CHRISTOPHER STEVENS: Film-makers can tell us to forget worries as many times as they like. If a tidal wave or a plane strike does tear open the Hinkley C nuclear reactor, we re all Fukushima d.
Pish! Faugh! My lord Thomas Cromwell is annoyed. And well he might be, good sirrah. Not long ago he was the hero of Wolf Hall.
Now he s reduced to a walk-on part in a steaming pile of codswallop about Henry VIII s doomed wife, Anne Boleyn (C5). Plotting to loot the monasteries, Cromwell (Barry Ward) was so infuriated by the queen s opposition that he really did stalk from the room, muttering: Pish! Faugh!
If only he d thrown in a Gadzooks! or Odds bodkins! though there s time for that as the drama continues tonight and tomorrow. Practically every line in this Tudor costume melodrama was a shocker, lurching from fake Shakespeare to millennial slang.
Jodie Turner-Smith flashes fire and fury in Channel 5’s oh-so-serious Tudor drama, complete with a silly surplus of metaphors – and a weirdly wimpy Henry VIII. Wolf Hall it is not<br>