they were more appropriate than the administration. he said by 2020, 70 million people would be signing up for the exchanges. so looking forward he has projected a very positive taking on of the affordable care act. i actually think the law is fizzling app launcher and could get repealed. this is not the way, there are people who desperately need health insurance who cannot get it through the current system. there is a way to take care of those people without making everybody else s health insurance more expensive and dumping people off their current plan. i am all for a single-payer plan. i don t know what the republican plan is to ensure 40 million people. you should read the national review. i will send you a copy. i would like to understand what the plan is to ensure the 40 million people who all of a sudden they care about, never before have they worried about all the uninsured people in this country, now they care all of a sudden. they have run articles after