Arianna Nanni, figlia 21enne della vittima e dell'uomo, Claudio Nanni, inquadrato quale mandante del
delitto, ha chiesto di potere incontrare il padre in carcere all'indomani della chiusura delle
indagini con un giudizio immediato. (ANSA)
InfoMigrants By ANSA Published on : 2021/02/08
Italian authorities have reported more cases of Afghan minors entering the country hidden inside cargo trucks coming from the Balkans. Police said they apprehended youths in two separate cases in Ravenna and in Caserta this week.
Italian police continue to report cases of underage Afghans discovered squeezed into trucks coming from the Balkans. After youths were discovered in northern Italian province of Monza and Brianza at the end of January, two similar incidents were reported by police in the area of Ravenna, in the north, and in the southern city of Caserta.
Squeezed inside the truck for three days