Telugu megastars Chiranjeevi and Venkatesh shed tears while paying their last respects to Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar in Bengaluru on Saturday.Both the actors reached Bengaluru along with actor Srikanth and comedian Ali to pay homage to the .
Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar s death has taken the entire country by shock and several popular actors from Bollywood and South film industry including Dhanush, Mahesh Babu, Jr NTR, Ram Charan, Abhishek Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, among others, have expressed their condolences.
Family watches ‘Yuvarathnaa’ film with late son’s life-size photo
April 6, 2021
Mysore/Mysuru: What can be more poignant moment than this? Parents of a boy who was a hard-core fan of ‘Power Star’
Puneeth Rajkumar placed their late son’s photo on a theatre seat to watch the actor’s latest flick ‘Yuvarathnaa.’ With tears rolling down their eyes, the couple watched the movie as if their son himself was enjoying every moment of the movie. The act also brought tears in the eyes of people seated near the boy’s photo.
M. Muralidharan, a resident of Kuvempunagar in city, came to DRC Cinemas at B.M. Habitat Mall on Sunday along with his wife Leela and elder son Harshith. With them, they carried a life-size photo of their younger son Harikrishnan. After purchasing four tickets, they entered the cinema hall and placed Harikrishna’s photo on a seat and sat through the movie.