President thanks for giving us the opportunity this is your First Limited romance watching an interview with Bashar Al Assad in which the syrian president is confronted with photos of people tortured to death by sad rejects the claim that they were killed by his own Security Forces you can bet you thought you just spoke by god i just think he was i was there. My friends died in front of my eyes because of torture and until this very moment those people are dying because of torture if we are getting the civilians who are we defending syria to get support for assad dismisses criticism as efforts to demonize his regime if he were to drop will have been tortured everyone i met in the prison in torture so to lie its a big lie in it is a way of defense of the government against the people you know the execution is part of the Sudan Government voice if you want to go with they can make it legally but this view here for decades they dont need anything. The execution according to the law throug