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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20221007

thailand is him morning after a stabbing and shooting attack by a former policeman at a daycare center kills at least 38 people. 23 of them children. ah, hello, i'm in leanne. gwen. this is al jazeera alive from dough house, coming up, as summit of european leaders were warns urgent to action on energy costs is needed before winter sets in with soaring prices due to the ukraine. the u. s. president hans, our pardons for marijuana possession we look at what's behind the decision. i'm at least 18 people drown at 30 a missing and others rescued after 2 boats carrying migrants capsize off the coast of greece. ah, welcome to the program. we begin in thailand, which is in morning after a former policeman went on a ship shooting a knife rampaged at a daycare center, killing at least 38 people, including 23 children. the attacker was facing trial on drugs, charges. after leaving the preschool center, he went home and killed his wife and child before taking his own life from owed on tawny. in ne, in thailand, tony cheng reports a row of bodies lined up outside a daycare center. in northeastern thailand, ambulances rushed to carry the wounded to local hospitals. a grim aftermarket, the worst mass killing in recent ty, history. the children had just settled down for a midday rest. upon an agitated parent burst in, oh, he used his feet to kick the window, then he shot at the door. i thought he got inside. i ran to the kitchen behind. i was a shock. i didn't know what to do. he, according to the police, in the attack that followed $22.00 children and 2 adults were killed. after inspecting the crime scene, we found that the perpetrator tried to break him, and he mainly used the knife to commit the crime by killing a number of small children. while a few survived, i learned was the attack of fled. he left a trail of destruction in his wake taking out anything that got in his way, the main suspect to form a policeman. pontiac come rub, fired from his job and under trial for drug trafficking. local hospitals were overwhelmed, dealing with the wounded and the dead. this is a rural area where attacks like these are on known. as darkness fell, investigators swarmed across the scene, trying to find clues as to what might have led to this murderous rampage. the borders of the victims are now just flooding into it on tiny central hospital, but the doctor, so they're gonna work through the night champ, performed the autopsies. so the bodies of the victims can be released to their founders, a funeral rights to begin on friday. and endless procession of caskets carried lost by emergency volunteers. a final show of respect is tyler chose to come to terms with the massacre. it's claimed so many young lives and annie chang received an update on the situation from thailand's health minister. well, you said there are 4 survivors being treated here on tony central hospital and he said, this was one small ray of light in what is a very grim mood here today. he said that sir, of those 4 survivors, they had serious injuries. some of them were in critical condition yesterday, but by good fortune, there happened to be a number of the neurological surgeons who were here, who were able to operate quickly. he said all for now out of danger, we understand. one of them was a 3 year old boy from the search for it from the nursery. he had a serious stab wound to the head. he's now stable his grandmother, who was also there is still in a very serious condition, but it's stable to that poor boy's mother unfortunately, was killed in the attack. he did go on to address the question of guns and gun control. he said that it was of a concern that in the last 2 years, thailand had seen 2 mass killings conducted by service members in 2020 serving soldier, this one by a former policeman. but he said it was very difficult to control access to firearms . the people who are in these roles whose role is to protect the publish. nonetheless, he said it was something they were looking at. and he also went on to say the autopsies was started about 1 am this morning have now been completed on the 37 victims, all of whom apparently in the mall in this hospital made is of european countries who formed a new alliance have been meeting in prague, it's been established in response to the ukraine war and story energy costs. the european political community is made up of 27, a new states, and 17 other countries. step accident reports from the check capital. this gathering aim to show how isolated russia as president has become the 1st meeting of the european political community brought unlikely countries to gather like armenian, as of a john, as well as candidates for you. membership like ukraine and the u. k. returning to the european state, after breaks it, what we wanted to achieve in meeting here in prague is to bring together $44.00 sovereign states. which see europe as a single entity, whatever the particular forms for political or others to discuss among equals a sovereign states of problems that we face in common. that's exactly what we need . the group has no formal structure and some wonder if many more meetings will follow. so question know whether it's going to work, go. we have a european union, but not so many countries are members of european union. so the idea is to discuss the combination that we have currently the security issues that we have on the european continent. and i think it's very important that we have the same views, the same views, for example, on how to bring energy prices down. a thing to clear measure studio gas markets, the energy markets ish, that these 40 for leaders are completely aligned or, and have to join tradition to cooperate measures to bring down the gas prices. they may agree on bringing down prices, but so far, no consensus has a merch on how to do this. package is costing hundreds of billions of euros to help cope with high energy costs. like the one announced by germany have flat to friction or all member states can take their own decision. we just indicate that some instruments and answer changes are which, which are proposed by some member states are very bad for the competition on of, on the, on the europe market. and we wanted always to avoid it. and this is my, i believe that we have to work out common solutions. a shared condemnation of russia's invasion and ukraine has brought together the leaders of the whole european continent tyrann proc, apart from russia and bellows. but besides sending a signal to president putin, they also want to show that they can come up with a common plan to deal with crippling energy prices. step, fasten al jazeera in. proc officials in sweden have confirmed explosions caused at last month ghastly from the north stream. pipeline in the baltic, saint moscow denies any involvement in no cause of those blas has been proven. the incident is being closely watched in norway, the top gas supply to the european union and the u. k. as journal how reports from august, while european nato allies have focused on on being ukraine against russia, they've neglected their own vulnerabilities closer to home until that is vast. quantities of methane gas began bubbling to the surface off the coast of denmark and sweden in the baltic sea last week. and the water explosions caused damage to both north stream pipelines built to supply russian gas to europe. nato, called it sabotage. and despite a lack of hard evidence pointing to russian involvement, the alliance has warned that it will respond to an attack on allies key infrastructure. and there is real concerned that the next target could be norway. now europe's main gas supply in russia's place. prime minister jonas gas store has confirmed reports of an identified drones cited over key energy installations. when do i say is running out of options? they are. so what could they do to my mind going off to the end? if you can press what is, what are the things they could do at norway's museum of resistance? appropriately enough, we meet defense experts when hold smock, he spent years studying soviet and then russia strategic behavior. russia left, it basically won him my public lou weapon and that is the export of guys to europe, which has been severely restricted. so it gives the signal of that. ok if you continue supporting crean as you do well, we have the options to actually cut your gas supplies from, from, from norway. if indeed it was sabotaged by russia that disabled the nordstrom pipelines and that may never be proven. of course, it would be a classic act of hybrid warfare designed to damage critical infrastructure with maximum deniability and limiting therefore, any direct response. no way is preparing for what may come next. deploying its military, including f, $35.00 fight patrols to protect oil and gas installations. denmark, sweden and finland are also increasing surveillance. but nato allies will know that such hybrid measures are many and varied with potential targets, including not just oil and gas infrastructure, but also computer systems, electricity grids, and thousands of kilometers of undersea internet cables. they can't possibly protected all go to whole al jazeera. also the rise to grain energy is going too fast for some oil which developing nations, nigeria is africa's biggest export her of oil. and it isn't ready to let go of it. huge reserves that have fuel consumption and economic growth for more than half a century. i'll just, there is an interest reports from port harcourt. this of show rick pumps oil and gas off the coast of jet in for more than 60 years. petroleum has been the pillar of it economy, and for many here, live without oil, is simply unimaginable. we know for sure that even by 2050 person was still account for about 50 percent of energy production into what that means. that wasn't where it's not going to grow it, we're going to be come back to much, martina enough. well, and that's really our focus. petroleum contributes more than half of nigeria budget, and more than 90 percent of its sporting. it's jeff jennings, experts say ditching, it could devastate the economy. the world bank says no. juris dependence on oil is greater than that of many other major producers. more than half of, of because 1300000 people have no access to power. here in the printer is more than 45 percent of resource usa. they want to increase access to electricity as virtually by holding the conference, borland, yas, resources to encourage growth. industry expert, st. africa's oil will still find a ready market and the content even if the rest of the world shuts its doors, africa needs energy. we are not selling energy outside because we don't need it. we are selling energy also because we are miss, we have misplaced priorities. nigeria wants to be seen as playing it to part in reducing global warming. 2 years ago, the government declared 2020 to 2030 as a decade of gas, a 10 year period to shift focus from oil and more to natural gas as a cleaner transition fuel. but that doesn't mean the country will abandon its 37000000000 bottles of could all result altogether. poverty grease al jazeera pot target. the european union is sending a civilian mission to armenia to help in the border dispute with as of. and john, it comes after more than $150.00 soldiers were killed and fighting last month. a violence was the worst since the neighbors went to war. in 2020 a year says emission, has been established, often talks with the armenian prime minister. and as a by johnny presidents, the u. s. military says it's killed and i still official during an air strike and a government controlled area of northern syria. u. s. troops carried out the helicopter right near the village of commercially on the board with turkey to other iso members were detained during the operation. still, hands on al jazeera, a russian strike that he, residential buildings and the city zappa ratio kills of people. and pakistan take stock of the damage and lives lost in reco flooding and asks what happens name? ah, anticipation is rising. and so is the where you read. i went to my castle anyways. here's your weather update in a minute 15. good to have your long so still some temperatures in the forty's in this part of the world's q weights at 43 temperatures have come down a bit in doha, at 37 degrees. and at times, over the course of the weekend, those winds will be coming off the goal. so that means once again, the humidity is going to bump in, in a good indication is when you see that temperature lower, the humidity usually starts to go up, up and down pakistan, temperatures pretty well where they should be for this time, the year jacob, a bad at $37.00 degrees, but where we've got temperatures above average is in iran. tate on at $28.00 degrees. i think it's going to stay dry. there. you see the shower into boxes with a high of 23 and we got rain just swirling around this part of turkey. yeah. from it's stumbled on tale to ankara and then breezy conditions through the boss. first stage, the aegean and the eastern med assemble and athens could see wind gusts in the cities of about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. what is the weather really western areas of the democratic republic of congo through gab on into camera room? and it's about d, 6 of the heat wave in south africa, northeast. and look, this heat is also infiltrating parts of southern botswana. habit roney, up to 30 degrees. i'll see you in a bit. the weather sponsored by cattle and i was jumping to the street when no topic is off the table. i don't think that anybody should be born to privilege to them for dinner. the day. we are the subjects of the royal family to that one person's opinion, but what's yours? amplify your voice. the judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption. we're a global audience, becomes a global community. the scariest part of this moment in my country is this toys for a more weapon? the st. oh now j 0. ah oh. hello, you're watching out a 0. i'm emily ang, when he is a reminder of our top stories this, our thailand is in shock and morning after at least 30 people, including 23 children, were killed in a gun attack. a former police officer facing a drugs charge attacked a daycare center before killing his wife, child, and himself. and ladies of 44 european nations have met in prior to discuss the fall lab from russia's invasion of ukraine. their urging action on energy costs, which had sold it since the war again to ukraine. now, where authorities say at least 4 people have been killed in russian strikes on residential buildings in the southern city of san parisha. the injured include a 3 year old child, ukraine's foreign minister has accused russia deliberately striking civilian targets to so fee. moscow claims to have annexed the regent, even though its forces do not control all of it. hotter abdel hamid reports from separation. it happened early morning when the city was still asleep. several missiles, frogs, a pretty job, bringing down to residential buildings. in a matter of seconds, lives shattered memories of a life done. buried under the rubble. i was leisure. rescue workers are still trying to find bodies through the toxic fumes and as they continued their work with sending people an edge to run full cover, they were another 3 loud explosions here in the city center. and they sounded very close to the places that were targeted earlier in the day. now, the air siren did not go off until after these explosions. we are told because the russians are using these as 300 missiles that go undetected, is considered one of the most efficient anti aircraft missiles system. all go walk up to the sound of it. emotions come pouring out. lou, worry about what's to come. russia says it has a next is apple. read your region after a referendum illegal under international law, but it doesn't control the regional capital. that's why it's coming under attack. say anyone said he, they fled the russian control part. they said the air strikes are meant to scare people away from the city. most of the people here are russian speakers. president vladimir putin says this war is in their name to protect them, but he couldn't protect them from the russian army. without the hamid others either as a preacher and mohammed val is in moscow, he says the gremlins offensive in ukraine is coming under intense scrutiny within russia. there is a lot of questions being asked here. russia, a lot of criticism leveled against the field commanders the way the operation is being conducted. and the russians seem to be waiting for answers from the highest command in the land. but in the meantime, the authorities are not talking about defeats. they are talking about tactics and a war that is going to continue for a long time. on to sherry allies, it's goals. they speak sometimes about the history of this country. saying that hitler was also trying to occupy russia as well as napoleon. and in both occasions, a russian troops ended up in berlin and parties, so they are talking about along along protracted fight until they achieve their goals to the us. now, where president joe biden has announced he's pardoning thousands of people convicted of marijuana position under federal laws. he's also urging state governors to quash similar convictions made on the state laws. she have returns, he has more from washington dc. we have this, this moved by the president to pardon those who were federally convicted of the simple possession of marijuana. but it must be pointed out that it is very rare for people to be convicted of a single charge of simple possession of marijuana. no one is going to be released from prison as a result of this, the white house says no one is currently selling a federal simple possession of marijuana charge. but, but the, what the white house says they're hoping to do is for those who work, convicted or have in the past been convicted of his charge and put in prison or jail, it will reduce some of the hurdles they have once they're released. as far as employment, housing, an education for example. so that's why this isn't actually even expunged from that, from the criminal record that has to get to the course. but there is now an official presidential public, the white house because a relatively modest it has to be said for how many people they think are going to be affected by this. at least 6500 people, they think. but actually thousands more here in dc because we are in fact under federal federal law here. so it's a, it's a $6500.00 plus people that i think will be affected by this. in addition, there, the president says he's urging state governance to issue similar pardons and it is the majority. the majority of possession offences occur in, in the states themselves. have over having said that there. when asked on a background cool white as the ministration official effective admitted, he's actually going to do very much. this is it. pakistan is still reeling from record flooding. men killed $1700.00 people in cost the country around $40000000000.00. disease and damage to finding communities have prompted warnings of another, even deadly disaster in the weeks and months to come. and some have been ga reports from jam. sure. 3rd of pocket sun and the water the you and called it a monsoon and settle this is floods draught, an unprecedented disaster being blamed on climate change. the economy was already in crisis, and now the government is appealing for debt relief and urging more help from the global community. i don't think driven to make the 3040000000000 that i've lost. but i think that, you know, there should be some measure of help whether it's the actual agency to give greater launch of august 5, whether it's multi, it's, you know, other countries that underwrite some known to vargas on take, you know, take the risk, you know, and then, you know, giving charged banks to give us loans. give us preference of great vanity has been sent a memo by nature. and that memo has come via buck a son. and we waited a war against nature with burning up with that addiction to fossil fuels, and no nature is reaching a lot of these waters. my proceed in a few weeks or months. but climate change is here to stay, and millions of pock assignees at the risk of floods and router afraid that the world will once again forget about them until another month soon on steroids. the asian development bank has promised $2500000000.00 to help with rebuilding. the united nations has revised its humanitarian appeal for $81000000.00. but many in pakistan are questioning how aid is being distributed. if you send 100 plans under plans will take 1600 tons and tons to 1500 pounds at the max. but our requirement is such just to give you an idea, almost 13000000 population is effected. we are grateful for that aid, but require much more just to keep these people fed. the size of the water is so huge that if this water was there in portugal hole, portugal would be under water. whole equity would be under water. the color of the state of the us will be under water agriculture, education, health roads, bridges, real cracks. everything has been effected. even if the government had the estimated $40000000000.00 to rebuild it could take years. and another monsoon season is just a few months away from a job without the 0 job. sure. like stun. and for more on this story you can watch the great jell huge at 1630 james pay on friday and at 330 james on saturday. right . he on al jazeera at least 17 people have died when they board capsized off the coast of the great island of lead boss overnight. the coast guard says it was carrying at least 40 people trying to migrate to europe. the 2nd boat was lost further south in a similar incident. as harry faucet were full in darkness to survive as of a ship wreck, clean to the cliff face below. passengers try desperately to hold onto the rocks below. these terrifying scenes unfolding on the shore of the greek rescue as try to bring another man to safety with a life belt. but in rough season with little purchase, he falls back into the water. incredibly rescue has managed to save 80 people in the dark in 70 kilometer now winds the survivors abroad to a nearby school to welcome shelter and rest. several had travelled from afghanistan, they said the captain had lost his way. the boat swept onto the rocks. it was a small ship, not for all these people to be there about 5 pupils, but the ship brought just $420.00 to the woman. beg your guys', old man. couldn't do anything for him. we thought just how the hundreds of kilometers to the east on the island of les, both, there were similar scenes, a dingey carrying around 40 people, had capsized in the heavy seas. images from the hospital showed some of those rescued young women from africa. the greek government praised emergency crews for saving so many and fro push. but if going to people who it is, run by senseless smugglers into the raging waters, the g. c on both that do not make any safety standards, such a responsible behavior. and at the same time, the misdemeanors of turkey from whose shows these boats, unfortunately lead to tragedies of cathedral on thursday. grim evidence of the overnight tragedy among the wreckage, a number of bodies. the turkish government has recently accused greece of using its ships to turn back migrant boats, endangering lives after shop reduction in recent years of asylum seekers. sailing from turkey to grease the numbers and the risks are beginning to rise once more. hurry, faucet al jazeera. these latter government has rejected. the revisions requested by lebanon until a u. s. bargain planned to end the maritime board, a dispute that's throwing into dant. years of diplomatic efforts to enable both countries to extract gas on the mediterranean saint john handwriting reports from west jerusalem. it's a lucrative deal made between enemies. israel appeared on the verge of signing an agreement for natural gas production off the mediterranean coast with lebanon, which refuses to recognize the state on its southern border. but both sides had agreed. the u. s. brokered pact is too profitable not to sign, but on thursday, israeli prime minister. yeah, your la p rejected last minute changes requested by lebanon, sending both sides back to the negotiating table, where each has strong incentive to come to an agreement. zoe scott: this is the deal. the strengthens israel security and economy for le peed starting production on the kerisha oil field. as soon as this month would mark a much needed economic and diplomatic victory ahead of the november 1st election and bring israel closer to energy independence for lebanon. splitting revenue from the neighboring conic ass field, would mean desperately needed income for an economy. so devastated that banks have closed after cash strapped customers resorted to carrying weapons to forcibly withdraw their own money. owed a tremendous economic good. her father the moment and we want to have hospice, naples, not naples on the, on the verge of bankruptcy. there is an unofficial 3rd party in the mix, has been the iranian backed group in lebanon, whose leader has spoken favorably of the deal. that's a dramatic change from the high tensions of june when the israeli prime minister threatened to begin gas production without a deal. and hes bella sent 3 drones to the carrier site, all shot down by israel, adding to a growing possibility of an armed confrontation with production platform sitting idly in the mediterranean sun. la pete has little time to forger, deal and time for it to her.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220929

2000000 people without power is one of the strongest harkens to ever hit the united states slams at southwest florida. ah, hello, i'm emily anglin. this is al jazeera alive from dough house are coming up, swayed in reports of fools, lake at the north stream pipelines, russia and the us accuse each other of sabotage, deposed me and my later on some so cheese sentenced to yet another case. this time she's charged with violating the official secrets act. and to ron's presidents is the death of masa and me off to head police arrest is a tragedy, but warns protested against further von ah ah, welcome to the program. we begin in the u. s. where hearken ian has left a trail of destruction in southwest florida, knocking out power to to 1000000 people and trapping many in flooded homes. it's one of the strongest harkins to ever hit the united states, though. busy it's wakened to a category to stone. the u. s. national hire can center warns of catastrophic flooding in land. no debts have been reported around 20 people are missing after a boat carrying cuban migrants sank near florida. how did your castro has moved with wind speed, topping 250 kilometers per hour. hurricane e and ripped across florida's gulf coast. wednesday afternoon, waves turn streets into rivers, florida. as governor warning, the worst may still be to come. it is going to have major, major impacts in terms of wind, in terms of rain, in terms of flooding jobs. so this is gonna be a nasty, nasty day to days. oh wow. what homes are without power as utility workers from 27 states prepared to descend. as soon as the storm clears. about 2 and a half 1000000 people were ordered to evacuate, but some stayed behind risking everything is my home. for a me and my mom, you know, i me that goes the what, what, what do you do? it's been decades since a hurricane of this magnitude hit florida's western coast. curiosity through some people out on to an exposed c bed earlier wednesday. the water temporarily sucked away by the storms. low pressure is so dangerous to be after. so even if you see the water receding, it's not the time to go out there and, and look at it, or color shells or whatever it is. the national hurricane center is warning of catastrophic storm surge winds and sitting across florida, as people sheltered in place. president joe biden said the federal government would help with search and rescue and recovery. gimme he is also warning the oil and gas industry not to raise gas prices. do not let me repeat dina. to use issue to raise gasoline prices regarding eons of slow movement across florida means the state will likely be pummeled for days to come. i to jo, castro al jazeera and we have our 0 whether presented jeff harrington standing by. jeff, what can we expect from her? it can, and i think similar scenes that harvey was just showing assembly of the catastrophic destruction. so this was the fis biggest storm to strike the mainland us. so i give you a play by play of exactly what happened that i making landfall just south of tampa wednesday afternoon and look at this during that last fall. those winds were sustained. 250 kilometers prior, so it was pretty much teetering on the brink of a category 5 storm and we saw a storm surge, 5 meters high. so those winds 250 kilometers per hour, literally picking up the ocean and shoving it further inland. so here's an example of that storm search. this is time lives video over the course of an hour, this street and some of those homes in the background just under water, and that will continue to play out as we head toward thursday. so let's track out where ian is right now, and not only is this a big wind event, it's going to be a large rain event. so north of orlando, i think we could pick up to about $500.00 millimeters of rain, half a meter of rain, or half a years worth of rain in the span of a few days. now, by friday in will weekend. it's now a tropical storm out into the advantage, and it's going to spread significant rain to that eastern side of georgia and south carolina. watch what happens over the course of the weekend. it moves back on land over the border between georgia and south carolina. but we're going to see some torrential downpours here over the next little bit. so emily, not out of the woods yet, especially for florida. but this storm is going to be with us for the next several days. jeff, thanks so much breaking down for okay. moving on in swedish coast, god is reporting a 4th lake at the north stream pipelines in the baltic. saint russia says it's launched a terrorism investigation over the damage and called for a meeting of the un security council. the you and nato say the lakes were caused by sabotaged notary one usually ships gas directly from russia to germany, but russia suspended deliveries earlier this month because of a stand off on the sanctions. denmark and sweden 1st reported the leagues near the island of fort home. shipping, near the lines, has been restricted, and no way is deploying its military to protect its oil and gas installation. fastened reports from loop mean on germany's baltic coast. a controversial project from the start with billions of dollars is now as good as that. not $31.00 and $2.00 are not transporting gas to germany at the time of the leaks. but looking at the extent of the damage, experts wonder if they will ever be used again. while it's still anyone's gas was responsible for what looks like an attack on the pipelines the leaks reveal how fall noble europe's energy supply is. especially since russia's invasion of ukraine, the annie of all the students were in a serious situation. and you, we've long been aware that the baltic season area of high attentions look at the rhetoric around finland and sweden's membership of nato. the baltic sea is an area where you have to expect this many in europe of youth rush of sabotaging their own pipelines and speculated at more attacks could come. moscow has rejected these accusations, saying it's the americans who benefit most from the price of gas going up. analysts say a high level of expertise is needed to cause this kind of damage unit. jennifer structure for each unit, equipment for it. you need money for it. need expertise for it, it can't be done that easily. so there's, there's a couple of organizations only that can actually do this. which also means you can hedge. a that means you're bringing probably a lot more intelligence than military to anticipate anything that might happen. and that might need to a much more secure system. hundreds of millions of cubic meters of gas which were left in the pipelines has been pouring into the baltic sea. the main gas leaking from north stream into the ball to see if me saying this has a much larger impact on global warming. then the c o 2. if the guys it's burn, depending on how much of it is absorbed by sea water, and how much goes up in the air ex, let's say a to do as much damage to the climate as a c o 2 emissions of a mid a large city. like hills, thank you for an entire year. just a few days before the leaks were detected, hundreds of germans held a rally, demanding that the government start operating northridge to like many and europe. germans are struggling to pay their energy bills. after russia got supplies in response to sanctions imposed by the west. i mean, if you make sure that we have reasonably priced got the game and that the taxes are ended, that's one here. germany has been looking for alternatives to russian gas. the damage to know what stream pipes have made it even more clear that the country needs a more secure supply of energy. steadfast and al jazeera and look me on the baltic sea. meanwhile, the european union and the us are planning to impose more sanctions on russia for holding what they call sham referendums in ukraine. the balance were held in russian occupied parts of eastern new crime. the kremlin bank authorities dare say the results show that people overwhelmingly voted to join the russian federation. separatists reported huge margins of victory saying that in the region of lou hands, 90 percent of the voted favor annexation. we do not accept the referenda and any kind of annexation in ukraine, and we are determined to make the kremlin pay for this further escalation. so we propose sweeping new important bands on russian products. this will keep rushing products out of the european market and deprive russia of an additional 7000000000 euros in revenues. were also proposing to extend the list of products that cannot be exported to russia anymore. the amos here to deprive the kremlin military complex of key technologies. me am i supposed later uncensored she has been sentenced to 3 years in jail. along with her former economic advisor, strongly in shown to announce that pe pleaded not guilty to violating the official secrets act sentencing took place in a closed court. it's the latest in a series of convictions. so she has faced since being allocated in the military her back in february 2021. let's bring in tiny chang who's following developments for us from bangkok. hello there, tiny. so searching now faces more than 20 years in prison. is she likely ever to be free? that is very hard to say. i think at this stage we have seen charge upon charge laid against her sentence upon sentence piling up 23 years. her she is now supposed to serve in jail. some of those sentences carry with them hard labor sentences as well, which will be incredibly difficult for a 77 year old woman. at this stage with the sentences she's looking at she's and she still has several still to come. she won't get out of jail until she's over a 100 years old. now, i think the, the issue here is, what is the military trying to do here? we've seen them piling up these charges against a clearly they want her out of the picture politically. they know very well that they hold elections as they have done in the past. she will, will, and when overwhelmingly again, and they want to take her away from that. if elections go ahead next year as they promised they will. and there is a, for the military, a satisfactory result. they may allow her, some degree of freedom, perhaps house arrest of some sort. but clearly she will never be allowed to return to the political stage while a military in charge. and at this stage, these sentences are sentences are effectively a death sentence. indeed, tiny an estrella meanwhile has said it was considering sanctions against me in my as a result of the turn now case. are they likely to impose them now? very difficult to say. at this stage we have had some brief response from australia's foreign minister penny wong, saying that australia rejects the outcome of this trial. as it entered, objected to the grounds on which this trial was brought. and it called for the immediate return of professor sean tanelle to australia. they had intimated in august the acting prime minister said that they were mauling sanctions. however, australia has remained very quiet and in fact has been so quiet on this case that it's attracted as criticism from some human rights organizations who would have liked them to be very more outspoken in their condemnation of the char. australia is a pretty big player in this region. it does have resources here. it also has open channels of communication. so one would imagine that they are trying to find some way out of this for sean turner. but we've also seen mia mars military gender being increasingly brazen in rejecting overtures from the international community, particularly with the execution of for political prisoners a couple of months ago and pushing back against asha and the regional grouping in southeast asia. we've also been trying to find a solution to the ongoing violence in myanmar. her miramar, at this stage, doesn't seem to be looking to accept any criticism at all and is just pushing on ahead as it once. tony, thanks, i'm actually apt ain't annie chang life ross in bangkok. still hands on al jazeera, flimsy nigeria, putting children's education at risk. we'll hear one student's story. ah, it's a saga forecasts for europe hybrid won. great to have you a long so the what, whether that was in switzerland has now dived toward the south and the east, so it's blanketing, slovenia, and croatia in some rain here also for that western side of italy could see some severe thunderstorms, a bubble up along the eastern shores of the adriatic sea as well now, much calmer weather as we had to our turkey and greece. so athens, you're up to 30 degrees on thursday. other side of the mediterranean rounds of rain to go here across sat north coast of spain, coastal sections of portugal. but that's pushing more inland on thursday toward the northwest to get a bit of a breather and have forecast on thursday. but yet you see this batch, this slug of rain off toward the atlantic. let's press play. see where that goes on friday, you get state running right into the islands of ireland and britain. and i do think we will see some weather alerts in play here for just how intense that rain will be off to africa and really from the south west of chad, right through to see are the own. that's where we've got bursts of rain. and as we head toward the south, those winds are ramping up across south africa's northern cape province. this is concerning that's gonna hike up the risk of wildfires. and then some rain across south africa's coastline on thursday. don't forget the umbrella that shop they buy for now. ah. ah, ah, i'm with lou. oh, you're watching al jazeera, i'm emily anglin. he's a reminder of our top stories this hour, or we can ins hit florida walden. 2000000 people are without power. and many more are under mandatory evacuation orders. it's now wake into a category to stone. the swedish coast guard is reporting a full lake at the north stream pipelines in the baltic sea. russia says it's launched a terrorism investigation or the damage to you and nato say the lakes were caused by sabotaged me and minds to pose later on sun search. she has been sentenced to 3 years in jail, alongside her former economic advisor. it's the latest in a series of convictions suits. she has faced sins being alfred in the military current. in february 2021 us vice president comma harris has visited the demilitarized zone in separating south and north korea and made hyphen tensions. harris earlier held talks with south korea president june, so p o, where they both condemned north korea's nuclear rhetoric pyongyang fide to short range ballistic missile tests. just a day before harris landed in the region, yona and harris discussed strengthening the nation's alliance, as well as improving ties between japan and so covering this for us is road mcbride, who's standing by for us in pod you in south korea. rob, what does this vision mean for the security alliance between washington and salt in our just as we, as we see a military cooperation picking up, we're also seeing a return to an awful lot of the rhetoric and the, the, the, the comparative language from north korea and also a lot of it's testing and in fact, and we are expecting, according to south korean intelligence officials, that the north has completed preparations for another nuclear test. now they haven't done a nuclear test since 2017 as well. so you do get this sense of a things slipping back in time. just wednesday evening, we had the launch of 2 more short range, ballistic missiles. there was another on sunday there has been a continuous miss al testing, really since the start of this year, it was only a few weeks ago that the north korean leader kim jong, earn a center announced that north korea had arrived as a nuclear armed power to now enshrined in law and its worth bearing in mind that the last major u. s. leadership visit to the dmc with 2019 that was a president donald trump when he famously walked between the blue hut shook hands with kim jong on, stepped across into north korea. at the height of all of that summit, diplomacy with hopes that the to we were about to see some a breakthrough and they were having the loss agree to de nuclear eyes. i think this visit back to the usual sort of going up to the d. m. c or meeting greenberg at the u. s. personnel there and staring across into north korea that you'd never actually, or we're not meeting with at the moment. i think that kind of shows you where the relations have slipped to at the moment in data. and we appreciate you breaking no damn fresh, rubbing, fired light press in south korea to run now where president abraham racy says the death of massa meanie has saddened to everyone but worn to chaos. won't be accepted as violent protests, spread demonstrations have been taking place across a run for almost 2 weeks. human rights group say at least 75 people have been killed in the unrest. the 22 year old and mean he died on the 16th of september. after being detained by the country's morality place, wrestle, santa has more from tehran, the prism of iran, the brain bracy has talked about massa. mean is that for the 1st time since the process began nearly 2 weeks ago in iran, he said that her death has sudden him and right off the hearing about my sermon is that he has called massa. i mean his family and conveyed his condolences. he said that the piece will protest or understandable, but right in the use of wireless against the security forces are not acceptable to gordon whether massa, i mean, he had a heart attack while she was in polish, custody, or was beaten to death. he said that an investigation is still underway. i asked him wondering, does he have the inquiry is still ongoing itself duty to follow the investigation. our intention is transparency and justice. medical forensics are looking into it and the final report will be presented within the next few days. now people in iran are waiting for there's a forensic report to be released once it's released. we will see whether it's going to convince the protesters and based on that, which kind of actions are going to be taken by the government. but as of now, we can say that their protest here on using the momentum regarding that they are asked to calles that the participation to this process is, is, is, is declining. but it's not clear whether it is because of the internet restriction that was put by the government that is per, wanted to protest us from organizing or whether it is because of the heavy presence or the security forces in the states. and the heavy handed security measures against the protesters, supporters of iraqi, she, a lady, montana santa, had that force with security forces in baghdad. they tried to push towards the cities for to find grains i'm and when protesting against a political deal that saw one of their main allies shifting allegiance to their rival alley. hashem explains that st squared is once again a battle yeah. support. i don't want to do that for the for the guys i'm here to protest against the parliament recession. and so one of the main allies joining ranks with thought was rivals. i know the honda, how do we don't have rice like in other countries? what did we do? and i wanted to, we don't want the framework to form the government and we are fed up on a job. iraq, it's for rockies not for around. we don't want to be proxy. security forces close the entrances to the green zone, but protested, didn't give up. security forces were pushed back from the heavier square. where now there is no sign of them anymore. if you look just behind me here, they can be seen on a bridge. what protests, those are trying to make their herds over this bridge to walk the other area. they wanted to start the green zone, where political blocks convened the parliament to vote on the speakers resignation . it was the 1st parliamentary meeting since august, when fighting broke out between supporters of southern and his shot. i was getting more than 30 people. mohamed how lucy wanted the m. p 's who replaced subley 73 deputies to confirm his previous election by refusing his resignation. as expected, he kept his position and m p as from the sub was rival of the rom back coordination framework voted in favor. the minutes after the session, the couple of rockets struck the green zone. wondering for security personnel, bulldozers allegedly owned by thought was supported, was seen removing high, was on the entrances of the zone, and many fear they might be prophetic occupied the parliament once again. the ashes, just like that protested, have clashed with police in hazy on the 3rd day of the national strike by the transport union against that gas price hikes. people have been demanding than prime minister on re resign since he announced a cut to fuel subsidies earlier this month from a prime minister laurel lehman. a says he does not have faith in the current later on. right? this is a ration. how's whereas and in the past week, due to government decision to double the price of gasoline and diesel on the market? the people are living in very difficult financial situation. there is a lot of poverty in this situation is a difficult one. again, this is a transitional prime minister that had amended to organize election and resort security. and i believe that i believe that he has not carried out that mandate. so people are very disappointed. there is a lot of frustration boiling all over the country. so the ultimate solution is to have a legitimate government in power through election. and that has to happen because i don't believe that no longer would solve anything, even whereas they would create more problems. so, so the ultimate solution for the asian people themselves to chew their own leader, rather than to have another route of political meetings and political deals and bag or meetings, you know, order to put a luggage and this and that will sub absolutely nothing. and the people, not one that the people want to put, you know, like that when president and go to the polls. and of course, they want to do that in peace and security. and this is why it's important that security be restored, that the gang be put out of out of business and security in order be restored. flags have devastated huge parts of nigeria, killing hundreds of people, and displacing hundreds of thousands more infrastructure, including homes and schools have been destroyed. final exams have been postponed leaving thousands of students, effective mohammed, zakiria om. it is one of them. my name is val, how much, how much? i'm still yes on to go by. oh, i didn't quote going to the school and i mean, j del sebra. now tony. so now if we only see them deploying come to town, and do they have any place to seek? we'll come into the stone and be full of the stone cliff, difficult. we don't have this to study. and they don't know any school that you can call one study. so just going many you was probably the was sometimes the go do it, doug over the this is a pain in the yes. and you going to that it's for the pointed to the senior going to the school, so not, not income, i'm fine school. so now we know that i did them, and we always put some of our people because i just don't, we didn't, did think does if not in the, not the school was not museum. so even the books that do it didn't have because of what goes. we just didn't have, you know, to, these are not bucks and books didn't have anything to leave. if you're doing goal, we need to book then i do. we need government to renew our classes because of the pollution gangsters. paradise rappa coulier has died at the age of $59.00, a bar coulier whose illegal name was art is leona ivy junior, was a grammy winning hip hop giant. the 19 ninety's his biggest hit was the iconic gangsters paradise streamed over a 1000000000 time. so found spotify he was in the middle of the u. s.


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