for kevin mccarthy untilhy they got the transformationnd te changes in the house i wn the wy the house works, we were working with to make sure that this church committee, a suggestion that you ve hadges and thank you for suggesting that i shoul bd be on i don t know if you re clairvoyant or just maded the future happen, but it bus happening. we were making sure that this committee wasn t going to beg to fenced in, that it wasn t just going to be a show committee. we wanted to make sure that we have full jurisdiction, that ifw we stumble on to something athi ng atanother three letter agencf that they don t say, whoa, that s out of your jurisdiction. if we find out there s more than a violation of the first amendment right, iftsi there are other civil rightsng that are being violated, we ve secure we havd a guarantee that we cann therever the evidence leads us . s eo everyone who sd attempted this and few have attempted it. but frank church certainlymptedi attempted and the co