It started with a donation project in 1967 that would pave the trail with concrete flagstones commemorating local donors to the museum, particularly those with contributions of $100 or more.
The New Milford superintendent said two backup bus drivers should help avoid canceled or rescheduled bus routes that were a bane to families in 2021-22.
pennsylvania with more. it looks like you have a pretty nice ride there, laura. reporter: i have a sweet ride, jenna lee. i wish you were here with me so you could be my cocaptain as i take a spin. i m in one of the showcase vehicles. you can check out the old school gas pedal. this is a 1921 white 5-ton dump truck, it s a model 45. back in the old days this was used to hall coal and rocks and used at construction sites. but today just a second. today, thinks the type of truck you will see at the antique truck show. you mentioned this has been going on for quite some time. i ll go ahead and put it in neutral. look at this old fashioned emergency brake, put that on there. make sure it stops here so i can get out successfully. we may have to pop here. if the car dies and we stop we are in good shape.