Financial Services, Good for Business, Insurance, Latvia
Latvian insurance companies profit in 9 months made EUR 23.109 mln
BC, Riga, 16.12.2020.
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Latvian insurance companies posted EUR 23.109 million in profit in January-September this year, an increase of 28.7% on the first nine months of 2019, informs LETA, according to the Financial and Capital Market Commission s data.
insurance companies achieved EUR 24.931 million in profit in
January-September, an increase of 49.8% on the first nine months of
2019, while life insurers operated with a loss of EUR 1.823 million
as compared to a profit in the same period last year.
January-September 2019, Latvian insurance companies profit amounted
to EUR 17.958 million - non-life insurance companies profit stood at