Argentine series, titled in English 'The Kingdom,' won multiple honours Sunday night at the Platino Awards, an event that rewards the best of the Ibero-American audiovisual world.
PRAGUE: FNE spoke to Czech producer Ondřej Zima from FILM KOLEKTIV, Evolution Films and Offside Men, about the challenges he faced as a producer durin.
21/03/2022 - The films will be in search of funding at the fifth edition of the event, which will be held as an in-person gathering within this year’s MAFIZ industry area
21/03/2022 - The films will be in search of funding at the fifth edition of the event, which will be held as an in-person gathering within this year’s MAFIZ industry area
21/03/2022 - The films will be in search of funding at the fifth edition of the event, which will be held as an in-person gathering within this year’s MAFIZ industry area