Find practical gardening advice, tips, and information on how to grow and care for beautiful, flowering camellia (Camellia japonica) shrubs in the South.
Captivating camellia plants (Camellia sinensis) thrive in temperate regions, and Southern gardeners have prized them for years. Now more cold-hardy varieties can grow farther north. Depending on the variety, these evergreen shrubs and small trees bloom in shades of white, red, pink and yellow from mid-fall or late fall into early spring.
Captivating camellia plants (Camellia sinensis) thrive in temperate regions, and Southern gardeners have prized them for years. Now more cold-hardy varieties can grow farther north. Depending on the variety, these evergreen shrubs and small trees bloom in shades of white, red, pink and yellow from mid-fall or late fall into early spring.
12 early-blooming plants and flowers that will chase the winter blues away
Updated Feb 25, 2021;
Posted Feb 25, 2021
Some flowers, like these early daffodils, have the good marketing sense to bloom while it s still winter.
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One of flowerdom’s biggest benefits – especially in this decidedly wintry winter of “conveyor-belt” snows and icings – is that flowers remind us that spring is on the way.
Some flowering plants have the good marketing sense to bloom while the calendar still reads winter, jacking up their appreciation rating way more than if they performed when so much else is blooming in May.
Having a few early-bloomers around not only adds color to a white and brown landscape, it shines hopeful light down this pandemic-laced cold tunnel.