and the other point is this, just like so many small businesses you have been responsible and you put in the investment so that you could be open without door dining and do it in a safe manner and you've done all the things we would want people to do and still they crush you. it's so an rating. angela, i saw the mayor eric cassidy put out a statement saying he's heart goes out to you but he still going to keep you shut down. what is your response and what you want to say to him? >> you know, i mean, what i want to say to him is that as business owners we have done everything you wanted and we will do whatever it takes to keep our people safe. we know covid is out there but you are living in lala land if you think the rest of us, the middle class and the lower middle-class can actually stay at home. we are -- i have a single mom with a child who can't pay her rent. i've got another new hire because we got busy in october with the patio and it looked like things would turn around who is couch surfing because she no longer has an apartment and are on a plum and has run out. it is ridiculous and as politicians or a mayor of the city it is your job to look at risk assessment and to do, the gentleman you just had on was brilliant. could he talk to mayor garcetti? the decisions that are being made make no sense and everly hill their council voted to keep it, pasadena open and the sheriff what a wonderful sheriff to say he would not enforce it but you know, they are 13 intake license and health permits away if we defy it in open so what are we supposed to do? how are we going to eat? how will we keep a roof over our heads? like you said, the suicide rate, you know, the single mom with the child can't pay her rent and i said i would do everything i can to see if i can find to work and she said angela, all i know how to do is bartend or wait tables and i said what have you been doing and she's like well it's disgusting. >> she said she's been on antidepressants but she doesn't need pill, she needs a job. steve: this is so outrageous on as they prayed i got to say thank you, angela for speaking out. i want to stay in touch with you because you're such a powerful voice and you are really leading the resistance to all of this. we've got to fight back against this because their rules make no sense and their ridiculous and they're not based on science and it's completely unacceptable and we should not accept it. i'm sorry but we got to go now angela but i want to thank you for what you are doing and let's stay in touch and followed the campaign for it we are right behind you. thank you so much. >> thank you. steve: what a powerful and brave woman and we will follow that. coming up, tammy and janelle are back with their thoughts on the lockdown. don't go away. ♪ a national or hometown charity. and subaru and our retailers would proudly make a donation. but now, in times like these, companies are having a hard choice to make. but subaru is more than a car company. and as charities struggle, we cannot just stand by. which is why we plan to donate over twenty four million dollars, again this year. the subaru share the love event, going on now. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. ♪ steve: we are back with tammy and janelle talking about the lockdowns backlash. you had scott atlas powerfully setting up the arguments in that powerful personal testimony from angela. your thoughts. >> you know, scott atlas has been, it's been common sense. it's been what the average american also has been thinking and arguing in great he's a doctor and i'm sure that it forms part of his decision-making but a lot of this is just about life. you know, humanity has been able to function without democrats micromanaging all of our lives. we do it. it is because we too are concerned about her families in the power of that woman, entrepreneur, business owner, look, she's middle-class and i can tell you with this lockdown with gavin newsom entertainment industry workers are considered essential workers, not restaurant people, not waiters, nobody else, entertainment industry people are considered an essential industry. why is that? because they give big money to the politicians. struggling restaurant owners don't have the money to give away like bribes and we are dealing with the biggest sort of graft in the world. this is about, this is not a free society where you will get locked down unless you give in cash to a politician and then of course all the licensing and all of that exists for specific like this where they can shut you down if you do not behave. that is what life is about. her action is this radicalizing of the forgotten man and woman that began and it is continuing this other burst of awareness and will continue the radicalization that will continue this reformation and trump will still be in front of it. steve: that is why, janelle, i really -- i want to see a lockdown rebellion prayed i want people like angela and business owners all over the country to rise up together and where are the voices and where are there trade unions and associations and so on? we got to push this now we can't accept this any longer, janelle. >> absolutely. when i was listening to your guests i had to hold back the motions because i felt her. i understand. we hear about economic downturn in the economic heard but what that means is that there are people and business owners who have to decide between which employee to keep and who to let go and where -- difficult, difficult decisions prayed for many of the small business owners their entire lives are wrapped up in these businesses and you are telling them that in a shoe port months they have to throw away everything they put their heart and soul into and every dime they have. that is hurtful and impactful. it really shows that you're completely disconnected from the real world because this is a real thing and these lockdowns are not helping anyone. until the vaccine is on the show we are having to deal with the herd immunity, whether for it or against it. that is what we have and that is how you fight it but we are fighters. that's what we've been doing for our entire lives and that is how we sustained this long. steve: that's exactly right. we got to fight it. we got to get together and fight it. i would go further and not just say the lockdowns aren't helping but hurting her take that example of the outside dining. what does that mean if you shutdown outside dining? tonight we go inside and that's their lockdowns are causing the spike that they are now complaining about. it's so stupid and it's, the people doing this, gavin newsom, i know gavin newsom while he consider him a friend and he's a good person and not an evil bad person but what he's doing here is evil in the way that is hurting people and not even advancing the goal he wants. it's got to be overturned and we've got to fight back and i thank you both for that. we will stay on this and have angela back and really push this. the media fawning over biden hit a new low this week. we play you the tapes after the break. ♪ ♪ and you're still the one applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eating good in the neighborhood. intronew advil dual action. the world of pain relief: advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks pain signals. new advil dual action with acetaminophen. for bathroom odors that linger try febreze small spaces. just press firmly and it continuously eliminates odors in the air and on soft surfaces. for 45 days. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ steve: welcome back. the media's fawning over biden has sunk to a new low as jake tapper's obsequious interview with biden and harris and him yakking it up with don lemon afterward tapper totally gave the game away and look us into this. >> there was certainly a lot of the right answers. steve: that is the corrupt establishment right there. biden gave the right answers according to cnn. tapper was not just fawning over biden but spinning for him and here is what biden is set according tapper about his family's business dealings. >> nobody will do anything in terms of business deals that will create even the appearance of impropriety. steve: except that is not what biden said. >> my son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict whether appropriate distance from the presidency and government. steve: a conflict is much lower standard than impropriety. no doubt one of the reasons it jake tapper like all of the rest of them is falling over biden is because he wants a job in the white house but he's already acting as biden's spokesman even while he still at cnn for janelle, this fawning, is it going to continue, do you think? >> unfortunately, i do think it will continue. the appropriate distance, what is that? does that mean you just put a whole different layer or middleman in the process when it comes to your family or businesses or talking about an individual in a family who has not worked in the private sector pretty much their entire life for the last 50 years in government work and "making money" from being in the government. i'm interested to see what his family will do and how they will become even more successful during this administration should he get in. steve: exactly, tammy, tony think that crystallized it when tapper said he gave a lot of the right answers. i thought that was so revealing. >> you know, we've discussed sometimes the revolving door between media and politicians in congress. jake tapper started as a democratic operative at the hilton house of representatives. that is who he is just like george stephanopoulos. there are some people now who don't realize what their background is, nothing has changed. at this point both senator harris and joe biden will have to start wearing open toed sandals so that their toes can be licked directly. this is absolutely absurd -- i know, it's not something you want to think about but really. this is what is going on. the good news is that it is happening immediately, they are not even trying to make a transition from what happened during trump's time and this just confirms what they've done is destroy their industry and when we think about the phrase fake news on the president attacked her say they were enemy of the people and yet, when your job is to elucidate issues and bring information to people but instead your propagandists, of course you have abandoned your job and become a problem and the republic itself and for democracy itself. steve: exactly prayed very well put. i don't want to think about that image you raised. let's not keep that in mind -- >> it's a problem. steve: exactly right. we will have more with tammy and janelle straight after the break. don't go away. ♪ from liberty mutual! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ how did you know? mom...that was taken at the farm. it was in this small little village. in connemara? right! connemara it is. honestly, we went there- oh, oh look at that! look at that. : : . : : . welcome back. on tuesday san francisco officials voted to ban tobacco smoking in apartment building but there's a twist which is captured in this headline. they are becoming smoking inside apartments but pot smoking is okay. tammy, the problem with this is it's in san francisco and could spread across the country. loony left. >> it is. there's a rule where you can't be smoking pot outside so they want to make sure nobody gets in trouble so there allowing them to stay inside and smoke pot all of which sounds great if you are high and that's all i have to say. [laughter] >> janelle it's just hilarious. they have no problem with all these restrictions on your behavior. it's this now they're interfering with what you do inside your apartment. i think it's unbelievable. i couldn't believe it when i read it. >> while eileen a little libertarian when it comes to the conversation around marijuana, i think there is a lot of weirdness around these restrictions. i don't understand why they switch it up but do we really know where these restrictions come from? i don't know tammy, i want to go back to the lockdown thing. it's such a big story. do you think working to see the kind of momentum really behind the resistance of the lockdown from these stupid rules. >> i hope so. california is a state that recalled the governor because of driver's license for illegal aliens. that was part of that effort, the southwest are cowboys and independent at same time. everybody's likelihoods are wrapped up in this, but i would think that just like in new york, the schools open out of pressure, i think california can manage it and i think they should stand up for themselves. >> there you go. it's time. >> great way to end it. thank you all very much. thanks for joining us and do please join us again next sunday night when "the next revolution" will be televised. it is so great to be with all of you and finally feeling the christmas spirit. with everything going on in our world, so many of us are looking for cheer right now. fox nation has you covered. >> tonight were going to give you an exclusive sneak peek at the all new and original specials focus on faith, family and family traditions and history, but the big thing you want to stay tuned for is the second annual lighting of our red, white and blue christmas


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20201207

power grab and their pathetic fawning over biden. tammy bruce is here, janelle king is here and joining us later, dr. scott atlas who just left to the white house this week. he is here to respond to my message to the lockdown leaders. but first, a message to mitch mcconnell about georgia and the election. there is nothing mcconnell wants more to keep his job as senate majority leader. what he wants perfectly is what were publicans want politically. it also happens to be what the country needs as a president made clear last night. >> now they are trying to steal these two important senate seats from georgia. these seeds are the last line of defense to save america and protect all that we have accomplished. steve: if mcconnell wants every voter to get behind the probably can candidate in the senate races he needs to do more than take out ads on tv saying how important they are. america is the home of people power and the rule of law. that is what the constitution is all about. the people's power comes through their vote so we should want the greatest possible number of legal votes and the smallest possible number of illegal votes. no one can say we have that in america today. everyone can see that our electoral system has fallen into total disrepute, not by accident but by design. this year we saw a massive latest changes to the system, none of it was necessary to cope with the virus but all of it was pushed by democrats years before the virus and you can read it in nancy pelosi's notorious hr one early voting, laid voting, mass mail in voting, instant registration complaint state voter id laws, corrupt practices like ballot harvesting. it was deliberate vandalism by the democrats for their own part is in a vantage. we don't know how many votes were affected so it is ludicrous and offensive for the establishment to state, without evidence and without a full investigation that outcomes weren't affected. they all parrot the same mantr mantra,. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. steve: how do they know? they don't know for they are just as saying it anyway. listen to this from npr. >> president repeatedly claimed falsely that voting by mail was susceptible to fraud and abuse. steve: claimed falsely that election expert rick carson said voter fraud occurs through absentee ballots but bipartisan commission on federal election reform chaired by jimmy carter and james baker said quote, absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud. over and over again this year "the wall street journal", take one example, warned that mail-in voting would lead to disaster. in 2016 there was a problem with 1.2% of mail-in votes and this year we have 65 million double the amount and with that massive overnight increase you would expect more problems, not fewer. but now no one wants to no, shut up and move on. this establishment arrogance is dangerous for our democracy and we have to get to the bottom of this. it is outrageous that the trump campaign is fighting on its own. everything one of those pompous establishment pontificate tours sanctimoniously lecturing everyone about trust in our democracy should join the fight for election integrity. as usual, the truth is the direct opposite of what they say. it's a total lack of curiosity about what just happened that was really destroying trust in our democracy. republicans are angry and rightfully so and here is what it means for georgia. if mitch mcconnell wants to state majority leader he had better pledge as quickly as possible to hold a full senate investigation into the 2020 election, into mail-in voting and what needs to be done to restore faith in our election system. you can tell which mcconnell yourself by following us at steve hilton x and share this message when we posted. joining me now fox news contributor and president of independent women's voice, tammy bruce and cofounder of the speak georgia janelle king. great to see you both. tammy, your thoughts on my suggested message to mitch mcconnell there. >> very appropriate and very good and yet this really shows us that nothing much has changed with the mentality from four years ago. it was the system against a donald trump and against the forgotten man and woman then and they are trying to revert back to that same dynamic. they wrongly think that donald trump's power was just onto himself and that we are all going to assimilate back in. the fact is what they have mistaken is that it wasn't donald trump's power but it was our power that he represented which is exactly what the founders wanted in an active presidents. this is where once again it is this bubble they like but the major mistake will be in thinking and it has been in thinking, that donald trump was the key. in fact, he is to a point of being able to lift us all up but we have his back and we are going nowhere. donald trump and his family is going nowhere and this is like letting the dragon out and it is out of the cave and there is no chain on it and then you thank you will just chain it and tell it to go back into the cave. we are not going back into the cave. they have to understand that whether you are a coalminer or a bank worker or a restaurant owner or a tv critic or whatever it is you do, on mom, a, a housewife, a stay-at-home dad, a lawyer, whoever you are, we have all been forgotten by these people and that is changed four years ago and is unlocked and will not go back and mcconnell will have to face that fact and behave accordingly. steve: exactly, you've written it so well put. you've always understood this movement and the power of it that was absolutely great britain reminded me of something i just read today in "the new york times" of all places, never trump critic of the president, conservative but made an interesting point and set for those on the left and in the establishment who think this is a handful of conspiracy theory minded people putting crazy things on facebook but no, he was pointing out that the number of people that you would not expect to have come up to him with concerns about the election and no measure the caricature of the people in the establishment attacks is striking and you got to take it seriously. do not, i want to move on if i could to the georgia aspect of this and you been involved in politics there so just before i get your response i want to play you some from the debate tonight and i think this could be put in a category of things kelly loeffler, i think we got the message. have a look. >> radical, liberal raphael warnock, radical liberal raphael warnock. radical liberal raphael warnock, radical liberal raphael warnock. [laughter] steve: to my account she said that about 14 times and i stepped out for a few minutes. janelle, is that the right message and what you think about this question of the election and people's skepticism about the votes and how we can get that trump movement fully behind these two candidates? >> first, i do think that that was the message. i think she drilled it home. here is the thing. she's not there to entertain everyone but they are to inform you and that's what she did. she wanted you to see who the real raphael warnock is. he is the one walking around and having this commercial with puppies and these things but there's so much that comes with him and with his message that he said. i think it's important that the state of georgia understands that we are the state that will decide the future of this country. no matter what side of the aisle you are on this is a very pivotal moment and that is what she was highlighting and i think she did a great job at doing that. i don't think raphael warnock defended himself well at all. i think he just showed us that everything she said about him was true because he had no defense for any of it. i look forward to seeing what turns out as it relates to this but i think she did a great job. steve: quickly, to think the trump base will turn out for these candidates? >> absolutely. i absolutely think they will turn out and the reason why i say that is because they understand what is on the line and then you can have one side over the other and if you are whether a trump or republican no one can win without the other but you have to show up. i think they will. steve: alright, thank you both. still ahead tonight, my message to the lockdown leaders, scott atlas reacts and angelo marsden who who made a powerful video about california's cruel ♪ steve: welcome back. this week scott ellis left his position of white house coronavirus advisor paid for years he was a senior member of stanford university's department of medicine. i know stanford well and taught there when i first moved to america in 2012 and of always been grateful for the opportunity they gave me but on november 20 the university equity senate condemned dr. atlas and said his actions quote, contradict medical science and claimed he misrepresented knowledge and opinion regarding the management of the pandemic showing disdain for establishment knowledge and alleged he violated stanford's core values and high ethical standards. high ethical standards but interesting. earlier in the year three current members of stanford medical faculty epidemiologist, jay and aaron published a study that completely offended what we thought we knew about the virus and by testing antibodies where standard is based the doctors establish that coronavirus is much more infectious but much less deadly and then we have been told for this finding called into question the entire strategy of our leaders blocking everyone down to try to stop anyone being infected. if the virus was as infectious as the stanford doctors showed there was no point in showing on the economy because that would not stop the virus and if it's much less deadly than for most people it doesn't matter because they will have zero symptoms if they get infected. the right policy would be to protect the vulnerable while letting everyone else get on with their lives. this was hugely significant because on the show we were the first to criticize the lockdowns and to say the cure is worse than the disease. we brought you the stanford doctors findings as soon as they were available, the doctor joined us on april 12. what was the reaction from stanford? this man lloyd minor is head of stanford medicine and instead of supporting his colleagues groundbreaking work he tried to silence them and using the pretext of a manufactured whistleblower complaint he ordered an investigation for six months the doctors were threatened with retribution, hounded by stanford lawyers, prevented from speaking out and even subjected to smear campaigns in the press. yet, their pioneering findings have since been confirmed by multiple other studies in this one conducted in july and published in september and another more recently from the cdc itself after six months the doctors were completely exonerated and able to speak freely again. the doctor became a founder of the great barrington declaration which argues against lockdowns and in favor of what they call focused protection for the vulnerable. it is then signed by over 12000 medical and public all scientists around the world. everything from the stanford doctors said in april was true. dr. scott atlas shared their analysis and was a vocal advocate of the focused protection approach and that is why the president hired him so, why did stanford try to silence its own doctors? why did it smear dr. atlas because of this person . sarah cody clancy cara who ordered the nations first lockdown and fanatics and here is the queen of corona misinformation, msnbc rachel maddow. >> doctor cody and the health officers in the same for cisco bay erica acted faster and more decisively than anyone else in the country and i don't know that stay-at-home orders were within the public health toolk toolkit. how prepared were you, how did you all know to think about these things as options? steve: good question. here is the answer. the lockdown plan sarah cody ordered has been infected so to speak the whole country but wasn't formulated in response to the coronavirus but wasn't off the shelf plan that she and former colleagues have prepared after 911 as a response to potential bioterrorism attack or a theoretical pandemic, not on the data or the science of this pandemic. still, sarah cody shot down santa clara county and then the bay area followed and then all of california and then across the country. we are constantly told we have the best public health system in the world and this week data was published showing that the virus was circulating in mid- decembey this year doctor anthony fauci was telling us there was nothing to worry about and the virus was here three months before sarah cody's lockdown and it was not going to contain it, even at the time the stanford antibody studied literally conducted in sarah cody's county prove that lockdowns were never going to contain it. yet, preposterously given the data sarah cody was still talking into this year about quote, full containment. what has this got to do with stanford and dr. atlas? guess who sarah cody's husband is? a professor of medicine at stanford and so they close ranks to protect their own. this is led by stanford medicine's boss lloyd minor and how dare anyone question the lockdown that was ordered by the wife of our colleague. this is how the groupthink started. the stanford study was the first scientific challenge to the lockdown policy so naturally, it had to be destroyed. the dissenting doctors had to be attacked, smeared in silence and universities, science, the whole point is to be open to gather evidence and to debate. stanford did the exact opposite and they attempted a cover-up and it is grotesque and a total disgrace. meanwhile, the rest of us had to live with the consequences and the lockdown group think spread from stanford to the medical establishment to the media to the bureaucrats and the democrats with utterly cynical bad face realizing the weakness of their own positions and they accused anyone against lockdown of wanting people to die. of course, people died despite the lockdowns and thousands more died because of the lockdown. we brought you the toll week after week and the establishments cruel, destructive lockdowns failed and yet here we are again about to repeat them. none of it is based on science or data and big business or small business closed but it is all capricious, pseudoscientific nonsense and look at biden with its pathetic statement about masking in his first hundred days but it is pure bs. it's plucked out of thin air by some pr idiots and everything biden says about the virus is for politics, not public health. he has zero credibility. lockdown leaders know the rules make no sense or they wouldn't break them all the time. every day there is a new democrat lockdown hypocrite. what moral authority to they have two impose lockdowns on anyone anywhere? they are exploiting this virus to micromanage our lives and we have had enough of it. this lockdown groupthink is as wrong as the establishment groupthink that gave us endless war in the middle east and a 50 year suck up to china. this is worse then both because the costs are higher. lockdowns are the biggest public policy mistake in history and we have to fight them. be responsible, protect the vulnerable, live your life. help us fight back by following us at steve hilton x and it next rev fnc and share this when we post it. scott atlas, i'm delighted to say is here to respond. >> thank you for having me, steve. steve: dr. atlas, i just want to ask you straightforwardly to respond to what i laid out the there. >> you covered a lot of territory but i'm not in a position to comment on an individual university but i would say a couple of things. first of all, you know, we really need to make sure that universities in general allow the free exchange of ideas because if we don't have that free exchange of ideas even when many people may disagree with them we will never arrive at the scientific truth that we need to solve crises like a pandemic or any other crisis. in fact, if you don't allow the free exchange of ideas i'm not sure what kind of country we are living in. we are really at a very dangerous point in time and that kind of basically groupthink, as you put it or censorship of free exchange of ideas, is going to lead us into making massive tragic mistakes. steve: really well put. i think that is one of the biggest lessons of all of this great let's turn to the specifics of the lockdowns. we are seeing them back right here in california where i am right now and just lay out for us but constructive positive alternative. as i said they are, those of us who are skeptics and i just want people to die but it's ridiculous and unfair and i would love you to lay out your thoughts on the lockdown strategy and what we should be doing instead in order to protect people while allowing or avoiding the costs of the lockdowns. >> sure, first we could comment on the lockdowns themselves but one of my colleagues oxford epidemiologists said it very clearly, lockdowns are a luxury of the ridge. the elites do not get impacted by working at home and by hiring another tutor because schools are closed but working-class people and the poor are destroyed by lockdowns. moreover, the lockdowns are killing people because people are afraid because of the fear instilled to seek medical care and there are such logical, damage that one out of four adults ages 18 through 24 thought of killing themselves during the month of june and depressed symptoms have tripled and there is economic devastation that translates into things like more social, more spousal abuse, child abuse has skyrocketing and suicide hotlines are skyrocketing in terms of calls so we have to be very cognizant of the fact that there is a reason why in the classic pandemic papers lockdowns were never considered as a potential solution. we have to also be aware of this. the public faces of public health and they say we are not for lockdowns but the lockdowns are what they are pushing in the policies that are restricting and closing businesses and of preventing kids from being in person schools or restricting person to person businesses and by telling families they can't see each other, this is lockdown. the alternative in the appropriate policy that i had been advising the president on was always very, very significant protection of the high-risk people and we did that at the white house. we push that with increased protective equipment with tens of millions of new tests to senior citizens and new alert systems of seniors living outside and we want to increase the protection of the high-risk people but we cannot confine healthy people to their homes. it's creating a disaster. this targeted protection but careful opening of the schools, of businesses, opening of normal lives with protection as much as possible of high-risk people. i think people in your viewership should do this, they should try to figure out what is the endgame for people who keep pushing lockdowns? went to get back to normal? exactly what is the plan of public officials to get back to normal because we are entering now a phase of a continuous cycle of lockdowns with no end in his sight and we see all over europe and all over the states in the u.s. lockdowns do not get rid of the virus. the virus is there and you can slow things down by delaying things as, unfortunately, was done and part of the reason why we are seeing so many cases is because of the lockdowns delaying things into winter months, colder weather where vcu cannot socially distance with elderly family members. i think the public health officials need to do something essential which is been missing. they have to consider the impact of the virus and have to consider the impact of the policy itself. this is what public policy is supposed to do print that has been saying it and that's one of the things i try to do at the white house. steve: dr. atlas, that's fantastic and clear pit i appreciate it and i'm sorry to say that because i thought this madness would've been in the rearview mirror but i think we will have to have you back on to talk about it because i see these lockdowns coming back and you have such a strong voice on it it would be appreciated. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. steve: after the break we will be joined live by los angeles restaurant owner angela marsden who made that video about the outrageous cruelty as we discovered with california's ♪ steve: welcome back. one california restaurant majors went viral this week. >> mayor garcetti and gavin newsom is responsible for every single person that does not have unemployment and does not have a job and all the businesses that are going under and we need your help. we need somebody to do something about this. steve: joining me now is the owner of pineapple hill saloon and grill in sherman oaks, california, angela marsden bird thank you for being with us but most of all for that incredible video. i've got to tell you i never watched anything related to a story in the news that had a greater emotional impact on me than watching your video. for those that have not seen it just tell us your story. >> i mean, the day that i did that video basically they started the lockdown well, they closed outdoor dining two days before thanks giving without any notice so our last night was the night before thanks giving and i had to tell my staff that i would like to stay open for takeout but i lose so much money doing it that if i did that i may not be able to ever reopen again so i had to shut down. that friday i was coming in to give last paychex and we had taken what food would go bad and put in grocery bags for the staff. i also had decided, ironically, the week before that i was not going to be afraid and going to start speaking out so i was trying to plan a protest and i came in to my parking lot and there were my, you know, when i come in the back it was very surreal because or shocking i have my patio that i have spent, i'm living off loan money, sitting there shuttered and then right there in the same parking lot within 20 steps was the same exact -. steve: where showing that right now. >> yeah, the same set up for a movie crew to eat lunch and stuff catering trucks and, a tent for two hunter people it seemed like to me and i don't know but and i was in shock. i went in to my restaurant and was like trying to stay focused to get things together and i just broke down crying and then i got angry and said i have to tell the truth. i mean, as business owners we are afraid to say anything because we are afraid to be taken like we don't care about people if we stay open or we are just worried about us but you know, i have ten people working for me but i had to tell they have no job right before christmas with no notice. i just said to my friends who were there that i've got to fill this and let the world see it. i got people have to know the hypocrisy of what is going on and it makes no sense. steve: exactly. none of it makes sense and the other point is this, just like so many small businesses you have been responsible and you put in the investment so that you could be open without door dining and do it in a safe manner and you've done all the things we would want people to do and still they crush you. it's so an rating. angela, i saw the mayor eric cassidy put out a statement saying he's heart goes out to you but he still going to keep you shut down. what is your response and what you want to say to him? >> you know, i mean, what i want to say to him is that as business owners we have done everything you wanted and we will do whatever it takes to keep our people safe. we know covid is out there but you are living in lala land if you think the rest of us, the middle class and the lower middle-class can actually stay at home. we are -- i have a single mom with a child who can't pay her rent. i've got another new hire because we got busy in october with the patio and it looked like things would turn around who is couch surfing because she no longer has an apartment and are on a plum and has run out. it is ridiculous and as politicians or a mayor of the city it is your job to look at risk assessment and to do, the gentleman you just had on was brilliant. could he talk to mayor garcetti? the decisions that are being made make no sense and everly hill their council voted to keep it, pasadena open and the sheriff what a wonderful sheriff to say he would not enforce it but you know, they are 13 intake license and health permits away if we defy it in open so what are we supposed to do? how are we going to eat? how will we keep a roof over our heads? like you said, the suicide rate, you know, the single mom with the child can't pay her rent and i said i would do everything i can to see if i can find to work and she said angela, all i know how to do is bartend or wait tables and i said what have you been doing and she's like well it's disgusting. >> she said she's been on antidepressants but she doesn't need pill, she needs a job. steve: this is so outrageous on as they prayed i got to say thank you, angela for speaking out. i want to stay in touch with you because you're such a powerful voice and you are really leading the resistance to all of this. we've got to fight back against this because their rules make no sense and their ridiculous and they're not based on science and it's completely unacceptable and we should not accept it. i'm sorry but we got to go now angela but i want to thank you for what you are doing and let's stay in touch and followed the campaign for it we are right behind you. thank you so much. >> thank you. steve: what a powerful and brave woman and we will follow that. coming up, tammy and janelle are back wititititit ♪ steve: we are back with tammy and janelle talking about the lockdowns backlash. you had scott atlas powerfully setting up the arguments in that powerful personal testimony from angela. your thoughts. >> you know, scott atlas has been, it's been common sense. it's been what the average american also has been thinking and arguing in great he's a doctor and i'm sure that it forms part of his decision-making but a lot of this is just about life. you know, humanity has been able to function without democrats micromanaging all of our lives. we do it. it is because we too are concerned about her families in the power of that woman, entrepreneur, business owner, look, she's middle-class and i can tell you with this lockdown with gavin newsom entertainment industry workers are considered essential workers, not restaurant people, not waiters, nobody else, entertainment industry people are considered an essential industry. why is that? because they give big money to the politicians. struggling restaurant owners don't have the money to give away like bribes and we are dealing with the biggest sort of graft in the world. this is about, this is not a free society where you will get locked down unless you give in cash to a politician and then of course all the licensing and all of that exists for specific like this where they can shut you down if you do not behave. that is what life is about. her action is this radicalizing of the forgotten man and woman that began and it is continuing this other burst of awareness and will continue the radicalization that will continue this reformation and trump will still be in front of it. steve: that is why, janelle, i really -- i want to see a lockdown rebellion prayed i want people like angela and business owners all over the country to rise up together and where are the voices and where are there trade unions and associations and so on? we got to push this now we can't accept this any longer, janelle. >> absolutely. when i was listening to your guests i had to hold back the motions because i felt her. i understand. we hear about economic downturn in the economic heard but what that means is that there are people and business owners who have to decide between which employee to keep and who to let go and where -- difficult, difficult decisions prayed for many of the small business owners their entire lives are wrapped up in these businesses and you are telling them that in a shoe port months they have to throw away everything they put their heart and soul into and every dime they have. that is hurtful and impactful. it really shows that you're completely disconnected from the real world because this is a real thing and these lockdowns are not helping anyone. until the vaccine is on the show we are having to deal with the herd immunity, whether for it or against it. that is what we have and that is how you fight it but we are fighters. that's what we've been doing for our entire lives and that is how we sustained this long. steve: that's exactly right. we got to fight it. we got to get together and fight it. i would go further and not just say the lockdowns aren't helping but hurting her take that example of the outside dining. what does that mean if you shutdown outside dining? tonight we go inside and that's their lockdowns are causing the spike that they are now complaining about. it's so stupid and it's, the people doing this, gavin newsom, i know gavin newsom while he consider him a friend and he's a good person and not an evil bad person but what he's doing here is evil in the way that is hurting people and not even advancing the goal he wants. it's got to be overturned and we've got to fight back and i thank you both for that. we will stay on this and have angela back and really push this. the media fawning over biden hit a new low this week. a migraine hope from aimovig. to show up... ...for the sweet. the hectic. the tender. the tense. and the fiery. but for many, migraine keeps them... ...from saying... ..."i am here." we aim to change that... ...with... ...aimovig, a preventive treatment... ... for migraine in adults. one dose... ...once a month... proven to reduce monthly migraine days. for some, by half or more. don't take aimovig if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. severe constipation can happen. sometimes with serious complications. high blood pressure can happen or worsen with aimovig. common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. it doesn't matter what each day brings. so long as you can say... ... i am here. aim... be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. aim... be there more. over time, you go noseblind to the odors in your home. 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[laughter] >> janelle it's just hilarious. they have no problem with all these restrictions on your behavior. it's this now they're interfering with what you do inside your apartment. i think it's unbelievable. i couldn't believe it when i read it. >> while eileen a little libertarian when it comes to the conversation around marijuana, i think there is a lot of weirdness around these restrictions. i don't understand why they switch it up but do we really know where these restrictions come from? i don't know tammy, i want to go back to the lockdown thing. it's such a big story. do you think working to see the kind of momentum really behind the resistance of the lockdown from these stupid rules. >> i hope so. california is a state that recalled the governor because of driver's license for illegal aliens. that was part of that effort, the southwest are cowboys and independent at same time. everybody's likelihoods are wrapped up in this, but i would think that just like in new york, the schools open out of pressure, i think california can manage it and i think they should stand up for themselves. >> there you go. it's time. >> great way to end it. thank you all very much. thanks for joining us and do please join us again next sunday night when "the next revolution" will be


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20201207

cover up and there lockdown of power grab and their pathetic fawning over biden. tammy bruce is here, janelle king is here and joining us later, dr. scott atlas who just left to the white house this week. he is here to respond to my message to the lockdown leaders. but first, a message to mitch mcconnell about georgia and the election. there is nothing mcconnell wants more to keep his job as senate majority leader. what he wants perfectly is what were publicans want politically. it also happens to be what the country needs as a president made clear last night. >> now they are trying to steal these two important senate seats from georgia. these seeds are the last line of defense to save america and protect all that we have accomplished. steve: if mcconnell wants every voter to get behind the probably can candidate in the senate races he needs to do more than take out ads on tv saying how important they are. america is the home of people power and the rule of law. that is what the constitution is all about. the people's power comes through their vote so we should want the greatest possible number of legal votes and the smallest possible number of illegal votes. no one can say we have that in america today. everyone can see that our electoral system has fallen into total disrepute, not by accident but by design. this year we saw a massive latest changes to the system, none of it was necessary to cope with the virus but all of it was pushed by democrats years before the virus and you can read it in nancy pelosi's notorious hr one early voting, laid voting, mass mail in voting, instant registration complaint state voter id laws, corrupt practices like ballot harvesting. it was deliberate vandalism by the democrats for their own part is in a vantage. we don't know how many votes were affected so it is ludicrous and offensive for the establishment to state, without evidence and without a full investigation that outcomes weren't affected. they all parrot the same mantr mantra,. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. >> baseless claims of voter fraud. steve: how do they know? they don't know for they are just as saying it anyway. listen to this from npr. >> president repeatedly claimed falsely that voting by mail was susceptible to fraud and abuse. steve: claimed falsely that election expert rick carson said voter fraud occurs through absentee ballots but bipartisan commission on federal election reform chaired by jimmy carter and james baker said quote, absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud. over and over again this year "the wall street journal", take one example, warned that mail-in voting would lead to disaster. in 2016 there was a problem with 1.2% of mail-in votes and this year we have 65 million double the amount and with that massive overnight increase you would expect more problems, not fewer. but now no one wants to no, shut up and move on. this establishment arrogance is dangerous for our democracy and we have to get to the bottom of this. it is outrageous that the trump campaign is fighting on its own. everything one of those pompous establishment pontificate tours sanctimoniously lecturing everyone about trust in our democracy should join the fight for election integrity. as usual, the truth is the direct opposite of what they say. it's a total lack of curiosity about what just happened that was really destroying trust in our democracy. republicans are angry and rightfully so and here is what it means for georgia. if mitch mcconnell wants to state majority leader he had better pledge as quickly as possible to hold a full senate investigation into the 2020 election, into mail-in voting and what needs to be done to restore faith in our election system. you can tell which mcconnell yourself by following us at steve hilton x and share this message when we posted. joining me now fox news contributor and president of independent women's voice, tammy bruce and cofounder of the speak georgia janelle king. great to see you both. tammy, your thoughts on my suggested message to mitch mcconnell there. >> very appropriate and very good and yet this really shows us that nothing much has changed with the mentality from four years ago. it was the system against a donald trump and against the forgotten man and woman then and they are trying to revert back to that same dynamic. they wrongly think that donald trump's power was just onto himself and that we are all going to assimilate back in. the fact is what they have mistaken is that it wasn't donald trump's power but it was our power that he represented which is exactly what the founders wanted in an active presidents. this is where once again it is this bubble they like but the major mistake will be in thinking and it has been in thinking, that donald trump was the key. in fact, he is to a point of being able to lift us all up but we have his back and we are going nowhere. donald trump and his family is going nowhere and this is like letting the dragon out and it is out of the cave and there is no chain on it and then you thank you will just chain it and tell it to go back into the cave. we are not going back into the cave. they have to understand that whether you are a coalminer or a bank worker or a restaurant owner or a tv critic or whatever it is you do, on mom, a, a housewife, a stay-at-home dad, a lawyer, whoever you are, we have all been forgotten by these people and that is changed four years ago and is unlocked and will not go back and mcconnell will have to face that fact and behave accordingly. steve: exactly, you've written it so well put. you've always understood this movement and the power of it that was absolutely great britain reminded me of something i just read today in "the new york times" of all places, never trump critic of the president, conservative but made an interesting point and set for those on the left and in the establishment who think this is a handful of conspiracy theory minded people putting crazy things on facebook but no, he was pointing out that the number of people that you would not expect to have come up to him with concerns about the election and no measure the caricature of the people in the establishment attacks is striking and you got to take it seriously. do not, i want to move on if i could to the georgia aspect of this and you been involved in politics there so just before i get your response i want to play you some from the debate tonight and i think this could be put in a category of things kelly loeffler, i think we got the message. have a look. >> radical, liberal raphael warnock, radical liberal raphael warnock. radical liberal raphael warnock, radical liberal raphael warnock. [laughter] steve: to my account she said that about 14 times and i stepped out for a few minutes. janelle, is that the right message and what you think about this question of the election and people's skepticism about the votes and how we can get that trump movement fully behind these two candidates? >> first, i do think that that was the message. i think she drilled it home. here is the thing. she's not there to entertain everyone but they are to inform you and that's what she did. she wanted you to see who the real raphael warnock is. he is the one walking around and having this commercial with puppies and these things but there's so much that comes with him and with his message that he said. i think it's important that the state of georgia understands that we are the state that will decide the future of this country. no matter what side of the aisle you are on this is a very pivotal moment and that is what she was highlighting and i think she did a great job at doing that. i don't think raphael warnock defended himself well at all. i think he just showed us that everything she said about him was true because he had no defense for any of it. i look forward to seeing what turns out as it relates to this but i think she did a great job. steve: quickly, to think the trump base will turn out for these candidates? >> absolutely. i absolutely think they will turn out and the reason why i say that is because they understand what is on the line and then you can have one side over the other and if you are whether a trump or republican no one can win without the other but you have to show up. i think they will. steve: alright, thank you both. still ahead tonight, my message to the lockdown leaders, scott atlas reacts and angelo marsden who who made a powerful video about california's cruel she's so beautiful. janie, come here. check this out. let me see. she looks... kind of like me. yeah. that's because it's your grandma when she was your age. oh wow. that's...that's amazing. oh and she was on the debate team. yeah, that's probably why you're the debate queen. - mmhmm. - i'll take that. look at that smile. i have the same dimples as her. yeah. the same placements and everything. unbelievable. the same placements and everything. finding the right words can be tough.n it comes to autism, finding understanding doesn't have to be. we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to ♪ steve: welcome back. this week scott ellis left his position of white house coronavirus advisor paid for years he was a senior member of stanford university's department of medicine. i know stanford well and taught there when i first moved to america in 2012 and of always been grateful for the opportunity they gave me but on november 20 the university equity senate condemned dr. atlas and said his actions quote, contradict medical science and claimed he misrepresented knowledge and opinion regarding the management of the pandemic showing disdain for establishment knowledge and alleged he violated stanford's core values and high ethical standards. high ethical standards but interesting. earlier in the year three current members of stanford medical faculty epidemiologist, jay and aaron published a study that completely offended what we thought we knew about the virus and by testing antibodies where standard is based the doctors establish that coronavirus is much more infectious but much less deadly and then we have been told for this finding called into question the entire strategy of our leaders blocking everyone down to try to stop anyone being infected. if the virus was as infectious as the stanford doctors showed there was no point in showing on the economy because that would not stop the virus and if it's much less deadly than for most people it doesn't matter because they will have zero symptoms if they get infected. the right policy would be to protect the vulnerable while letting everyone else get on with their lives. this was hugely significant because on the show we were the first to criticize the lockdowns and to say the cure is worse than the disease. we brought you the stanford doctors findings as soon as they were available, the doctor joined us on april 12. what was the reaction from stanford? this man lloyd minor is head of stanford medicine and instead of supporting his colleagues groundbreaking work he tried to silence them and using the pretext of a manufactured whistleblower complaint he ordered an investigation for six months the doctors were threatened with retribution, hounded by stanford lawyers, prevented from speaking out and even subjected to smear campaigns in the press. yet, their pioneering findings have since been confirmed by multiple other studies in this one conducted in july and published in september and another more recently from the cdc itself after six months the doctors were completely exonerated and able to speak freely again. the doctor became a founder of the great barrington declaration which argues against lockdowns and in favor of what they call focused protection for the vulnerable. it is then signed by over 12000 medical and public all scientists around the world. everything from the stanford doctors said in april was true. dr. scott atlas shared their analysis and was a vocal advocate of the focused protection approach and that is why the president hired him so, why did stanford try to silence its own doctors? why did it smear dr. atlas because of this person . sarah cody clancy cara who ordered the nations first lockdown and fanatics and here is the queen of corona misinformation, msnbc rachel maddow. >> doctor cody and the health officers in the same for cisco bay erica acted faster and more decisively than anyone else in the country and i don't know that stay-at-home orders were within the public health toolk toolkit. how prepared were you, how did you all know to think about these things as options? steve: good question. here is the answer. the lockdown plan sarah cody ordered has been infected so to speak the whole country but wasn't formulated in response to the coronavirus but wasn't off the shelf plan that she and former colleagues have prepared after 911 as a response to potential bioterrorism attack or a theoretical pandemic, not on the data or the science of this pandemic. still, sarah cody shot down santa clara county and then the bay area followed and then all of california and then across the country. we are constantly told we have the best public health system in the world and this week data was published showing that the virus was circulating in mid- decembey this year doctor anthony fauci was telling us there was nothing to worry about and the virus was here three months before sarah cody's lockdown and it was not going to contain it, even at the time the stanford antibody studied literally conducted in sarah cody's county prove that lockdowns were never going to contain it. yet, preposterously given the data sarah cody was still talking into this year about quote, full containment. what has this got to do with stanford and dr. atlas? guess who sarah cody's husband is? a professor of medicine at stanford and so they close ranks to protect their own. this is led by stanford medicine's boss lloyd minor and how dare anyone question the lockdown that was ordered by the wife of our colleague. this is how the groupthink started. the stanford study was the first scientific challenge to the lockdown policy so naturally, it had to be destroyed. the dissenting doctors had to be attacked, smeared in silence and universities, science, the whole point is to be open to gather evidence and to debate. stanford did the exact opposite and they attempted a cover-up and it is grotesque and a total disgrace. meanwhile, the rest of us had to live with the consequences and the lockdown group think spread from stanford to the medical establishment to the media to the bureaucrats and the democrats with utterly cynical bad face realizing the weakness of their own positions and they accused anyone against lockdown of wanting people to die. of course, people died despite the lockdowns and thousands more died because of the lockdown. we brought you the toll week after week and the establishments cruel, destructive lockdowns failed and yet here we are again about to repeat them. none of it is based on science or data and big business or small business closed but it is all capricious, pseudoscientific nonsense and look at biden with its pathetic statement about masking in his first hundred days but it is pure bs. it's plucked out of thin air by some pr idiots and everything biden says about the virus is for politics, not public health. he has zero credibility. lockdown leaders know the rules make no sense or they wouldn't break them all the time. every day there is a new democrat lockdown hypocrite. what moral authority to they have two impose lockdowns on anyone anywhere? they are exploiting this virus to micromanage our lives and we have had enough of it. this lockdown groupthink is as wrong as the establishment groupthink that gave us endless war in the middle east and a 50 year suck up to china. this is worse then both because the costs are higher. lockdowns are the biggest public policy mistake in history and we have to fight them. be responsible, protect the vulnerable, live your life. help us fight back by following us at steve hilton x and it next rev fnc and share this when we post it. scott atlas, i'm delighted to say is here to respond. >> thank you for having me, steve. steve: dr. atlas, i just want to ask you straightforwardly to respond to what i laid out the there. >> you covered a lot of territory but i'm not in a position to comment on an individual university but i would say a couple of things. first of all, you know, we really need to make sure that universities in general allow the free exchange of ideas because if we don't have that free exchange of ideas even when many people may disagree with them we will never arrive at the scientific truth that we need to solve crises like a pandemic or any other crisis. in fact, if you don't allow the free exchange of ideas i'm not sure what kind of country we are living in. we are really at a very dangerous point in time and that kind of basically groupthink, as you put it or censorship of free exchange of ideas, is going to lead us into making massive tragic mistakes. steve: really well put. i think that is one of the biggest lessons of all of this great let's turn to the specifics of the lockdowns. we are seeing them back right here in california where i am right now and just lay out for us but constructive positive alternative. as i said they are, those of us who are skeptics and i just want people to die but it's ridiculous and unfair and i would love you to lay out your thoughts on the lockdown strategy and what we should be doing instead in order to protect people while allowing or avoiding the costs of the lockdowns. >> sure, first we could comment on the lockdowns themselves but one of my colleagues oxford epidemiologists said it very clearly, lockdowns are a luxury of the ridge. the elites do not get impacted by working at home and by hiring another tutor because schools are closed but working-class people and the poor are destroyed by lockdowns. moreover, the lockdowns are killing people because people are afraid because of the fear instilled to seek medical care and there are such logical, damage that one out of four adults ages 18 through 24 thought of killing themselves during the month of june and depressed symptoms have tripled and there is economic devastation that translates into things like more social, more spousal abuse, child abuse has skyrocketing and suicide hotlines are skyrocketing in terms of calls so we have to be very cognizant of the fact that there is a reason why in the classic pandemic papers lockdowns were never considered as a potential solution. we have to also be aware of this. the public faces of public health and they say we are not for lockdowns but the lockdowns are what they are pushing in the policies that are restricting and closing businesses and of preventing kids from being in person schools or restricting person to person businesses and by telling families they can't see each other, this is lockdown. the alternative in the appropriate policy that i had been advising the president on was always very, very significant protection of the high-risk people and we did that at the white house. we push that with increased protective equipment with tens of millions of new tests to senior citizens and new alert systems of seniors living outside and we want to increase the protection of the high-risk people but we cannot confine healthy people to their homes. it's creating a disaster. this targeted protection but careful opening of the schools, of businesses, opening of normal lives with protection as much as possible of high-risk people. i think people in your viewership should do this, they should try to figure out what is the endgame for people who keep pushing lockdowns? went to get back to normal? exactly what is the plan of public officials to get back to normal because we are entering now a phase of a continuous cycle of lockdowns with no end in his sight and we see all over europe and all over the states in the u.s. lockdowns do not get rid of the virus. the virus is there and you can slow things down by delaying things as, unfortunately, was done and part of the reason why we are seeing so many cases is because of the lockdowns delaying things into winter months, colder weather where vcu cannot socially distance with elderly family members. i think the public health officials need to do something essential which is been missing. they have to consider the impact of the virus and have to consider the impact of the policy itself. this is what public policy is supposed to do print that has been saying it and that's one of the things i try to do at the white house. steve: dr. atlas, that's fantastic and clear pit i appreciate it and i'm sorry to say that because i thought this madness would've been in the rearview mirror but i think we will have to have you back on to talk about it because i see these lockdowns coming back and you have such a strong voice on it it would be appreciated. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. steve: after the break we will be joined live by los angeles restaurant owner angela marsden who made that video about the outrageous cruelty as we discovered with california's sharing smiles together is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. 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notice so our last night was the night before thanks giving and i had to tell my staff that i would like to stay open for takeout but i lose so much money doing it that if i did that i may not be able to ever reopen again so i had to shut down. that friday i was coming in to give last paychex and we had taken what food would go bad and put in grocery bags for the staff. i also had decided, ironically, the week before that i was not going to be afraid and going to start speaking out so i was trying to plan a protest and i came in to my parking lot and there were my, you know, when i come in the back it was very surreal because or shocking i have my patio that i have spent, i'm living off loan money, sitting there shuttered and then right there in the same parking lot within 20 steps was the same exact -. steve: where showing that right now. >> yeah, the same set up for a movie crew to eat lunch and stuff catering trucks and, a tent for two hunter people it seemed like to me and i don't know but and i was in shock. i went in to my restaurant and was like trying to stay focused to get things together and i just broke down crying and then i got angry and said i have to tell the truth. i mean, as business owners we are afraid to say anything because we are afraid to be taken like we don't care about people if we stay open or we are just worried about us but you know, i have ten people working for me but i had to tell they have no job right before christmas with no notice. i just said to my friends who were there that i've got to fill this and let the world see it. i got people have to know the hypocrisy of what is going on and it makes no sense. steve: exactly. none of it makes sense and the other point is this, just like so many small businesses you have been responsible and you put in the investment so that you could be open without door dining and do it in a safe manner and you've done all the things we would want people to do and still they crush you. it's so an rating. angela, i saw the mayor eric cassidy put out a statement saying he's heart goes out to you but he still going to keep you shut down. what is your response and what you want to say to him? >> you know, i mean, what i want to say to him is that as business owners we have done everything you wanted and we will do whatever it takes to keep our people safe. we know covid is out there but you are living in lala land if you think the rest of us, the middle class and the lower middle-class can actually stay at home. we are -- i have a single mom with a child who can't pay her rent. i've got another new hire because we got busy in october with the patio and it looked like things would turn around who is couch surfing because she no longer has an apartment and are on a plum and has run out. it is ridiculous and as politicians or a mayor of the city it is your job to look at risk assessment and to do, the gentleman you just had on was brilliant. could he talk to mayor garcetti? the decisions that are being made make no sense and everly hill their council voted to keep it, pasadena open and the sheriff what a wonderful sheriff to say he would not enforce it but you know, they are 13 intake license and health permits away if we defy it in open so what are we supposed to do? how are we going to eat? how will we keep a roof over our heads? like you said, the suicide rate, you know, the single mom with the child can't pay her rent and i said i would do everything i can to see if i can find to work and she said angela, all i know how to do is bartend or wait tables and i said what have you been doing and she's like well it's disgusting. >> she said she's been on antidepressants but she doesn't need pill, she needs a job. steve: this is so outrageous on as they prayed i got to say thank you, angela for speaking out. i want to stay in touch with you because you're such a powerful voice and you are really leading the resistance to all of this. we've got to fight back against this because their rules make no sense and their ridiculous and they're not based on science and it's completely unacceptable and we should not accept it. i'm sorry but we got to go now angela but i want to thank you for what you are doing and let's stay in touch and followed the campaign for it we are right behind you. thank you so much. >> thank you. steve: what a powerful and brave woman and we will follow that. coming up, tammy and janelle are back wititititit (vo) when subaru shares the love, good things happen... over sixty-four thousand pets supported. over twenty-five hundred wishes granted. over two million meals provided. over four hundred national parks protected. in fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred million dollars to national and hometown charities through the subaru share the love event. 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because they give big money to the politicians. struggling restaurant owners don't have the money to give away like bribes and we are dealing with the biggest sort of graft in the world. this is about, this is not a free society where you will get locked down unless you give in cash to a politician and then of course all the licensing and all of that exists for specific like this where they can shut you down if you do not behave. that is what life is about. her action is this radicalizing of the forgotten man and woman that began and it is continuing this other burst of awareness and will continue the radicalization that will continue this reformation and trump will still be in front of it. steve: that is why, janelle, i really -- i want to see a lockdown rebellion prayed i want people like angela and business owners all over the country to rise up together and where are the voices and where are there trade unions and associations and so on? we got to push this now we can't accept this any longer, janelle. >> absolutely. when i was listening to your guests i had to hold back the motions because i felt her. i understand. we hear about economic downturn in the economic heard but what that means is that there are people and business owners who have to decide between which employee to keep and who to let go and where -- difficult, difficult decisions prayed for many of the small business owners their entire lives are wrapped up in these businesses and you are telling them that in a shoe port months they have to throw away everything they put their heart and soul into and every dime they have. that is hurtful and impactful. it really shows that you're completely disconnected from the real world because this is a real thing and these lockdowns are not helping anyone. until the vaccine is on the show we are having to deal with the herd immunity, whether for it or against it. that is what we have and that is how you fight it but we are fighters. that's what we've been doing for our entire lives and that is how we sustained this long. steve: that's exactly right. we got to fight it. we got to get together and fight it. i would go further and not just say the lockdowns aren't helping but hurting her take that example of the outside dining. what does that mean if you shutdown outside dining? tonight we go inside and that's their lockdowns are causing the spike that they are now complaining about. it's so stupid and it's, the people doing this, gavin newsom, i know gavin newsom while he consider him a friend and he's a good person and not an evil bad person but what he's doing here is evil in the way that is hurting people and not even advancing the goal he wants. it's got to be overturned and we've got to fight back and i thank you both for that. we will stay on this and have angela back and really push this. the media fawning over biden hit a new low this week. it's down to the wire, the team's been working around the clock. we've had to rethink our whole approach. we're going to give togetherness. logistically, it's been a nightmare. i'm not sure it's going to work. it'll work. i didn't know you were listening. ♪ steve: welcome back. the media's fawning over biden has sunk to a new low as jake tapper's obsequious interview with biden and harris and him yakking it up with don lemon afterward tapper totally gave the game away and look us into this. >> there was certainly a lot of the right answers. steve: that is the corrupt establishment right there. biden gave the right answers according to cnn. tapper was not just fawning over biden but spinning for him and here is what biden is set according tapper about his family's business dealings. >> nobody will do anything in terms of business deals that will create even the appearance of impropriety. steve: except that is not what biden said. >> my son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict whether appropriate distance from the presidency and government. steve: a conflict is much lower standard than impropriety. no doubt one of the reasons it jake tapper like all of the rest of them is falling over biden is because he wants a job in the white house but he's already acting as biden's spokesman even while he still at cnn for janelle, this fawning, is it going to continue, do you think? >> unfortunately, i do think it will continue. the appropriate distance, what is that? does that mean you just put a whole different layer or middleman in the process when it comes to your family or businesses or talking about an individual in a family who has not worked in the private sector pretty much their entire life for the last 50 years in government work and "making money" from being in the government. i'm interested to see what his family will do and how they will become even more successful during this administration should he get in. steve: exactly, tammy, tony think that crystallized it when tapper said he gave a lot of the right answers. i thought that was so revealing. >> you know, we've discussed sometimes the revolving door between media and politicians in congress. jake tapper started as a democratic operative at the hilton house of representatives. that is who he is just like george stephanopoulos. there are some people now who don't realize what their background is, nothing has changed. at this point both senator harris and joe biden will have to start wearing open toed sandals so that their toes can be licked directly. this is absolutely absurd -- i know, it's not something you want to think about but really. this is what is going on. the good news is that it is happening immediately, they are not even trying to make a transition from what happened during trump's time and this just confirms what they've done is destroy their industry and when we think about the phrase fake news on the president attacked her say they were enemy of the people and yet, when your job is to elucidate issues and bring information to people but instead your propagandists, of course you have abandoned your job and become a problem and the republic itself and for democracy itself. steve: exactly prayed very well put. i don't want to think about that image you raised. let's not keep that in mind -- >> it's a problem. steve: exactly right. we will have more with tammy and janelle straight a a a a a when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to to show up... ...for the sweet. the hectic. the tender. the tense. and the fiery. but for many, migraine keeps them... ...from saying... ..."i am here." we aim to change that... ...with... ...aimovig, a preventive treatment... ... for migraine in adults. one dose... ...once a month... proven to reduce monthly migraine days. for some, by half or more. don't take aimovig if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. severe constipation can happen. sometimes with serious complications. high blood pressure can happen or worsen with aimovig. common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. it doesn't matter what each day brings. so long as you can say... ... i am here. aim... be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. aim... be there more. and sweetie can coloryou just be... gentle with the pens. okey. okey. i know. gentle..gentle new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database so you can start hiring right away. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at we're going to find the perfect tree. we're going skating. we're going to nana's. wherever you go this holiday, chevy can help you get there. which is why we're making our chevy... ...employee discount available to everyone. the chevy price you pay... what we pay. not a cent more. so wherever you go, happy holidays from chevy. use the chevy employee discount for everyone to get over six thousand eight hundred dollars below msrp on this equinox. get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. : : . welcome back. on tuesday san francisco officials voted to ban tobacco smoking in apartment building but there's a twist which is captured in this headline. they are becoming smoking inside apartments but pot smoking is okay. tammy, the problem with this is it's in san francisco and could spread across the country. loony left. >> it is. there's a rule where you can't be smoking pot outside so they want to make sure nobody gets in trouble so there allowing them to stay inside and smoke pot all of which sounds great if you are high and that's all i have to say. [laughter] >> janelle it's just hilarious. they have no problem with all these restrictions on your behavior. it's this now they're interfering with what you do inside your apartment. i think it's unbelievable. i couldn't believe it when i read it. >> while eileen a little libertarian when it comes to the conversation around marijuana, i think there is a lot of weirdness around these restrictions. i don't understand why they switch it up but do we really know where these restrictions come from? i don't know tammy, i want to go back to the lockdown thing. it's such a big story. do you think working to see the kind of momentum really behind the resistance of the lockdown from these stupid rules. >> i hope so. california is a state that recalled the governor because of driver's license for illegal aliens. that was part of that effort, the southwest are cowboys and independent at same time. everybody's likelihoods are wrapped up in this, but i would think that just like in new york, the schools open out of pressure, i think california can manage it and i think they should stand up for themselves. >> there you go. it's time. >> great way to end it. thank you all very much. thanks for joining us and do please join us again next sunday night when "the next revolution" will be televised. it is so great to be with all of you and finally feeling the christmas spirit. with everything going on in our world, so many of us are looking for cheer right now. fox nation has you covered. >> tonight were going to give you an exclusive sneak peek at the all new and original specials focus on faith, family and family traditions and history, but the big thing you want to stay tuned for is the second annual lighting of our red, white and blue


Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20201206

cripple this virus has become. over 100,000 americans in a hospital bed, and more than 2200 deaths reported just yesterday. that's equivalent to one death every 38 seconds. let that he sink in just for a moment. well, today right here on cnn, the leader of operation warp speed warned a new vaccine can't dig us out of this current hole. >> it is likely that we will not all have the vaccine in our arms before may or june, so we need to be cautious and vigilant. >> but at scientists and health experts raise the alarm, we're getting barely a whimper from the white house. president trump scarcely mentioning the pandemic at a packed crowd in georgia last night, instead continuing to falsely claim he will win the presidential race that he lost to joe biden. he also barely touched on the reason for his visit, the georgia u.s. senate runoff races. later on today, two of the republican candidates, kelly loeffler and reverend rafael warnock, will square off in a debate you can see right here on cnn. let's turn to california and the new stay-at-home orders, no going to parks, salons or breweries, designed to stem the icus going into capacity. paul, just how strict are the new orders and what are people feeling about them? >> reporter: they're extremely strict, they affect some 27 million people, in the southern part of california, as well as parts of the bay area. they already had outdoor dining bans, but we'll see the closure of hair salons, nail salons and the like. we'll see businesses restricted. masks are mandated. the closures will also result in museums shutting down, aquariums and the line. so let's come back out here live. i'll show you behind me this empty restaurant outdoor space. this is the pineapple hill saloon in sherman oaks. the owner here has called what has happened to her, and by the way, this order went into effect two weeks ago, she calling it unjustifiable. she's also calling it out of touch and heartless. they shot her down. she's now gone viral. she's angela marsden, and she said this was shut down, but next door there was a movie shoot going on, and there was a food services area where they were able to eat. let's listen to her plight. >> they have not given us money and they have shut us down. my staff cannot survive. look at this. tell me, that this is dangerous, but right next to me, as a slap in my face, that's safe. this is safe? 50 feet away? this is dangerous. mayor garcetti and gavin newsom is responsible for every single person that doesn't have unemployment, that does not have a job, and all the businesses that are going under. we need your help! we need somebody to do something about this! >> reporter: she did single out mayor garcetti. we should know that this was a county rule that shut this down, and that the film industry has been deemed by some to be an essential business with very serious testing. nonetheless, angela has suffered greatly from all of this. she estimates that she spent from $60,000 to $80,000 to put in the plexiglas shields, add in dispensers, and to set up this area outside her restaurant in the parking lot. the most gut-wrenching things is telling employees their shifts are cut or they don't have a job. we've been hearing this for months and months, fredricka, they feel that restaurant owners and restaurant workers are being treated like a subspecies of employees in america. for some reason they don't count, and they're pressing congress against to enact some sort of relief bill for restaurant owners and workers. back to you, fred. >> paul vercammen, lots of pain clearly being expressed. we do have this statement coming from the los angeles mayor garcet garcetti, saying my hard -- this is in direct response to tre restaurat restaurateur. >> i do support them. icu beds are filled to capacity and cases have increased by 500%. we must stop this virus before it kills thousands of more an lenos. that coming from the mayor in direct response to the woman you saw. all right. these grim surges are being met with some hope. the leader of operation warp speed says the coronavirus vaccine may be available by end of the week form the white house vaccine chief saying he expects the fda to issue emergency use operation at a key meeting scheduled for thursday. cnn white house correspondent jeremy diamond joining me from washington. what more are you learning? >> reporter: that's right, dr. slaoui said they expect an emergency authorization fairly expectly. dr. slaoui expects the vaccine in the arms of people in the next couple weeks. and that is short, though of the hundreds of millions that the doctor said he hoped they could achieve at the end of the year when he took on this position last summer. let's listen to him talking about some of the challenges they face. >> actually, the goal was barely achievable. i describe it as credible, but incredibly challenging to achieve it. the hardest, frankly, was to identify the vaccine, do the phase three ask scale up. on the manufacturing side, it turned out to be more complicated than we planned. we are probably six or eight weeks later than an ideal scenario, where we would have had a million doses by the end of the this year. >> reporter: he says he believes they are about six to eight weeks behind, but nonetheless stressing this is not just simple mathematics, not simple manufacturing there have been some glitching, but nonetheless, some vaccines he hopes could go into arms by the end of this week. >> that's hugely hopeful. jeremy diamond, thank you so much. here's one doctor who spoke to cnn last night. >> i think sometimes you become numb to what those numbers mean. every single number we have to look at and say, i'm sorry there's nothing more i can do for you, and it's another family that says another loved one will die. >> medical myths and why we fall to them, dr. seema yasmin, good to see you. >> good to see you too, fred. >> in listening to the one doctor there, it sounds as though -- and we are watch watching so many mel teams who feel like they're at wit's end. they're trying their best, but they are worried six, you know, trying to keep it together, but then there's that mom where everything that's pent up is coming out. >> i think so many healthcare workers, all of the people that make clinics a safer place, you talk about being worried sill, but we are falling sick. about a quarter of a million u.s. healthcare workers have contracted covid-19, and almost 1,000 died from this disease. it's a very unsustainable situation. even after months of calling for the right amount of ppe, i'm still talking to so many colleagues that are -- and what we're up against now is in our private lives, too, whether doctors i have spoken with, who are kinned that covid is a hoax. >> and they're trying to raise the month into i pads, so every one of their patients can at least said good-bye to their loved ones through an ipad. >> my gosh, that is horrifying. we're hearing from so many trying to lead that conduit. and they're worked about the next patient, and their demeanor, it's just unbelievably heartbreaking. let's talk about california, which has this new stay-at-home order, about to go into place in a matter of you're, impacting 33 million people. do you agree this is a mesh yurt that has to happen at this juncture with the numbers that continue to escalate the way they are? >> you're just scratching your head thinking what will the peak be? right now we're seeing the week-on-week increases, and also we have 101,000 americans hospitalized with covid-19 right now, and really no end in sight. so they see are the strictest restriction we have seen. and not here in northern california, we're seeing counties preemptively bring in the restrictions. we're not at that 85% capacity that the doctor is talking about, but we're on our way, so why wait for it to get really, really bad. >> think -- the closure of outdoor dines, i think it's tough for them to legislate their way out, but they're trying to send a stark message. and still toy -- and still not wearing masks or take those other cautions. >> doctor. thank you so much, be safe. >> it's debate night in georgia. kelly loeffler, and reverend warnock are about to face off. what do they need to accomplish tonight? what impact will president trump's rhetoric while in georgia have on this race? plus senator mark warner predicts we could have a t stimulus deal as early as tomorrow. now, simparica trio simplifies protection. ticks and fleas? 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[ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand. and i'm gonna put lisa on crutches! wait, what? said she's gonna need crutches. she fell pretty hard. you might want to clean that up, girl. excuse us. when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. -and i'm gonna -- -eh, eh, eh. -donny, no. -oh. we're portuguese? i thought we were hungarian. can you tell me that story again? behind every question is a story waiting to be discovered. this holiday, start the journey with a dna kit from ancestry. all eyes will be on georgia tonight as two u.s. candidates will square off in a debate right here. it's one of two races that could determine which party controls the u.s. senate. this showdown comes as there are new worries month a growing number of republican leaders, that president trump's relentless attacks may cause gop voters to skip next month's runoff election. ryan nobles joins us. this will be the first time to see a head-to-head debate between the two. how is the stage set? >> reporter: both republicans and democrats are eager for this showdown for a couple reasons. they want to shift the focus from president trump and his unfounded claims to the race itself. that's both republicans and democrats. they want to draw a distinction between these two candidates rafael warnock and kelly loeffler. this is a unique forum for both these candidates. during the general election they did not meet because there were so the candidates in the race because of the way georgia runs elections. this will be the first time they will meet head to head. i can tell you that republicans wants this to take place. they believe that rafael warnock's past has not been fully vetted by a lot of georgia voters. they're preparing for some controversial statements that he made from the pulpit of his church, but at the same time democrats are ready for warnock to go on the attack about kelly loeffler's short time in washington, and her curies stock trade that happened around the same time that the covid pandemic set in. they believe that she was caring more about her stock portfolio, that is the citizens. it will be carries across cnn, and a lot of eyes in georgia will be paying attention as well. as you mentioned, this will determine who will control the united states senate. >> and also the expectation that the president of the united states, when he was visiting valdosta, georgia, last night, that would be his primary focus, trying to encourage people, particularly republicans, to get out the vote, vote for kelly loeffler and the incumbent perdue. are republicans satisfied with the way the president handled that? >> reporter: i think it's an uneven interpretation of how things went for president trump last night. they certainly wish he had spent a lot more time talking about the senate race, as opposed to his own personal fortunes, trying to relitigate the selection, but they do say he talk enough about the senate race, and he was very specification that they'll be able to pick apart those pieces of the speech and get that out to the people that need to see it to make sure they get out and vote. there's no doubt, fred, this continues to overshadow this race. when kelly loeffler and david perdue were brought out on stage with president trump, as they were going off the stage, the crowd erupted for a cheer "fight for trump." it doesn't make a lot of sense with what that has to do with this runoff election, but that's in the mind of these most passionate trump supporters. >> thank you, ryan. joining me is charles bethea. good to see you, charles. >> thanks so much. >> what might be among the most important thing that rafael warnock and kelly loeffler need to accomplish in this evening's debate? >> i think what we're going to see is warnock portrayed loeffler as sort of as what she is, which is very, very wealthy, also she's out of touch with the needs and concerns of everyday georgians, she's spent more time on march stock portfolio, responses to the pandemic. his message is very healthware-oriented. i think we'll see loeffler in turn try to connect warnock to a lot of the statements from the past, very much cherry picked, taken out of context, also connecting him with somebody like fidel castro, who briefly appeared at a church where he was a youth pastor many years ago. i think those moments may be embellished and used to tar him. >> what is going to be most influence atin your view? when is it? when the candidates are out there stumping, you know, talking about their positions? tackling covid, or are they focusing, listening to these $320 million television ads that have zeroed in on a lot of mud slinging, and as you say, taking thing out of the context? >> i think it's going to come down to trump's coattails and whether they're able to hang on and continue to echo some of the things he's been saying. i'm speaking, of course, of leave her and perdue. if they want to win, they have to have trump amplify the message that is so important to get out to vote, which we saw him do only breeiefly last nigh. i think he spent about 90% about his own grievances and own misfortunes, as he would have us see them. i don't know that that's helpful to perdue or loeffler, but they're hoping -- even when he got the date wrong for the election -- june 5th, not january 5th, and called it a congressional runoff, not a senate runoff -- they're hoping they can sift through the thicket and pull out the relevant bits. >> let's talk about the other senate race as an incumbent, but he is not going to debate. it's the second time he's skipped a debate. why does he think that skipping a debate before secures his reelection? >> i think his calculation is his name is already well known. he served two terms in the senate. he's related to sonny perdue, the former governor of georgia and trump's secretary of agriculture, and there's more to lose. as many viewers know, there was a viral moment where jon ossoff took david perdue to task mishandling the pandemic and spending more time on his stock portfolio than the concerns of everyday georgians. i think perdue is playing it safe, thinking he has more potential voters on his side and he can only dampen enthusiasm by showing up. >> lots on the line for both races, and lots of ants pace for this evening's debate. charles, appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. you can watch the loeffler/warnock debate right here tonight on cnn starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. next, inside look of a hunger crisis, for a woman who knows about the problem all too well. >> there were times my mom would cook one can of beans and it was split up. we were struckling, but she never, like, talked about it. >> now she is on the front lines to help other. she joins me to talk about the new problems facing too many families right now. everyone could use a little comfort this holiday season. so wrap up a supportive casper mattress and pillows. soft percale sheets, all things cozy for your best night's sleep. give the gift of a better bedroom with 10% off at i do motivational speakingld.t night's sleep. in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >>oh my gosh you made it! ♪ did you put some ah, kale in the greens? ♪ we didn't forget about you! welcome to the family. thank you. wooooow. ♪ the boeing 737 max is taking back to the skies after more than a year and a half on the ground. cnn was aboard its first public test flight this week. >> reporter: two fatal crashes put under the microscope. now for the first time in 20 months, the boeing 737 max has been cleared to fly, and cnn was among the first on board before it officially returns to service. >> good morning. >> captain peter gamble piloted this invite-only flight. >> it's at a point now where the pilots are the ones who will project that confidence back to the passengers. >> reporter: the faa is requires air loons to apply patches to software, that pilots get new training in a max simulator and each individual airport be inspected. there are about 90 people on board this flight, and media and employees. american will start carrying paying passengers starting december 29th, but there's still concerns the flight is not ready, not safe. >> it's a problem plane. >> reporter: michael's daughter was killed in the second crash. he insists new fixes do not go far enough. >> consumers should avoid this plane. if they see when they book a flight they would be flying on a boeing 737 max, they should change their flight. >> reporter: southwest and united plan to resume flights in the coming months, but american says its 24 maxes are ready now. american's ceo says passengers will know when they book they will be on a max and they can rebook for free. >> everything we do is around safety. all of our actions and decisions are based on that. at first american will operate the maxes on only one route a today, between lagardia and miami, but that's only the start. american says the max will become the backbone of its fleet. it has 76 more of these planes on order. we now know that american plans to ramp up max flights in 2021. pete muntean, dallas. cases are spiking, so how are organizations keeping up with the demand? zinc, other minerals, and herbs. take on your day with airborne. your daily dose of confidence. dear 2020, you had your time. (sigh...) now, it's our time. time to get away to a place where we can finally be free. free from boundaries... ...limitations. even virtual backgrounds. today, we break free. ready to break free? plan your future getaway with norwegian cruise line. sail safe. feel free. - [announcer] forget about vacuuming for up to a month. shark iq robot deep cleans and empties itself into a base you empty as little as once a month. and unlike standard robots that bounce around it cleans row by row. if it's not a shark, it's just a robot. one in nine americans is struggling to get food on the table right now, according to feeding america. global leaders are warning that next year will be catastrophic for world hunger, in addition to the worsening health crisis. a united nations official raising the alarm saying 2021 could be the worst humanitarian crisis year in the organization's history. experts here in the u.s. say some 50 million americans face food insecurity because of the coronavirus pandemic. our next guest faced food insecurity as a child and has made it her life's work to serve the same community she grew up in. >> my mom would like cook one can of beans and it was split up. we were struggle, but she never talked about it. if my mom had told her about the soup kitchen on webster avenue, and that's how i was introduce to that. >> joining me is tayina, directionor for the nonprofit agency part of the solution pot in new york. good to see you. >> hi, good to see you. >> i would think that you could not have imagined that you would have experienced what you did as a child, and then be committed to helping your neighbors again. where the numbers are through the roof. what has that experience been like for you? >> i wanted to be part of something to change, and something was thrown at us that created more of a need than ever before. fan insecured has been here for years, and because of the pandemic, people who are stable, people who didn't worry about it, people who have never been in need, which is so hard to watch and see. >> satly, this is family to you. when you see the need today, and the makeup of people in need, describe for me the similarity, perhaps differences if it conjures up -- stirs up those memories again. >> absolutely. during this pandemic. it's been hard to see the mothers, when all the children got send hop. the first was will i rely on school meals? i remember my own story. i didn't understand what was going on. how do you ask for help. so to see it to a higher power now, of course i struggled and it reminds me of my own struggle. why should they be hungry? parents broadband forced to education and help -- and let alone how am i going to feed my children? they would have to there's a way that's a resource. so there's a lot of mixed emotions i don't know what to do. >> here you are helping tremendously, and listening to that list of obstacles that so many families are facing. are there moments while you are helping, you wish you could convey better answers to some of these family members? >> oh, absolutely. despite the bit though we're many there's still so much that is still needed for these families in order for them to be stable and not worry about it, especially with the rules around the housing. not by choice, but by the pandemic. that's a big issue we'll get ready to face that endangers a lot of people. sadly, yes. thanks so much for what you are doing to help fill the gap and be a lifeline for so many families. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you, fredricka, for having me. >> listening to the experience there and what her nonprofit organization is doing, and growing worries of so many families you know, again this months, possibly being kicked out by the end of the month witho without. >> thank got for the tayinas of the world. a lot of it has to do with the $600 inemployed benefit was shut down i see the lines change their composition and their longer lines. because people don't have money in their pocket. >> and people that just are so worried that at some point oy think rental assistance is far better. >> basically good for tenants. >> she's right there in her district. you know, a number of people in those lines. they're worried about food, yes, their rent, not having it, and in this latest pack an that some have a lot of people for this week there isn't anyone help for that rental assistance. it would be a portion of what they experience. how are people, particularly in your district, to remain hope l hopeful. >> i've been fighting for $100 billion for rental assistance, and we're asking this new negotiated proposal extends is, so people won't get evicted in the year future. that will put people at ease, and prevent massive evictions. so this is critical for america. we must have a rental assistance program. if we could have it now, and put it through february. we must come up with, i say more than $100 million to address this issue. >> while some want to be hopeful about whatever package that congress and the senate can come up with, there is also some hope being placed on these vaccines. we're hey from the makers they will be. >> my concerns are, basically fredricka, it's been a long-standing tradition, a bad chapter -- several bad chapters of history where there were experiments done in puerto rico or other bad chapters in our history that cast doubt so we must have a very ethical program that will guarantee that rich people don't muscle in and get the vaccine before a nurse. or a senior with diabetes so there must be a protocol that will guarantee that the neediest gets it first. then of course it's the distribution. this is massive. we need dollars for the states to be able to distribute there in an effective and quick way across america. right now i don't see that kind of money being appropriated for that purpose. i'm concerned that this the program could collapse and -- we'll have to leave it there. unfortunately we got frozen up there, but i think we got the grasp of his comments. thank you very much. we'll be right back. s boss, grax all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. feel the power. beat the symptoms fast. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ - [announcer] forget about vacuuming for up to a month. shark iq robot deep cleans and empties itself into a base you empty as little as once a month. and unlike standard robots that bounce around it cleans row by row. if it's not a shark, it's just a robot. ♪ you're still the one ♪ that i love to touch ♪ still the one ♪ and i can't get enough ♪ we're still having fun, ♪ and you're still the one applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eating good in the neighborhood. with the new nba tip-off in just a few weeks, players are facing a new set of rules. coy wire has more. >> reporter: making health and safety guidelines even stricter. according to multiple reports, players and staff are banned from going to bars, clubs and attending large gatherings. during road trips, teams will only be permitted to leave hotels for dining. that's only if they'll eat outdoors or in private rooms at restaurants. potential punishments could be up to suspensions. to the nfl now, it is week 13 of a season like any we have ever seen. teams playing without quarterbacks, cases spiking across the league, but the nfl's chief medical officer tells our wolf blitzer last night that he is confident the season will end on time. >> i think the team facilities are the safest places in their communities. we test every single day, and we have a detail contact tracing program that far competes other limits of the society. we're all monitoring they situation, but i do believe our facilities of safe. >> reporter: so far the nfl has not missed a single gail all season, but it almost happened last week the team admitted that not everyone was following protocol, the team president said the protocol is only as effective as our weakest link. the ravens still had reserve players, including lamar jackson. their jection game is scheduled for tuesday, taking on the cowboys. introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel. the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel... available over the counter. voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. but i'm not a new customer. a deal on a smartphone, well, actually now, new and existing customers can get our best smartphone deal. it's historic. that is historic. which means... i'm making history, right? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20201206

again, thank you so much for joining me on this sunday. in just hours the majority of california will be under a any state adhome order, one that is set to last through christmas, as the covid-19 case numbers continue to grow and hospital capacity dwindles, but tonight more than californians will be the new orders. more than 1 million new cases in a days and more than 2200 deaths reported yesterday. the leader of the operation warp speed warned -- >> we will not have all vaccines in our arms before may or june. >> scientists and health experts raise the alarms -- but we're getting barely a whimpers from the president. instead he continues to falsely claim that he will win the presidential race that he lost lost for joe biden. he also touched on the reason for the visit, which was supposed to be the georgia u.s. senate runoff race. later, two the of candidates will square off in a debate that you can see here on cnn the showdown comes as there are new worries among a growing number of republican leaders, that president trump's relentless attack on the election in georgia may actually cause gop voters to skip next month's election. ryan, this is the first time we'll see a head-to-head debate. what's expected? >> reporter: you're right, so much of this is focused on the macro issues, and that's at stake. if the republicans can win at least one of these races, they'll contain the senate majority. teen we're expected to see it boil down to more of a micro level. we do expect these candidates to go after each other. they have both been very critical of each other. just listen to some. >> when you vote, we will send a signal all across the united states of america that there is a new georgia rising. >> georgia, where he need -- we need you to vote on january 5th. if you vote on january 5th, we'll be your voice for years. >> so both candidates are making the argument about what is at stake, but of course president trump overshadowing much of this as he continue to say make the false claims about the result of the election, but specifically here in georgia, there are represents concerned that he's undermining the process here. on the one hand, you have these candidates begging republicans in georgia to get out and vote on january 5th, then you have the president saying their system here is broken and that they cannot rely on it. it's a very difficult dichotomy for the candidates to deal with. last night kelly loeffler was on stage asking voters to vote absentee, and they're yelling "stop the steal," which is what the president has said about this election. both republicans and democrats are heaping that president trump isn't the dominating issue that it instead can be about the candidates and where they stand and give voters a distinct choice. >> ryan noble, thanks so much. joining me is the former mayor of -- her mucher opponent, jon ossoff is the democratic challenger. she's rooting for him. teresa, thank you so much for joining us. very much so. >> so talk to me. >> jon and reverend warnock. >> that's right. you obviously are rooting for both of them, ossoff and warnock, but tell us why you think they can win in a state that just went blue in the presidential contest, bus of course the contest for the senate race is different dynamics. >> we know we've had more democrats in georgia than republicans for about the past five or six years, it's just they didn't vote as often. when they did vote, they had trouble getting their votes counted. then came stacey abrams, latasha brown, many others, and we've remedied some of the systemic issues. now you see with the pop layers of mail-in balloting, already 1 million people have requested mail-in ballots for this runoff election. frankly, also, the stakes are much higher. we're having this higher engagement, particularly because they are, you know, we're unsettled, we're exhausted with instability that's been brought about by the trump administration. so the question is going to be, will people come back out and understand that january 5th is critically important to finish the job? we made a change at the top of the ticket, but unless we have democratic control of the senate, then president-elect joe biden, vice president kamala harris will not be able to relieve us of the stranglehold that covid virus has a our lives and so many issues that have frozen job growth in georgia and across the nation. >> while turnout may have been very impressive, it isn't usually med by the same kind of enthusiasm in a runoff election. do you think it will be met with the same level of enthusiasm? or are you concerned that, say, nice at the rally, the trump campaign, rally, you had people whomp, you know, shouting out the "stopple ste lthe steal" ki chants. do you think that might impact turnout? >> i think it will impact republican turnout. we're all watching in amazement, nationally and certainly here in georgia, as the republican leadership seems to be shooting themselves in their foot. i think what you will be seeing is democrats are going to be having an engagement consistent with the turnout november 3rd, but of course, modified for the fact it's going to be an odd time, so i'll tell you, just to give a little history about georgia, we have somewhere between 40%, 45% turnout, as compared to what the general election was. there was a runoff for secretary of state, which was very political engaging for both party, about a 40% turn jute. but the fact of the matter is, i tell you this will be key, fredricka, and why we appreciate your interest in cnn covering this issue so closely, with charismatic candidates like reverend warnock, born in savannah, now lives and has a great presence in atlanta, you're going to see these other metropolitan areas around georgia actually delivering this runoff for georgia. what do i mean by that? in the november 3rd election we had 267,000 votes just from columbus, macon, augusta and athens, that netted for biden, net democrat votes for biden. those are hard-core democrats, solid blue, 60% blue areas. they'll be coming back out, because they do faithfully come back out. in a state where biden just won by 12,000 votes, that's going to be your difference. it is about turning our your bait, turning out people who are sick with what we have here with the covid grasp on our lives, and looking for some leadership, someone who puts service over power. that's certainly the candidate the democratser fielding. >> of course, the debate this even, people will not see david perdue and jon ossoff, because perdue said no to being part of the debate. so you have asked before, you know, are warnock and ossoff able to optimize each other's vote center voters? what do you mean by that? and how will you be assessing that post-debate? >> georgia had -- up that was the highest in the nation, by the way, for what we call younger voters turnout, so jon ossoff has an appeal there. he does quite well in the atlanta suburban areas where we had a lot of turnout. they make a great team. warnock has really worked the entire campaign and resonates very, very well out-of-the-of atlanta, as well as in metro atlanta. he will be bringing thor democratic voters in that will make the difference in this election. so i would say watch those on election night. as for the debate, david perdue has ceded -- he's done it his entire time as not. he has not made himself accessible. reverend warnock is quite substantive. he's been in the trenches for a long, lime timlong time. he will command that stage, and you know kelly loeffler was not elect elected she's going to be dealing from a position of weakness. that bus has left the station. it was empty. these are critical issues. i think reverend warnock will impress folks. thank you so much for that. we did invite senator kelly loeffler's campaign, surrogate, anyone on her behalf to join us, but we did not hear back. this reminder, you can watch the debate tonight on cnn starting at 7:00 eastern time. a leading advisory of operation warp speed says the vaccine may be available by the end of the week. he expects authorization after a key meeting scheduled for thursday. cnn's white house correspondent jeremy diamond joins me from washington. >> reporter: the fda advisory is set to meet on thursday. dr. slaoui says we could see vaccines distributed as soon as the end of this week. we're expecting about 35 to 40 million of that vaccine to be available by the end of this year. that is far short from the hundreds of millions of doses the trump administration initially set at its goal. the doctor explains they ran into in challenges and ultimately this is still a pretty big accomplishment. listen. >> the goal was barely achievable. i described it as it's credible, but incredibly challenging to achieve it. the hardest piece in it, frankly, was to identify the vaccine through the phase three trials, and scale up the manages. on the manufacturing side, it turned out to be somewhat more complicated than we planned. probably six or eight weeks later than the ideal scenario. >> reporter: so you heard him explain they ran into in manufacturing challenges, but nonetheless we could see some top priority groups beginning to vaccinated by the end of this week. in the meantime he urged the rest of the population to continue to wear masks. fred? >> jeremy diamond, thanks so much. a a woman frustrated with coronavirus restrikds makes a passionate plea. they will join us live, after going viral. >> they have not given us money and they have shut us down. in . right! connemara it is! there's one gift the whole family can share this holiday season, their story. give the gift of discovery, with an ancestrydna kit. you can crush ice, make nismoothies, and do even more. chop salsas, spoon thick smoothie bowls, even power through dough, and never stall. the ninja foodi power pitcher. rethink what a blender can do. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ so wrap up a supportive casper mattress and pillows. soft percale sheets, all things cozy for your best night's sleep. give the gift of a better bedroom with 10% off at ♪ ♪ you're all, you're all i need ♪ ♪ you're all, you're all i need ♪ ♪ as long as i got you then baby ♪ ♪ you know that you've got me, oh! yea...♪ ♪ this breaking news out of california. the state is reporting the highest covid case count to date. more than 30,000 just today. hospitalizations are also hitting an all-time high. as cases spread, california is taking drastic measures. as it hits new levels, the cases hit new levels. these are new restriction. were surging. they banned people from playgrounds, hair salons, barber shops, movie theaters, restaurants and so much more. cnn's paul vercammen is in the sherman oaks neighborhood of los angeles, one of the places that goes under restrictions tonight. >> reporter: among them right here in sherman oaks, this restaurant, the pineapple hill saloon and grill. angela marsden is the owner, and she went to the internet to describe how a movie set was able to operate a feeding area near her business, while her business was completely shut down. >> they have not given us money and have shut us down. we cannot survive. my staff cannot survive. look at this. tell me that this is dangerous, but right next to me is a slap in my face. that's safe. this is safe? 50 feet away? this is dangerous. mayor garr settist and gasp newsom is responsible for every single person that doesn't have unemployment, that does not have a job, and all the businesses that are going under. we need your help. we need somebody to do something about this. >> reporter: we should note that mayor garcetti says his hard goes out to angela. we should also note that in a sense an l.a. city rule that first closed this business down, it was an l.a. county rule. we're going to bring in angela. i know you're devastated. can you illustrate to people how much you invested to stay open? >> we took out a loan of $150,000 from the disaster loan. we were lucky enough to apply and get it. and, um, we spent around $80,000 between the inside doing what we needed to do for covid to keep our clients safe. that's our number one priority. we want or people to be safety, and building the outdoor part i don't so we could stay open. >> reporter: what is your reaction to the politicsplipoli inactivity to help restaurants like yours? >> i'm at a loss. i'm devastated. i feel like i'm living in la-la land. what we're asking us to do is not realistic, and the science is not backing the outdoor dining. i just -- i'm at a loss for words, you know. i'm at a loss for words. >> reporter: describe what it's like to have to tell an employees, i'm sorry, i just don't have work for you? >> it's unbearable. i try to put on a good face, don't worry, we're going to reopen, i'm going to make it happen, but to look at my staff, give them their last paycheck right before christmas, and some are newer staff that have been shut down over and over, and they have kids and children. it's the most excruciating feeling, you know, but you try to get strong and try to give hope. people need hope, you know? earp are >> reporter: do you feel as if restaurant workers are treated somehow as a substandard group when it comes to these relief bills? >> yeah, i do. i feel like it's not a face, just numbers, and the numbers aren't even right, because the effect it's having as far as how many restaurants are employed -- i was doing my protest on saturday. there were five restaurant and bar owners. between five of us, we employ 1,000 people, and they have another month left, if they're lucky. >> reporter: let's hear from warm-up your employees. sunny, you know live on a couch. you don't have a job. you were working here at the restaurant. >> um-hmm, i was managing a bar before this, doing pretty well for myself. right before the pandemic, i lost my apartment. that didn't seem like a big deal at the time, and then everything shut down. it was not out of lack of will or laziness to go out and get a job. i found another job. i found another job, and she told me i'll hire, i don't have anything for you, and i told her, i'll wait tables, do the door for you, i'll do anything. there's no possible way for me to even this i about getting into a place. i've been so blessed that people have been letting me stay with that. in that manner i'm extremely grateful. without them, i don't know what i would do. there's no options. there's no options for our entire industry. it's not because we're trying to stay on unemployment and just -- mine's almost out, and i -- i have no why the what i'm going to do. no idea. . >> there you have it, fred, the pain, the suffering, the rest of the business not only here in california, but throughout the nation, as they urge congress to do something in terms of a relief bill. back to you. >> it's overwhelming, and i think all of us are feeling for them exactly what they express. thank you very much to them for sharing their stories. thank you, paul vercammen. breaking news, the president just tweeting out that his personal attorney, rudy giuliani, has contracted coronavirus. >> reporter: fredricka, president trump announcing that rudy giuliani, the personal attorney who has been leading the charge in trying to overturn the results by any means possible, has now tested positive for the coronavirus. the president tweeting -- rudy giuliani, by far the greatest mayor of new york city, and working tirelessly, has tested positive for the china virus. get better soon, rudy. we will carry on. frankly it's surprising he hasn't tested positive earlier. he's been in contact with his son as well as boris epstein, who have both tested positive for coronavirus in recent weeks, yet mayor giuliani did not abide by the quarantine guidelines. he continues to travel to numerous cities, states across the country, to try to overturn the results. some of these events, you saw mayor giuliani not wearing a mask. he was in indoor spaces where most of the attendees were not wearing masks. obviously, if you don't follow these guidelines, and you continue to not change your behavior, this is going to happen. of course, we wish mayor giuliani a speedy recovery. we hope hi doesn't have too serious of symptoms, but it has to be noted that people who engage in reckless behavior do face a higher risk of contracting the virus, as mayor giuliani now has. >> i wonder, do we know much about the concerns of the people in his immediate space? he just came off making the rounds at the state legislatures, you know, trying to push for investigations to overturn or recount as it pertains to the presidential race. we were just looking at video of him out of michigan, no mask there, not in the proximity of the young lady sitting right next to him. >> certainly jenna ellis, the other attorney on this attempt, she's been traveling with him, without a mask during many of these so-called hearings. so she certainly should be someone who would likely have to quarantine according to the cdc guidelines, but we also know that mayor jewel should have followed the guidelines and quantity teen before this. the president's attempts -- ther i believe the president had tapped dave bossie, dave bossie tested positive for the coronavirus, and then rudy giuliani was put in charge of those efforts. we have seen aide after aide to the president contract the coronavirus. >> jeremy diamond, thank you so much. appreciate that. we have much more, right after this. a coronavirus vaccine could be available for emergency use by the end of the week. officials say the vaccine won't be available for average americans until april, but many americans remain hesitant about being vaccinated overall. a new pew research poll finds that just 42% of black americans say they will definitely or probably get a coronavirus vaccine. joining me now to discusses is dr. could mara joins, and also a former president of the american health association. >> thank you for having me. >> you have this high hesitancy rate among that very population. what could change that, in your view? >> i think what we need to do is not blame people for having questions. i think we need to hear the questions, and answer the questions. some of the answers might be we don't know yet, because we haven't been studying this long enough. or we don't know yet, but if we honor people's questions and answer them, then what we do instead of cajoling people or convincing people to get the vaccine, we enable them to make their own informed decision. they might say yes, i'll wait for six months, or maybe not really, not for a year. >> who needs to answer those questions? among the reasons why black and brown people are hesitant, look at history. you know, that's probably number one, actually. so then who can address that as it pertains to what may be available soon? >> i think we have to certainly involved black doctors and clergy, but not to convince. you never want to put people in a position to try to make people trust. if there were a bank of questions and plain-language answers, and then those answers were respectfully, you know, people -- communities were engaged in conversation, then i think people would know you are hearing me, you are respecting my right to ask questions and get a legitimate answer, so now let me make up my own mint. if we approach it trying to convince others, we will never success. so certainly the national medical association is an association we have, but you know the national urban league and naacp, churches, a lot of people can be the brokers, but not to convince, but to inform. hear was the pin of congresswoman bass earlier. >> people often think of tuskegee, but that has carried on until today, not just the black community. a couple months ago there were the stories about in the detention centers for immigrants, inappropriate gynecological surgeries. that kind of stuff really spreads in communities. because we could not trust the president, it's not surprising that people would doubt the vaccine. you know he was trying to rush it. >> and so when you also hear, you know, one of the leading advisers from operation warp speed address some of the concerns earlier today on cnn and on other networks, and he said, no, no one will be a guinea pig how does he or anyone else convince those who are -- >> we have to understand what will happen next thursday is an emergency use authorization, so it's not even -- so in a way, what's going to happen is the fda will say, well, the lineally benefit, but in a way we are still learning. we could tell you anything about six-month side effects, because we haven't been studying them for six months. >> and then they are two doses. a month so we haven't been looking at it enough time. clearly they have there's the vaccine, which is always there, and you feel like something is off, and if they become aware of cases of something that seems real really out of like, they'll be -- >> dr. camara jones, we have to leave it there simply because we're looking at the clock. certainly we want you back, and thank you for your insight. >> thank you. students in the nation's largest school district returns to the classroom, and we'll have more on that. drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ but i'm not a new customer. a deal on a smartphone, well, actually now, new and existing customers can get our best smartphone deal. it's historic. that is historic. which means... i'm making history, right? yea, i don't know if i'd exactly sa- wow. me, dave brown. existing customer who got the greatest deal in history. just like every other customer gets... oh that's cool too. it's not complicated. at&t is making history. everyone gets our best smartphone deals. ♪ you're still the one ♪ that i love to touch ♪ still the one ♪ and i can't get enough ♪ we're still having fun, ♪ and you're still the one applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eating good in the neighborhood. in atlanta, parents are out protesting, asking schools to reopen for their children. it's a growing sentiment nationwide with families frustrated by the demands of distance learning. some city schools are reopening for in-person learning. evan mcmorris-santoro joins us. >> reporter: a small percentage of students in the new york city public school systems will return to five days a week school starting on monday. that's the basic story. it's a big more complicated than that, but the big story, the largest school district believes that it now has enough control of the science to reopen safely. let's break into the detames a bit. on monday kids starting at pre-k all through fifth grade, they turned to five days a week school. there are some important caveats. for example, only students who signed up for the hybrid in had of person learns are returning. it means only about less than a third of the students who go to the new york city public school systems are returning. it's a big step for the city and a hue step for fight the virus moving forward. >> evan, thank you so much. we'll be right back. you cane smoothies, and do even more. chop salsas, spoon thick smoothie bowls, even power through dough, and never stall. the ninja foodi power pitcher. rethink what a blender can do. it's all about the bedroom. so you can wake up in a winter slumberland. and give a little comfort to everyone on your list. the fluffiest down duvet you'll ever feel, soft and light percale sheets, a cool, supportive mattress and plush pillows, for your best night's sleep. so go ahead, give the gift of a better bedroom with 10% off for a limited time at ♪ birds flyin' high you know how i feel ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel ♪ [man: coughing] ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day... ♪ no matter how you got copd it's time to make a stand. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. it's time to start a new day. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at ♪ ♪ heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. another life-changing technology from abbott, so you don't wait for life. you live it. tonight lisa ling is back with two all-new back-to-back episodes of "this is life is." first up, lisa will take us inside families torn apart by heroin addiction, from kids forced ed td to grow up too so mothers fighting to get clean. here's a preview. >> for many years jocelyn has kept silent about her parents' addiction. a few months ago she founded directly affected, a support group for students whose families had been impacted by the opioid crisis. >> seeing people overdose in my house like heroin, needles up their arm, a spoon or something. >> how old were you the first time you saw someone o.d.? >> 11, 12. >> i'm not used to zach really talking that much. i know our generation right now is scared to talk, but i think they see extra, like, push. >> joining us now is the host of "this is life," lisa ling. good to see you. boy, it seems like, you know, the children are always the hardest hit in struggles like this, but, wow, that they were willing to able to talk about it, you know, so freely with you. >> yeah, fred, thank you for having me on the show. that was an incredible support group started by the child of someone in the throes of addiction herself. and it was really powerful moment to sit there with these kids who shared such heart-wrenching stories of what it was like to -- or what it has been like to live with parents or relatives who are addicted. this whole episode really is about different members of communities throughout ohio who are stepping up trying to give the children, the addicts, babies born to opioids who have to be weaned off a fighting chance. we profiled people like the kids that you saw, but also judges and magistrates who oversee these family treatment courts where they hold the hands of addicts and help them recover, even if they've gone -- go through -- even if they relapse in an effort to try to regain custody of their children. >> wow. and then, what a contrast, you have a second episode this evening, but it looks at the illicit massage parlor industry. what did you find? >> this is a story i also found f fascinating. not all of these massage parlors popping up throughout the country have illicit attached to them but a surprising number do. we tried to explore the lives of the mostly immigrant women who work inside these parlors. what we found was just really both fascinating and devastating. >> we're looking forward to seeing all of it. you always open our eyes for sure. lisa ling, good to see you. be sure to tune in to two all-new episodes of "this is life" with lisa ling airing back-to-back at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only on cnn. thank you for joining me today, know. i'm fredericka whitfield. "cnn newsroom" continues with my colleague ana cabrera in a moment. first, i want to leave you with this sobering perspective. since monday the u.s. is averaging just under 2,400 deaths from covid-19 every single day. the white house has made little to no effort to ak moj in, demand some sort of urgency. the president did leave pennsylvania avenue to speak for 99 minutes at a rally in georgia last night. not to talk about coronavirus but to be fired up about the presidential elections he lost a month ago. simultaneously last night, for every 38 seconds, 1 american died. we end our show today with 38 seconds of silence. if the nation awaits leadership on this calamity from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. ♪ get so much cash back it will be like ♪ ♪ whoa whoa whoa whoa-ah... i shop on rakuten. ♪ ♪ rakuten ♪ all the perfect gifts right from my phone. ♪ ♪ rakuten ♪ am i the smartest shopper ever known? ♪ ♪ rakuten! in a on the most reliable, pnetwork with xfinity mobile. they can choose from the latest phones or bring their own. and because they get nationwide 5g at no extra cost, they live happily ever after. again, again. your wireless. your rules. your way to stay closer together this holiday season. switch and save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. and get $300 off when you buy the samsung galaxy note20 ultra 5g. learn more at you're live in the "cnn newsroom." i'm ana cabrera in new york. we begin with breaking few be. the president revealing his personal attorney, rudy giuliani, has coronavirus. the president tweeting in part, rudy giuliani has tested positive. gert better soon, rudy. we will carry on. cnn has reached out to giuliani for comment. we'll bring that to you when we get it. lease go to jeremy diamond at the white house. jeremy, remind us, when was the last time we saw giuliani out in public?


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