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Transcripts For RT Documentary 20230219

with net i was a guy that i just put on there. then you don't. you have any mutual got that nice. i'm with denise dillard, i got the 3 will read you that share that also sure. he's the mouth movable. i'm a few weeks but he's a smart guy guy. both are still my we group where you got a bit of a delicate on the buddy boy. it's still playing yet, don't you think he got a dish because well it exactly because it was now you know, you can neglect which moves and he's not but i am a. ready with co ordinate i think mr. you just so but i'm jean shawn, i was way with you just the socum. what your, what's it after that or what you like to put it if you're completely done, i'm used to so but on the what the, what is to me ah ah, a yes. ok. yes. ok here a, a, a, a see what i was wanting to talk about able to give a person on one of them. i am a with so much to mind. i mean with ships as deal with ah, i'm up was a student. could you go with slows me a number, jim fucked around, store mosquitoes, a sodium young semester on the will, watching scene of the tolan blush and recorded fish. when you, molly cash. they don't, they don't get to where it says, this is jim, i hope of de leon was said come, then i got another new dollars, but i was a little of course, those are just a 1000000 with a skeleton to let you know much with with us hold on because we did, i didn't was little norm to teach now. so you said you pushed money who doesn't? who will bear with us with the recruiting baton. they sell groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola, a bloom come in the diner or tackle. she just really stick with dad isn't good at no wisdom. you'll need to change the way you jewels. and you could give me some data from anybody and i have to solicit a demo staff. is it like you go it at a total of shit and you can, you want to still go it at at you? i'm going to put go at e. s the we are doing wine, you were. i jumped in the junior stuff. i find you easy. jim was in your mind. stone when dealing with james, i knew was a little going to go to like a sleigh on in by tomorrow. yeah. but i will do my blogger, but i see is going on with my blog that i see. i know what i mean at the militia nation that each i guess the last, the weights off. nicely media, bethany luggable as a wrong in the neighborhood. when you my so when you go home, i wonder with bad business, the proportion you, you this to let you know the more. so when you put these, it's going to go and it was a cons of his does a soap snow, but that is it. in yeah, portillo us to explain about on the the was through saw music. yeah. why am this was a why it's not a moscow of a lead. we will, it's how was know, smith, silly. i was going on my, it's in the probably and you know about it is going to get coco bottom line that goes the other way to live with a a wants to do with the why do you what i was left with? what a bill or yes, where i never saw either. yes, a stealing out and it said that it's the it is a better what the at the bus that didn't get a shot system. is it all with just sort of the he is in the garden assorted for us to number to the other yesterday you deal? i do. but if i have screw jane, she and i'm a city girl. i'm a state as go. i don't have charlotte advisor coffee with the over almost years ago . i don't last year the she jane to w. chill climate see how long it over the phone for result. still a wish they alluded, catherine if she or she has a she teacher and he stood at the top of that elbow previously pizza. little was let other 3 of them. so maybe doing cpr. i was gonna say e dos lamp or as it just keeps you won't grain so sudden i was laid out that, that little what that i just made up. i get a little from a go back to me. begin with jesse c o m t v. i bought a book whether i'm need to listen, you did it. they still, but it was, it was it, this was they. i knew you were 3 aboard st. near blood, the seat. you have to push him. it's night at the sub know you spend any progress with the opinion of supply it or minimum daryl down minute because of what exactly does not equal but, but he needs it by dsb might you will by needs assigning us if you are gaining nashik amenable away in the nubile up, i'll change them, you will let me go when you're what it is element. first thing you deal with sicilian, your new park as a wood shuttle can for much in law and we did you live so we really blessed you might, you would be at the just look good in that. just one of you guys get done with any place where you're going is a direct express gamma you on those when you're getting a junior, what's the give you to what it would take them and you're not good at them. but you was also that he, that it's ways to get on his way. things are good, right? integrated for fear schools each more service lou move in spelling emotional social thought by him from watching a little bit of a bad so that you should never flim it. do that the a little misty a low moles go like a post a a a ah ah ah, what happens with digital games with an actual physical sports? something like digital? yeah there's yes, because on is preparing to host the 1st ever gains of the future. a cyber context with a physical dimension. one of the innovators, eager to start off, is on the verge of redefining sports and gaming. he tells us what's behind this synergy? and if it's the future, ah, my a pre approval from since coming you up with a with what a good many somebody loved me, but she was a young man. give us a good job. why did think i've got that one, nick? discouraged because with the word made that up way anything that i beat was a lot to shift left in things you could see it was much our does up with a lot that you like other people are people for your ah georgia you cipollina does deny it but they do it still on when you do it, let you all these new or then you can bring you a 3rd. is that your phone? nobody unit with that mother you look quite enough but in the hospital, but a lot of the girl says don't put it on this show, but of also i had like i did recently and with them going to me you can. yes, no, no. so and if she is just down to like equals one, it's just because it is my credits with follow up with him a little bit like i'm always reference minorities and you have stylish to sunnyville or it's a start when you commit i c e. and you, but if i did go at either store, if we use the price you, i don't my through d shipping and easiest rolling or then we'll go over the man by illustrious, by next, just eating them. will you do that? i see even more but it, it is that i will do that. i was a storm out. did it on those which is always a what is it that it's a new vehicle? my good a professor with no single book, i was gonna ask you to know what we ordered and you can put on the on bill. no, we just wanted to just find it goes off with, we need a new, the new stuff, the monument, when you wish to discuss mileage on bus. i see chelsea at the so i don't see at the still ahead of them bhaskar from anyway. most of those of these we usually do with it, but you do use a walk out there. so we have like amazon, you know, but you might know school least new things on the let's see. let's get these deals with lisa to quit. otherwise, i'm going to be in a position that goes on given is i'm sure i'm just waiting my still real boys to be used. but if someone was it, but it's, it's almost too much to say at least a lot of supporters and lost i was, you know, so i'm sure not a citizen. i don't say that we stay with so much budget. there's a lot to do just to ship it from when you just want to don't know if a reddish at the 2nd job that you mean for us to go over the list to watch and go in a book or book a little to she could dealers from the great press give about the delay from yesterday to the less stress mean. yeah. let us just say thank you. i'm not sure you will probably, and you can put it by you, which so immediately when you're in there, why? my son. and the reason i'm waiting for the guys that are subsidy of hey, martha got you to me and my boss me for solution. there is a way the person is good for a good moment for us to slow, much too little weights. and there's more to jim mediately, nichols that help us move motors, new schuman moms and slumps of mine. okay. limited that i should do. but when the stress i use cause it to your voice was a beast of these you're more versatile. it into sports channels for me comes in charlotte. they used to work with you so much. i really anticipated while she is and i'm with them with the team that sits ellen, if whatever and we will remind you to stay. i'll be on the lesson to me at the ups sheets. listen to me. will you keep me in the evening and we just need more with it. we assume that someone actually there is just miss and need yeah get her. ringback honda. ringback it was done us to some way you don't obviously where you would use to use marsh to walk use yes, marsh. national need here to wish in washington a college proposal. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ah. ringback ringback mo, at, i mean, yeah, real fast. ready yes, in the law some nods at each city, so that generally, yeah, mom room, it is a b, e or bravo. ready or shall starlit fall. ammonia is day. you have 16. he and his mom decides the mia and roy says he, it's roseanne detail bottom. nothing down there but a little he has formula seriously punishing my mom. there's reason why he and normal with that i'm when you realize my skin for people, but i see bulger on your from all it's shame show or my slice cell video. jazz is ah, this is just part of the core to explore. well, still with me about am i supposed to do that? or did you miss me and i'm looking at it soon. special according to this medical number i wasn't, was with you because this is a summary of some of the process. i will ask you what you mean. let's give religion liquid dish. why didn't lose that? am i going to just you know, care about that processing notices or is it just for job doesn't reduce much goodness. thank you. my enough for me when i wasn't as soon as the stomach me julia, the mom little no. go, no. i have william. mm. mm. mm mm ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, a just a headline right here. we're talking international ukrainian troops launch barrels or 40 rockets straight into the city of dawn, yet believing at least 7 people wounded officials, stating that area does not have any military facilities. there was only only one logical suspect to begin with nato and united states because russia would never do that to what's on pipeline. so laura, who interviewed seymour hersh discussing the north stream pipeline, sabotaged. he says, nato. if the only logical software this is a very big hole.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20230131

not, but i am a with . ready co ordinate i think you just so but i'm jean, i fish and i was way with you just was soaking with your company's done them used to sober on the east you me ah ah, a yes. i'm still not here for a a a, a a able to give a top one of them. yeah. a with so much to mind. i mean with ships as deal with ah, was a storm. could you go with slows my e that remember jim fucked around store mercy on the policy with sodium young pharmacy on the will. what you seen about the colon? blush on 3 for the fish when you while it cause they don't a where it's this is jim, i hope of de leon was say, come then i got another new dollars, but i was a little of course, those are just a 1000000 times with a skeleton to let you know much with what i could we did, i did was little norm traditional. so you said you put him on who 1000 will bear with us with the recruiting baton. they sell groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola. oblong coming then. yeah. what i could just really stick with their designs. good at no wisdom. you'll need to do a huge also you could use some data from anybody and then to solicit a demo. is it like you go it sort of, shit you. when you want to still go it at at you, i'm going to put go at the yes we are doing when you, when i jump in the junior stuff, i find you easy. jim was in your mind. stone. we deal with jameson. i knew was a little going to need a sleigh omninet by tomorrow. yeah. what about the blogger? and she's going out on my blog that i, she, i know what i mean at the militia nation that each, that a soon as the weights off nicely. maybe bethany luggable as a credit on you may have the lip and you my so many people my come on with that, is this the propulsion. yeah. you this to let you know, the more stuff when you put these stuff away from was account of his does this, this helps no, but that is it in yeah, approachable. was to explain about on the the with was through saw music. yeah. why am this was a why it's not a moscow of a lead? we will, it's how was know, smith silly i was going on my, it's in the but only, and you know about it is going to get coco bottom line. that goes the other way to live with a a a you know what to do with the why do you what i was left with? what a look. i bill or yes there where i never saw either. yes, brother, machine, you put up was dealing with it, but it's for the, it isn't that i was at the bus that didn't get a shot system. is that all with just sort of he is in the garden. a total loss to number to me. yesterday you do? i do. but if i have screw jane, she and i have a city girl. i'm upstairs go. i don't have charlotte on the treasure. coffee. when the over almost years ago i don't. a said the she jane to the very little climate. see how long it will are he for result. still, i wish they alluded katherine if she will. she has a she teacher and he stood at the top of that'll bring us the pizza. little was let other 3 of them, so maybe doing cpr, everything. e dos, lumper as it just keeps you won't grain so sudden i was laid out that, that little what that i just made up. i did a little from the go back to them. we begin with jesse c o m a book, but whether i'm new dealers and yet they still but it was, it was it, this was they. i knew you were 3 aboard st. near blood, the seats. you have to push him. it's made out of sub, no use them of any progress with him, a supply it for miriam gara, dominique because of what exactly does not equal but, but he needs it by dsb might you will by needs assigning us a believer again, nashik amenable of i am unable up, i'll change them, you will, i'm you come when you're what it is element. first thing you deal is you super sicilian, you park as a wood shuttle can for much more and we did you live so we really blessed you might, you would be at the just look. no damage is one of the guys good though with any place will you bring is a good use brasscam. are you on those when you're getting a junior? what's the give you to a occlusal pick them? i'm not sure good it but, but you what else they did that? it's ways to get on his way. he brings a good innovative score for oscars each more. so michelin moved in spelling devotional. so she thought by a promotion going on with that you should do that the a list each a moles go like the postal code with ah, ah ah . in 1884. the german empire began its colonial invasion into nam may be from the very start. berlin encouraged the white colonists to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local drives. the germans were actively draining natural resources and using the local population as a cheap labor source. this was causing major protests and led to a rebellion. in 19 o 4, the hero and nama tribes rebuild against german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm the 2nd was fully determined in order to suppress the rebellion with the utmost severity against the inhabitants of nam may be a germany through is 15000 well equipped army all around the country. concentration camps were built in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the germans killed up to 60000 people, among which there were 80 percent of the hero tribe, and 50 percent of the nama tribe. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century, and not without reason are compared to the holocaust just 2 decades later after the massacre in nam may be of hitler's assault unit foot on the same brown colonial uniform which push the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war ah good awards. he's typically in does this night, but they do it still and when you do it that you won't get these new or then you can bring you a 3rd. is that your phone number unit with that mo mcleana, but in the hospital, but a lot, a good deal, so don't put it on this show. but of also i had no, could you tell me from your recently and with the new hampton? yes, no, no. so, and this is just bounce killer, it goes like equals one. it's just because it is with follow up where you will always fiddle again when we finish reference minorities and you care stylish through sunny, related to start when you commit i c, e. and you could, if i did it, go at either story. if we use a price you adore through d shipping, when easiest rolling or then we'll go over to man you by illustrious, by now, you seating them. will you do that? i see even more but it, it is that i will do that. i was, i have a store now did it. awesome. i was h the way not a lot. what is it that it's a new big oh my god. who a guarantee amount which we already put on the on bill? no, we just wanted to just find it goes off with not asian . we need new stuff, the monument, when you wish to discuss mileage on bus a bus come from on the wait list of those of these we usually do show with both subsidy but it is a walk. i wish the lord will you. like, i don't know if you don't go to school, but you might know school least new things on the let's see. let's get these deals with with the proposal. i know lisa to quit, otherwise i'm going to be in a position that goes on give the when you send me sure, i just waiting my stone real boys to east, but if someone wasn't got it, but it's, it's almost too much to say at least a lot of supporters already a has are we stay out with so much when you get the budget? there's a lot to do. why does she get from when you know, just what those nations reddish. the 2nd she's she's do for for us to go over in the book or book a little bit from the she can she dealers from the group and then press give them delete from yesterday to the mean. yeah. like when you get a chance. newport news. i'm not sure is that you will probably, and you can put it by which to immediately in your, in their land weights. and the reason why i'm waiting for the guys that are subsidy of, hey martha. and they just got last year to me and my classmates solution that with that is where the the person scott, good for a minute for us to slow months. want us to wait or wait. so there's more to jim nicholson motors, new schuman mom. so let's go to slam on monday. okay, let me do that. i should give me because if your wife was a beast, go to these, you're more versatile. it are into sports channels for me to show you still need to work with it. thank you so much. i really wish that we as and i'm with them with the team that thanks, 7, east, you whatever it will in my military stay. i'll be on the listen to me when i was up shoots, listen to me. will you please give me and the me and we just need more with them with the minute we actually met someone actually there is just this and i was in the need. yeah. yet her it was done us with some we know, you know, obviously when we used to use national we'll use the notion as national news here which was donors was supposed to know. ready ready ready ready ready me. ready ready ringback ringback well, i knew real you know, i'm not that each cd the julie young woman is e e e. ready ready are so let me. ringback know your mom decides me. android says he it was i'm planning on coming down there, but i mean, i don't want them to reason in for he you know me me, i'm one you people are price. you move on your sharing show. i'm ashley. she fell. this give me just go to school. most of them went by mia. that led up. am i supposed to do that? that was for, did you ever been powerful on the thing or is that the soon special with this medical a number guy wasn't wanted with fossil. if you could bring this, if it's, if it is a summary of some of the process here, as you know what you mean, let's see him, william liquids. why didn't lose that way? when citrus up do not care about that, but this doesn't notices or is it just doesn't reduce the sugar the news. thank you. miranda with you and i wasn't as soon as i mentioned julia bale so little know postpone or to me your voice yes. sure. mm. mm mm i lose lose the ah, a when you get on with ah, i think you crane mm. does exist, should exist. and it is precisely the best option i suspect for its future is to find that amalgam of the cultures that are within it and turn it into something unique and flourishing. that that would define it in distinction but not conflict, but simply the difference between itself and its neighbors. mm hm. ah . with hello in welcome to cross stop, where all things considered on people about germany is foreign minister. i don't mean a better box at the quiet part out loud when she blamed european nations are fighting a war against russia. indeed, what has been.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20230130

the key addition because well it exactly because it was now you only can neglect which moves and he's not, but i am a with gardener, right then? yes, you just so, but i'm genie i fish and i was way with you just to so can what you're watching with it. you're completely done. i'm used to so, but on the what the, what you, me a yes, i'm still not here for a, a, a, a, a able to give us a, a way to with and yet. so that's come, come on, we're going to be able to go with as deal with. ah, i'm up for the storm. could you go with the wooden? slows my e a number. jim fucked around store mercy on impulse. it was sodium young pharmacy on the will, watching scene of the tolling, russian 3 for the fish when you while it because they don't, they don't get away as you please. just give me a call back. the other one was say, come in, i got another $3.00, but i was a roller coaster with with a skeletal dinner. not with us. yeah. hold on because we're good. i didn't, was little norm justina for you, sir. did you put him on who doesn't? will bear with us with the recruiting baton. so bruce risk, this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola, a bloom come in, the dyna or tackle she just really stick at them with their designs. good. at no wisdom, you mean to studying the way you jewels and you could give me a letter from anybody and i have to solicit, but almost is it like you go it sort of shit you when you want. but i still good at that. you're going to put go ahead. yes, we are doing wine, you jump in that junior stuff. a file. you easy. jim was any mindset stone with james? i knew was a little going to go, do you guys actually this way on in the law? yeah. but i will do my blogger, i, she's going not on my blog that i, she, i know, i mean, at them now, you know, me, militia based on that each time. i guess the last the weights off nicely maybe doesn't luggable as a credit on your mom hasn't been you much so many people might come on with that business. the pro bossing you this to let you know more stuff when you put these it's going to go and it was a count of his does a so soft snow but that it, it in yeah, let's do me a bottle in there. there was through saw music. yeah. why? it was a why it's not a moscow up of a lead. we will. it's how was know, smith silly. i was going on my, it's in the but only, and you know about it is going to get coco bottom line that kills the other. was in there. with a a, with the why do you what i was was it was a look over your bill. yes. there where i guess i saw either yes, a ceiling out and it said that it's the it is about that i was at the bus that didn't get the 5 years keisha. this is bill w 7 or who's been with miss megan. i sort of lost a number in there yesterday you deal? i do. but if i have screw jane she and then we have a city girl. i'm upstairs go. i don't have charlotte or not the garage of a family. the over almost years ago, i do the seo, does she jane to definitely chill pharmacy. i'm not going to lie a finger route. so i wish they alluded katherine if she will, she has a she teacher and you sort of that at all. well that'll go put in the pizza. little was let other 3 of them. so um median cbs, returning e dos, lampa as it just keeps you grain. so sudden i was laid out that, that little what if i just made up? i'd get a little from the go back to me, begin with. but i'm out of the book, but whether i'm new dealers and you get it, they still, but it was, it was it, this was they. i knew you were a dear boy, st. near blood glucose units made out of sub no use them of any progress with opinion a supplier or miracle, daryl dominique because it, what makes it? well, that's good, that's equal but, but he needs it by d, as in michael by needs assigning us a balloon gunning national hon. away in this time, you pull up all junior level nika, when you're, what it is element. first thing you deal with sicilian, you park as a wood shuttle confirmed in law and we did you live? sure. we really blessed you might you, would you have to just look, no damage is one of the guys could go with any place where you're going is a good. he's been asking my you on those when you're getting a junior, what's the give it you want it, lucy, pick them. i'm not good at but, but it was all set it up. i mean, it's ways to get on this way. you think is a good a good up for fear little schools each more. so miss olivia in spelling emotional. so shes thought by a promotion going on about it so that you should do that. the a list of law moles go like the postal code use most of the notes or into a keyboard with hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plead with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. certainly why watch something that's so different. my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else working with please. i do have the state department, the c i a weapon, breakers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do, don't watch my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show was called direct impact, but again, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you ah mm ah georgia is typically in does desired, but they do still and when you do it that you're on this new or then you go when i thought was 3rd, is that your bono? so nobody unit with that much less but in the hospital, but a lot of the guardian says don't but it's on this show. but of also i had medical news recently and with whom you can, you know, so, and this is just sounds killer. it feels like equals one. it's just because it is like i did a follow up where you will always good luck and we will not use any fairly soon, even though it's a startling commit. i see a minute, but if you go at either stay with the price, you don't want to reduce your renew. i will go over the man, you buy illustrious spaniards, just eating them, we reduce receiving remote . but if there is a store now did it on those h the web page it what is it that it's a new vehicle? am i going a proposal with no, no because it's a guarantee of ours. we already have problems on the on them all. we just want to just find it goes off with we need know if you didn't want to, which you wish to discuss my he's on bus. i see chelsea at the so they obviously have both of them bhaskar from anyway which of those of these we usually do with both subsidy of ideas of what those are. so i will usually, i'm like, i don't know if you don't put him on your school least new things on the diversity. let's get these deals with like the crucial at least to quit. otherwise, i'm going to be in a position that goes on give that when you send me sure, i'm just waiting my still real boys to be used. but if someone wasn't got it, but it's it's almost too much to say at least suppose i'm lost. i wish i was so sure, i don't see it as we stay with so much better, but there's a lot to do. why does she get from when you just want to don't rush the 2nd she's patristic for me for us to go over the list to actually go in a book or book a little kid. she could just shoot me. great them and then press give them delete. the unless let me know when you get a chance, if you pull news, i'm not sure you will probably and you can put it by you watch so immediately when you're in there. why my son. and the reason why i'm waiting for that. i really guys that are subsidy all. hey mom. got i'm the last and lastly solution there with it is why the the skyscraper a good minute for us to slow much was 2 weeks. and there's more to jim nibble's help a lot. schuman problems and miles slow months of the minute limit that i should've went in because it to your voice. there's a beast of these you're more versatile, it into sports channels for me to show, used to work with you so much. i really appreciate that. and i'm with them with the team that thanks. 7, east. you're willing to stay, i'll be honest. opinion. listen to me at the ups sheets. listen to me. if you do, i'm going to email this to you more with with the minute we actually mess. i'm going to show that it's just missiles. yeah. her all of them. ringback it was done us with some way. you don't obviously where you used to yells marsh to walk you through as an irish, as national news here, we should still know a college proposal. ready ready ready ready ready ready ah. ringback ringback oh, i mean, yeah, real fast. ah, yes. in the law i'm not that each city so that generally, yeah, mom room it is a b e a so. ready ready are cells toilet and fall and when. ringback they you of 16. he and his mom decides the mia and roy says he did it rosanna funny till autumn. that's like bell. no, but any teela he has form you seriously. financially? my mom to reason he play he in normal with more numerous voice with people. she will go along there for more sharing shell or slice. sell ideal. jazz is so hot. ah, well it is just part of the core to explore will stop, i went by. if i knew that am i supposed to do that? that was for did you miss me? are going fall for i'm the thing is to the soon special mcwilliam. dismantle a number, wasn't one with phosphates because this is a summary. so just summarize it as new and what's on the last email that kim lidiam was relinquish the why didn't lose when citrus a funeral can about the participants doesn't notices or is it just doesn't reduce i'm not going to use. thank you. miranda, would you be why i wasn't as soon as i mentioned the majority of english for them to mon little know going to be someone i hear williams. yes. sure. mm. mm mm. i lose lose . ah ah. the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 18. 85 in the very heart of the african continent. a state under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared since the beginning, the congo free state was total, may him for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children, were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congolese people under control. the king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants, fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals . the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet used, and as proof presented a chop hand of an african, it was not uncommon when trying to justify the use of the ammunition. the colonist amputated the hands of not only those who were dead, but also of those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide. in only 20 years, the policy of the belgians led to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust, the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the grimmest pages in the history of mankind. oh, what else seemed wrong? i just don't know. i mean you world is yes to shape out. this thing becomes the attitude and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. lou. hello, i'm manila chan. you are tuned into modus operandi the show that dive deep in the global foreign policy and international relations to examine their methods and patterns and its history that reverberates in our lives today. space is perceived


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221228

a a a able to give it to the top one of them. i yeah, but anyway. yeah. put in my 3 to the state to be a go radio with an yeah, it's a national come on to come back to be able to you got so much to my lovely, whispered beaming chips as deal with which i'm sweet. you already about a you may have to question ah, i'm up for the storm. but could you go with slows my e that remember jim fucked around store. i sit on them with some silly will fortune, seen about the tolan blush and to hold the fish. when you, molly cash, they don't, they don't get to where it's. this is jim, i hope of de leon was say, come then i got another 3 dollars, but i'm not sure it's more a roller coaster with just me when you're ready with a skeleton. what's in the mosque was an immigrant earliest with what i could wiggly did i didn't was lot of long. christina. so you said you put him on who doesn't? who will bear with us will be greeted baton. so bruce wrist, this will get us in the store of the my bill a cbl or a bloom? come in then? yeah. what i could, she just really stick with our designs. good at low risk on the union to studying to where you jewels and you could give me a letter from anybody and i to solicit a demo staff is, is like you go it sort of shit you. when you want to still go at you, i'm going to put go it. yes, we are doing wine. you were a junior stuff. i find you easy. jim was in your mind stone. we deal with a backup. jameson, i knew was a little going to go in there to lay this way on in by tomorrow. yeah. but i will do my blog. i. she's going not on my blog that i, she, i know i mean at the militia national beach unless they would so nicely meeting governor luggable as a wrong in the neighborhood. when you my so many befuddlement along with that business, the proportion you need us to let you know the more. so when you put these, it's going to go, i was account of his does this helps know, but that is there any particular was loosely about on the the what the story. so music yeah. why am this was a why it's not a moscow up of a lead? we will, it's how was listening to silly i was going on my, it's in the probably and you know about it is going to get coco bottom line. that goes the other was in there with a me i said, i know i'm going with the why do you what i would love to go out there to be because it started this bill every year. but you know, yes there where i never saw either. yes. brother machine, you put up a stealing out and i said that is for us, it is about that i was at the bus that didn't get a shot stimulus about them all with a new just sort of that he is in regards to an attorney for us to number to know if should i do? i do. but if i have screw jane she, i don't have a city girl almost yet as go. i don't have charlotte or not the garage of a family. the over almost years ago, i don't see a dish. she jane to debit a little higher, see how long it will are the finger result. still a wish they alluded, catherine if she were, she has a she teacher and you still there to talk a little bit in the us. the pizza little was let other 3 of them. so maybe again, stephanie, arizona saying e dos lampa as it just keeps you will grain so sudden i was laid out the duck. what if i just made up? i'd get a little from a go back to me, begin with jesse c o. m a book that book whether i'm need dealers and yet they still, but there was an issue. this was they, i knew you were a video boy, st. near blood, the seat you have to push him. it's made out of sub, no use them of any book as with the opinion of supply it for minimum daryl down minute because with civil does get less people but, but he needs it by dc. might you will by needs assigning those people who are gunning national hon. away in this dumb nubile up. i'll change them. you will. i'm you come when you're what it is really messy. first thing you deal with sicily in your new park as a wood shuttle confirmed in law and we did you live so we really blessed you might, you would be at the just look moody, which is one of the guys could go with any place where you're going is a direct use brasscam are you on those when you're getting a junior, what's the give you to what exactly take them out. you're not good at them, but you was also that he, that me, it's ways the bill was way you think is a good a good have for fear little schools, each new service, a little muffling spelling, the motionless issues thought by a promotional the bad so that you should have a flu, he doing that the a a, a, a, a, a with ah, ah, ah, ah, l look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, accept where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence and the point obviously is to race trust rather than fear i would like to take on various job with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot most protective phone existence with ah your reward unit is typically in a thursday night, but they do it still and when you do it, let you all of these new or then you can bring you a 3rd of the that you were pulling up the pre unit with that mileage mcleana. but in nashville built a great deal. so don't put it on this show, but i'm also i had, like i did even recently in with the new hampton. yes. no, no. so, and this is just sounds killer, it feels like you cuz when it's just because a decent credits with auto mcwilliam, always good luck, grammar. we've been a square foot min or use and you just stylish through sony. related to start when you commit i c. e, and you said you go at either story if we use with what i see, i don't way through d shipping, museum rolling or then we'll go over the man by illustrious. by next, just eating them will reduce receiving remote, but really bad that i will do that. i was a and i'm your store now did it it some of those rich the way not a lot. what is it that it's a new vehicle? my good a professor with no what's going on because it's a landscape and i wish we already you can pop up on the one bill. no, we just not a good. just wanted to leave a reason. we need news if you didn't use the monument and you wish to discuss miles on bus. i see chelsea the so i don't see it this last couple of them. bhaskar from anyway. which of those are the is we will usually to do with our budget is or what those are stored weekly. i'm like amazon. you could feel but you might know school least new things on the deluxe it. let's get these deals with lisa to quit. otherwise i'm going to be in a position that goes on get doing is i'm sure i this is when my stone really boys to east the show when was it? but it's it's almost like the most say at least a lot of supporters and lost. i was, you know, so i'm sure a, as we stay out with so much better for you to watch and there's a lot to do. why does she get from when you just want to don't rush the 2nd. she's just so that she is good for me. for us to go over that to let you know every in the book or book a little secret, there are those or shoot me a great the press give it that they don't deliver to the really mean. yeah. like when you just said, you know, that you knew and you can put it by the food you which to immediately lose you in there. why my son? and the reason why i'm waiting for the resilience guys that are subsidy of, hey martha and you'll be good. i'm no, no you to me my last name or solution there. but there is a way the the present moment was the slow months on his way to the weights and there's more to jim immediately. it was low letters in schumann and mine was good slumps of mine. okay, let me diminish mental stress. i use it for you. more little east of these, you're more versatile to read it into sports channels for me to show you to work with these too much because i really anticipate that my little issues that i'm going to be as and i'm with them with the human beings. it's ellen, if whatever, and we will in my military stay, i'll be on the listen to me at the ups shoots, listen to me. will you give me and the me and we just need more ripping with my little we actually met someone actually there is just some need. yeah. honda it was done us for some way. you know, obviously where you used to use march to walk is diaz marsh as national need here tuition we're still moving a college proposal now. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ah. ringback ringback mo, at anya real fast. ready ah, yes, in the law some nods at each city, so that generally, yeah, mom room it is a b e or bravo. ready or shall starlit fall. amelia is daniel of seniority. he and his mom decides the mia and roy, it says he did. it wasn't for detail about them but a little he has formula cheerfully. i don't remember the reason why he had normal with that i'm one year and i was by some other people but i see bogo on your family. it's jane shell or my slice or cell ideal chest is so hot. ah, this is just part of the core to explore. most of them went by mia, that right up am i supposed to do that? that was for did you miss me or powerful on the printer? is that still in special dismissal? a number that wasn't wanted with phosphate. you considering this product? if it is a summary of some of the process, i will only knew what you mean. let him new religion relinquish the why didn't lose the citrus up. do you know care about that and just doesn't notices or is it just for john? i was just i'm actually really nice. thank you. my enough for you. i wasn't as soon as i use julia bale service for most little know, postpone or to be someone i your voice. mm mm. mm mm mm i lose . ah, a magic you pretty much listen. look and you live muscles. if you look on the initial, be one of them not to give you a can use to put value a new with who did or change, but you also still with the done those a what i see the steam, the bus is the route you lation says diesel, you don't both? ah, in 1834 france invaded algeria, and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the colonists, known as p a. no, ours took the best land from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was brutally exploited. these goss mazda is content, the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress to rebellion using cruel measures. old villages were wiped out acts of georgia and execute sins of civil people, including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were put into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help the algerian patriots managed to induce france the start fees, negotiation. in 1962 evian records were signed, voting algeria in the past towards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the deaths of one and a half 1000000 algerians were news for you militia in this vote, similar nickos or not, but miss lucy plaza told what colon showed mister vanya though, the dodger nick was laquia and rhetoric national then of course rush yeah them for it and he was doing in house in that man was marty, goes to someone like which if somebody in middle kenesaw police went us loss with on the kid to mozilla, you georgia, which are fed in your theater. yeah, no more so than glove in the see more styling gray, so to nasty, to glad we cause you. you'll be blacked. dyslexia tested in what i to watch and loud doc load up. well, you'll be put the film that you're not on, but i'm not said i would show you that you know, nice easy to learn us languishing cargo of slip will get to choose who top corner is mark for. but honestly, it is a nother ukrainian politician gets caught read handed with a fake news story. and she posts an old photo of an irish boy claiming he's a child victim of the conflict in new credit. more than 20000000 children are at risk of hunger and deadly infections in africa. that's the latest from units that we heard from that regional director. fortunately, we are going to to 6, failed to reigning c sense, making the situation even worse. and we really need to prepare for the worst case scenario than the appropriate pharmaceutical.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221204

because well it exactly because it was now you home. you can mag rama which moves and he's not, but i am a with a co ordinate i mr. you just so, but i'm genie i fish and i was way with you. this was token. what your, what say after that or what you will need to put it. you're completely done. i'm used to so but on the what the, what is to me ah ah, a yes. i'm still here with a oh good. all right, i'm see what i'm looking for when you talk to them able to give us one of them. yeah, a got so much in mind. i mean with ships as deal with ah, i'm up for the storm. could you go with the slows my e that remember jim fucked around store mosquito a solem young pharmacy on the phone? we'll orchard sitting up on the tolan blush and recorded fissionable while it cuz they don't, they don't get over budget. so this is jim, i hope of de leon was said come then i got another few dollars, but i was a joyce burns, a roller coaster with just me when you're ready with a skeleton or what's in the mosque with how that goes with it. i do know that off norm, traditional loser, looking for someone who doesn't, who will be with us with the recruiting baton. they sell groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola, oblong coming down here or back, or she just really stick with our designs a getting to where you to us and you could use some day later. um, were you pretty at? and i to solicit a demo staff is, is there like you go, it sort of, shit you, when you want to still go at that, you're going to put go at e. s. if we're doing wine, you would jump in the general stuff. a file you easily, jim was in your mind stone with how can we deal a backup? shame since i knew was a little going to a slate on in by tomorrow. yeah. but i will do my blogger, and she's going not on my blog. i she, i know what i mean at the militia, facial beach, i guess the last, the weights off. mostly miti, bethany luggable as a credit union. i have the lip and you my so many people who don't like them on a sheet that busy super bossing. you this to let you know more stuff when you put these, it's going to go and it was a count of his does this, this helps know, but that is it in yeah for to us to explain about on the the what the story. so music yeah. why am this was a why it's not a moscow of a lead? we will, it's how was listening, silly. i was going on, my, it's not only, and you know about it is going to get called bottom line. that goes the other was in there with a me. i said, i know i've been with the why do you what i was last with what a look over your bill. yes. there where i never saw either. yes. brother, lation you put up was dealing with it, but it's the, it is about that i was at the bus that even get the application to stimulate a all with just sort of the he is in the garden. a total loss to number to the other. yes. should i do? i do. but if i have screwed jane she i'm only a city girl, i'm a status go. i don't have charlotte on the kaiser k with the over almost native go i don't. the said the she jane to the very little higher. see you on the, on the law, the finger result. still a wish, the alluded, catherine if she or she has a she teacher and you sort of that at the top of that i'll go put in the pizza. little was let other 3 of them. so maybe doing cpr as in frank e dos lamp or as it just keeps, you won't grading so sudden i was laid out that you know what if i just made up, i get a little from a go back to me. begin with. but i'm out of the book, but whether not i'm new dealers and yet they still, but that was it. was it? this was they i knew you were a video boy st. yeah, not the city of lucas image night at the sub know you spend any progress with that and you must apply it for miram daryl dominique book as with what exactly does get nessie probably needs it by dc, might you will by needs assigning those people you are gunning nash, it's dumb nubile away in this time. you pull up, i'll change them. you will let me come when you're what it is element. first thing you deal is you super sicilian, your new park as a wood shuttle can for much more. we did. you live, so we really blessed you might, you would be at the just look, no damage is the one that you guys could go with any place where you're going. is that correct? yes, but i still my you on those when you're getting a junior, what's the you to what it is it with them? i'm not sure good it but, but you was also that he does that mean? it's ways that you don't was way you things a good right. when you go to for fear, it was crazy. sure, sure miss luna was been spelling emotional since she saw it by a promotion. little bit of a bad so that you should do that the a little misty, just a little mold, go like a postal code of use a interior designer scope for people with what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy. even foundation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk when i was showing wrong, i just don't know. i mean, you have to fill out this thing because the kid an engagement, it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah georgia you cipollina thursday night, but they do it still and when you do it let your will and these new are then you can bring you was 3rd is that you're with the pre unit with that most likely enough but in the hospital, but a lot of the guardian says don't put it on this show, but of all. so it's like it's moving visually with them. go get it done if you can . yes, no, no. so and this is just sounds killer, it feels like equals one. it's just because it is like i did a follow up with him a little bit like i'm always reference minorities and you have stylish to sunnyville or it's a star when you commit i c e and you. but if i did go at either store, we use the price you bought on my through d shipping when easiest rolling item with olga to man you buy yet is 1st buy net, just eat and then we reduce rashid and you a store now did it, it also knows which the web page it will what is it that it's a new vehicle? am i going with a guarantee of ours we already use any problem on the on bell? no, we just want to talk with rachel . we need you. i knew was just the smell is on bus a bus got might anyway listen, know that he has been more than usually to do with both subsidy. i could easily walk. i wish the whole weekly, especially if you could put him on your school losing anything on the bus. the deluxe bet they'd stick with lisa to quit. otherwise i'm going to be in the push not going to get the one you sent me. sure. i just waiting my stone, you boys squeezed, but it wasn't got it. but it's, it's almost too much to say at least close to produce a waste with are still so much and when you get the budget, which is a lot to, to, with our, to ship it from when you go to those marsh with christie mean for us to of calls me the most to let you know in the book or book shallow little secret bags or shoot me a great them. i never get paid, you know, dealing with the unless it's really mean. yeah. like when you get i just said thank you. news, i'm not sure if you will hold me and you can put it by which to merely when you're in there. why am weights in from the resilience kind of i'm waiting for that. i really guys that are subsidy. okay. marson got, i'm, those are no, i mean the last, last me solution with it is a way the stress is a quick minute for us to slow, much to read or wait and there's a gym immediately pulls up a lot of letters in schuman problems in i'm so let's go to slow months of the level camilla, she told me i choose cause it to your voice was east of these. you're more versatile. it are into sports channels for me to show you still need to work with it too much. i really anticipate that my little issues that i'm going to be a number of them with the human since ellen, if one of them will my me to stay, i'll be on the listen to me at the ups. shoot me the will you keep me on the me and we just need more printing with my little we actually mess and we're not sure that it's just the channels we need. yeah. ringback honda, it was done us for some way, you know, obviously where you used to use march to walk, use the us marsh national need here to wish and we're still notion of a college performs or no. ready ready ready ready ready ready ah. ringback ringback mo, at anya real fast. ah, yes in. no, i'm not that each city so that generally, yeah, mom room it is e e e or bravo. ready or cell starlit fall amelia. ringback daniel, of seniority, he and his mom decides the mia and roy says he did. it wasn't furniture altogether. bell no, but a little he has formula cheerfully. i don't remember his reason why he. ready in normal with that i'm when you analyze my screen for people, but i see bova on your bulk sharing show or slice of cell. ideal chest is so hot. ah, this is just part of the core to explore. most of them went by. if i read you out there my slowest would you do that, that was for did you miss me powerful on the thing or is the soon special according to this medical for a number guy wasn't, wasn't with fossil. you could bring, this is a summary of some of the process here. i knew what the material lidiam look like this. why didn't lose my when i switch us up, do not care about that processing history notices or is it just for john doesn't use i'm actually going to use. thank you. miranda, would you, me, when i wasn't as soon as you stay on the i in and enjoy your service the little know course going to be someone that i'm the i your voice. mm mm mm mm mm. the who's who's ah, ah ah ah, watch and it was a shabby, shorter one and i'm not trying to stay like a national z. m. no. this is shiny york is my dear bye. when you sit down with me. ah, hello, welcome to wells a party a few days ago and the marion webster dictionary selected gas lighting as its worth of the year for $2122.00, defining it as the act of practice, of grossly misleading someone, especially for one's own advantage. and notice that the usage of the sport increased by over 1700 percent throughout the year. that's your politics, have anything to do with it? well, to discuss that, i'm now joined by the income. i came the visiting lecture in law at the university of westminster. it's making this great to talk to you. thank you very much for granting us this time. thank you for having me. now let me, i, 1st of all ask you about this very curious phenomenon of gas lighting and it's increased popularity both as a worth. and i assume as a, as a phenomenon in english speaking countries. and i stress, specifically english speaking country because for example, in the russian language we don't have such and such a word or an idea. there is a concept of why there is a concept of truth, but nothing in between. what does it tell you about social relations, social changes that this kind of phenomenon seems to be taking on such a prominence? well, i think, yeah, it goes beyond the 6. i think it, it tends to be a modus operandi.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221204

with 3 of them. okay. i hear a joe lima. oh good. all right. i'm see what i'm looking for when you talk able to give it to the top one of them you're putting in a way to live in. yeah, that's not come on. we're going to be able to grab so much in one with as deal with ah. i'm up was a storm, but could you go with slows my e, the number, jim fucked around store mercy on the sodium young pharmacy on the phone will what you seen about the colon blush and the fish when you, while it casually domes, a getaway as you'd say, this is jim, i hope of de leon was say, come then i got another new dollars, but i'm not sure it's more a roller coaster. the just me when you're ready with a skeletal let it not with what i could, we could i do most of norm to teach now. so you said you push him on with 1000 will bear with us with the recruiting baton. they sell groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola oblong coming the dyna or tackle she just really stick at them with their designs. good. at no wisdom the you mean to getting to where you jewels and you and you could use some day later. um, were you pretty adamant to solicit? but almost is it like you go it sort of shit you. when you want to still go at that, you're going to put go ahead. yeah, yes. we are doing wine. you were jumping the engine. you set up a file. you originally jim was in your mind still, mcgill, m, mcgill, m a shame. so i knew was a little going to go in virtually this way on in by tomorrow. yeah. what, i'm, what the, my blogger, i, she's going not on my blog that i see. i know what that new combination of ation that each a soon as the weights off nicely maybe doesn't luggable as a federal anymore. it goes up and you much so many people might come on with that business. the propulsion, you need us to let you know the more so when you put these, it's going to go was account of his does this helps know, but that is it in yeah. portillo us to explain about on the the with the screws to music. yeah. why am this was a why it's not a moscow of a lead? we will, it's how was know, smith, silly. i was going on my, it's in the but only, and you know about it is going to get cockle bottom line. that goes the other was in there with a a, a with the why do you what i was was with what a look over your bill. yes. there where i get. i saw either yes. a proceeding out and it said that it's the, it isn't that i was there, the bus that didn't get a shot system is that them all with just sort of that and using existing authorities plus the number to me yesterday the deal i do. but if i have screw jane, she, i don't know if a city girl almost here does go, i don't have charlotte advisor for family. the over almost years ago. i don't a said the she jane to debit a little higher. see, i'm not going to la. he for route. so i wish they alluded, catherine if she or she has a she teacher and you sort of that at the top of that i'll go put in the pizza. little was no other way around. so maybe doing cpr doesn't retain u. e dos long because it just keeps your grain so sudden i was laid out that that what that i just made up. i did a little from the go back to them. we begin with c o m t media with weather up. i'm new dealers and usually they still, but it was, it was it, this was they. i knew you were 3 aboard st. not the city of lucas image night at the sub. no use them of any book, as with the opinion, a supplier or miracle. deborah dominique because of what exactly does get that's equally but, but it needs to play d, as in michael by needs assigning us a balloon gunning national hon. away in this coming year. bill up. i'll change them . you will let me go when you're, what it is really messy. personally, you deal with sicilian, you park as a wood shuttle confirmed in law and we did you live so we legally blessed you might, you would be at the just look. no damage is one of the guys could go with any way. school you going is a good. he's been asking my you on those when you're getting a junior, what's a give you a clinic with them? i'm not good at but, but you what else that he that amused ways of doing this way? things are good right. when a good a for a little schools, each new service to live with been spelling emotional issues. thought over much of a little bit about it. so that you should do that the a with a low moles go like the postal code is a really nice choice with ah ah ah ah with what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk. ah, georgia you cipollina does, does not they do it still and when you deal it that you won't get least new or then you can bring your thought was 3rd, is that your phone? so nobody unit with that. mo mcleana. but in nashville built a good deal. so don't put it on this show, but of also i had a new recently and with the new hampton. yes, no, no. so and this is just sounds kinda like equals one. it's just because it is like i did a follow up where you were always good luck. i'm always love friends, minorities, and you feel stylish through sunny. related to start when you commit i c. e. and you said you go at either stage. we use a price you adore through d shipping when easiest rolling or then we'll go over to man you by illustrious barnett, just eating them. will you do that? i see even more, but it, it is that i will do that. i have a store now did it on those ridge. the way not a lot. what is it that it's a new vehicle? am i going to ah a guarantee amount we already you can put them on the on bill. no. we just want to just find a reason, we need a new stuff, the monument, and you wish to discuss what it is on the bus. i see check with them basket from on the wait list of those are the is we usually to do with both subsidy of ideas of what those are stored weekly. and i don't know if you could put them on your school. least new things on the let's see, let's get these deals with like the crucial release to quit. otherwise, i'm going to be in a position that goes on. your billing is a michelle, i just went to my store. you boys sneezed, but she wasn't going. but yes, it's almost too much to say at least suppose i'm lost. i wish i saw a as we stay off with for somebody to lower your budget. there's a lot to do. why does she get from when you just want to don't know, nash reddish. the i perfect. she's but she's good for me to go over the list to let you know in a book or book a little secret. there are those are she deal if you don't get them and then press some, give them a delay from this actual to the stress mean? yeah. like when i was just saying, you know, i'm not sure is that you will probably, and you can put it by which to immediately when you're in there. why, why it's a nice and the reason why i'm waiting for the guys that are subsidy or not . i'm not, i know you to me unless you know one last last me or solution that with it is the the great birth minute for us to slow much to wear the weights and there's more to choose any of those letters. schumann will problems in the mind. so most good. i'm hoping to slow months of mind. okay, let me get a shuttle. but when i got it through your voice was a beast of these, you're more versatile. it are into sports channels for me to show you to work with you so much because i really anticipate that my little issues that i'm going to use and i'm with them with the spanish since ellen and william, i mean taking their stay. oh, be on the listen to me at the ups sheets. listen to me. will you think you want me to email me this the more working with them? i literally actually i'm going to show you that it's just the channels we need. yeah, we it was done us some way you don't see use to us national use the nation as national news here which was owners and i was supposed to know. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready me. ringback ringback ringback well, i mean, yeah, real you know, i'm not each tv that you normally. yeah. my roommate is e. ready ready muscle starlit fall. ringback in your mom decides mia and roy says he doesn't planning on coming down, but i espanol usually. i don't see me on disease or he normal me me so them. when you can see over on the show on my slice fell idle. this show me this is just part of the school will start with 5. i mean, am i supposed to do that for? did you miss me at 1000 something additional soon? special with this medical for a number i think i was was with facility. if you could ring us with the property of yours or some religious, those are some of the process and i will let you know what you mean. let's give lidiam, relinquish. why didn't lose my billing address? i do not care about the partition. this doesn't notices or is it just for john doesn't reduce i'm actually going to use. thank you. miranda, would you see why i wasn't as soon as she asked me to mention julia bale, so little know postpone or to me your voice? yes. sure. mm mm. mm ah ah no, when i was shown seemed wrong when i just don't hold any world that you have to fill out. this thing becomes the advocate and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah yes, motion as real money. i mean you really about she was, there is a little boy and a border with those old they said look a, do you live muscles, your killer formula shall be one of club masika. had you post on zillow while diaz can use the following day or 2. but he also still was done a similar to like, want to put that on the billing system. a what i see the student boss who's though group you motivation says deuce law tutorial, gumbo sub 19 c u. s. s. i was returning to peaceful life, but the newspapers didn't report ongoing massacres and the ukranian sr. according to intelligence, ukrainian nationalists and the ukrainian insurgent army, led by romans forgive, each perpetrated these atrocities. to huge. we'll have to hold that, that was going well. but i shinjuku self store. anyway, if you would be wise to review, i push because of all course we'll do immune novels to the plant of the head of the n. k, v. d. sabotage, department of the time he was tossed with stopping the atrocities in ukraine for a good reason. general suit blanch of was very familiar with the situation he had experienced fighting the nationalist before the war with named lovelyn. he can get a 0 to needed at work. so didn't know could amy. my name is paulette and me, the task was tremendously difficult, but suda planted was determined to completed. we had personal accounts to settle with the ukrainian nationalists a, a member of the both. hey, class, reportedly mo, for the oil production cuff, as well as they won't take to those countries with the price for a week top stories, the commission chief to lead proposed claiming 100000 ukrainian officers been killed in the war. i say go around 10 times higher than that when a spike, he has official as hundreds gather to protest against the release of the convicted murderer up a south african on sci fi icon. we hear from some of the protest every .


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221203

type of experience with indian movies. that's all from main to they up next i was very special documentary on the wagner group. you did. o'neill will be here with you in the studio. i'm rod. hm. mommy wishing you all a splendid saturday. mm ah ah, ah ah mm ah, that i was a mutual gotten that nice. i'm a yeah. they got the 3 will read today. then after sure. movable when a few that week by the say a both are still while we're group. where does it? yep. got it. i did it on the but if we still by now don't you the key addition because well it exactly because it was my, you know, you can neglect which moves and he's not but i am a with . ready co work that i think mr. you just so but i'm jean, i fish and i was way with you just was hoping what your what's it with submitted to your company's done. i'm used to sober on what they would give me. ah ah a yes. i'm still not here for a, a a with a able to give it to the top one of them. i yeah, a mark someone with as deal with ah, i'm up was a student, or could you of the with slows me a number, jim fucked around store mosquito a sodium young pharmacy only will orchard sitting up on the colon, russian, or the fissionable. when you, while it cause they don't, don't at the getaway, it's a, this is jim, i hope of de leon was said come, then i got another new dollars, but i was a little assertion course. those are just a me, when you're ready with a skeleton or if not with what i could we did. i didn't was lot of norm to teach now. so you said you push him on who doesn't, who will bear with us with the recruiting baton. they sell groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola. oblong coming then yeah. what i could, she just really stick with their designs. good. at no wisdom. you mean to getting to where you jewels and you could give me some data from anybody and i to solicit a demo staff is, is like you go it at a total of shit and you can, you want to still go it at at you. i'm going to put go at e s if we are doing wine, you but i jumped in the general stuff. i finally you easily. jim was in your mind stone. we deal with a backup shame. so i knew was a little going to go in a way on bad from oh, yeah, but i'm what the, my blogger, but i, she's going not on my blog. i see. i know what i mean at the militia station that each that a soon as the weights off nicely, maybe bethany luggable as a credit on you may have those up and you my so many people might come on with that busy, super bossing it you this to let you know more stuff when you put these, it's going to go and it was a count of his does this, this helps know, but that is it in? yeah. let's do explain about on the will destroy saw music. yeah. why in this was a why, it's not a moscow of a lead. we will, it's how was nationally i was going on my it's, i'm a probably and you know, but it is going to get coco, bottom line. that goes the other was in there with a me. i said, i don't know. i think with the why you, what i was left with, what a look over your bill . yes. there where i never saw either. yes. a stealing out and it said that it's for the it is about that about the, at the bus, but even give it a shot. just give me a whole who's with you sort of, he is in the garden a total loss to number to the other. yes. should i do? i do for the wife of screwed jane. she and i'm never city girl. i must yet go. i don't have charlotte on the garage or coffee with the over my snails go. i don't a said she jane to debit a little higher. see how long it over the phone for ralph saw a wish. they alluded, catherine if she or she has a she teacher and you sort of that at the top of that, i'll go putting those the pizza little was let other 3 of them. so maybe again, stephanie at as in frank e does lampa as it just keeps, you won't grading so sudden i was laid out that, that little what that i just made up. i did a little from the go back to me, begin with jesse c o. m a book book whether or not i'm new dealers, and yet they still, but it was, it was it, this was they. i knew you were 3 aboard st, near blood. the city of lucretia, it's made out of sub, no use them of any book, as with the opinion of supply or miracle darrel, done minute book. as with what exemplars get, let's see if anybody needs it by d, as in might, you will by needs assigning us. if you are a gun and national stumble away in the middle up, i'll change them. you will, i'm, you go when you're what it is really messy. first thing you deal is you super sicilian, your new park as a wood shuttle can for much in law and we did you live. so we really blessed you might, you would be at the just look moody, which is the one that you guys get done with any place where you're going is a direct use brasscam. are you on those when you're getting a junior? what's the give you to wake lucy, pick them. i'm not sure good but, but you was all that. he got me. it's ways to get him was way you things a good. a good have for fear, little skis each more. so miss luna must been spelling emotional so she thought by a promotional group of about so that you should do that the a little misty, a little moles go like a postal code or something else for century a with ah when i was showing the wrong one all right, just a proud to comes to an engagement. it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah your reward unit, you cipollina does desired, but they do it still on what the deal. let you all and these new or then you got going, you was 3rd is of that your bones. so nobody unit with that mode. you look like enough but enough, but a lot of the girl says don't put it on this show, put a balls. i had like i did revisit in with them to get them to me. yes. can yes no, no. so this is just downs killer. it feels like equals one. it's just because it is the credits with follow up where you will always be like i'm always reference min or use in your stylish through sony. related to start when you commit i c. e. when you put a credit, you go at either story. if we use a price, you bought all my through d shipping and easiest rolling item with olga to man. you buy illustrious barnett just eat and i'm really use receiving it really bad is that i will do that. i was my last day to give them a score now. did it also not reach the web page? it will. what is it that it's a new vehicle? am i going from a professor with groundskeeper? no, we already have proper landed on them or not, but it just goes off with rachel. we need a a new listing business model is on bus. i see chelsea at the so i don't see at the still had a couple of them. bhaskar for marketing. wait list of those are the is with me and they usually to do with both what i'd like you to be able to walk. i wish the whole weekly. i'm just like amazon, if you go to school, but you might know school at least new things on the diversity. let's get these deals with with the crucial release to quit. otherwise i'm going to be in a position that goes on give doing is i'm sure i'm just waiting my stone. you boys to east. but it was, it is, it's almost too much to say at least a lot of supporters. and last i was here. so i'm sure i don't they did they stay up with are still somewhere to do it the way the budget are which and there's a lot to to read. you just don't want to shoot it out. when you just want to know is nash with us to lois me. more storage and gold. every in a book or book of shallow little secret bags or shoot me, ellis. good them. i give them a delay from the unless the mean. yeah, that's like when you're just saying, newport news, i'm not sure is that you will probably and you can put it by merely in your in their lab weights. and the reason why i'm waiting for the guys that are subsidy or a marson got i'm the you to me on last and last me for solution with the with the instructions. wait a minute for us to slow months. want us to read or wait and there's a more to jim immediately and help us move motors schuman mom, so much good slumps of levels. and she told the person who's got it to your wife was a beast. both of these hero movies are still needed. are into sports channels for me. since y'all need to work with they used to much i really dishes, that's my little issues that i'm going to use and i'm with them with the human thing. since ellen, if one of them will in my meal take their stay, i'll be on the listen to me at the ups sheets. listen to me. will you keep me on the me and resisting more with my little we actually mess and we're not sure that it's just supposed to be nice. yeah, yeah. ringback ah. ringback it was not some way you know, you don't see where you used to years. national location, he doesn't irish as national news here. wish much donors and i was supposed to know . ready ready ready ready ready ready me. ready ready ringback ringback well let, i mean, yeah, real fast you know, each cd the julie. yeah me it is e. ready i saw the file. ringback your mom decides me android says he doesn't want to know that i don't know, but i yes on you know, seeing them diseases in for he know the me that i'm when you use your promo me each show on my slice fell this me shots, but i me go to school will start on wednesday if i, if i read about them, i always tell you that it was for did you miss me or my powerful on the thing or is soon special according to this medical for a number wasn't, wasn't with fossil. you could bring this product if it is a summary of some of the process here as you know what's on the human. let him william. that's what it was really, really quick. just why didn't lose re michael and citrus up to you know, care about that processing history notices or is it just for john doesn't reduce national willingness. thank you. miranda, would you, me, when i wasn't as soon as the on the i me mention of instant on the moon. little know postpone or something i am sure. mm. mm. mm lou. mm. mm. ah ah. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it creve even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic, development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with moscow strongly condemns that decision by g 7 and the you to impose that price gap on russian oil exports well below the current market rate software. earlier, a threatening that it won't comply us. republicans call for a thorough investigation into claims that president biden's sol, humphrey could have been involved in corruption and it comes and made renewed allegations of the social network. twitter previously tried to suppress information regarding the canadian opposition party goals for a diplomatic boy called of india. g 20 leadership over a ledge minority.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221122

you can mag rama which moves and he's not, but i am a with co ordinate i then yes you just so but i'm genie i fish on i was way with you this was token what you what say i thought it with you later, but if you're completely done, i'm used to so but on the what the, what he's doing with yes. ok. yes. ok here a a a good. all right. see what i'm looking for. a able to give us one of them a come on, we're going to be able to get so much in line with as deal with. ah them up was a storm or could you or the with the slows my e that remember jim fucked. the wrong store my seat on the lease with some esl only will watch and see what the colon national recorder fissionable. when you molly cash. they don't, they don't get over budget. so this is jim, i hope of de leon was said come, then i got another $3.00, but i was a little of course those adjusted me when you're ready for with a skeleton or what's in the mosque with what i could really do. i do know that all norm petitioner, so you said you push him on who doesn't, who will bear with us with the recruiting baton. they sell groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola. oblong coming down here or tackle. she just really, jessica, i'm with dad, is anthem good at no wisdom. the, you mean to do a huge wilson, you could give me a letter from where you put it and i have to solicit a demo is, is like, you go it sort of, shit you. when you want to still go at you, i'm going to put go, yes we are doing when you, when i jump, when i gino stuff, i find you easy. jim was in your mind storm with we deal in a shame. so i knew was a little going to go to like a sleigh on in by tomorrow. yeah. but the blogger, and she's going not on my blog that i, she let me at them now you're me from an issue based on that each a soon as the weights off. nicely me bethany luggable as a wrong in the neighborhood. when you my so many people who don't like them on the issue that busy super bossing you this to let you know more stuff when you put the colon was account of his does this helps know, but that is there any particular wants to explain about on the the will destroy saw music. yeah, i am. this was a when i got a more kind of a lead. we will it's how was mostly silly. i was don't know my, it's in the probably and you know what it is. feel it. you get coco, bottom line, that goes the other way to live with a me. i said no, i was in with the why do you what is left with what? a look over your bill. yes. there where i never saw either. yes, brother. and you put up a stealing outlet, said that it's the it is about that i was at the bus that didn't give a shot to stimulate about them or who's with your user previously? just sort of the he is in the garden, a daughter for us to number to the other. yes. should i do? i do. but if i have screwed jane, she and i'm a city girl, i'm a status go. i don't have charlotte on the garage of a family. the over almost here is go, i don't. a said the she jane to the very little higher. see you how long it'll take over your child. still a wish they alluded, catherine if she or she has a she teacher and you said that at the top of that i'll go put in the pizza. little with that other 3 of them. so maybe again, stephanie at, as in frank e torch lamp, or as it just keeps your grain so sudden i was laid out. that's what this idea made up. i get a little from a go back to me. begin with, but i'm out of the media with whether i'm need to listen. you did it. they still, but it was, it, was it, this was they and you in the water area board st. yeah. blood, the city of weekly, she makes night at the sub know you spend the money because we've taken the supply it for miriam darrel done money because it looks it does get less people but it needs it by dsb might you will buy needs to sign in those people who are, again in national hon, away in the stumble up. i'll change them. you will let me come when you're what it is elena. first thing you deal is you super civilian your new park as a wood shuttle can for much more. we did you live, we begin to bless you might you would be it that just look smooth and it just one of the guys could go with any place where you're going. is that correct? yes, but ask him, are you on was when you're getting a junior, what's the units you wanted to visit with them? i'm not sure good about budget was all they did that. it's ways of doing this way. you think is a good, a good have for fear little schools each new service a little muffins coming emotional. so she thought i heard from watching a bad so that you should never for them they do that. the a a low moles go like a postal code with a a ah, ah . the only 41 percent of you as a does have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical that in america we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way, like explain a basic income, is that it's like social security for the rest of us. a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone, does a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached. i have out. i like them me. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it. and just by virtue of your being here with ah your reward unit. you stipulate that desired, but they do it still on what the deal let you all of these new or then you go when you was 3rd is of that your bones. so nobody unit with that mo mcleana. but in osborne built a good deal. so don't put it on this show, but it also had like a mutant recently. and with the new hampton? yes, no, no. so this is just downscale, it feels like you cuz what it's just me because it is like i did a follow up where you will always good luck on when we finish reference minorities and you have stylish to sunnyville as a start. when you commit i c, e and you, but if i did, you go at either store. if we use a price you adore through d shipping and easiest calling, pardon with old, every man you buy illustrious by net, just eating them, we lose receiving it. but it is a store now did it also those which is the way a lot. what is it that it's a new vehicle? my good a guarantee of ours we already prop along the law. we just want to talk with you. we need a new one to reach you with some discuss miles on bus. i see chelsea at the so they obviously have to withdraw them bosco for modeling, wait list of those of these we usually do with both subsidy but it is a walk. i wish the whole weekly and i don't know if you don't put him on your school losing anything on the bus it. let's get the steel with lisa to quit. otherwise, i'm gonna go to the police and i guess i guess when you send me a list when my still real boys to be used. but if someone wasn't got it, but it's it's almost too much to say at least go suppose i'm lost. i was, you know, so i'm sure i don't see it has a list with so much as what jitter was there's a lot to do. why does she get from, you know, just what to don't know if i did it the defect she's she's to mean for us to go over the list to watch and go in a book or book a shallow little secret or shoot me a great that my son get paid, you know, a delay from the less stress mean? yeah. like when you get a chance, if you will, please, i'm not sure is that you will probably, and you can put it by which merely in your in their weights and really pick. i'm waiting for the really guys that are subsidy of hey, martha and you'll be good. i'm no, no, i'm in the last class me solution that with it is away. the the great moment for us to so much want us to wear the weights and there's more to jim mediately, nipples. publish. letters new schumann problems. and i'm so scared to slow months of the atlanta limited to the stress i use cause it to your voice was appeased. go to these, you're more versatile. it are into sports channels for me to consider. charles used to work with you so much because i really wish that i was going to be as and i'm with them with the dentist and so on. if you will, in my military there stay, i'll be on the one thing you listen to me that she listen to me. you think you want me and to me and we just need more thing with the minute we actually met someone actually there is just this and i was in the yeah. yet her it was done us some way. no. you don't see where you used to use national we'll use it as much as national news here which which donors was supposed to know me. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ringback ringback i mean, yeah, real you know, i'm not that each t d the generally will manage your process. ready ready or so let me know. ringback if you decide to annoy says he doesn't want to know that down, but i mean, i don't see me on disease or he can normal. ready me, me so them when you see me up on the shelf fell idle is me just go to school. most of them went by me. am i still with me or do you feel that it was pointed to miss moreland follicle? i'm the thing edition soon. special mccoy didn't dismantle for a number. guy wasn't more than what i need to do if you could bring us with the summary. so just summarize the process. you know what you mean? let him religion, liquids. why didn't lose my going citrus? a funeral assistance doesn't notices or fizzy just for you. i'm just not going to use. thank you. what would you want? i wasn't as soon as i me too much. and julia conveyance of english mom little no school nor me. yeah. williams. mm mm mm mm mm. the who's who's ah, ah ah ah, there is no such a thing. yes. the cup, everybody spoke. no, you're going to be couple from china. it's impossible. they. oh, can you, can you diminish here the me sure. yeah. no, but now because these are the currently americans. ringback a. ringback christmas deal not date, given that is that. ringback the how we tar ah, with its infrastructure being degraded in the weather, turning into winter ukraine faces the stark prospect of becoming a failed state. no amount of western arms can change that harsh reality. why she didn't care have demonstrated they have no real interest in negotiations. ukraine's fate has been seal ah, america has made nationalism back demonizing putting a your country 1st. even though it was built on the basis on, it has now become a political so pop, which can even land at someone in the same category. i think braces homophobic prentice met at the formation of groups like nato or the world health organization are leading the world down a very familiar past one which could possibly in world war 3. but this is not the goal of all countries. china is between himself and seeing their country grow.


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221121

guide if you're interested in watching that documentary in full now is your shop. it is coming up in just a moment next on this channel. ah ah, let i was a mutual go back in that nice. i'm with denise dillard and i got the 3 will read to that. share that with movable. when they do that with a smoking, got both are still my we group where does it? i did it on the buddy boy, still playing yet. don't you think he got a dish because well, it exactly because it was now you only can neglect which moves and he's not, but i am a with . ready coordinate i then yes, you just so but i'm genie, but i fish on i was way with you. this was so can with your with your company's done. i'm used to sober on the what the, what he's doing with yes, i'm still not sure what the hell is. oh good, good. all right, i'm see what i'm looking for when you talk to them, able to give it to the top one of them you're putting in a way to live in. yeah, it's another one come on. we're going to be able to get so much in with as deal with ah was a student or a could you or the with the slows my e a number, jim fucked. the wrong store, mosquito num, with sodium young pharmacy only will orchard seen about the tolan russian to hold the fissionable. when you, molly cash, they don't, don't get over budget. so this is jim, i hope of de leon was said come, then i got another $3.00 put on a board near the roller coasters. the just me, when you're ready for with a skeletal but in the most with what i could we did. i do most of norm to teach now. so you said you put him on who doesn't, who will bear with us with the recruiting baton michelle groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola, oblong coming the dyna or tackle she just really stick with our designs. good at no wisdom the you'll need to do to where you to us and you could use some data from anybody and i to solicit a demo. staff is, is like, you go it sort of, shit you. when you want to still go at a chum, go, i got to put go at e. s the we are doing wine, you. but i jump in the general stuff a find you easy jim was in your mind stolen deal. how can we deal in a change that i knew was a little going to go in a slate on in by tomorrow. yeah. but i'm with my blood and i, she's going out on the blog that i, she, i know what i mean at the new combination nation that each, that a soon as the weights off nicely. maybe bethany luggable as a wrong in the neighborhood when you my so many people who don't like them on the issue that busy super bossing you just to let you know more stuff when you put the stuff away from was account of his does this, this helps no, but that is it in yeah, pro choice to explain about on the the what the story so music yeah. i am, this was a when i got a more kind of a lead, we will, it's how was mostly a silly i was going on. my, it's in the probably and you know about it is going to get coco bottom line. that goes the other was in there with a me i said i i do with the why do you what i was left with? what a look over your bill or yes, there where i never saw either. yes, brother machine, you proper stealing out my credit for what it is about that i was at the bus that didn't get the application just gave me a all with a new just sort of he is in the garden, a daughter plus the number to the other yesterday the deal i do, but if i have screw jane she and i'm now a city girl, i'm a status go. i would have shirley's appraiser coffee when the over almost new go i don't. the said the she jane to the very little higher. see how long it will are he for result. still, i wish they alluded catherine if she or she has a she teacher and you sort of that at the top of that, i'll go put in the pizza. little with that other 3 of them. so maybe doing cpr doesn't training e dos lampa as it just keeps, you won't grading so sudden i was laid out that that little what if i just made up? i get a little from a go back to them. we begin with j. c. c o m a both in hot weather up. i'm new dealers and yet they still, but it was, it was it, this was they. i knew you know what? dear boy st. yeah, not the city of lucretia. it's night at the sub. no use them of any book as with the opinion of supply or miracle darrel, done minute book, as with said, well that's good. let's see if anybody needs it by dsb might you will by needs assigning those people. you are gunning nashik, come nibble away in the stumble up. i'll change them. you will let me come when you're what it is element. first thing you deal is you super sicilian, your new park as a wood shuttle can for much more and we did you live so we really blessed you might, you would be it that just look moody, which is one of the guys get done with any place where you're going is a good, he's been asking my you on was when you're getting a junior, what's the give you 28 user click them. i'm not sure good about, but you what else they did that me it's ways of doing this way. you think is a good integrated for fear, excuse me, so much sooner in spelling emotional issues saw it from, from watching a little bit of a bad so that you should never flim, they do that the a with a low miles a postal code use a keyboard with ah ah, mobile, is this the best of both? no issue before the mobile one. annual g d p per capita is about $4000.00 euros. last does that. we've got drugs calling in a mold or mildew, with a primary cost is still from corpus rooney and chip near principles. crucial for mobile, i'm to come out see mitchell and louis thought they would have thought of unemployment is off the chance. moldova territorial integrity and sovereignty. we respect of the country which enjoys financial support from the u. s. and the you has constantly roth by political and corruption scandals. wow. but all that didn't stop mo, google obtaining you candidate status in 2022. ah, i mean that technology should work for people, a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create trust or rather than fear a job with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with ah good award unit used to be in a thursday night, but they do it still on when you do it, let you all and these new or then you go when you was 3rd, is that your phone? nobody unit with that mode. you look like enough, but in the hospital, but a lot of the guide elsa don't put it on this show. but of also i had no, could you tell me from your recently and with me here can yes no, no. so, and this is just downscale, it feels like equals one. it's just because it is like i did a follow up where you will always like i'm always left right, minorities and you feel stylish through sunny. related to start when you commit i c, e. and you because it, it go at either stage, we use a price you adore to reduce shipping and easiest coding. or then we'll go over the man by illustrious, by net, just eating them, we would use receiving remote, but it, it is that i will do that. i was a store now. did it also not reach the web page? it will what is it that it's a new vehicle? am i going a professor with no book of groundskeeper? no. we already put up a long one bill. we just wanted to just find it goes off with what we need in the monument when you wish to discuss model is on bus. i see chelsea the so i don't see at the still ahead of them bhaskar from auditing way. most of those of is with me and they usually did, she wouldn't have shut off all sorts of ideas of what those are. so we have like, i don't know if you don't put him on your school least new things on the lot. so let's get these deals with lisa to quit. otherwise, i'm going, i mean, that's the question that goes on given you the michelle, i just went to my store real boys to east show when was it? but yes, it's almost too much, but at least a lot of supporters already a has are we stay with for so much for jitter, which there's a lot to do. just don't want to shoot from when you just want to don't know the effect that you mean for us to go over every in the book or book a little secret or shoot me a great them and then press give them delete from the unless let me yeah, let us just, you know, i'm not sure is that you will probably, and you can put it by you, which means you in your, in their lab weights and, and the reason why i'm waiting for the guys that are subsidy or a marson, you'll get one last and last name for solution that would be the the person spoke with my name to so much want us to read or wait and there's a voice message that i need help us move the letters in schumann man. so let's go to slumps of mine. okay. let me show you the stress i use because if your wife was appeased, go to these, you're more versatile, are into sports channels for me. cuz in charlotte they used to work with you so much. i really like this is molly. she is, and i'm with them with the human since i, when you, whatever it will in my, me taking their stay. i'll be on the listen to me at the ups shoots. listen to me. will you give me and the me and we just need more with the minute we actually we're not sure that it's just this and i was in the new yeah. yet her. ringback all of them. ringback it was damaged some way. you don't obviously where you used to use march to woke, use yes, marsh. as national news here we should more storms in a garage supposed to know. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ah. ringback ringback mo, at i need real fast ah, yes, the door nods at each cd, so that generally, yeah, mom will mediate e v e a. so. ready ready are cell starlit fall media. ringback studio of seniority and his mom decides the mia and roy, it says that it wasn't until altogether down on but any teela he has formula. seriously. i don't remember the reason why he can do more with i'm one year on my skin from other people, but i see will go on your bulk ha shall or slice. so ideal jazz is hoshal. ah, this is just part of the core to what it was for most of them went by me up. am i supposed to do that for you to miss moreland follicle? i'm the thing edition soon. special mccord and this medical for a number i wasn't working with. i mean, if you could bring us with it, if it is a summary of some of the process, you know what you mean? let's give you religion. look like this. why didn't lose or am i going to trust a funeral assistance? doesn't notices or is it just for john doesn't use i'm not sure. really nice. thank you. miranda, would you on me when i wasn't as soon as i me to mention julia bale savings for them. little know postpone or the. mm hm. mm mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. ah, [000:00:00;00] ah . ah. nato's you complain. proxy war against russia all spiraled out of control. after it was erroneous, lee reported brush fired a missile pin to pull the zalinski regime in its many western backers, couldn't believe their good fortune. finally, there was just a vacation to start a hot war against russia. alas, cooler heads prevailed with we informed the world community plant is at risk of a new killer accident. russia warns of a potential nuclear catastrophe in europe. that is output ology power plant. again, come down to ukranian shelling this weekend, that moscow holds like long to pull through the u. n's atomic watchdog. over this precarious situation. the u. k is report li, circumvent and it's owned by on russian oil important. a shipment of russian proved arrived. london's official records makes no mention of all toys frogs,


Transcripts For RT Documentary 20221121

not, but i am a with a co worker that i think you just saw. but i'm jean sean. i was way with you just the socum with from the reason none of them used to so but on the what the, what he's doing with yes, i'm still here with a oh good. all right. i'm see what i'm looking for when you talk to them able to give us one of them. yeah, a with and yeah, it's and that's mom. come on, we're going to be with you got so much in mind. i mean with ships as deal with ah, i'm up was a student. could you go with the slows me a number, jim? fucked around store, unless you don't want to play with sodium young semester on the will. what you seen about the tolan russian or the fish when you while it cause they don't, don't at the getaway as you'd say. this is jim, i hope of de leon was said come in, i got another $3.00, but i was a little of course those adjusted me when you're ready with a skeleton to let you know much with what we did. i didn't was little long to teach now. so you said you push him on who doesn't, who will bear with us with the recruiting baton. they sell groceries. this will get us in the store of the my bill of cibola. a bloom come in the diner or tackle. she just really stick with our designs. good. at no wisdom. you'll need to do a huge wilson. you could give me a letter from where you put it out. and i have to solicit a demo, is that i can go with you when you want to still go at at your go to print, go. yes, we are doing when you, when i jump, when i gino stuff, i find you easy. jim was in your mind, stone one g o m d o m a i knew was a little going to virtually at this my own in by tomorrow. yeah. but remember that she's going not on my blog. i she, i know what i mean at them now you know me from an issue. nation that each, that a soon as the weights off nicely maybe bethany luggable as a credit on your mom and you my so many people my come on with that business, the pro bossing it you this to let you know the more stuff when you put these it's going to go and it was a count of his does this helps know, but that is there any opportunity was to explain about on the the with was through saw music. yeah. why am this was a why it's not a moscow of a lead. we will, it's how was know, smith silly. i was going on my, it's in the but only, and you know about it before you get coco, bottom line. that goes the other was in there with a me. i said, i, i do with the why do you what i was left with? what a look over your bill or yes, there where i never saw either. yes. by the way, should you put up was dealing out and i said that it's the it is about that i was at the bus that didn't get the application systemic about them or who's been a, just sort of the and using existing authorities, plus the number to the other yes. should i you do? i do. but if i have screw jane she and then if a city girl on was get us go, i don't have charlotte on the garage of a family. the over almost years ago. i don't know, said the she jane to the very little climate see how long it over the phone for result. still a wish they alluded, catherine if she or she has a she teacher and you sort of that at the top of that i'll go put in the pizza. little with many other 3 of them. so maybe doing cpr as in frank e dos lamp or as it just keeps your grain so sudden i was laid out that i know what that i just made out ideas from again about good and we begin with but i'm out of the book. but whether i'm new dealers and yet they still, but that was it. was it? this was they. i knew you were 3 aboard st. yeah. not the seat. you have to push him. it's night at the sub know you spend any progress with that and you know, supply it for minimum drop down menu because it what exactly does not equal but, but it needs it by dsb might you will by needs assigning us a balloon gunning, national hon away in the new bill up, i'll change them. you will let me go when you're what it is element. first thing you deal with sicilian, your new park as a wood shuttle can for much more. we did. you live, it's your we really blessed. you might, you would be it that just look new. they are like just one of the guys can go with any place. will you going? is a good, he's been asking my you on those when you're getting a junior, what's the give it to what it would take them out. you're not good at but, but you was else that he, that only his ways of doing this way. you things a good, a good for fear, little schools each more. so messina, muffins, feminine emotional, social thought by a promotion going on about it so that you should be doing that. the a just a moment with ah, nato's ukraine. proxy war against russia almost spiraled out of control. after was erroneous, lee reported russia fired a missile into poland, the zalinski regime. and so many western bankers couldn't believe their good fortune. finally, there was justification to start war against russia. alas, cooler heads prevails. ah ah . mm. ah georgia you cipollina does deny it, but they do it still. and when you deal it let you all these new or then you go when you was 30 the that your phone so nobody unit with that mouth deal. mcleana but in the hospital. but a lot of the girl said don't put it on this show, but of also i had like i did me from the recently and with them. good. let me give can yes, no, no. so and this is just bounce killer. it feels like equals one. it's just because it is like i did a follow up with him a little bit about grammar. we've worked with minorities and you feel stylish through sunny, related to start when you commit i c e. and you could, if i did it, go at either story. if we use a price you adore through d sugar musician rolling, or then we'll go over to him. anybody else 3 spine yet you seating level, you'd use that? i see even more, but it, it is that i will do that. i have a score now, did it. some of those h the web page, they will. what is it that it's a new vehicle? am i going a professor with? no, that's not a guarantee amount. we already, you can have a mo who just not a good, just find a reason. we need a new stuff, the monument, and you will get the smile. he's on bus. i see child with them basket from auditing . wait list of those are the is we usually to do with it, but it is a walk. others thought, well, usually i'm like, i don't know if you don't put him on your school. least new things on the deluxe it. let's get these deals with like the crucial release to quit. otherwise, i'm going to be in a position that goes on. your billing is a michelle, i just went to my store real boys to be used. but if someone wasn't got it, but it's, it's almost too much to say at least a lot of supporters already a has are we stay with so much for jitter. there's a lot to do. why does she get from when you just want to don't know the spectator reddish? the i perfect. she's she's good for me. for us to go over the list to let you know in a book or book i've cherished little khaki. the secret deal. if you don't get them and then press give them a delay from the actual to the mean. yeah, that's like when you get a chance. newport news, i'm not sure is that new and you can put it by the miracle union in their land weights. and the reason why i'm waiting for that, really guys that are subsidy of, hey martha and they just got, i'm not know my last name or solution. but that is where the the weight per minute the slow months to wait or waits. and there's a motion to help us move motors in schuman problems in i'm so scared to slow months of the minute limit that i should do when i got it through your voice was a beast of these, you're more versatile. it are into sports channels for me. to show you to work with these materials. i really like that on while she is and i'm with them with the investigation. it's ellen and william, i'm taking their study. i'll be on the lesson to me at the ups sheets. listen to me. will you think you'd want me to email me this the more written with my little yes you must. i'm not sure that it's just there's some new yeah yeah. ringback honda. ringback it was that must be some way you don't obviously where you use to use march to walk you through as large as national news. clearly she wants to know a good shopping journal. ready ready ready ready ready ready ah. ringback ringback mo, at anya real fast yes. in the law, i'm not that each city so the denali. yeah. monroe, mit is e e e a bro. ready ready so are cell starlit fall amena. ringback stay you of seniority daniels, mom decides in mia and roy, it says that it wasn't done util. antonette bell. nobody's the dealer. he has formula. seriously. i don't remember his reason why he had normal with somewhere near my school phone with people. oh i see baba on your phone woke shane show a slice of cell. ideal jazz is ah, this is just part of the core to explore. most of them went by mia that led you out there last always can you do that for? did you miss me on the thing or is the soonest that we didn't put a number that wasn't wanted with phosphate? because this is a summary of some of the process and i will only knew what you mean much. jim knew jim liquid, why didn't lose when citrus up do not care about that partition doesn't notices or is it just doesn't reduce the sugar nice. thank you. miranda, would you me? when i wasn't as soon as the machine on the i me mentioned on the moon. little know postpone or to me your voice show me me me. ah ah. only 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical that in america we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way, like explain a basic income, is that it's like social security for the rest of us. a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone, does a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached about. i don't know, i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve it and just bad virtue of your being here. who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing additional strong sanctions. today, russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing up in the future. when was the course renewed as you speak on the bill in your senior, mostly mine, or wish you were banding all in ports of russian oil and gas? new g i. g, of course, with the letter from, you know, with joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia, you know, has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang. oh hello, i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi there show that explores the method and patterns of u. s. foreign policy all around the world and the history that reverberates in our lives today. this week, back fired alliances, the u. s. with hundreds of military bases all around the world, regularly arms trains and teaches methods for coups and color revolutions. all in an effort to gain alliances with leadership in countries who will be favorable to the us. but sometimes those friendships how fall out. we'll take a look at the ammo behind these so called strategic alliances. then blow back for the ages after the u. s. armed and train, the major had dean in afghanistan in the 1980s, helping the rebels expel the country of the soviets. the rag tag band of fighters later evolved into the taliban, which then took their shari'a law ideology across the country. seizing ultimate can .


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