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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190828 00:30:00

>> "world news tonight" > s strength, churning straight toward puerto rico. major concerns about the power grid. parts of the east coast all watching this closely, too. ginger zee with the new track. the new and alarming images just in tonight. the suspect taking off in reverse in a police suv, later crashing into two other vehicles at 97 miles per hour. one of the vehicles with seven children inside. two dead, one in critical condition. tonight, the new images, actress lori loughlin and her husband in court, facing charges in that nationwide cheating scandal. the major new clues as to how they'll defend themselves. the outrage in new york city. more than a dozen accusers of jeffrey epstein speaking out. and tonight, the one accuser now new tonight, the major opioid maker in talks to reportedly pay major sums of money. and tonight here, the deposition tapes. you will hear from dr. richard sackler, the former president of purdue pharma. why he says it's wrong to blame their marketing. the historic church in the northeast engulfed in flames today, the daycare inside. the man accused of putting a camera in an airplane bathroom, recording passengers. well, what's happened now tonight. the terrifying rockfall at a national park. the rocks giving way. the people hit underneath. and america strong tonight. we hope the line starts forming for ice cream as soon as you see this. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. and we begin tonight with the state of emergency already in puerto rico. tropical storm dorian gaining strength at this hour and thorida watching this path veryt wis t50 miles per hour, nearing hurricane strength as it makes landfall in puerto rico tomorrow. dorian hitting martinique today. streets there flooded by heavy rains already. hurricane hunters flying into the storm for a closer look tonight. dorian posing the first serious tropical threat to puerto rico since maria two years ago. tonight, concerns about the power grid there. and the preparations in florida, too. the path, the strength still uncertain, but taking no chances. we have the new track, and abc's victor oquendo is in puerto rico, leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, final preparations are under way in puerto rico. officials warning residents dorian is heading straight toward the island. hurricane maria fresh in the minds of the millions of american citizens who live here. the strong category 4 storm made landfall nearly two years ago, packing 155-mile-per-hour winds, the storm knocking out power t is, the power grid, it's at rigsiere. >> it is. it's fragile and everyone knows that. >> reporter: flying over the island today, we could still see blue tarps covering many roofs. we're in southern puerto rico right in dorian's path. we're told there are 26,000 homes just like this one with a blue tarp acting as a roof. we were invited inside one of those homes. and if you come this way, you'll see what it looks like now. take a look there. when it rains, what does it look like? >> they coming a lot of water. >> reporter: a lot of water comes in. >> a lot of water comes in. >> reporter: fema saying they're much better prepared than 2017, stocking five warehouses around the island, like this one we saw in 2018, with vital supplies at the ready. in florida, after record-breaking rainfall this summer, officials now testing water pumps and emptying canals. residents across the state are sandbagging, bracing for a possible hit labor day weekend. >> thinking about everyone in puerto rico tonight and the path afterward. victor oquendo live in puerto rico. and victor, we know officials are very concerned not only about the power grid, which you reported on there, but the potential for major flash flooding here. li-threateodg ors and some very rough surf. david? >> victor oquendo leading us off. victor, thank you. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee with the newest track late today. ginger, good evening. >> reporter: david, good evening. 24 hours from now, we'll be talking about a potential landfall on puerto rico from dorian. so, i'll take you right to that track. four to eight inches of rain is the main threat. co5 miles per hour. but let's get closer in, because dorian could actually be ripped remember, that is not a flat island. so, it will take a little while to restrengthen once it hits that warmer water north of puerto rico. now, watch that red line to red line, the whole cone that includes parts of the bahamas and eventually by sunday, anywhere between melbourne and jacksonville, in that center line right now. but savannah to miami on the lookout. dry air, it has been fighting through that, also some wind shear. tbemeor favorable and actually better for development of a tropical storm. that high pressure system should help veer it right into us by the holiday weekend. end of the holiday weekend. david? >> all right, ginger, thank you. let's hope that terrain in puerto rico helps shear the storm as you pointed out. thank you, ginger. next tonight, new images coming in this evening from authorities after that horrible scene unfolding in dayton, ohio. a high speed police chase ending in the deaths of two young children. a stabbing suspect stealing a police suv, speeding in reverse down the street. and later crashing into several vehicles, including a van with seven children inside. two dead and one in critical condition. here's abc's diane macedo tonight. >> reporter: tonight, alarming new video of a stabbing suspect leading police on a chase in one of their own vehicles. police say they were responding to reports of a crash when suspect raymond walters jr. jumped into the officer's cruiser. the suspect was tazed, but was still able to speed off backwards. the new dash cam video shows him apparently hitting a parked car, smashing into the frt of pursuing officer's car, then racing away. police say he hit over 100 miles per hour before slamming a car with three people inside, then colliding with a minivan carrying seven children -- six from the same family. >> we're going to need at least two medics. we have two children under the vehicle. >> reporter: two children died. a third remains in critical condition. the children were leaving the library after returning a book. >> at the rate of speed he was traveling, the inevitability of a crash is almost guaranteed. >> reporter: police say officers were not pursuing the suspect at the time of impact. they're now investigating if drug use was involved, and say the incident started when the suspect stabbed his father and r afr arning he was being taken to a mental health facility. david, the suspect has not yet been charged. police say walters was on active parole for a robbery and was released from prison earlier this month. david? >> diane macedo tonight, thank you. new developments this evening in the college admissions cheating scandal. actress lori loughlin and her husband appearing in boston federal court today, telling the judge they want to stand trial together, and the major new clue tonight, how they might defend themselves. abc's eva pilgrim in boston. >> reporter: lori loughlin and her husband presenting a united front, walking into a boston federal courthouse today with their heads down, unlike past appearances when the actress smiled for the cameras. they have pleaded not guilty to conspiracy charges, accused of paying half a million dollars in bribes to get their two daughters accepted to usc as recruits for the crew team. do you guys have any comment? today, their lawyer saying the couple didn't w checks to individuals, instead, giving money directly to the university, its athletic department, as well as a charity once run by rick singer, the alleged mastermind of the admissions scheme. a source close to the family telling "people magazine" that loughlin "honestly didn't think that what she was doing was any different than donating money for a library or athletic field." david, there's a lot on the line here. loughlin and giannulli are each facing 40 years behind bars if convicted on these charges. david? >> eva pilgrim reporting from boston. thank you. now, to the outrage here in new york city tonight. a powerful moment in federal court. more than a dozen accusers of jeffrey epstein speaking out. virginia giuffre among the women who went in front of the cameras today, escalating her fight, and she is now demanding answers from prince andrew. here's abc's chief national affairs correspondent tom llamas frey epstein's accusers packing a manhattan courtroom, their message clear -- he may be dead, but their quest for justice is still alive. >> it was both empowering and infuriating to know that the person who i needed to hear those words is not here to hear them. >> reporter: chauntae davies described in chilling detail being raped by jeffrey epstein on his private island in the caribbean. >> it makes me sick to my stomach that there's perpetrators out there that obviously helped him in many ways. >> reporter: but in court, prosecutors vowing to pursue any co-conspirators. one name brought up by multiple accusers, british socialite and epstein associate ghislane maxwell, who has denied all wrongdoing. >> we need to get to the bottom of everybody who was involved with that, starting with ghislane maxwell. >> reporter: virginia roberts giuffre says maxwell recruited her to be a teenage sex slave to epstein. she has also claimed epstein ordered her to have sex with some of his powerful friends, including prince andrew, something the prince has denied. over the weekend, prince andrew releasing a statement, admitting his friendship with epstein, but saying in part, "at no stage during the limited time i spento that subsequently led to his arrest and conviction." outside of court, giuffre firing back. >> he knows exactly what he's done and i hope he comes clean about it. >> reporter: david, inside of court, prosecutors made it very clear this investigation is far from over. but one of the big questions tonight, what happens if investigators want to speak with prince andrew? well, now there are multiple reports saying prince andrew will cooperate with the investigation. david? >> tom llamas with us again tonight. thank you, tom. and we have new reporting this evening on america's opioid crisis. the major drugmaker, purdue pharma, in talks to potentially settle more than 2,000 lawsuits now hearing from the former head of purdue pharma on why he says you can't blame their marketing. here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: purdue pharma is facing more than 2,000 lawsuits related to opioid deaths and addictions, and tonight, there's word the drugmaker is offering to pay large settlements. in a statement, the company explains that "while purdue pharma is prepared to defend itself vigorously in the opioid litigation, it sees little good coming from years of wasteful litigation and appeals."o u ue >> no. >> reporter: for the first time, we're hearing sworn testimony from former chairman and president dr. richard sackler. members of his family own the company, which made billions developing and selling oxycontin. according to the government, it's one of the most common painkillers involved in prescription opioid deaths in america. >> do you know whether oxycontin is more powerful or less powerful a drug than morphine? >> depends what you mean by powerful. if powerful means potency, absolutely. it is twice as potent as morphine. >> reporter: the clips were released by the investigative news group propublica. they come from a lawsuit filed by the state of kentucky in 2007. >> purdue fought very hard and the sackler family fought very hard to keep this deposition secret. >> reporter: under oath, sackler said it was wrong to blame the opioid crisis on their marketing. but the company ended up settling, paying more than $20 million. >> there is no way that this intended or had the effect of causing physicians to overlook the fact that it was twice as potent. it was called out in virtually every promotional piece of literature. >> seeing those tapes for the first time. steve joining us live tonight. and steve, purdue appearing to signal they are possibly willing to settle here. of course, they're facing thousands of lawsuits across the country. >> reporter: that's right, david. the company says in its statement that it's working towards a constructive global resolution, and to that end, that they're working with top state officials and plaintiffs across several states. david? >> steve osunsami with us, as well. thanks, steve. now, to the new headline involving president trump's attorney general william barr tonight. abc news confirming that a.g. barr has booked the president's hotel in washington for his own family holiday party, reportedly spending tens of thousands at the president's hotel. the justice department facing questions, and abc's kyra phillips at the white house. >> reporter: over the past 24 hours, president trump emphatic -- he's not trying to cash in on the presidency. >> i don't want to make money. i don't care about making money. >> reporter: but tonight, new questions. "the washington post" reporting spending upwards of $30,000 to throw his holiday party at the president's washington, d.c., hotel. he says he's paying for the 200-person bash out of his own pocket. the justice department telling abc news it was all cleared by, quote, "career ethics officials." since it opened, the trump international hotel, and other trump properties, have been under scrutiny from ethics watchdogs. and the president hasn't been shy about promoting his businesses. yesterday, announcing plans to host the next g7 meeting at his miami golf resort. >> with doral, we have a series of magnificent buildings, we call them bungalows, they each hold from 50 to 70, very luxurious rooms with magnificent views. we have incredible conference rooms, incredible restaurants. it's like -- it's like such a natural. >> reporter: the president says his team scouted out a dozen other options before deciding his own hotel was the best one. >> all right, kyra phillips live at the white house tonight. aside from the a.g., kyra, the president also in the news tonight, the legal battle to get his tax returns. we know congressional democrats subpoenaed two banks that have loaned the president money. and today a federal judge gave banks until today to reveal whether they have the president's tax returns. deutsche bank acknowledging they have returns related to the subpoena, but kyra, they won't say whether they're the president's actual tax returns? >> reporter: that's exactly right, david. a lawyer for deutsche bank says that they will not disclose their client's name in open court. that name is redacted right now in official court documents. so, the question now is, will a judge actually force them to reveal it? the president's own lawyers have been fighting this all the way, david. >> all right, kyra phillips with us. thank you, kyra. next tonight, the battle to save the amazon rain forest, known as the lungs of the worldd so far, ase'veeen reporting all we he. macron instst an an of cour, s wife'san now the brazilian president saying he won't take aid from france unless macron apologizes. we turn now to the former google executive accused of stealing company secrets. anthony levandowski facing charges tonight for allegedly hand-delivering google's self-driving car technology their rival, uber. prosecutors say he downloaded about 14,000 files before leaving the company to join uber in 2016. he insists tonight he never stole secret documents. investigators, though, say uber is cooperating in the case. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. as students head back to school, the major recall involving a poputer bottle for kids. also, the massive fire late today engulfing an historic church here in the northeast. fears the church might collapse. also, the man accused of planting secret video cameras inside an airplane bathroom recording passengers. what's happened now. and your money tonight. labor day, the holiday almost here. that means major sales for new cars. we'll tell you why now could be a good time. and appliances, which ones on the list? the big sales and the report right after the break. stay tuned. little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla.. 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(avo) beneful superfood blend dry and wet recipes. prevens the rt brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we're going to turn next tonight to your money. and every year, the major labor day sales. and tonight, why right now might be the time to get a deal on a 2019 model car. gio benitez out to save your money. >> macy's labor day sale. >> reporter: ton coast to coast. and if you're looking for a new car, you're in luck. 2020 models will be released in the fall, so experts say right now, you can get a great deal on a 2019 model. >> it's time to save on the last of the 2019s. >> reporter: and you'll have the widest selection to pick from. it's also a good time to shop for major appliances. best buy putting that sale price tag on washers, dryers and stoves -- 40% off. >> mattress firm labor day sale. >> reporter: and if you're in the market for a new mattress, mattress firm is offering some better zs for a lower price -- a king-sized mattress for the price of a queen. a queen-sized mattress for the price of a twin. and david, summer's not over yet, but labor day sales are known as summer clearance events, up to 60% to 80% off summer clothing and outdoor items like barbecue grills, so, it's a good time to stock up for next year's beach season. david? >> thank you, gio. when we come back here tonight, the major fire at an historic church in the northeast. fears it could collapse. and the man accused of planting that hidden camera in an airplane bathroom. but what's now happened. at's now happened. ? - ms. bird, do you think i could be a champion like you? - of course you can. and you can call me sue. sataons,ous female. - would you like an autograph? - [jabber] excuse me. 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[deep inhale] breathe happy with febreze plug. to the index of other news tonight, and an historic church in philadelphia went up in flames today. the steeple of the greater bible way temple in west philadelphia engulfed there, with much of the roof collapsing. a daycare is located at the church, but no children were injured. the cause under investigation. a malaysian man pleading guilty to installing a secret video camera in an airplane bathroom to record passengers on a united flight here in the u.s. 50-year-old choon ping lee admitted in federal court he placed the recording device inside the first class bathroom on the flight from san diego to houston. a female passenger reported the camera to flight attendants. he faces a fine and two months in prison. a recall tonight involving a popular brand of children's water bottles. contigo issuing a voluntary recall for 5.7 million kids cleanable water bottles, over concerns the spout can detach and become a choking hazard. the water bottles involved have a black spout, base and cover and are cold at costco, walmart and target. no injuries reported so far. and in utah, a dramatic rockfall injuring three hikers and stranding more than a dozen others underneath. the massive piece of rock clapping at zion national park, leaving visitors below scrambling. one of the injured was hospitalized there at the park. when we come back tonight, america strong. and the ice cream shop that we hope you will line up to buy ice cream at, in a moment. . when we come back tonight, america strong. and the ice cream shop that we hope you will line up to buy ice cream at, in a moment. no. looks like i'm blasting off to the shipping and receiving department. twinsville, ohio. not today. 44087. not today. you're going to mars. 3.2.1. blast off! yummy! yes! yay! so why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10%? 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