Chris McKeen/Stuff
Vaccinologist Dr Helen Petousis-Harris and other scientists have become household names in the past year. And New Zealand has made its mark. Toby Morris and Dr Siouxsie Wiles explained Covid-19 with animations which have been shared hundreds of millions of times, thanks to their release by
The Spinoff under a Creative Commons licence. Dr Michael Baker and his colleagues’
British Medical Journal paper
Elimination could be the optimal response strategy for Covid-19 and other emerging pandemic diseases and deserves to become a classic of epidemiology. Scientists like Petousis-Harris, Wiles, Hendy andBaker have become household names as they field interviews by day and night, write free columns for newspapers, advise the Government, battle torrents of Covid-19 misinformation; and, as revealed in the case of Wiles, sexist abuse.
Leaders from Charleston County and Fetter Health Care Network will announce a vaccination program designed to get the COVID-19 vaccine to rural areas of the county.