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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20200525

brazil the country with the seconds highest number of coronavirus cases and its president wading maskless into crowds. >> two football stars raise more than $20 million for coronavirus are leaf efforts. who won? we'll have the details. it's memorial day in the united states. and millions of americans are being marking the holiday heading out doors despite fears of more coronavirus infections. tourists from across the country flocked fo beaches and restaurants. public parks this weekend. many maintaining a safe distance. many not wearing masks. new york governor says if people want the state to reopen they have to be smart and wear protective gear. >> next week is a function of what he do today. that sounds too glib. that's factually true. you tell me how people act told, i will tell you the infection rate three days from today. so, you want to open faster? be smar. smart. we'll calibrate it to the infection spread. >> in missouri, dozens of people attending a crowded pool party. have a look at that. everyone crammed together. and no doubt violating every safety guideline in doing so. daytona beach, florida saw huge crowds this weekend. mayor speaking about how officials are dealing with that situation. >> when you get this volume of people, it's going to be tough to control. until we get other things open or close things off. that's certainly not the choice at this time. residents are excited about having access to the beach. we'll figure ou how we can control these crowds and largely how we can inform the visitors. >> as the u.s. continues to ease restrictions, some americans are taking extra measures to remain safe. cnn tell us what people in california and florida are doing. >> i'm in florida. i want show you around. here's what people are doing to make sure they social distance. look mind me and see the umbrellas are separated six feet apart. allowing families to have a good time and mingle. but social distance. that way they don't have to be intermingling with other families. this is a downward scale from what memorial day weekend normally is here. i talked to the county commissioner that represents this area and says normally this beach would be shoulder to shoulder. there would be concerts going on. pride week would be going on. which brings in about 50,000 people. so this is a downgrade in the number of people. but take a look at the in your opinions. he was able to help us out with some figures. if you compare the weekend 2019 to 2020, it almost looks the same. from thursday to monday according to this commissioner there was about 85,000 cars that drove into pence cola last year. this year he was able to get the numbers from friday to sunday. that's about 50,000 cars. if you just compare saturday, it's about 20,000 cars coming in. this is a very drivable beach. because people from texas and louisiana, georgia, tennessee drive to this beach for the weekend. now, i asked this commissioner the obvious question, is he concerned about the spread of the coronavirus and here's what he said. >> something we are concerned about. that's why we closed the beaches to begin with in march. of course as wlern more about it, as people know more about symptoms and what to do, we have been fortunate to have testing available here. and so if people are experiencing any symptoms or anything they need to get tested if they come. >> according to the county commissioner 34 life guards have been on duty. if you look around you'll see social distancing is going on. not very many people are wearing masks. because social distancing is required. masks are not. >> here at l.a. county you can see the open sand behind me. people for the most part were honoring the social distancing guidelines. staying six feet apart. they opened up a 22 mile long bike way. we saw most people along that bike way were wearing their masks. a lesson can be learned in other parts of the country about being sense tiff to preventing the spread of covid-19. >> i think hear most people are caring about other people. and not thinking about themselves. selfish and thinking about me and my freedom. here more people are just more accepting of each other and take care of each other. you have a few here too that aren't doing it. >> social respect. people might be symptomatic, presymptomatic. asymptomatic. and just it's social respect. >> why did l.a. county open up the bike way for memorial weekend? the officials are happy with the numbers. the rate of hospitalizations going down. the rate of death going down. they are seeing a smaller percentage of those tested testing positive. so all in all good news for l.a. county. and easing of restrictions this memorial day weekend. >> thanks. president trump was spotted getting recreation and ignoring the advice of experts. on the coronavirus task force. >> reporter: president trump spending his memorial day weekend similar to hundreds of other americans across the country. outside and without a mask. president trump golfing for the first time since early march. he was seen not really social distancing. and not wearing a mask. one of his closest adviser and coordinator of the coronavirus task force. expressed a lot more caution. she said that people should be social distancing. and she explained there is science behind wearing a mask. take a listen. >> we have said to people if there's clear scientific evidence now. by all the droplet expeerpts that happen. that show a mask does prevent droplets from reaching others. out of respect for each other as americans that care for each other, we need to be wearing masks in public when we cannot social distance. it's really critically important. >> she raised questions as to whether or not the u.s. was doing enough to test and trace asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus. we heard president trump saying that we're back. he said they weren't going to close down the country again no matter what happened. it's important to note this especially after a weekend like this. we saw hundreds of people out on beaches and outside. not social distancing and not wearing masks. that the decision to close or open the states depending on cases is done by the governor. those governors who some have already really pled with the citizens and residents of the state to wear masks, those will be the ones to do best for their community. as we move forward. >> u.s. continues to reopen over the holiday weekend, health experts are remingd the public not to let their guard down and continue that social distancing. for more on that i'm joined by dr. rodriguez in l.a. when you look at the video of the gatherings the missouri pool party. the arkansas cluster. and another one in atlanta after students had a party. how do you react to some of the images this weekend? do you expect spikes in a couple weeks? >> yes. i do. i react to them actually -- i become very depressed and frustrated. those actions are both ignorant, selfish, and dangerous. at the end of the day. i think dr. birx said social security it's asymptomatic. no fever, cough or symptoms. therefore, it's not even if they are going to spread it to other people. it's not an if. there will be a second spike unless something miraclous happens. rite now, everyone needs to take recautions. tom people think they're not vulnerable because they are young. which is a misconception. it's very frustrating to those -- >> the thing is they are are 20,000 new infections a day in the u.s. a thousand deaths. you have spikes in various parts of the country that yet this weekend donald trump called for demanded churches reopen. and a couple hours ago tweeted schools in our country should be open asap. because quote much very good information now available. your thoughts on that? >> much very good information. >> not the grammar. >> somebody else needs to go to school. we need clear and concise leadership. perhaps schools should open. there needs to be a plan. every time people congregate, there is the threat of disease. this country was raised -- founded on religious freedom. but you don't have to go to a church to express that. every congregation and pastor and minister and rabbi is most concerned about the health and safety emotionally and religiously of the flock. they should ensure that. so, can churches open with a plan i this they can safely open. if there's distancing and people wear masks. but look at us. we're communicating there video. why not do that for a little bit until things quiet down? >> yeah. a will the of push back on the tweet on schools. in the u.s. most schools are out for the summer anyway. i'm not sure the point of the tweet. what is it in human nature that with 100,000 dead, 20,000 new infections a day. what makes some people seemingly oblivious. gambling with their health. and there's people who think it's overblown. >> it's not. and luckily it hasn't dpoten to the point where we thought it might get to just because of the actions that have been taken. look at new york. it's exemplary. that curve went spike up and went down. the new yorkers took it very seriously. so what is it human nature? one is i think people don't see it. so it is not a reality to them. it's a relate to me. it's a reality to someone who lost a wife or husband or brother. the second thing is the fact that so much of this i think is political. it is almost showing that you agree with some party. in this country. it's a form of -- again it's very depressing to see that. >> it's a culture war issue. yeah. i agree with that. would you also agree that when we talk about testing there's still not enough of it here in the u.s.? there needs to be for people to have that confidence to go to work. widespread testing, contact tracing and so on. as other more successful countries have done and are doing. >> absolutely. the issue is that a lot of the countries moes successful have a dim different form of government. and can force people to do certain things like in china they need to be quarantined and bring them food. united states blessed as we are, we have freedoms and you can't force people to do anything. we really have to make people understand testing is important. testing to what degree. antibody testing if we know antibodies provide immunity. that's great. we want live testing. how often do we do it. how gets it? this is plan from upstairs, down. to we need testing? absolutely wi absolutely we need more testing. >> thank you so much. >> have a good night. now health officials in brazil say that within 24 hours nearly 16,000 people contracted covid-19. the alarming spread of the virus there has prompted the u.s. to suspend travel from brazil. brazil's president still cavalier despite the crisis. >> brazil the second most impacted country in the world by coronavirus after figures late saturday night that seemed to be responded to the united states. the most impacted country. by banning entry into the u.s. for those from brazil. or those who have been to brazil in 14 days. it seems a bid to try and prevent the infection from getting to the u.s. this piece of bad news of course for brazil comes on a day in which the president has gaen been seen near crowds of supporters. not wearing a mask. unexpected rally in brazil. he was reported to have flown over the crowds in helicopter. then landed wearing a mask. and later filmed greeting supporters. these are common displays by the president of his support. in the capitol of government and often used to suggest that he is comfortable among other individuals that masks aren't necessarily essential. despite the growing catastrophe inside brazil. the statement was always it was a little flu coronavirus or a cold. he's later modified the language and talk about the fight against it being a war. that was more to justify the use of the drug hydroxychloroquine. which in some studies proven to be harmful to individuals and yet to be proven to be pen official in the fight against coronavirus. brazil a two weeks away from the peak. and political leadership giving divided messages itself. >> mexico just ended its worst week since the start of the out break. on sunday alone officials reported more than 2,700 new cases. 215 deaths. in total nearly 7,400 people in mexico have died of the virus. protestst and crack down in hong kong. thousands of people defieing police and tear gas to tell the mainland to keep its hands off their freedom. we'll talk about it. when we come back. 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[ baseball bat cracks ] i don't have to worry about that, do i?are irritated. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. it works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. gum detoxify, from crest. welcome back. u.s. officials are criticizing china for its actions in hong kong. and the south china sea. and how it handled the coronavirus pandemic. the u.s. national security adviser using some strong language on that. >> we want good relations with china and the people. but we're seeing action after action by the communist party that makes it difficult. and with respect to the trade deal, we'll see if they live toup it. we're dealing in a new world with coronavirus. they unleashed a virus on the world that destroyed trillions of dollars in american economic wealth and we're having to spend to keep the economy alive and keep americans afloat. we're in a different world. the cover up of the virus will go down in the history along with chernobyl. >> protestors are demanding freedom from china. as they dodge tear gas thrown by police. have a look. >> several thousand people turned out to march sunday. opposing china's plan to approve a new national security law this week. during the national peoples congress. which is beijing's rubber stamp par limb. they arrested 180 people and accused protestors or setting fire and throwing bottles. tell us about beijing's view of what's been happening in hong kong. and the need for these laws. what they think of the international criticism. >> there's certainly very sense ti sensetive about it. our broadcast is censored by the government. so viewers here see black screen. that is really one illustration about how important this issue is to them. this morning on monday morning the nearly 3,000 delegates to the national people congress were discussing this bill behind closed doors. it's passage of course in doubt because of the role. beijing is losing patience after waiting for years for the hong kong government enact a similar law. the last time the government trying to do so was in 2003. huge protests on the street. and they shelved. because to have the latest protest movement that began in hong kong last year, over another controversial bill and showing no sign of e baiting despite a pandemic. they are frustrated with the process and seeing hong kong as a -- also with this increasingly vocal proindependence movement. not to mention rampant involvement or interference with external forces including governments like the u.s. they think this is time to act now. that's why they are using this very rarely used method to by pass hong kong local legislation to enact a law from beijing. of course there are political calculations as well with the u.s. and other governments preoccupied with the pandemic. they are expecting a weaker international push back or if there are backlashes from washington given relations hitting rock bottom anyway, they magt as well ram this through. things cannot get any much worse. and of course with president xi jinping in control this is obviously another sign of increasing confidence of caring less about international rebuke. >> feeling em boldened and not worried about what the word thinks about it. we heard what the u.s. national security advise ir had to say. you earlier on sunday asked the chinese foreign minister about their own sort of aggressive approach diplomatically -- the so called warrior diplomacy. >> a block buster movie about a soldier turned security -- state media used the term to describe the country's assertive or aggressive diplomats. ambassadors and spokes people having a daily word of wars with counter parts. especially u.s. officials on a range of issues. lately about government response to the pandemic. that's why i asked the minister is this kind of rhetoric and approach the new norm for china diplomacy. he didn't address the question. we never pick a fight or bully others but we have principles and guts and will push back against deliberate insults to defend national honor and dignity. this nationalistic theme always playing very well domestically in china. >> good to see you. thank you. so a series of increasingly bold mufs have china and hong kong. elsewhere. earlier a professor at hong kong university why we're seeing such moves now. >> china sees itself now as a rising power. it sees the u.s. declining. and it's the right time to push its around the world and try to put pressure on taiwan. and to take control of the south china sea and to sideline the u.s. there maybe also domestic reasons to that. which is the fact that actually the covid-19 crisis. has create td problems within china. the level of trust the chinese government has been effected and damged by the crisis. stirring up nationalism and unite the society around the communist party and hence this aggressiveness around the world. >> speaking to me earlier. all right. we'll take a quick break. the governor of arkansas says his state is experiencing a second peak in coronavirus infections now. what he says is behind the surge in numbers. the governor of arkansas says he is concerned about his state experiencing a second peak of coronavirus cases. he appeared on a sunday news show and talked about striking a balance between health concerns and economic growth. >> we have to manage the risk. we take the virus very seriously. it's a risk. it causes death. you can't keep yourself at home. that's contrary to the american spirit. our death rate is le compared to the rest of the country. it doesn't diminish the seriousness. but we have to manage the risk, grow the economy. we have to come back and not just in arkansas but nationally. because this virus is deadly. it will be with us a while. we have to manage that risk. >> he's also attributing that spike in infection to increase testing in his state. cnn explains. >> reporter: arkansas is one of the few where the governor didn't issue a state at home order for residents. they had restrictions put on businesses and restaurants and schools were closed. that one of the reasons why this second wave is the governor describing it of coronavirus infections is concerning. this started on thursday of last week. the governor says more testing is being done for the coronavirus and one of the reasons why they're seeing a second wave. 450 cases or so reported last thursday. 150 on friday. 160 about on saturday. the case totals were lower on sunday. that could have something to do with the way weekend test results are reported. we'll see how it continues to play out. the governor has described it as a second wave. one of the silver linings is that the positive infection rate of the tests and hospitalization rates for the virus remain low. so by and large the state of arkansas hasn't seen the case numbers in the death totals as high as many other places in the country. governor says that the state and residents must learn to manage and learn to essentially live with this virus here for the months to come. >> the united states bleak unemployment picture is going to get worse. that's the message from the senior white house economic adviser. on sunday telling cnn he believes may's unemployment rate could be north of 20%. >> my expectation is that since there's still initial claims for insurance in may. the rate will be higher in june than may. after that it should trend down. we're close to an inflection point in term of business activity and a month away. >> is unemployment going to be higher? >> yeah. it will be quite a bit higher. there were some technical things they messed up and economic lecture we'd go into them. fix the the numbers and mischaracterized last time. a number will be north of 20%. >> we could see double digit unemployment in october and november as voters are preparing of course to go to the polls. meanwhile new jersey could be forced to make major budget cuts unless it gets more funding from the federal government. governor predicting a $10 billion revenue loss. laying off key front line state workers. >> we announced a budget on friday for the next four months. we had to cut or defer over $5 billion of expenses. this ip cluds potentially laying off educators. firefighters, police, healthcare workers. this is not ab tract. this is real. it's not a blue state issue it's an american issue. >> so far, both the white house and the senate majority leader have resist td calls to provide federal relief for states facing budget shortfalls. prime minister standing by his senior adviser. under fire for allegedly breaking the nations lock down rules and doing it more than once. on sunday boris johnson says he didn't have a choice. >> i have had extensive face to face conversations with him. and i concluded that in traveling to find the right kind of child care, at the moment when both he and his wife were about to be incapacitated by coronavirus. and no alternative. i think he followed the instinct of every father and every parent. i do not mark him down for that. >> the leader of the opposition party calling for the cabinet office to launch an inquiry to the violation. >> this was a huge test at the prime minister. he failed that test. he hasn't sacked him. he hasn't called for an investigation. he's treating the british public with contempt. >> cnn london correspondent has more developments on this story. >> boris johnson behind his top advise ir saying he had no choice but to travel 260 miles with his wife. who had virus symptoms for child care reasons. the prime minister saying if he acted responsibly, legally and with integrity. opposition labor party leader disagrees. saying judgment was an insult to sacrifices made by the british people. calling for an inquiry adding millions of people across the country have made the most agonizing choices. not to see relatives and funerals. they deserve better answers and several members of parliament in his own party have added to calls for him to resign. on monday the newspaper a big backer of boris johnson added to the calls for cummings to resign. on whether he broke any laws or guidelines here, johnson said there's actually guidance about what to do about the pressures that families face when they have child care needs. he feels he didn't cross the line. he also dismissed additional claims in the observer that once he was in isolation, he traveled 30 miles to visit a beauty spot. johnson is making a political gamble here. hoping the public will back him and have sympathy for cummings. opposed to looking at this whole situation and thinking there's one war for them. and one for us. and it's unfair. >> a nursing home manager telling cnn this has been the worst time of her career. some care givers say the government has let hem down during the crisis. >> hi, mom. >> there's a virus going around the world. >> yeah. >> we have to keep you in your room. to protect you. >> coronavirus has been a double agony. she's a carer at this nursing home. where her mother is also a resident. >> it's so hard. i want everything to go back to normal. >> panicking about it. it's awful. >> for the manager. keeping everyone safe is a daily struggle. >> at least five of her 62 staff has secured tests. >> how long will that last? >> end of today. >> protective equipment is hard to access. and had to resist pressure to take residents carrying the virus back from hospital. she normally deals with three deaths a month. in april she lost 19. she can't be sure those who died had the virus. unless they are admitted to the hospital, they aren't getting tested. that means for now they are confined to their rooms and visitors banned. >> i have residents with capacity in the bedroom. crying. saying am i going to die. i can't answer them. they're in the testing. the charts and graphs i don't think the numbers are accurate. the worst time of my entire career. >> more than quarter of coronavirus deaths in england occurred at care homes. despite the government originally saying the risk they faced would be low. in a statement to cnn the department of health and social care said that all care home staff and residents can now be tested. whether they have symptoms or not. that is months after the pandemic took old here. and years into a profound crisis in social care. >> have britains been forgotten? >> absolutely. it's a national tragedy. >> about 17 miles awa life is getting back it normal. in this home for the elderly with dementia. out of isolation. they're having their hair done. and picking up the thread of a story which is now theirs. >> the community had 13 cases of coronavirus. but, no fatalities. thanks to former icu nurse who turned this into a ward in hours. >> my heart plummeted. several residents displayed symptoms of the coronavirus. and i had to move quickly. >> many of the residents don't even remember being ill. britains care center won't forget how it was let to fend for itself. >> we'll be right back after the break. t-mobile and sprint are joining forces to power your business. we're building a 5g network that will deliver unprecedented reach and reliability, and the highest capacity in history. with more coverage and more bandwidth to keep your employees connected, you will get the largest and most reliable network at an unbeatable price. t-mobile for business. israel prime minister calls the corruption charges he's facing an attempted coup by political enemies. on sunday defiant netanyahu attended his hearing of this criminal trial. refusing to sit in the defendants chair until the cameras moved away. accused of bribery, fraud, breech of trust in three cases. all charges he denies in the strongest possible terms. >> elements in police and the general attorneys office have align pd with left wing media. the just not b.b. gang. the objective is to topple a strong right wing minister. >> supporters gathered outside the courthouse. the hearing took less than an hour is adjourned until july 19. here in the united states, parts of the country are seeing dangerous weather on the holiday weekend. for more details we bring in cnn meteorologist. what are you seeing out there? >> what i'm seeing is unexpected guest at the picnic. a tornado. that occurred in south central texas on saturday. and again we have the chance of severe weather today. that could ruin some extended holiday weekend plans for many from dallas to san antonio. austin and north ward into the oklahoma city region. chances of severe weather lining the southern plains today extending as far as the great lakes as well. with scattered showers and thunderstorms all the way to south florida. with a flood threat. more on that. the storm prediction center highlighted a slight risk of large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornado later today for the region. keep an eye to the sky. there's a flare up of thunderstorms expected to occur. we have the flood threat that's ongoing across southern florida. specifically in and around the miami-dade region. we have the potential for four to six inches of rainfall. across the region. there have been reports there of people draining their pools and anticipation for the at least the potential of flooding. the weather prediction center has a high risk or moderate risk for flash flooding in places from west palm beach into miami. as far as north the orlando region. the flash flood watches in place. it will be a wet end to the holiday weekend. and as we round off the first part of the workweek next week, it will continue to be rather wet. 69 degrees in chicago. 86 for the nation capitol. 78 new york city. a warm and humid 84 expected for atlanta. and you can sigh the heat building across the western u.s. where heat advisories are in place. some could reach the triple digits by tomorrow. >> humid here in atlanta. great. my favorite. thank you. appreciate it. all right. sports len sports legends battling it out for a good cause. raising millions for coronavirus relief. state farm is announcing the good neighbor relief program we're returning $2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. because now, more than ever, being a good neighbor means everything. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. the golf legend tiger woods and football star peyton manning took the win during a charity golf match on sunday raising more than $20 million for covid relief. here's how it all played out. ♪ >> it may have been wet and rainy, no caddies, no spectat spectators, golf as we know it now. instead though four global superstars who refuse to have their spirits dampened. all rivals reacquainted all mic'd up and not holding back. >> i had the coffee and now i got to step on one. come on, baby. >> man does have some calves. >> yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is what i have to listen to every time we play. >> they're selling enticing events. the match, champions for charity and approximate all in support of covid-19. charles barkley. >> tom, because your my man, $50,000 if you hit the green. >> chuck, you say to yourself $50,000. >> you know, tom, that was -- i should have just said if you could just keep it on the planet. >> on that occasion, brady, playing with phil mickelson was well off the green. meantime, his long time nfl rival, the now retired peyton manning was paired with tiger woods. much to the master's champion delight, woods shared personal insights after further back issues. >> it's been nice to be at home, training each and every day and get some treatment on it, get into a routine basically. you know, i didn't have to play for a while, trying to peak for augusta, trying to get ready for this. then all of a sudden the pandemic and everything that's happened, we've all been very careful and have had to stay at home. it's been good in that regard. i've been able to spend a lot of time with my kids which was awesome. >> what followed at 7 was extraordinary. brady, he and mickelson three down. the legend dare quarterback with the perfect response holing out from the fairway after some ribbing from that man barkley. >> wow. >> hey, hey. >> chuck, chuck. >> hey, man. >> shut your mouth, chuck. >> that shot alone earning an extra $100,000 courtesy of a donation from four-time major champion brooks koepka. a majesticbird. but came a humbling fall from grace from the buck fear hads superstar. >> did you change pants? >> i split my pants. so much torque in that swing. >> gotcha. >> in the end, this would be a close one up factory for woods and manning. live sports back albeit a temporary distraction from a global pandemic. there's plenty on the court at time but there's also power and purpose to sunday in south florida. and now four global sporting icons who can say they played their part in helping to raise $20 million for covid-19 relief efforts. patrick snell, cnn, atlanta. >> and check this out. an earthquake hit new zealand while the prime minister was live on television. but gentlemjacinda ardern manag keep her cool. >> we're just having bit of an earthquake here, right? quite a decent shake here. but if you see things moving behind me -- the beehive moves a little more than most. yep, no, it's just stopped. >> didn't miss a beat. the beehive, is new zealand's parliament building. the capital was shaken by the quake. no reports of damages or injuries. i'm michael holmes. the news continues with robyn curnow after a quick break. you're watching cnn. samsung galaxy phones...on us.r and now, sprint customers enjoy access to expanded coverage on the t-mobile network. for people with hearing loss, visit i'll start... oh, do you want to go first? no, no i don' go. i was just going to say on slide 7, talking about bundling and saving...umm... jamie, you're cutting out. sorry i'm late! hey, whoever's doing that, can you go on mute? oh, my bad! i was just saying there's a typo on slide 7. bundle home & auto for big discosnouts. i think that's supposed to say discounts. you sure about that? hey, can you guys see me? you turn 40 and everything goes. tell me about it. you know, it's made me think, i'm closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. hm. i'm thinking... will i have enough? should i change something? well, you're asking the right questions. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in "am i going to be okay." i like that. you may need glasses though. yeah. guidance to help you stay on track, no matter what comes next. ♪ staying connected your way you're just a tap away from personalized support on get faster internet speeds with a click. order xfi pods to your home in a snap. or change your xfinity services with just a touch. all in one place. you're only seconds away from all of that on faster than a call. easy as a tap. now that's simple, easy, awesome. what are you waiting for? ♪ >> hi. welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you're watching cnn, of course, and i'm robyn curnow. pubs are parking and beaches as fears grow it could result in an early second wave. boris johnson is standing by his top adviser amid a scandal that is rocking the uk. we're live in london with that. plus dr. birx issues a public plea about coronavirus, a step she wants everyone to take. ♪


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20131102

rifle, more than 150 rounds of ammunition as well as a note allegedly outlining his mission against the tsa. listen as these people describe the chaos the moment he opened fire. >> two gunshots going off and i looked at my boyfriend and he said, those are gunshots. he was like, run. we literally just ran down the stairs. >> tsa was running with us. they said, keep running, keep running. there was probably another 15 to 20 shots that we heard behind us. we just kept running. >> it was like a dream. it wasn't real. it was like a movie. it was so intense. it wasn't normal to hear that. we all just panicked. >> live today with the latest. how is it looking? looks pretty quiet behind you as you can see from this monitor. >> they look like they're try to get back to businesses as quickly as possible. this is terminal one which wasn't affected hardly at all. behind us, terminal two where a lot of the passengers were directed and taken out through there. we've seen people coming back to the airport. those who were actually stranded overnight. the tsa had a presence outside terminal three today. they're back to work. the investigation very much going on there. the associated press released a photo of police stand over the weapon suspected of being used by the gunman in the attack. you can see on the screen the policeman looking at the floor at the weapon there. witness reports describe it as a semiautomatic rifle akin to an ar-15. we expect the authorities to confirm or give us more details about that weapon later on today. there is also a lot of media reports quoting officials saying that a note was being carried by the gunman and that it's said that he wants to target the tsa and, quote, pigs, and actually as the gunman was running through the terminal, he was actually asking individuals, whoever he met, whether they were tsa or not. that's what witnesses say and the ones who said no they weren't, he left them alone and he carried on going. the fbi are looking into this. they're inside terminal three right now, forensically going over the scene of the crime. this is how they describe what the investigation is ahead of them. >> at this point, we have the terminal shut down and we will have it shut down for a while, while we continue the investigation. the forensics teams are in there from both the fbi, as well as lapd. their work is long and methodical and they will take their time on this. >> and the suspect is still in hospital. no indications of just how bad his wounds are. the fbi want to speak to hip as soon as possible. as he's alive, they will know his true motive, if he is found guilty of this at some point. of course right now he's still just the suspect. back here to los angeles airport, 826 flights affected, 19,000 passengers affected not just here in los angeles but around the world because, remember, there were flights coming into los angeles that got turned around. the airport saying it could take two to three days before it's back to normal. just a sense of shock by the people here. >> i can imagine. thank you, from lax there with the update. we're learning more about the tsa agent gunned down in yesterday's senseless attack. he is the first to be killed in the line of duty in the 12-year history of that agency. a picture of the victim has yet to be released but we do know his name is geraldo hernandez and reportedly worked at lax for three years as part of tsa's logistical department. hernandez lived in the puerto ranch area of los angeles, survived by his wife and two children. the lapd chief has mandated all police officers wear black bands on their police badges in his honor. we are learning the troubled health website will be going down again from about 9:00 p.m. saturday to 9:00 a.m. sunday, 12 hours. this as a government report is surfacing, shedding new light on what the white house knew about millions of americans losing their health care coverage long before the problematic obama care rollout. the congressman from maryland weighs in on all this, just ahead on our program. the american red cross is now setting up shelters in central texas for the many flood victims. storms dumping up to 13 inches of rain in some areas causing major flooding. at least four people were killed, including a mother and her 8-month-old baby. survivors say they're just grateful to be safe. >> material things can be replaced. we were saved. we just really thought we were not going to make it. even our dog was saved. >> meteorologist is live. >> take a look at the storm system that brought even tornados across the central u.s. and the incredible amount of rain over central texas. as you mentioned, over a foot in some cases in the san antonio austin area. you can see quite a bit of moisture in a very short period of time. taking a look at the satellite radar right now, clear skies for the most part. we will see the potential for showers and thunderstorms in the middle of the workweek but certainly not the deluge that they saw this past week. northwest, you are getting a winter storm in your forecast. especially across the cascades where they could get 6 to 12 inches of snow. going to remain unsettled this weekend, even into next week as we've got kind of a stormy pattern for this region. and temperatures right now, 40s and 50s, but we're going to struggle to get out of the 30s across the intermountain west as this storm system pushes eastward. just a quick reminder, greg, and arthel, daylight saving time arrives tonight. extra hour of sleep. >> she's excited about that. >> that means an extra hour of partying, don't you know. >> for arthel? >> do not buy into this. an extra hour of no sleep because i'm an insomniac. >> you're such a party animal. i'm going to tweet some pictures. >> for us parents, means an extra hour we're up with our kids because they don't know what sleeping in is. >> boy, don't you know that. j.d., thanks. >> nice to see you. security is ramping up ahead of the new york city marathon. nearly every inch of this year's 26-mile route will be monitored from the ground and the skies. bomb sniffing dogs and officers will be patrolling the streets and scuba divers and helicopters watching the water. the nypd trying to avoid another deadly attack like the one at the boston marathon last april. federal authorities arresting a person who allegedly vandalized pompeii's pillar national monument in montana. the suspect accused of carving a set of names and a heart into the national monument. it's only about three feet from the signature explorer william clark who made the inscription back in 1806 on his return back to st. louis. experts say it cost cost up to $5,000 to remove those new markings. >> we're getting new details concerning a top taliban leader reportedly killed in a u.s. drone strike and his connection to a chilling terror plot here on american soil. >> and the feds busting a suspect accused of vandalizing a believed national treasure. we'll tell you about that. and with the government shutdown in the rearview mirror, both sides of the aisle are working on a new budget. >> we're going to see a robust economic recovery that we all hope for and thus we take the wet blanket off the economy, this amazing level of debt and deficit. max and penny kept our bookstore but as time passed, i stted to notice max just wasn't himself.e and i knew he'd feel better if heost a little weight. so i switched to purina cat ow healthy weight formula. i just fed the recommended amount... and they both loved the taste. after a few months max's "speal powers" returned... and i got my hero back. purina cat chow healthy weight. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. 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[ cellphone beeps ] this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. time for a quick check of the headlines. taliban commanders in pakistan confirming a u.s. drone strike has killed its leader, mehsud. he is believed to be the mastermind behind the failed car bombings in times square in may 2010. honda recalling more than 300,000 odyssey minivans because of a brake issue. the automaker says the software and parts problem could cause the 2000, 2007, 2008 models to brake suddenly. the new york yankees and derek jeter agreeing to a $12 million contract. not bad for a year's work. he played only 17 games this year due to many injuries. as more americans grow very frustrated with the obama care rollout, a recently uncovered government report shows white house officials knew all along that millions of americans would lose coverage. this week, one lawmaker raised the issue on the house floor. >> obama care train wreck continues. in 2009, president obama promised if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. it still promises that on the white house website and on the website, if and when you can get on that website. >> joining me is that republican congressman andy harris from maryland. he serves on the house appropriations committee, the subcommittee, he's also a physician and member of the doctor's caucus. congressman, thanks for being with us. that promise, the president made, it always seemed impossible and yet he kept saying it over and over again hundreds of times. now we have this documented proof that all along his administration knew that what he was saying was untrue. i want to put it up on the screen. here are their predictions. this is the federal register june 17th 2010. they predicted 45% of big employers will drop health care plans. 40% to 67% of individual plans canceled. total, 93 million americans would lose their health plans. sir, is this evidence that president obama was dishonest in making his promise? >> very clearly, the president misled the american public and this week, even secretary sebelius coming before the committee acknowledged this was dece deceit. >> in a speech on wednesday in boston, the president said all those terminations were, quote, a central premise of the affordable care act from the very beginning. sir, isn't that an admission that the president himself knew from the beginning that what he was promising was simply untrue? >> i think that's true. there are two explanations. the president rather knew and was intentionally deceitful or he was ig narnt of the fact and neither explanation is good. >> i would count three possibilities here. either the president, you know, intentionally made claims he knew to be false or he made claims recklessly. he just didn't care about the truth of it or he was, as you mentioned, misinformed. we may never know because he likely won't say, but in that boston speech, he blamed the insurance companies for canceling millions of health plans. of course, he ignored the fact that the carriers were forced to do that under the requirements of his new law. i mean, congressman, isn't that like blaming the train in a train wreck? >> absolutely. you know, he blamed it on the bad apple insurance companies which are the same insurance companies he's using in his exchanges. so this makes no sense whatsoever. except that the president knew what was going on, he knew that millions and millions of policies were going to be canceled and the replacements were going to be more expensive. we're getting dozens and dozens of letters from people in my district every single day about dance cancelled policies with the replacements costing thousands of dollars more for each family. >> we've talked to so many here on fox news. neil interviewed a woman yesterday who loved her plan, it was affordable, she said, but it got canceled and now her premium per month has doubled. look, the president is making no apologies for any of that for his failed promise. no apology to the millions of americans losing their health plans. instead, he be hhad this to say those getting millions of cancellation letters. take a listen. >> the system is more secure for you and more secure for everybody. if you're getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace. that's what it's for. >> well, assuming you can shop around. just shop around, forget the fact you got canceled. isn't that sort of the equivalent of, okay, i lied or i was wrong? get over it, deal with it, people? >> look, it's "let them eat cake." the fact the matter is, the president -- i hope when he realizes when these people shop for policies on the exchanges, they're going to pay 30%, 40% more and some people twice and three types as much as the policies they had. who is the president to decide what's good for an individual and their families? >> especially if they like what they have. and there's a great deal to be said for many of these catastrophic health care insurance policies. i have a friend out in california who's had a policy for 25 years. never once made a claim and he loved his policy. he lost his look, the president's top aide at the white house valerie jarrett tweeted the following. there is nothing in obama care, nothing, that forces people out of their health plans. isn't that blatantly untrue? obama care regulations indeed require these ehb, enhanced health benefits. any plan who doesn't have these ehbs, many do not, are illegal and that forces people out of their plans? >> absolutely. it's just as untrue as when the president said if you like your plan, you can keep it period. you can't keep it. the government has decided those plans are not good enough for you. even if you've had it for years and that's the plan that fits your family and your budget. the president and valerie jarrett and the rest have decided it's not good enough for you. >> what do you have to say for yourself? >> that's amazing since no republican did damage to the plan. they had a 600% cost overrun on that website. it's costing $600 million when it was supposed to cost less than $100 million. they had plenty of money. >> congressman, thank you for being with us today. >> my pleasure. >> and greg, coming up, a little bit more on this. what an appears court ruled on the president's contraception mandate in obama care. !!!! welcome back. an appeals court ruling that businesses do not have to provide their employees with contraceptive coverage under obamacare. this after two ohio business owners challenged the mandate saying it forces them to violate their religious beliefs. elizabeth prann is in washington now with more. >> a dc circuit court striking down an affordable care act mandate requiring business owners regardless of their religious beliefs to provide health insurance including birth control coverage. the federal appeals court says that limits the right of free exercise of religion by burdennenning companies to require insurance that includes contraception. it is another ground breaking case for religious rights and others say it is the employees who have a right to coverage. >> the only question here is whether our government can force religious business owners to pay for abortion causing drugs and to pay for contraceptives, even if it is against their most deeply held religious beliefs. >> the reason for that is that you have the right to practice what you want, but an employer shouldn't have the right to deny the people who work at that institution their right to follow their conscience and use contraception. >> this case is involving the owners of fresh way foods. the catholic brothers do not want to contribute to the coverage of contraceptive including plan b pills citing their roman catholic religion. facing a fine for not complying and while the obama administration says the requirement is necessary to protect a woman's right to decide when or if she wants to have children the judges were not convinced. the decision echoed the 10th circuit ruling. the court ruled against an abortion pill mandate and has relied on that ruling and other instances. another case out of the third and 6th circuit went the opposite way. the split decision may indicate that the supreme court may take on the issue. arthel, back to you. >> thanks a lot, elizabeth. >> a big parade is underway in the city of boston. the red sox are holding their victory parade today. looking at that. riding high off their world series win on a float of duck boats. love the duck boats. after beating the st. louis cards in the game six, a stunning turn around a. last year the sox had the worst season in almost 50 years. the win at fenway park ends a nearly century long dry spell for winning a world series at home. good for them. >> so much to celebrate. >> are they going to shave the beards? >> i hope so. i am glad they won, but those beards are horrible. >> it is circa 1960s, right? >> i can't stand to look at them. >> the thing was to pull on everybody's beard when they hit a homerun. >> congratulations, guys. >> too bad for the cards. next we will go to kabul, afghanistan. we will talk about the u.s. drone strike that took out the head of pakistan's taliban who was one of the master minds behind the attempted terror attack on new york's time square. hello. i'm arthel nestle and welcome to america's news headquarters. >> topping the news, the troubled obamacare website going off line again. what the government officials are now saying about the latest problems. >> and new troubles between the u.s. and pakistan following a u.s. drone strike that killed a taliban lieder with ties to a chilling terror plot on u.s. soil. we will have the latest in a live report. >> and the u.s. economy, well, it may be stuck in neutral, but auto sales, they are in high gear. what is driving the auto industry boom? we will look at that. we begin this hour with new information about the alleged gunman following yesterday's deadly rampage at los angeles international airport that killed one tsa agent, injuring at least five other people. investigators say this man, 23-year-old paul ciancia, was armed with a semiautomatic rifle, plenty of ammunition and a note allegedly outlining his mission against the tsa. we go now live to l.a.x. with the latest, dominic? >> hi, greg. that note apparently saying that tsa was his target and also, quote, pigs, clearly the police force as well. in the note he also expressed disillusion meant in the government. we don't know what his gripe was. the tsa is working on that today. they are making a visible presence at terminal three, where they are going to uh -- where the gun attack happened. on then side of the terminal it is cordoned off and they are going through it forensically, inch by inch and looking at the shells fired and seeing how he was able to get so far and deep into the terminal. the tsa agents say they were actually on him within a matter of seconds. that's what we heard from the authorities yesterday. they say without an intervention it could have been a lot worse. take a listen what the chief fbi investigator had to say about that. >> there was additional rounds this gunman had. the fact these officers were able to neutralize the threat as they did, there were more than a hundred rounds that could have killed everybody in that terminal. >> my apologies. that was the mayor of los angeles. that was him describing all of the rounds without a shadow of a doubt it could have been worse. apparently in the note the gunman was saying he didn't want to attack innocent people is what he says. clearly everybody very fearful of what happened during those moments. the airport trying to get back to business today. terminal three has reopened to some extent. the ticketing counters are back open and the authorities here at the airport are saying do turn up and you can check in for your flight. the passengers will not go through the terminal 3 departure and security area. they are going to be transported out to a remote stand where the flights have been directed to. that is how they board. they don't know how many flights will get out today. we know that there was 826 flights that a were affected by this and 99,000 passengers. that's an awful lot of people. the through put here could take two to three days and that is according to the airline. at the moment it looks quiet at terminal one behind me and that's because those were affected in terminal three and terminal two. they are trying to send him back there and the traffic going in that direction was giving a sense of nor mall tee. the instances we talked about, when you ask about what happened there was a flicker of fear going across their faces and people are still feeling it today. back to you. >> a shocking event to have happen. dominic, thanks very much. >> i will piggyback on what he just reported. where the shooting took place, it is partially reopening. following yesterday's deadly shooting, the ticket counters are open for purchases as well as questions. passengers are still waiting to get back inside to collect their luggage. the luggage is currently being held as part of the lapd's investigation. >> the troubled health insurance website going off line tonight. the hhs says health care .gov is not going to be back up and running until sunday morning allegedly because of their repair work. in the meantime, some republicans say the website's problem is just, quote, the tip of the iceberg when it comes to president obama's signature health care law. molly heninburg has more on that. >> yes, the tip of the iceberg according to dan coates who said americans will be stuck on board this titanic unless congress acts. the senator challenged the president's comment that people could keep their health insurance if they liked it under obamacare. >> tell that to over 300,000 people in florida who have received can sell lags notices notices -- cancellation notices or the millions of americans who could see their health plans disappear, and tell that to the tens of thousands of hoosiers in my state that will see similar notices arriving in their mailboxes. >> the president contends that even if an insurance company drops a plan it has to offer these clients other more comprehensive plans that meet obamacare standards. the white house says it does not have accurate data yet for how many people have signed up for policies under obamacare since its launch, but they will release the numbers in mid-november. >> we expect those figures to be relatively low, but we absolutely expect those figures to grow and we always did. it is our challenge and our responsibility to make sure we provide for the american people who want this product access to it. >> cbs news reported that six people signed up for the obamacare the first day the website went live and 248 people total signed up by the end of day two. the white house calls those numbers, quote, rough figures from a government contractor that does estimates. the obama administration needs 39,000 people a day to enroll to meet its goals and make the system work. greg? >> not just enroll in medicaid. that's not knot going to do it either. molly, thanks very much. despite the 16-day government shutdown lawmakers are hard at work on a new budget deal, but as democrats and republicans dig it in setting up another budget battle is there any chance of reaching the elusive grand bargain before the next crisis? susan is here the chief congressional correspondent for the washington examiner. let me highlight your three r's of the grand bargain and then have i my first question. it is re-do tax code, reform entitlement spending and reset spending levels. so the question is will this happen? can this happen? >> i think what we will see is resetting the spending levels. only for the next year. they only have two months and 13 days between now and the january 15th deadline. that's when the current spending plan expires. that's not a lot of time to put together something as comprehensive as this grand bargain. it would involve the tax code and entitlement spending and things that a are so huge and gaps that are so wide between the two parties, there is just not enough time to get that done. so where does that leave congress and the budget deal? it is going to be a focus on the current spending level and how we move into fiscal 2014. we have this temporary spending bill, but they need to come up with a deal that will last through 2014 and that will deal with remember the sequester that is the automatic budget cuts that come down every year. it is $110 billion automatically on january 15th. they want to stop that a from happening on the democratic side. on the republican side they want to shuffle the cuts around so they are more targeted to the things they favor. so the two sides will be focusing on that. with democrats it is going to be how do we restore the spending cuts. maybe through tax increases and closing tax loopholes. republicans are going to try to hold the line. hold on to those cuts, but shuffle the cuts around in a way they favor more. that's the fight over that. i don't think we will get a tax code reform or entitlement spending. >> you know everyone's poll numbers took a hit after the obamacare debacle and debate. do you think this time poll numbers will matter or public opinion will weigh in the budget talks, or is it a different tight this time, if you will? >> the poll numbers will matter, but in this case if you don't have the fight over a government shutdown, republicans may feel safer in pushing for maintaining the spending cuts. they feel like they have the upper hand with the public on this one because so many in poll numbers in the public have said they want to see our debt and deficit under control. so the republican thinking right now on capitol hill is they can fight for these spending cuts and the public will back them. >> the democrats are thinking they have the stronger position too because of the 16-day partial shutdown due to the fight against obamacare and the efforts to try to de fund it. >> you are exakly right. are you exactly right. they feel like look what just happened. if we are facing the republicans toe to toe with the government shutdown deadline, they will blink on this because of what just happened with the most recent government shutdown. the republicans will be so fearful of being blamed a second time with the 2014 elections just around the corner that they are going to be willing to give up some of these sequester cuts. i believe that's where this will end up. they will forfeit some of the hard fought cuts out of fear of another government shutdown. however, i don't think republicans will bend on tax increases. i think we are going to end this deal without a tax increase, but with a higher spending level than we currently have now. >> okay, well we heard it here. we have your projection. we won't call it a prediction, but it is a projection. we will have you back after it is all said and done. highway about that? >> terrific. thank you. >> new fallout from the u.s. drone strike that killed this pakistani taliban leader. pakistan is summoning the u.s. ambassador to, get this, protest the militant leader's death. he is believed to be behind a failed car bombing in time square in 2010 as well as an attack on a cia compound in afghanistan. now the pakistani government is condemning the strike and accusing the u.s. of derailing its peace talks with the taliban. connor powell is live from kabul, afghanistan. >> they took over the pakistani government in 2009 and the u.s. had a $5 million bounty on his head since the beginning. now he has been targeted by u.s. drones several times and has been pronounced dead at least twice. this time according to afghan and he was killed in a u.s. drone strike in the past day or so. his supporters buried him in secret so no other u.s. drones would attack the remaining supporters. he was a ruthless and violent leader and affiliated with the taliban. there were two groups with a lot of overlap and similarities and the same ideology and leadership. the afghan founder of the movement and he is credited with killing thousands in both pakistan and here in afghanistan including several people. nine people in total at a u.s. cia base and host province in 2009. now, in pakistan this drone strike is extremely controversial. the security officials are more upbeat about it. but the politicians and the newly elected government in pakistan has basically criticized the killing of massou. and it was largely on a platform of talking to the taliban and ending u.s. drone strikes in pakistan which they are very controversial there. they have taken a criticism of this drone strike to a new level now basically saying that this is only going to under cut all peace efforts with the taliban. now here in afghanistan though, the u.s. and the afghan officials are basically welcoming his death now. he is seeing -- he is seen as somebody who not only lead the pakistani movement, but influenced the afghan taliban movement. for u.s. and afghan leaders here his death is widely welcome. now, the pakistani taliban x greg, has actually named a successor and they are vowing revenge. what they will do next is not clear, but they are a violent organization that has attacked pakistanis, afghans and americans in this region. >> indeed they have. connor, thank you. >> and we will have more on the death of the taliban leader and what it means for america's war on terror when we speak with this man here, bob wells, who is a retired navy captain and former national security advisor. a man in michigan now wants his cut of the $25 million reward for finding osama bin laden. 63-year-old tom lee claims he is the guy who told the fbi where bin laden was hiding in 2003 when he learned about it from a pakistani intelligence agent. his attorney claims lee has been asking the fbi for the reward money ever since he found out the 9/11 mastermind was killed in the exact location he told them about. u.s. officials say they found bin laden through intelligence and not an informant so no reward will be given. navy seals killing bin laden during a raid in may of 2011. the national fuel system giving drivers whiplash at the pump and details on what is driving the wild price jump. that's next. >> and serious allegations as lois lerner broke the law. what a watchdog group is saying it found out after following a trail of documents and e-mails. >> i have been advised by my council to assert my constitutional right not to testify or answer questions related to the subject matter of this hearing. time for a quick check of the headlines. the closing of a fire work factory killing 11 and injuring 17 others. the cause of the blast is unknown. former senator bob dole and his wife elizabeth are welcoming veterans at the world war ii memorial in washington, d.c. the event is taking place with just over a week to go until veterans day. and don't miss it. there is going to be a partial solar eclipse visible to much of the east coast. it is a rare eclipse where the moon blocks part of the sun from areas of the world and completely in others. a new bombshell in the scandal over the irs targeting conservative groups. the watchdog group known as judicial watch says former irs official lois lerner broke the law when she shared highly confidential information. joining us is keisha evans. the judicial watch files the freedom of information act and they eventually get their hands on the documents. it turns out that lois lerner was sent over to the federal elections commission according to these documents not just a yes or no on tax exempt status for these tea party groups, but their entire tax file. >> certainly that is a no no on the united states code. >> it is a crime. >> it is a crime under 7013. it is punishable of five years in jail and a $5,000 fine. this is a serious matter. will she be charged with a crime? i say a small chance. >> why? >> they don't do it. they never charge. >> it is not only 7013, there is an irs code violation. let's put it up on the screen here. no officer or employee of the united states should disclose any return or return information obtained by him or her in any matter in connection with the service. that's a felony as well. now keisha, i can think of nefarious reasons that lois lerner would hand over this information to the fec. can you think of any legitimate ones ? >> i can't, but i suspect that her response will be well it was another government agency. that was illegal as well, and she had no right. it was against the law to turnover the documents. it will go far in prosecuting her. >> might this be one of the many reasons, david, that she invoked the fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination? >> that's interesting. she invoked the fifth amendment, but before she invoked the fifth amendment she said i did nothing wrong and i am innocent. and there is a school of thought that she waived the fifth amendment right there. >> well, one of the other things she may have done is this. let's put the next full screen up. this is prohibited disclosure. this is abuse of office. a public servant commits an offense where he intentionally and knowingly misuses the government property services personnel belonging to the government. in other words if you use the vast power of your particular office and she had vast power, david, that's abuse of your office. that's also a crime, is it not? >> it is. one of the things that david and i spoke about is why would you put this in an e-mail? obviously it shows what she did was wrong and it is going to be hard for her to say i didn't abuse my power as the head of this department, but again i think that -- >> well what i was thinking was the abuse of office is targeting tea party groups for political purposes. it is yet another crime. >> i also read an article where they stated they looked at more liberal type groups, but not as much. i mean clearly these groups should not have been scrutinized more than anyone else. >> if you target a group for any purpose and you use your official power to do so, that's a crime. when i stated she won't be prosecuted i think she should be prosecuted. a statement has to be made here. you cannot use your office to target groups whether it is conservative, tea party, liberal or anything. >> right, absolutely. >> what about this. she did tell congress repeatedly during the course of a year before she invoked the fifth, no, i didn't target tea party groups. isn't that arguably perjury and a false statement and put false statement up? this is a felony as well. 18usc -- what is the code section? >> 1001. >> look at that. if you knowingly and willfully make a false statement or conceal a fact in a writing or document or verbally -- >> right. and the proof of perjury is easy. the e-mail from the attorney stated on these specific groups and named the groups. that's what she responded to and handed over the information. >> the sec is saying, you know what, we were just looking for public information. not all of this private confidential information protected by law, david. >> and has a good argument on their part. some of the information is public information. that's not the actual information. it is the private information. you don't want to hand over entire tax returns. that's common sense and there must have been an alterior motive to doing so. >> both of you are lawyers. what is taking so long in all of this. she invoked the fifth. are they trying to strike a deal for immunity in which she can put the finger of blame on somebody else? >> i think that's probably what is happening. i mean the fact that she stepped down and it has taken so long to me indicates that they are trying to find other ways to avoid a huge blow up. >> if you were her lawyer you would try to cut a deal. >> i would. obviously that's what lawyers do. they cut deals. the lawyers would have to go to the prosecutors, to the government to cut this deal. wos what is happening, but who knows, it could be politics. >> she is the poster child are to at least republicans and a great many other americans for somebody who abused her office. cutting a deal could have repercussions. >> who of is representing her and who is looking out for what has happened they will make the best outcome possible. that's what we do as lawyers. >> this unconscionable behavior. it is not that you gave the tax returns. she lied to congress. it is a whole goulosh of violations. because she abused the system she should be prosecuted. >> she is retired with a good pension. good gig if you can get it. >> good to see you both. arthel? >> thank you. severe weather is causing problems across the country including powerful tornadoes ripping through some neighborhoods and causing major damage. a snowstorm could drop almost a foot of snow out west. >> and auto sales are soaring in the united states. what encourages people to buy? coming up we'll tell you. ♪ it is the bottom of the hour and time for the top of the news. investigators say notes from the alleged l.a.x. shooter reveals his hatred for the tsa. they also say he was armed with 150 rounds of ammunition. paul ciancia was injured in a shootout with police. he is currently in custody in a hospital of a alleged looy killing one -- allegedly killing one tsa agent and injuring five others. >> funeral service today for colorado sphrawt -- astronaut scott carpenter. he died at the age of 88. carpenter, the second person to orbit the earth after john glenn. >> and remember to put your clocks back one hour before you go to bed. many americans are getting the extra hour of sleep. it is the end of daylight savings time. >> spring forward and fall back. >> that's right. people in southern missouri are picking up the pieces after several small tornadoes there. one twister reaching wind speeds of 100 miles per hour and cutting a path of destruction 10 miles long. meteorologist janice dean is live in the fox weather center. >> a lot of people think the end of october and november, is it weird to see tornadoes right now? well it is the secondary season. your primary season is the spring and in the fall we do have another season of severe weather including tornadoes. one of the main ingredients is the clash of two air masses, cold and the warm, unstable air. that's why we saw or one of the ingredients that we saw for tornadoes across portions of missouri and toward illinois and tennessee, we had 250 reports of severe weather. 20 of those were reported tornadoes on october 31st. our next storm system is moving into the northwest and this will move across the central u.s. over the next couple days and bringing us the potential for strong to severe storms midweek. we will continue to monitor this . for now we will see 6 to 12 inches of heavy snow across the cascades toward the inter mountain west. the next couple days in this area are going to be a little trying. it is going to be inclement and we could see gusts of 50 miles an hour. be safe if you live in this area and we will keep you up-to-date of the watches and rn whattings. greg, arthel, back to you. >> janice dean, thanks so much. >> thank you, sir. i thought there would be an animation. didn't mean to life you hanging. auto numbers are booming. the big three car companies are all showing double-digit gains. what is driving up the sales. joining me now the managing partner at chap wood investments. good to see you. >> good to see you too. >> what is behind the boom? >> a number of things are behind the boom. one of them is that lower interest rates are making financing a lot more enjoyable and a lot easier at this point. when you take away a lot of barriers you can then start to create a positive environment and people are going to go out and start buying. when you reduce the interest rates which we have right now you will have a lot of financing. additionally you see a lot of people have more money in their pockets. the stock market has risen and people have more money and they have waited to buy. they are out there buying right now. this is a great time to be a car dealer. >> it is the end of the year and your paychecks are fatter and more money to spend on perhaps a new, shiny car. >> that's something people forget. people contribute to their 40 1k plan throughout the year, which they should. if they max out on their contributions for the year, when that happens they will have a little more money in the paycheck. people are feeling better around the holiday season and start looking and see low interest rates. lower interest rates for financing. they are seeing demand and want to see the new models and go out and buy them. this again is a great time for that. unfortunately we have a lot of barriers in the rest of the economy. for car dealers this is a wonderful time. in fact, we are looking for one for my son right now. >> may i ask what are your options? >> yes. something cheap. >> i don't blame you. how old is he? >> he is young. it will be his first car. we will find a new car, very small, new car. not a small one, but probably a ford. we will get some good financing and will probably lease it and do exactly what a lot of people are doing in this country and taking advantage of the low rates. >> why lease it versus buying? >> because probably when he goes to college we will try to get out of it, so we will get a short-term lease. we don't keep cars. we will keep a car for about four years or less. my son if he is watching he is getting a cheap car and it is going to be two or three-yearlies and he will be happy with it. >> and you know you mentioned that you switch over -- turnover the cars every four years, but a lot of people in recent times they have been hanging on to their cars for longer and longer and longer. they purchase them and they are hanging on to them. now look nelly bell will be put out to pasture so that time has come and the time is on the auto maker side that guys -- folks need to buy a new car. it is time. >> they do. i mean, remember something, cars now a days, these cars can go 100,000 miles. they can last a longtime now. how you finance it, the low rates are what are stimulating this demand. ford is having tremendous growth overseas. you can't forget in china, it is one of the biggest groit areas for -- growth area for growth. ford trucks and cars are doing spectacularly. gm is doing well. our overseas growth is rail doing well and not just in the united states. the car industry is booming. >> ford has the good fusion. i have to let you go, but i am stuck on this. you rut money man -- stuck on this. are you the money man. you are telling me leasing a car is better than buying? does it depend on your -- >> if you will keep a car four years or less that's swhiew do. if you will keep it five or six years consider buying it. but with our car add in my family we get out of them. >> what about the big balloon though, the residual payment at the end? is that better now a days? >> well we actually don't do that. we just get rid of the cars and assume another lease. >> it doesn't roll into the new lease? >> no. you just have a time you get out of that lease after that period of time and then go on to the next one. >> thank you. always full of great info. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> what you don't get is the fair market value of your entire car once you own it because you are just leasing it. >> so you would prefer buying -- >> have i done both. >> i have too. >> it depends on your circumstances, but i have done both. a new natural gas pipeline in manhattan is sparking some major controversy. notwithstanding the federal government's approval, the critics say the operation raises some safety concerns david lee miller has looked into it. >> the first pipeline in new york city is now operational. the pipe stretches 20 miles from new jersey and to the hudson river and making its way to manhattan where it makes land fall in the trendy meat packing district. some of the gas comes from pennsylvania and it has reenergized the debate. what many critics find troubling is fear the pipeline may contain] cancer causing radon and there is a concern about a leak or something else that could cause an explosion. like one in san bruno that killed several people. the same size blast here would be cat staw strophic. catastrophic. >> the explosion would be disruptive to a neighborhood that happens to be one of the most economically and historically available neighborhoods in our city. >> spec trough -- spectra energy says the pipeline is safe and will save residents about several hundred million a year in you tilly bills. utility bills. they say there is no public health threat from radon. they say construction is state of state-of-the-art. >> we have put in a number of safety features. we have inspected every weld. >> the government agency that approved the pipeline rejects criticism. it rubber stamped the project. the federal regulatory agency says all voices were heard. >> we had numerous meetings and we have opportunities for public comment as well as the vocal or oral comment. these are all factored into the environmental impact statement. we had over 575 interventions, formal interventions and over 6400 comments filed. >> according to the government records there have been 72 gas transmission pipeline incidents. one of which was designated serious and caused two injuries. in new york, david lee miller, fox news. >> david, thanks very much. the prime minister of iraq is reaching out to president obama for more help fighting a surgeon. surge. will he get the helping hand he needs before it is too late? iraqi prime minister making an urgent appeal to president obama and the white house this week. he is asking for more help fighting a growing influence of al-qaeda in his country. iraq currently seeing some of its worst violence since 2008 with more than 7,000 people killed by insurgents this year alone and threatening to wipe away all of the hard work done by american troops just two years after the last of them left. joining me now, retired navy captain bob weld and security advisor to vice president dick cheney. good to see you. december 28th, 2010 he said american soldiers after 2011 are not welcome. get out. he claimed though he could handle the security situation. now all of a sudden he is changing his tune. gee, we need your help, united states. so what happened? >> i think he miscalculated. i think the united states has looked at the departure as a fundamental objective, and we have what we have right now. the points that prime minister minister -- the prime minister brought up to the oval office are well taken. his sense of urgency is something that should be listened to now. >> was it a mistake to uh seed to the demand by al -- al-maliki to get out or should we have some presence there, status forces agreement should have been renegotiated? after all a lot of american blood was spilled there. >> i think it was a mistake. i think we should have gone the extra mile. we certainly had an opportunity to bring this agreement to closure with the government of iraq. i think we needed to essentially close the deal. i think prime minister al-maliki needed to have a little more empathy with regard to the american position. >> look, we have a lot of leverage, and yet we didn't bring it to bear to force him to try to include the sunnies and the kurds into his government. he is a shiite and he aligned himself with iran. is that also in part our fault? >> i think looking at the political dynamics of iraq which is always complex with the kurds and with the shiites and with the sunnies in particular, recalling the legacy of saddam hussein and looking at the sunni empower meant and really the fresh taste of freedom that the shiites represents and felt in the person of president al-maliki certainly had its day in the sun. i think the united states could have been a little more insistent and persuasive especially with the diplomatic team we had on the ground to forming a better understanding with regard to the need for inclusion inside iraq and inside iraq's policy. >> let me switch to pakistan. huge news thereafter years of trying to nail the head of the pakistani taliban x u.s. drone strikes took him out and killed him. the pakistanis who had been trying to find him and kill him themselves had the audacity to summon our ambassador for addressing down. what do you make of that? >> i think it is a part of their overall sovereign see campaign. it is also important to note that the prime minister met with the president and that was his key point with regard to stoping the drone strikes. we have to realize what the inability of pakistan has been in the recent past to manage what was going on and their federally traveled areas. they need to do a better job than to try to find where the threats are to not only pakistan , but to the stability inside afghanistan. i think we could have done a better job again diplomatically in the united states as well as with pakistan in making a better situation. >> in the overall war against terror which in smean regions of the -- which in many regions of the world are escalating and not declining. has the obama administration undertaken a dangerous a russ legalistic approach. >> i think he has. i think he needs to take a broader approach looking at the real global war on terror. the bush administration had it right. i think we need to ren fons -- reenforce the fundamental to the american people that there are at war with us. and they are destabilized the forces and the shiite revival and caused greater instabilities. we need to be very much concerned with the global war on terrorism. i think we need to rethink our approach and be more concerned about these particular legal processes that the obama administration has undertaken jie. it doesn't require us to go to war. it requires some experience and intelligence and wisdom, does it not? >> i think we need more smart power. we need more of a focus on the middle east and more of a focus on this particular region. listen, i know the obama administration talked about a rebalance to the pacific region and that was needed, but we cannot forget the middle east. our friends and allies and treaty commitments, in particular saudi arabia and the gcc countries and the countries like egypt that we need to continue to reach out to and double down in our effort. >> especially since al-qaeda is regaining its strength in northern africa. bob wells, captain bob wells, good to see you. >> thank you, greg. greg, a controversial policy at one of our nation's high schools separating some students from their classmates during lunch. parents are outraged. we will tell you all about that. plus, what is now overtaking catsup as america's number one one -- kechup as america's number one condiment. >> i vote for horse rash dish. >> i vote for salsa. >> a little barbecue. 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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Weekend News 20160731

>> ninan: good evening. i'm reena ninan with a western edition of the broadcast. it was a fiery wreck and there were no survivors. a hot air balloon with at least 16 people on board somehow burst into flames and crashed into a field in maxwell, texas, about 30s miles south of austin. omar villafranca is at the scene. >> reporter: the deflated balloon appears unscathed from the fiery crash, but all that's left of the basket is its charred frame. >> significant loss of life. >> reporter: erik grosof is an investigator with the n.t.s.b. >> much like a crime scene. you only get one chance at it so we want to make sure we do everything correctly. >> reporter: the balloon apparently caught fire in flight. at least 16 were on aboard. investigators say the balloon was operated by a company called heart of texas, which advertises balloon rides in san antonio, austin, and houston. witnesses initially thought it was a car on fire. when emergency responders arrived, they found the balloon basket burning. margaret wylie lives nearby. >> and i looked off over there, and the next thing i knew, you saw a big fireball go up, and it was just-- just praying whoever was there got away from the thing in time. >> reporter: wylie things the balloon hit these high-voltage power lieps. this is most deadly hot air balloon accident in recent u.s. history. coorgt to the n.t.s.b., a total of 16 people died while hot air ballooning from 2002-2012. three were killed after this balloon burst into flames and hit a power line in 2014. in a statement, governor greg abbott said: >> these are high power lines. >> wylies says there was some fog in the area this morning but it had lifted by the time of the accident. investigators will not rely the names of the victims until their families are notified. reena, the n.t.s.b. has asked the f.b.i. to help process the evidence and the remains at the scene. >> ninan: omar villafranca in maxwell, texas. 100 days before election day, and there are concerns that overseas hackers may be trying to influence the vote. federal authorities are investigating a new computer hack on the clinton campaign and other democratic organizations. russia is said to be the prime suspect. errol barnett has more from washington. >> hillary clinton, give her a big round. ( applause ) >> reporter: hillary clinton campaigned enthusiastically as she faced challenges on to fronts-- a fight for vote on the road and a security threat online. >> we are the most productive, competitive workers in the world. we just need to give our people the chance to succeed. >> reporter: but she still has some convincing to do. in a recent cbs/"new york times" polls, voters preferred donald trump over clinton to handle the economy by almost 10 points. as she tries to appeal to blue collar workers here, clinton's showcasing her running mate, senator tim kaine, and her husband, former president bill clinton, who carried both ohio and pennsylvania twice. she's also touring factories to highlight american-made products and showcase companies hiring locally rather than overseas. >> we know better than to believe anyone who says, "i alone can fix it." right? those were actually donald trump's words at the republican convention in cleveland last week. >> reporter: the three-day tour is designed to block donald trump's path to 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. but as the stronger together tour began, it was revealed friday the f.b.i. is investigating yet another illicit hack of a server used by democrats. the clinton campaign said a "data program maintained by the democratic national committee and used by our campaign was accessed, but there is no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised." now, while he had no public appearances today, donald trump continues to face criticism for what he says was a sarcastic suggestion russia should find clinton's missing e-mails. he's also denying any direct communication or collusion with president vladimir putin. reena. >> ninan: thanks, errol. sunday morning on faes the nation, the results of a new cbs news battleground tracker poll following the democratic convention. john dickerson's guests include bernie sanders, trump ma'am manager paul manafort, and reince priebus, chairman of the republican national committee. in another important story, a south florida neighborhood is now ground zero for zika in america. officials believe that four people who tested positive for the virus were infected close to home. tonight, renewed calls for congress to return if vacation and pass an emergency funding bill to prevent the virus from spreading. marlie hall shows us what officials in florida are doing to fight zika. >> reporter: the florida department of health is making house calls. its mission is to reach every resident in this downtown miami neighborhood to warn them that zika is now officially here. >> that's really terrible news that it's coming so close to home. >> reporter: teams have fanned out across the area, collecting urine samples. dr. aileen marty worries more cases could be discovered, and says testing is an important part of prevention. >> the door-to-door urine request is what has aloud the state of florida to make the determination that ongoing mosquito transmission is happening in this specific area. >> reporter: miami-dade county's mosquito control is also out in force, killing and collecting the insects that are known to carry zika. 19,000 mosquitos have been tested. so far, none were positive for the virus. but officials warn that doesn't mean it isn't spreading. >> florida's taking an aggressive approach. >> reporter: florida governor rick scott says he predicted the outbreak and has already allocated $22.6 million to fight the virus in his state. >> 28 counties have received funding to combat zika. now that florida's become the first state to have a local transmission, likely through mosquitos, we will continue to put every resiewrs available to fight the spread of zika in our state. >> reporter: zika is linked to a birth defect causing babies to be born with abnormally small heads. officials are urging pregnant women and those planning to become pregnant to avoid mosquito bites. >> it's a small little thing of standing water get rid of it, all around your house and your business and wear insect repellent. >> reporter: federal health officials say they do not expect the virus to become widespread in the u.s. or reach levels seen in brazil. they do say we may see small outbreaks like the ones in miami and they're advising those planning to visit south florida not to change their travel plans. reena. >> ninan: so a little bit of good news there. >> reporter: just a bit. >> ninan: we'll take it. thank you, marlie. wildfires are burning in at least nine states, across the west tonight at least seven large fires are in california, including one along the coast near big sur. carter evans says the deadly and destructive fire is driving away tourists. >> reporter: as flames rage out of control near the coastal resort town of big surk burning in deep, rugged terrain, the sob fire scorched 51 square miles of northern california in just one week. more than 5,000 firefighters from across the region are already on the scene. a contractor was killed earlier this week when the bulldozer he was operating on the fire line rolled over. so far, at least 68 structures have burned, most of them home, and 2,000 more are threatened in what would be peak seasons for big sur business operators like kirk gafill. >> we are accommodating staff with lost housing and trying to assist them in terms of the fire in terms of what their needs are, as well as preparing the property in preparation for the fire in it starts to come in our direction. >> reporter: big sur stretches along 85 miles of northern california coastline and it's one of the most popular tourist destinations in want u.s. with more than three million visitors a year. but many are cancelling trips after fire officials warned it could be a month before the flames are under control. so even at high season, the river inn has some empty rooms, according to manager rick aldinger. >> we get a lot of day business, a lot of people traveling through big sur. sp we see that. >> reporter: even worse than the lost business is the potential loz of this community as the fire scene in this time-lapse video grows closer to the historic pacific coast highway along one of the most scenic drives in the country. authorities expect this fire to grow five times bigger over the next few weeks burning 265 square miles. reena, that's an area larger than the city of chicago. >> ninan: carter evans in los angeles. in a suburb north of seattle, three people are dead and one wound following a shooting at a house party. it happened in the coastal town of mikilteo. police in san diego are trying to determine whether the shooting of two officers thursday night was an ambush attack. one officer was killed, another injured purpose they were assigned to a unit that cracks down on gangs. investigators are waiting for the wounded officer to recover from surgery to get his account of what happened. the phoenix area was hit with heavy rains, strong winds, and hail. streets were flooded last night, and tens of thousands of people lost power. other parts of the west are dealing with triple-digit heat. president obama is spending the night at camp david, the presidential retreat in maryland. the president's gathering with family and friends for an early celebration of his 55th birthday, which is next thursday. s it this the president's 39th visit to camp david, the first since his birthday weekend last year. other presidents used the retreat more frequently. tonight's powerful is up to $478 million, the eighth largest lottery prize in the u.s. no one has hit the jackpot since may 7. the u.s. navy is set to announce it is naming a new ship after harvey milk. milk served in the navies during the 1950s when the military banned gay,s lesbian, and bisexual service members. president obama lifted the ban five years ago. milk was assassinated in 1978, shortly after becoming the first openly gay elected official in a major u.s. city. coming up next, pope francis prepares for a celebration with a million people. we'll be right back. >> ninan: pope francis is getting ready to wrap up his historic five-day visit to poland with a huge maz on sunday. seth doane is traveling with the pope. seth. >> reporter: the vatican estimates more than a million people will attend a mass celebrated by the pope here tomorrow, and tonight, most have already gathered for a prayer vigil. it is a pilgrimage, after all. today, the catholic faithful traveled for miles on foot and ladened with supplies for an overnight stay. where are you coming from? >> germany. >> reporter: how about you, where are you from? >> the united states. >> malaysia. >> reporter: where are you from. >> poland. >> reporter: they came from 187 countries united by faith and their desire to see this man. pope francis thrilled the crowd, inviting some to join him on his pope mobile. mcgeorge jean-baptiste came with 400 people from brooklyn. >> the pope's here. just lots of people of different cultures here, you know. we're all united as just being catholic so you can mingle pretty easily, so, almost like vacation, like, but a faithful vacation. >> reporter: but still a vacation. what made you want to come? >> for me, well, one of my biggest reasons was because i wanted to come to europe. >> reporter: even that was okay with these sisters from arlington, virginia. >> the lord draws us in whatever way we can receive it. so a european vacation sounds great, but he had other plans. >> reporter, of course, not all could attend, in particular, 1200 young people in war-torn aleppo, syria. some recorded a message for their pope. as night fell, candle its light took over at that vigil and pope francis called on the young pilgrims to keep victims of war and the people of syria in their hearts. world youth day was started by saint john paul ii who was from poland. the idea was to nurture the faith of catholic youth. >> ninan: seth doane in krakow, poland. up next, after nearly four years after the massacre in newtown, sandy hook elementary students get a new school and a new start. >> ninan: in newtown, connecticut, the new sandy hook elementary school was unveiled yesterday. it replaces the building that was demolished after the massacre in 2012. here again is marlie hall with a look at the school giving sandy hook kids a new start. >> reporter: the new sandy hook elementary school was designed to appeal to children and to keep them safe. >> the safety and security measures that are in this building are second to none. >> reporter: the $50 million, 86,000-square-foot building has impact-resistant doors and windows, as well as state-of-the-art video monitoring. the ground floor is elevated, making it harder to see inside classrooms from the outside. anyone entering the front of the school must use one of three pedestrian bridges. all who approach can be seen by those inside and the doors will be kept locked. the old school was torn down after a gunman fatally shot 20 first graders and seven faculty and staff in 2012. the new one stands on the same property but not in the old footprint. there will be no onsite memorial for the victims and a decision was made to keep the school's same name. >> we are proud to be sandy hook school. we're part of our sandy hook village community, part of newtown. and the fact that a horrible thing happened here does not erase the wonderful things that have also happened here in our 300-year-old history of our community. >> reporter: school begins august 29. officials hope all the colorful details and thoughtful touches that the community had a hand in designing will make the new sandy hook school a place of learning and laughter. marlie hall, cbs news, newtown, connecticut. >> ninan: 70 of this year's returning students were kindergartners when the shooting occurred. we remember marni nixon, who may have been hollywood's greatest unsung performer. weekend. scott pelley tells us nixon was perhaps the greatest unsung performer in hollywood history. ♪ shall we distance gdansk. >> pelley: in "the king and i," the audience saw deborah kerr but heard marni nixon. ♪ i could have danced all night years later, she told our charles osgood that 20th century fox had paid her $420 and told her to keep quiet. >> they said that if anyone ever knew that i did any part, any part of the dubbing, they would see to it that i wouldn't work in town again. can you imagine? i was scared to death. >> pelley: she kept her secret, ♪ i feel pretty oh, so pretty. and dubbed for natalie wood in "west side story." and when the studio didn't like audrey hepburn's vocal in "my fair lady," ♪ i could have danced, danced, danced ♪ they brought in the real talent. ♪ i could have danced, danced, danced ♪ she introduced herself to america on "to tell the truth" >> will the real marni nixon please stand up. >> my name is marni nixon. >> pelley: marni nixon died of cancer. she was 86. >> ninan: when we return, the ice bucket challenge leads to an important medical discovery. >> ninan: finally tonight, if you're wondering whatever happened to all the money raised by the ice bucket challenge, jim axelrod says it's paid off in a very cool way. >> aahh! >> reporter: two summers ago everyone was getting into act. presidents... movie stars... billionaires. and while the cynics tried to throw their old cold water on the idea, saying it was a way to make a splash without actually doing anything-- >> don't company a bucket of ice water on your head. it's stupid. >> reporter: ...the ice bucket challenge raised $115 million in less than two months. >> without the ice bucket challenge, we wouldn't have gotten this money. >> reporter: dr. john landers, a neurologist at the university of massachusetts, runs a lab trying to find genes linked to a.l.s. he got $1.5 million from the challenge. does a million, a million and a half bucks really make a difference? >> you know, not to sound cliche, but, frankly, every bit counts. genetics, unfortunately, is one of those areas that is more on the the more expensive side. >> reporter: the ice bucket challenge money led to dr. landers' labbizing a gene, nek-1, which researchers are finding quite promising in developing treatments for a.l.s. more than 17 million people took the challenge, and to the researchers on the front lines in the battle against a.l.s., it wasn't just a way for them to feel good about themselves. >> the financing, the money that was raised was just an amazing level. >> reporter: it was a way to make a real difference. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> ninan: well, that's the "cbs weekend news" for this saturday. later on cbs, "fraes hours" and, of course, the news continues now on our 24-hour digital network cbsn at i'm reena ninan in new york. thank you for joining us. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh take down a suspect at a busy bart station. live from the cbs bay area studios. cameras rolling as police take down a suspect at a bart station. did officers go too far? a warning tonight for bay area bicyclists the trail that has been booby trapped. a fire on the tracks in the east bay it's been a rough ride on bart today. >> we begin with that dramatic video at a san francisco bart station tonight. witnesses and bart officials are telling two very different stories. a witness shot this video yesterday as bart police detained a man at the embark dare row station you can see them holding him down as the crowd yells at him to let him go. the witness claims the suspect had been playing around with a friend on the train when an annoyed passenger called the police. she claims the officer pulled out a gun at one point. bart officials say that's all wrong. they say the suspect physically fought back as the officer tried to arrest him. he was booked on two continues -- counts of resisting arrest. bart says it's internal affairs division is look intoog the video but they think the police officer acted rightly. >> and a fire broke out on the tracks. the fire shut the station down for a while. >> yeah for about two hours julia. but they opened the walnut creek bart station about an hour and 125 minutes ago. there will be major delays in both directions


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