Season 6 Episode 27
January 27, 2021 • Last modified on
March 15, 2021 • Comments
Heather Layton
If I made a piece of art and it didn t have a story to it or a place to start a discussion, it wouldn t mean anything to me. Artist Heather Layton s body of work includes sculpture, installation, painting, drawing, and more. The medium she uses is determined by the story she wants to tell. Producer Matt Rogowicz visits her studio in Chestertown NY.
most beloved tv chefs and one of the most successful and her career after use the n word crumbled like those biscuits she likes to bake. i think that was one of the biggest scandals. it will be interesting to see if she begins the road to recovery next year. john, eric, thanks so much. happy holidays to both of you. happy holidays. same to you. coming up, they re separated by an ocean, but we re about to bring them a little closer together. a very special christmas celebration with one military family next. but first, an artist is proving what you leave behind could be a lot more than you think. brooke baldwin takes us below the surface. reporter: you may want to think twice the next time you spit out your gum or drop a cigarette butt in public. new york artist heather might pick it up, extract the dna and turn it into a 3-d face that could look like you. a lot of my work begins with