Apple registered strong double-digit growth in the December quarter in India, reaching another quarter revenue record in the country, company’s CEO Tim Cook said earlier this month. Apple’s India Revenue Rose Nearly 42% to ‘USD 8.7 Billion’, iPhone Shipments Grew About 39% to ‘9.2 Million Units’ in 2023: Report.
In response to an analyst question on momentum in India, Cook said that India is “an incredibly exciting market for them and a major focus” for the company.
Apple posted a September quarter record revenue of $90.1 billion globally, up 8 per cent year over year. Annual revenue was $394.3 billion, also up 8 per cent year over year.
Apple has seen a new doubling of its revenues in India in the April-June period, setting a new all-time record in the country particularly riding on its iPhone 13 series, the company s CEO Tim Cook has announced.