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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190731 00:30:00

thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> we'll see you again at 6:00. tonight, as we come on the air in the west, several breaking stories. north korea. and here at home, the deadly walmart shooting. authorities say the gunman was a disgruntled employee taking aim at coworkers with deadly force. shooting a police officer who was raced to the hospital. they believe he's alive because of his bulletproof vest. and that breaking news coming in from north korea right now. what they've now done. james longman with new reporting. the severe thunderstorm watch in the northeast, as we come on the air tonight, as a lightning strike hits at least six people late today on the east coast. and the father who did not survive, trying to save his 11-year-old son in a rip current. the boy made it to shore. the horrific case unfolding tonight. multiple family members killed, then police say a man firing his way into a second home. the sheriff now asking tonight, was this suspect imitating the jayme closs case? president trump doubling down tonight, describing baltimore as hell, and declaring he is the least racist person in the world. the new turn tonight, two american teenagers accused of killing a police officer in rome. authorities in italy now revealing the seven-inch knife used in the attack. the race for 2020 tonight, and the showdown this evening, with one candidate now widening their lead. your privacy tonight. the massive security breach. what we've now learned. 100 million people, social security numbers, addresses stolen. how to know if you're affected and what you should do right now. rebecca jarvis standing by. and the miracle toddler slipping through a railing here, dangling from that balcony, and what they do on the ground to save him. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. and we begin tonight with another deadly workplace shooting. this time, at a walmart, an employee opening fire on coworkers and on an officer. the suspect showing up early this morning, targeting those fellow workers. he shot that officer, too. they say that officer survived only because he had a bulletproof vest on. the gunman was shot, he did survive. he's now under arrest. two coworkers are dead. shaken employees gathered outside, learning it was one of their own. and tonight, the heartbreak and the search for answers in south haven, mississippi. abc's steve osunsami leads us off from the scene tonight. >> reporter: 6:33 this morning. customers who had just walked out of this 24-hour walmart supercenter in suburban memphis say that the gunfire started in the parking lot, and then the man with the firearm ran inside the store. >> kind of shook up over it, really. once people realized what was going on, they all just flooded out. >> reporter: what was going on was yet another active shooter, and according to walmart, the accused gunman was a disgruntled employee. police have arrested 39-year-old martez abram, now charged with two counts of murder. his alleged victims are two men witnesses say he knew -- anthony brown, the store's manager, and brandon gales, whose family says he worked for walmart for 16 years. both men were shot dead. police arrived just minutes later. >> two of our officers encountered the suspect outside on the west side parking lot of the building. one of our officers was shot at this time. >> reporter: the officer who was shot was saved by his bulletproof vest. the other officer fired and wounded the accused gunman, who was hospitalized and needed surgery, and remains in police custody tonight. >> and steve osunsami joins us live tonight from the scene of this shooting. and steve, you've learned that the police there had just conducted active shooter training exercises? >> reporter: yes, david. police here finished formal active shooter training just two weeks ago, and i just spoke with the mayor of this city, who says the accused gunman set a fire inside the store, so, they're certain he intended to hurt more people and are thankful their officers shut him down. david? >> we are thinking about the people of south haven tonight. steve, thank you. and we are also following a breaking headline out of north korea tonight. the newest provocation, and it comes just days after they launched a new type of ballistic missile. moments ago, the white house now saying they are aware of this new report. here's our foreign correspondent james longman with late reporting tonight. >> reporter: less than one week after kim jong-un fired off two short-range ballistic missiles, news tonight he's at it again. a u.s. official confirming north korea has now launched two more missiles from the hodo peninsula on the east coast. today, president trump insisting his relationship with the dictator remains strong. >> my relationship with kim jong-un is a very good one, as i'm sure you've seen. we'll see what happens. i can't tell you what's going to happen. >> reporter: it was one month ago today that the president and kim met at the demilitarized zone. trump becoming the first american president to step into the north korean territory. >> i'd be very proud to do that. okay, let's do it. come on. >> reporter: but since then, no direct talks at all between the two countries. >> so, let's get right to james longman, he's live in london tonight. and james, in just the last 24 hours, we take note that secretary of state mike pompeo said he hopes nuclear negotiations will start, quote, again very soon. and now, this news tonight. >> reporter: david, tonight, no word when or if that will happen. we do know that the last communication with north korea was last week, when a trump administration official delivered photographs of the president and kim together at the dmz. tonight, a senior administration official tells us they are aware of the new launch and are monitoring the situation. david? >> james longman on the breaking news tonight. james, thank you. back here at home and to the news here, a severe thunderstorm watch in the northeast as we began tonight. at least six people were struck by lightning working on a rooftop in wellington, florida. four rushed to the hospital. and all of this comes as two tropical disturbances are brewing in the atlantic, and the hurricane now is at a cat 4 level. let's get right to meteorologist rob marciano, he's tracking it all for us live tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. the heat and humidity ahead of this front has made for some potent storms. we had a 76-mile-per-hour wind gust just north of burlington. you see it on the radar here, upstate new york, a lot of trees down, ithaca, back through pennsylvania, as well. that watch is up until 9:00 tonight. front moves east tomorrow, i-95 cities are fog to going to get some big boomers, that will eventually break the heat, thankfully. and the hurricanes in the pacific, two of them, flossie and erick. erick, a category 4 now, less than 1,000 miles from the big island. a southerly track, some weakening, we hope. we're watching a disturbance right now over puerto rico, giving them some record rains. that disturbance is rolling towards the southeast, will bring parts of the u.s. heavy downpours. david? >> a lot to watch in these days ahead. rob, thank you. now to the horrific string of murders in wisconsin. a gunman killing three family members, then shooting his way into a second home, killing a woman there and wounding her parents. and tonight, the sheriff is now saying that that suspect may have been imitating the abduction of teenager jayme closs. here's abc's alex perez. >> reporter: tonight, a horrifying scene police say may have been a copycat crime. ritchie german jr. is accused by police of killing four people and may have been imitating the high-profile abduction last year of teenager jayme closs by shooting his way into the family home of one woman he may have intended on kidnapping. >> kind of similar in nature. in the closs investigation, the door was breached, a shotgun was used. mr. closs was shot, mrs. closs was shot. >> reporter: authorities say german killed three of his own family members at their home in lafayette, wisconsin, before heading to the home of the woman, shooting and injuring her parents and killing her before killing himself. police say this may have been a failed kidnapping attempt. >> there's some items that we found in the vehicle. the way the vehicle was left and running. >> reporter: last october, just 40 miles away, jayme closs was abducted from her parents' home. closs eventually escaped her abductor, who was sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping her and murdering her parents. david, investigators say they're now reviewing text messages between the gunman and the woman they believe he was trying to kidnap. the motive in this case remains unclear. david? >> all right, alex perez, thank you. next tonight, we are learning more about the victims and the survivors of that mass shooting at a food festival in california, you'll remember the pictures. the gunman unleashing at the family event. people running in panic. three people died. and what we've now learned about this case tonight. abc's will carr in gilroy, california, again this evening. >> reporter: tonight, investigators are scouring this massive crime scene, trying to figure out why santino william legan opened fire on a packed food festival. authorities now zeroing in on the murder weapon. they say the suspect legally bought the ak-47-style rifle in nevada on july 9th. the gun store posting on facebook the suspect "was acting happy and showed no reasons for concern." police say he then illegally transported the gun into california before killing three, including 13-year-old keyla salazar, who died as she stayed back with a relative with a cane. and 25-year-old trevor irby. his parents speaking exclusively with abc station kgo. >> i just wish i could have held his hand when he passed -- to tell him i do love you. >> reporter: in all, more than a dozen injured. >> so, this is actually the one that went in and out of my leg. >> reporter: bullets grazed both justin bates and his best friend, nick mcfarland. >> the doctor said about five to seven different bullets grazed me. i'm a walking miracle right now. >> reporter: we just found out the suspect's family actually thought that he might have been a victim, that he might have been killed at the festival behind me, when they didn't hear from him for a long time. ultimately, though, david, they found out that he was the gunman. david? >> will carr tonight. will, thank you. president trump ramping up his attacks on maryland congressman elijah cummings and on the city of baltimore, saying the people there are living in hell. that's what he said today, adding that they're largely african-american and that they "really appreciate what i'm doing." abc's kyra phillips is live at the white house tonight, and kyra, the president also pushing back against those accusations that he's racist, and here's what he said today. >> i am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world. what i've done for african-americans in two and a half years, no president has been able to do anything like it. >> and kyra, the president speaking today at jamestown, virginia, commemorating 400 years of representative government here, but a number of lawmakers decided to skip the speech? >> reporter: that's right, david. virginia's legislative black caucus boycotted trump's speech today, and in a statement, saying, "it is impossible to ignore the emblem of hate and disdain that the president represents." now, there was also one state lawmaker, david, of color, who did show up and he took the opportunity to protest, shouting, "mr. president, you cannot send us back, virginia is our home." a reference, you'll remember, to the racist chant that broke out at the president's most recent rally in greenville, north carolina. david? >> kyra phillips at the white house. thank you, kyra. and tonight, that issue of race and this rhetoric lately will likely come up during this newest democratic presidential debate. another likely topic, front-runner joe biden. even though he won't be on the stage tonight on night one. in fact, look at this, a new national quinnipiac poll showing the former vice president increasing his lead, with 34% of democratic voters now supporting him. elizabeth warren, kamala harris, bernie sanders, pete buttigieg all trailing behind. let's get right to mary bruce, she's live in detroit for the debate tonight. and mary, this is a make or break moment, really, for many of the candidates. they have to try to break through the pack, and it's a large one. >> reporter: well, david, for so many of the candidates on the wings here tonight who have been struggling to break through, they have to have some kind of moment here if they want to survive. as for the candidates in that middle tier, like amy klobuchar, beto o'rourke and pete buttigieg, they're also looking for a much-needed boost. thesemoderate candidates are trying to distinguish themselves from their progressive rivals on issues like health care and education, but they're also trying to make the case they can can best appeal to those voters in the key swing states. david? >> mary, let's laser in on two, right at the center tonight, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. they are often teamed up in the past. but of course, the big question tonight, will they take each other on? >> reporter: yeah, david, the focus here is all on these two progressive powerhouses. elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. they're running on many of the same issues, they're fighting for the same voters and they are close friends and political allies. tonight is going to test their truce, but both campaigns tell us this is simply not the night to start going after each other. david? >> mary bruce live in detroit tonight. mary, thank you. overseas, and to italy now, and a new turn in the case of those two american teenagers accused of killing a police officer. authorities tonight now revealing an image of the seven-inch knife they say was used in the attack. abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell is in rome. >> reporter: tonight, the murder weapon used to kill an italian policeman allegedly by an american teenager. the blade seven inches long, according to police, plunged into the officer 11 times, sometimes to the hilt. police say 18-year-old gabriel natale and 19-year-old finnegan elder from california confessing to the stabbing of officer mario cerciello rega after a drug deal gone bad. the pair allegedly stole a backpack from this spot, later demanding cash and cocaine for its return. they were spotted on surveillance running away, but when police finally confronted them, it allegedly turned violent. today, the prosecutors saying elder claimed he was thrown to the ground and didn't know the men were police, and he started stabbing. the surviving officer insisted they identified themselves as police and showed badges. he says his partner fell to the ground crying, "they stabbed me." tonight, a close family member confirming to abc news that finnegan elder was arrested in 2016 for being involved in a prearranged fight at a party, but insisting he doesn't have a criminal record. david? >> ian pannell in italy. ian, thank you. back here now, the president's nominee to be the nation's number two military officer defending himself against allegations of sexual misconduct. air force general john hyten telling a senate panel, quote, nothing happened, ever, as his accuser sat behind him in that room. that accuser, an army colonel, says he's lying. abc's stephanie ramos was there. >> reporter: tonight, the air force general in line to become the nation's second-highest ranking military officer, vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, forced to defend himself against sexual assault allegations. >> i want to state to you and to the american people in the strongest possible terms that these allegations are false. >> reporter: general john hyten today sitting just steps away from his accuser, army colonel kathryn spletstoser, a former aide at u.s. strategic command. the 28-year veteran told "the new york times" in explicit detail that hyten, her former boss, sexually assaulted her in her hotel room during a conference in 2017. she claims it was one of several unwanted advances. but a military investigation found sufficient evidence to charge or punish hyten. today, senator martha mcsally, who has shared her own experience with sexual assault in the air force, gave hyten her full support. >> sexual assault happens in the military. it just didn't happen in this case. >> reporter: but some senators are concerned. >> while we have not been presented with any corroborating evidence, the lack of it does not necessarily mean that the accusations aren't true. >> reporter: spletstoser telling us she worries hyten will be confirmed. >> it says that if you are a senior general or officer who is a popular guy, you will get away with felony sexual assault. >> reporter: david, the senate armed services committee is set to vote tomorrow. and we do expect hyten to be approved there, but the full senate would need to confirm hyten's nomination. david? >> stephanie ramos on the hill for us. stephanie, thank you. and a suspect in the murder of a former arkansas state legislator has learned she will face the death penalty. former state senator linda collins was found dead at her home last month. rebecca o'donnell, a friend and former staffer, was arraigned today in the former state senator's murder. after the proceeding, o'donnell began to cry, looking back at her daughters in the front row, mouthing "i love you" before she was led away. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. your privacy tonight. the massive security breach affecting more than 100 million people. new images just in tonight. the fbi raid. and what you need to know, how to protect yourself tonight. also, news coming in tonight on the skydivers colliding in midair. one person knocked unconscious before the parachute deployed. how the diver survived. we're following that tragedy off the coast tonight. the father drowning while trying to save his boy struggling in a rip current. and the miracle toddler tonight, slipping through this railing, dangling from a balcony. and what they did on the ground, right here in this moment, to save that boy. a lot more news ahead here. stay tuned. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. ♪ you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit now. we have new images coming in tonight, a major fbi raid after that massive data breach involving capital one bank, affecting more than 100 million people. your bank account information, your social security numbers. and here's abc's chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a seattle software engineer arrested in one of the largest data breaches ever. these images showing the dramatic fbi raid of the home of paige thompson, guns drawn. thompson, who goes by the name "erratic" on twitter, allegedly accessed the personal information of more than 100 million capital one customers who applied for credit cards between 2005 and 2019, including 140,000 social security numbers and 80,000 bank account numbers. >> 100 million is a huge number. it means your data has probably been compromised. i know mine was. >> reporter: just last month, thompson allegedly sent this message taunting the bank -- "i've basically strapped myself with a bomb vest, dropping capital one's dox and admitting it." so how can you protect your accounts? take advantage of free credit monitoring and identity theft protection offered by capital one to victims. and check your bank statements regularly for fraud. >> so, let's get to rebecca jarvis, who has been following this all day for us. rebecca, the main question for people watching this at home tonight, how do you know if your information has been stolen? >> reporter: david, capital one says they'll be reaching out directly to all those impacted, but they caution they won't be asking for personal information over the phone and if you get a call like that, it's best to just hang up, david. >> hang up right away, because that's someone taking advantage of this situation. all right, rebecca jarvis with us tonight. thank you. when we come back tonight, more on that tragedy at the beach. the father drowning while trying to rescue his 11-year-old struggling in a rip current. and more on the skydivers colliding in midair. one person knocked unconscious. the parachute yet to open. how they saved the diver. the index is next. uld there be r around the corner? or could it turn out differently? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot... almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis didn't experience another. ...and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda approved and has both. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, calwhile taking eliquis,way you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what's around the corner could be surprising. ask your doctor about eliquis. depend® fit-flex underwear for all day fun... features maximum absorbency, ultra soft fabric and new beautiful designs for your best comfort and protection guaranteed. life's better when you're in it. be there with depend®. you only talk about your insurancet, when you complain about it. 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