Writer Ashish Kaul, who has filed an FIR against actress Kangana Ranaut for copyright infringement, has now written a letter to Khar police station to take an update on the same. In his letter, Ashish, through his lawyer, mentioned that he has no information on the progress of the case including whether the notice has been served to the accused (Kangana). He wrote the letter to the senior inspector of Khar police station to seek speedy justice and timely follow-up on the case. Earlier, Ashish claimed that he has the sole copyright of the biography on Didda: The Warrior Queen and alleged that Kangana has stolen his story. He said he was surprised to hear the announcement from Kangana about the film. He even sent a notice to Kangana and producer Kamal Jain, however, did not receive any response for the same and therefore had to approach the court which directed the police to lodge a case.
Mumbai: Author sends notice to the police station on Kangana copyright FIR case
The legal team of Ashish Kaul, author of Didda: The Warrior Queen of Kashmir , on Wednesday sent a notice to Khar police station in Mumbai seeking an update on the progress of the case filed by him against actor Kangana Ranaut and others.
Kaul has accused the actor of copyright violation, and following a court order, an FIR was registered at Khar police station against Ranaut, Kamal Kumar Jain, Rangoli Chandel and Akshat Ranaut on March 12 under IPC sections 405 (criminal breach of trust), 415 (cheating), 120 B (criminal conspiracy) as well as the Copyright Act.
Kangana copyright FIR: Author sends notice to police station
MUMBAI: The legal team of Ashish Kaul, Author of ‘Didda: The Warrior Queen of Kashmir’, on Wednesday sent a notice to Khar police station in Mumbai seeking an update on the progress of the case filed by him against actor Kangana Ranaut and others.
Kaul has accused the actor of copyright violation, and following a court order, an FIR was registered at Khar police station against Ranaut, Kamal Kumar Jain, Rangoli Chandel and Akshat Ranaut on March 12 under IPC sections 405 (criminal breach of trust), 415 (cheating), 120 B (criminal conspiracy) as well as the Copyright Act.
Author Ashish Kaul sends notice to Khar police station seeking action on FIR against Kangana prokerala.com - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from prokerala.com Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.