After Democrats under then-President Barack Obama rammed through a massive new regulatory regime for the banking industry following the 2008 "Great Recession," Americans were told [.]
Future additional legislation in the PayUp package will focus on providing assistance to app-based workers related to restroom access, antidiscrimination policies, background checks, deactivation protection, and a gig-worker advisory board for the City of Seattle.
On Juneteenth, 2020, we pledged to increase our number of Black attorneys by 50% in two years. In a few short months, we will exceed that goal when our first-year associates join us in September. But as of June 19, 2022, we are just short of the goal we had set ourselves.
On Juneteenth, 2020, we pledged to increase our number of Black attorneys by 50% in two years. In a few short months, we will exceed that goal when our first-year associates join us in September. But as of June 19, 2022, we are just short of the goal we had set ourselves.
The U.S. Department of Justice DOJ published guidance explains The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA protects people who are in treatment or recovery for opioid use disorder OUD including those who take prescription medications as part of that treatment.