While rejecting a pre-arrest bail of a Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSPV) Estate Officer, the Punjab & Haryana High Court has made it clear that seeking bail in a corruption case on the ground.
The Punjab & Haryana High Court has made it clear that the Police have no authority to search or seize the alleged illegal product in contravention of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, the power to seize.
Pointing out several discrepancies in the circumstantial evidence on which the Trial Court relied to convict and sentence the accused (Palwinder Singh) to death for murdering his entire family.
Palwinder Singh’s co-accused Karamjit Kaur was also acquitted of the charges. The court said the allegations against them appeared to have stemmed merely on account of their “inter-caste marriage”.
The Punjab & Haryana High Court recently held that a fresh hearing is not required when the composition of the bench changes after conviction order, especially when no prejudice is caused to the.