a passion for art. eventually he decided to dedicate his life to it becoming an independent exhibition organizer nowadays he s one of the most in demand curators in the world. that reputation is well earned ten years ago who founded the art space savvy contemporary in a former been in power plant in two thousand and fifteen he became one of two artistic directors of the gallery there doing two years later he became part of that you were tural team at europe s most important art show the documentary and he set to be artistic director of the two thousand and twenty don t speak exhibition in on him. and deacon has consistently promoted exchange between western unknown western perspectives he rejects the common prejudice that real art is a western phenomenon while what comes out of africa is tribal art. and big message
is clear we should always stay open to new points of view. with welcome. they re going thank you very much for coming in. and we saw all there you re a highly qualified scientists you re a doctor you ve got ph d. s running down your. but what was the driving force them behind starting savvy contemporary. well once upon a time in my life i. did the sciences work as an engineer. but i was always very much interested in the arts and. you know you saw a lot of artists in berlin and at some point i just noticed that a lot of things were lacking in this city called berlin that claim to be one of the capitals of the art in the world but it was very difficult to find positions you
born in cameroon s capital in one nine hundred seventy seven he studied food technology in berlin and received a doctorate in medical biotechnology but he s always had a passion for art. eventually he decided to dedicate his life to it becoming an independent exhibition organizer nowadays he s one of the most in demand curators in the world. that reputation is well earned ten years ago who founded the art space savvy contemporary in a former been in power plant in two thousand and fifteen he became one of two artistic directors of the gallery there being two years later he became part of that you were touring at europe s most important art show the documentary and he set to be artistic director of the two thousand and twenty zone speak exhibition in on him. and deacon has consistently promoted exchange between west and unknown western perspectives he rejects the common prejudice that real art is
a passion for art. eventually he decided to dedicate his life to it becoming an independent exhibition organizer nowadays he s one of the most in demand curators in the world. that reputation is well earned ten years ago who founded the art space savvy contemporary in a form of power plant in two thousand and fifteen he became one of two artistic directors of the gallery there doing two years later he became part of that you were turold team at europe s most important art show the documentary and he set to be artistic director of the two thousand and twenty zone speak exhibition in on him . and dicko has consistently promoted exchange between western and northwestern perspectives he rejects the common prejudice that real art is a western phenomenon while what comes out of africa is tribal art. onto
a passion for art. eventually he decided to dedicate his life to it becoming an independent exhibition organizer nowadays he s one of the most in demand curators in the world. that reputation is well earned ten years ago who founded the art space savvy contemporary in a former been in power plant in two thousand and fifteen he became one of two artistic directors of the gallery vetting two years later he became part of that you were turold team at europe s most important art show the documentary and he set to be artistic director of the two thousand and twenty zone speak exhibition in on him. and dicko has consistently promoted exchange between west and unknown western perspectives he rejects the common prejudice that we are art is a western phenomenon while what comes out of africa is tribal art. message is