The Russian-Israeli billionaire is giving up the control of the soccer club after a host of Russian oligarchs have been slapped with sanctions over the Ukraine invasion; he made no mention of the war in his statement
"This Jewish community is still one of the smallest in Europe but has had Portuguese blood for over two millennia. This factor could make the difference. There is a new tomorrow, whatever it may be," says Suzanne Cohen, a member of B'nai B'rith International Portugal.
Opinion: The Jewish businessman spends a lot of his time and invests millions into Jewish causes in an effort to stop anti-Semitism, yet when he obtained an Israeli citizenship in 2018, people said he did it to travel Europe without visa; does a good deed ever go unpunished?
Despite funding projects like the one that annually brings together 1,000 Jewish and Arab children in Israel through football all over the world, to break down barriers between young people from different cultures, Roman Abramovich knows for sure that many will never attribute positive intentions or pure feelings toward him.