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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson 20160210

you. >> i heard parts of bernie's speech. he wants to give away our countries, folks. we're not going to let it happen. >> bernie talked so long, i thought he was going to hit his 77th birthday before he got off the stage. >> the real winner is the conservative dwras roots. >> while the reality tv star is still doing well it looks like you all have reset the race and for that, i'm really grateful. >> our disappointment tonight is not on you. it's on me. >> senator bernie sanders so-called political revolution picking up big heat as he crushes hillary clinton with 60% of the votes to her 38. joining me now is chris wallace, anchor of fox news sunday. chris, great to have you back on the real story. >> great to be back, gretchen. >> let's take a look at the big wins for donald trump first and foremost. when we look at the exit polls, it gives us some clues as to what's going on in the voter's mind. only g.o.p. side of things they voted overwhelmingly for trump giving him a 2-1 lead over john kasich. does that tell us anything about down the road for donald trump? >> yeah. i mean, it indicates a potential for expanding his base that it isn't just republicans. it's not just one sector of the party. the fact that he swamped the other republican candidates in the field among independence is good news. in the end, independence, the alleged swing voters are the key to winning a presidential election to help them in the primary fight and the general election. >> completely. i thought that was one of the most fascinating finds. as you know, next up, south carolina. let's talk about what's going to happen to governor chris christie after his disappointing showing there. >> well, look. i think going into south carolina donald trump couldn't have written a better scenario. first of all, he beat john kasich, his biggest contender nearly 2-1. ted cruz is going to be tough. south carolina looks a lot more like iowa in terms of the percentage of evangelicals and social conservatives voting. >> best is the so-called establishment at least kasich and rubio and bush will all stay in and split the vote. even if christie drops out, that's three established candidates splitting the vote. >> let's talk about chris christ christie. donald trump said he had a long phone conversation with chris christie last night. what should we read into that if anything. >> i don't know necessarily, they've known each other for a long time obviously. chris even though he's the governor of new jersey he's had a lot of dealings with trump. it doesn't look good for christie. he based so much of his campaign on performing well, he basically skipped iowa performing well in new hampshire and finished sixth in sipg l digits. he probably, even if in the race, would not get on the stage for the republican debate on saturday night. it's just hard to see how he can stay in the race. he's almost out of money and doesn't seem to have much of an organization or ground gain moving forward. >> let's move on to the democrats where hillary clinton lost big time to sanders. he brought up their fundraising differences. >> i'm not going to new york city to hold a fundraiser on wall street. instead, i'm going to hold a fundraiser right here, right now across america. >> highlighting sander's strength showing he did well with independents as well. plus got a big chunk of backing from voters under 45 and those who felt income and equality was a top concern. that's nothing compared to the support he got from voters. he got 92% of them and also this. he got more of the women's vote than hillary clinton beating her 55-44%. stunning results. >> yeah, i was going to say this was a stunning political and personal defeat for hillary clinton. yes, i know bernie sanders is from the neighboring state. you got to remember four or five months ago she was leading him better than 2-1, 3-1 in new hampshire. that kind of home state advantage or regional advantage didn't call for much then. the fact you have madeline al bright saying this is a special place for women who don't help women and she loses, the top candidate quality is honesty and trustworthiness and among those voters, nine out of 10 went for bernie sanders. it was a personal defeat. yes, south carolina is a much better state for her. many more minorities. it seems to set up demographically much better for her. this is a huge defeat for her. huge victory for bernie sanders and at the very least because he's going to get a lot of money and i'm sitting here with carl, the campaign cowboys, when he did that and did a fundraising in the middle of his speech he said that's absolutely brilliant. he's going to have a lot of money and can keep the race going for a long time. every day he faces the race, he pushes her further and further to the left which is going to make it harder for her to pivot back to the center. >> great job in new hampshire as well. thank you. let's take a look at what's coming up on the campaign trail. breakout your calenders. dozens of states get ready to hold primaries and caucuses in the next few weeks. trace gal ger live with his calender, the political one. hi, trace. >> hi gretchen. none of the candidates took large numbers of delegates out of iowa or new hampshire. they do generate momentum and that's extremely important. here's where we s g.o.p. side. donald trump leads with 17 delegates followed by cruz, rubio, kasich and jeb bush. the nominees need 1,237 delegates to glitch. even though hillary lost new hampshire and barely led in iowa she has a huge led. they have delegates, governors, congressmen and other party officials who have vowed to support hillary. if bernie sanders makes a big run those super delegates can switch their vote. now on to the calender, the next key date is sat, february 20th. democrats hold their caucus in nevada. on the 23rd, republicans caucus in nevada nef and then south carolina democratic primary is on 27th. then it's on to super tuesday march 1st. that's where voters in 13 different states mostly in the south hold primaries and caucuses. this is huge baz republicans have 595 delegates up for grabs. democrats 865. beyond that, march 15th is an important milestone because until then the delegates are handed out on a proportional basis. in other words, if you come in second you still win delegates. starting the 15th, it's mostly winner take all. delegate risks like florida and ohio will only benefit the winners. if by mid-june there's still no clear cut g.o.p. nominee and nobody's hit the magic delegate number, you could have a brokered convention. hasn't happened in more than 60 years but it means all the delegates will gather up in cle in cleveland to begin fighting and dealing to push somebody over the magic 1,200 plus number. gretchen. >> thanks so much for the calender, trace. jeb bush taking the campaign south now. bringing a little help with him on the trail. big help which is not his secret helping and will that give him a boost after millions of dollars of adds in new hampshire? plus ted cruz had a good outing. what kind of shock will he have in the state? why is he being compared to richard nixon? >> we share a lot in common. we're similar people. both states are southern states, evangelical southern baptist states, we love god, we're gun owner, military veterans and we're fed up with what's happening in washington. ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. that's why i run on quickbooks. details. i use the payments app to accept credit cards... ...and everything autosyncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. that's how i own it. what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at ohio governor kasich depended on that strong ground gain that paid off dividends for him right now. the focus is in south carolina. last night he thanked our next guest and volunteers in his campaign for all the sacrifices they made to make his primary night successful. zm we also want to spend a little time thanking former senator gordon humphrey. he sends me an e-mail and says this is the hot plate that changed the world. guys are sleeping on the m mattresses and hold up a hot plate where they're eating their food. >> congratulations on a second place win. going to south carolina people think he doesn't have the infrastructure or money. they went from 60 rsvp's to over 360 overnight to an event in south carolina. what's happening? >> well, we have the momentum. it was a dra mat rancic upset, gretchen. not only is there interest among the voters of south carolina, not only is it surging, so is the fundraising proceeds overnight. all the sudden there's a great deal of interest and on the part of people who wanted to contribute to the campaign or redeem their pleasure. it's working for us. let me just say that i don't think anything's going to be excited nothing will be decided in those primaries and then we go to the midwest where it's strong. >> proportionalty is good for you. while we wait to potentially to ohio which is his state on march 15th. you mentioned the upper midwest. you have march 8th, michigan. massachusetts as part of super tuesday. do you expect him to do well in those states? >> well, we do and those are win or take all primaries. that's where it gets serious. he's going to win ohio where he's very popular and that mid-western ethic or neighborliness is going to have the vote in illinois, michigan, minnesota. we expect to do very well out there. we're in all of the states and we're going to be competitive in all of those states. that's where we're going to reach the decisive points. >> okay. i understand the mid-western sensibility. i'm from minnesota. let's go back to the hot plate thing. we call it hot fish. here's a picture of the hot plate. how many meals did you make on that thing? >> i didn't. we had volunteers, gretchen from 24 states and the campaign headquarterers. it looked like a center at night with the bags all spread out and they were preparing their food on hot plates and during the campaign two or three months ago, i sent that photo to john kasich and he took some inspiration from it knowing these kids were so devoted going to that length for his campaign. >> nice story. senator thanks so much for being on the real story. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> next stop for the presidential k57d date on expensive trip in new hampshire. ted cruz down at the bottom spending just 580 k. joining me now adam, member of the house foreign relations committee and jeb bush supporter. great to have you on the real story. jeb bush, wow. he spends a lot of dough in new hampshire. for every vote it was 1,200 bucks. was it worth it? >> yeah. look, we got a lot of supporters. a lot of people willing to write checks to the campaign. he's going to come out with a lot of momentum into south carolina. it's a very high percentage of veterans. he has 12 honor recipients and a number of general officers. i'm going to go there this weekend to campaign for him. we feel good about it. >> the other interesting thing is a lot of people were saying wow, he finally brought his mom on the trail, barbara bush. where the heck is his brother, former president george w. bush? now people say he's going to campaign for him in south carolina. can you confirm that? >> it seems like he is. we saw the commercial he did and frankly, he's coming out there. in the beginning people said george w. is going to be a liability. the family name and what i think jeb has come to realize and what we've come to realize is people admire the bush's. they call george h.w. a fantastic president. >> how do you get around the fact the exit polls last night, most said they didn't want to go for experience. they wanted to go for the political outsider. >> it's an interesting campaign cycle. a lot of my predictions were wrong. in the early stages people want their anger heard. you have donald trump that uses curse words or a guy that jeb bush that says i understand your anger. america is a great country and that's starting to pick up momentum. early on, people want to make that anger heard. now they're realizing we can be angry but also look for a way out. that's what jeb provided. >> some of the angry folks liked it because trump won big. we'll see what happens. congressman, thank you. fundraising expected to flow as the presidential candidates head south. whose getting the most support from their money spent? plus bernie sanders taking home the big win. that brings us to our question of the day. what advice do you have for the candidates who didn't come out on top last night? tweet me @gretchencarlson. i know you have great advice. let me know what it is. listen up! i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. who's with me?! yay! the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in! 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(vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. donald trump may be funding his own campaign but some aren't. do they have the risk dropping out? fox business has the numbers and math. tell us about the winners. >> all right. okay. so it is a turnout. it's actually a business concept. i wanted to show you standards here. in january alone 15 million for hillary clinton. what happened as he began to win? last night $6 million online. after the voting areas closed and between 12:30. in a few hours he got 2.6 million. >> let go to the republican side. what did you learn about that? >> this is interesting. you see bush is the big spender, $36 million. low spender cruz at 580,000. christie spent only had 30 million to start with at the beginning of the year. he is burning through cash. you asked the question whose facing trouble? i think it's chris christie. >> yeah, rumors all day long he may be calling it quits. we'll see if we get that confirmed. thanks much. reshaping the presidential campaign donald trump or ted cruz the next richard nixon? he won the white house with the support of silent majority. next stop, south carolina. do any of trump's rivals have enough momentum to stand in the way? dems next to nevada. you've got the bigger ground gain there. ed henry joins us live coming up next. ♪ woah oh oh... ♪ mmmm... come on... ♪ be mine... dominique wilkins are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. 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pennsylvania expected to take the brunt. in alabama the first case of the zika virus there. the person got it traveling abroad. cases now confirmed in a dozen states. and chipotle with high profile illnesses. one of them automatically shutting down. if an employee or customer vomits in a restaurant. sorry, kind of disgusting. new hampshire in the rear-view mirror. as hillary clinton and bernie sanders look ahead to a long battle, while sanders crushes clinton, he faces strong head wins going into the next two early states. ed henry tracking the democratic rivals and bernie sanders took a detour to new york. i think he had a breakfast with somebody. who was that by the way? >> that would be the reverend al sharp ton. this is all about trying to real in minorities. they went to new york and had breakfast with al sharp ton. they are saying look, al did something for me and so it's questionable whether or not he is the person who is going to help bernie sanders. i was interviewing jeff and he said remember that rapper mike we brought to you on the show and he infamously said he endorsed bernie sanders after smoking a joint and reading his tweets. >> in atlanta we did an event at the barbershop. but if you look at the photos that are online of the two of them, they hit it off right from the beginning. >> and we're just learning right now, in fact, sanders has revealed how much money he raised after winning new hampshire. $5.2 million. back of my mind i have two or three million after basically almost tying iowa. $5.2 million shows you he's in it for the long haul. >> no doubt. clinton camp starting in south carolina. true or false? >> well, we'll see. they did a story where they're interviewing young african americans in south carolina who said they're not sure. they may be with sanders. that's the problem young americans are not embracing hillary clinton. i'm told sanders is going to really start stressing his immigrant roots growing up in brooklyn to try to reach out not just to hispanics but african americans. >> we grew up in a small three and a half room apartment in brooklyn, new york. my mother always prayed of getting a home of her own but never realized that dream. >> he's trying to tell the immigrant story. back to that money. $5.2 million in 18 hours. here's why it's significant as well. he said look, republicans eventually get to win or take all states and you know, you're number one and somebody's number two. you get all the delegates. democrats is proportional. bernie sanders can keep coming in some places and stick around especially with this big cash hold. >> huge. it averages out. each donor was only 34 bucks. he can keep going and nobody reaches the limit. hillary clinton has matched out on a bunch of her voters. this is for the long haul. thanks. we have passed the big milestone in the race for the white house. many more to come as you know. now it's upward and onward. south carolina where republicans have two weeks to try and convince voters to support them before the next primary and a prevalentines debate coming this saturday for the extra loved. senior national correspondent john roberts on the ground in south carolina for the next big contest. how does trump plan to keep the momentum going? >> he's got to do the big rallies and get a ground game going as well. he has to make his presence known throughout the state. at the moment he remains the candidate to be beat. the last surveys, donald trump holds a 16-point lead. he has a huge event at clemson, university. trump trying to roll up a second big victory. and in a state with 50 delegates at stake. that's more than iowa and new hampshire combined. >> marco rubio looking to turn his fortunes around after finishing fifth in new hampshire. rubio used a football analogy to describe his path forward. >> i remember playing in college and i was a corner and if you're corner you're going to get beat. you're going to give up an 80-yard pass. you got to put that play behind you because the next play is going to be just as important. in my mind you learn from it and move on. >> marco rubio taking full responsibility for his fifth place finish in new hampshire saying that debate on saturday night was not his best work telling people in a fundraising letter i dropped the ball promising he would never do that again. >> all right. we'll see how that pans out. jeb bush, how's he going to do in south carolina? >> he comes in with a big head of steam. the rubio campaign is hoping to put him ahead. he finished ahead. the bush family has deep ties to south carolina. don't forget in 2000 south carolina sealed the deal. bush appealing in part to the big military presence here. listen to what he said this morning. >> now we move to south carolina where i can lay out my agenda to rebuild the military and keep us safe and share my heart for the concerns of the people living now living paycheck to paycheck to grow our economy and people in south carolina have been good to my family and i intend to be working hard here. >> south carolina has a reputation for bare knuckle politics. in fact, it took years for john mccain to forgive the bushes. what happened in the 2000 campaign, 10 days to go until the voting here and there's plenty of time for bare knuckle politics. >> i know you will be. john, thank you. donald trump and bernie sanders both writhing a popular revolt on the opposite sides of the aisle and could trump and ted cruz be following in the footsteps of former president richard nixon who appealed to a silent majority of americans. she wants work for richard nixon so you might know. >> during the last years of his life. not in the white house. i want to make that clear. >> i'm trying to do the math myself. monica is a young woman. >> exactly. >> okay. so the comparison, how do you make the trump nixon comparison first? >> it's interesting because what richard nixon did was he wasn't part of the establishment. the establishment accepted him. you see a lot of that in donald trump. what i think trump and sanders have tapped into which nixon was able to tap into in 1968 was a deep understanding of how disinfranchised, mar jialized and betrayed most of the american people feel and how deep that ran. because nixon wasn't part of the establishment and in fact was one of them, he was able to l e leverage that. >> ted cruz has been described as a shrewd politician who lacks a personal touch and that's the same way nix sob was described. do you see similarities there? >> there's an adjective that applies to both. when i see ted cruz and him as a friend, i see a lot of elements to it. very satisvvy knowing how to wo around the establishment and again, to appeal to people by speaking directly to their economic and personal insecu insecurities about the state of the nation. squl the comparisons we're talking about are very positive. they should be. this is not dealing with the ma jor tif slice against richard nixon. i think the analogies are appropriate by going over the heads of the media, over the heads of the establishment directly to the american people and speaking to them. nixon was before there were reagan democrats, there were nixon democrats. >> right. >> unionized life long democrats who were able to speak about their particulars. >> monica, thank you. >> time now for my case. let's be clear about one big thing. it's pretty apparent now americans are teed off with the political establishment feeling betrayed, mar jialized and disenfranchised. check out the polls from last night. on the g.o.p. side first amongst americans angry with how the federal government is working, four in ten went strongly for trump. the outsiderings ended up being half of the g.o.p. voters by the way in new hampshire. trump dominates 61% on the dem side. bernie sanders ruled when asked if he cares about the voter killing it with a whopping 82%. many, many pund nts didn't take the political outsider ins this race seriously for a long time. we often heard trump would fizzle out and sanders was a joke. not here. here on the real story we long ago said both candidates could be the real deal. how this all ends up and whether or not it's good for the country is a whole other discussion. it was like noah's ark yesterday at the polls. even the animals showed up. all right. that's not a dog or cat. that's a pig. and senator marco rubio taking home fifth place after a saturday debate. then his victory speech proved once again that he can't go off script. or can he? >> there's a big difference. he couldn't remember what he wanted to say. apparently, i remembered it too well. i think that's the biggest difference. tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. shepard smith just into the fox news desk. the new york times and associated press and others just reported that chris christie will indeed drop out of the race for the presidency. his campaign has very little money and no real ground gain in nevada and south carolina. we're waiting to hear from the new jersey governor himself. speaking of south carolina, one g.o.p. campaign staffer said that contest is going to be a blood bath. already the top candidates are going at it. there's a new super pact that claims it does not support any candidates and only out to destroy donald trump. we'll tell you whose behind that effort on shepard smith reporting at the top of the hour. >> marco rubio won't let voters down again. senator admitted his debate performance was his own fault especially after being called out for being scripted in repetition. he turned around and repeated another well-known story about his up bringing. >> it's on me. i did not do well on saturday night. so listen to this. that will never happen again. >> my father needed to find a new job and it was hard because most of his life he had been a bartender here in the u.s. and an apartment manager about a year and a half and couldn't find bar tending work on miami beach. >> troy gardner is on the foreign relations committee and a supporter of marco rubio. great to have you on the real story. interesting to watch this unfold last night because it seems as if it's difficult for the senator to get off his points and we saw him on the airplane doing a reporter gaggle where he's speaking off the cuff and seems to be more relaxed. >> he's running for president of the united states and getting undue attention for talking about his life story and expecting that life story would change. of course, he's going to talk about the fact his father was a bartender in miami. he's not going to wake up one day about his dad being a car dealer in detroit. he's repeating a story we know to be true. you don't remake the story you've been telling on the campaign trail. >> i know. i totally agree with you. the thing is, every politician has their talking points and a lot of them stick to the tell prompter and you've heard the same speech over and over again. he got nailed for it so now, people are going to be looking for those same words and same messages and all the other candidates might get away with it. >> no doubt they have to rock the state for those that came out of the bushel. they had to out perform and jeb bush spent $10 million attacking marco rubio in new hampshire. they had to remain viable to go into south carolina and gain some momentum. what we're going to see is marco share his positive vision for if new america system. >> christie going after him last weekend. apparently, it was a suicide mission because he's going to apparently be getting out of the race. marco rubio has key south carolina endorsements looking into the future. he has tray and scott. >> tremendous endorsements in south carolina. we opened a number of offices. he's got a great game in south carolina and strong leadership there. the fact is people in south carolina and around the country know the conservative values they have representing. >> okay. we'll see how it flushes out as we move to the south. senator, thank you. some incredibly scary moments on the high seas. horrible stormy weather bringing crews to paradise to a big fight thing end. should the ship have set sail in the first place? our chief meteorologist has been looking into this and we have brand new video to show you as well. welcome back to "real story." some important events in the gop race for the president coming up as we look at today by the numbers. first, south carolina debate, three days away now. saturday night. republican primary there ten days away. gop convention, 159 days from now. and of course all this leads up to the election which is in 272 days. president obama isn't the only basketball fan in politics with game. senator bernie sanders showing off his skills on the court making the most of that back board before making his victory speech at concord high school. he kept sinking them. his opponents? two adult sons and seven grand kids. the vermont senator says he was a good athlete growing up in brooklyn, new york, and he's been playing hoops since elementary school. let's move on to this now, the cruise ship scattered by a major storm now set to dock a few hours from now in the new york area, finally. royal caribbean's anthem of the seas set off on a seven-day cruise last saturday that was anything but smooth sailing for those on board. checking out the video next to me? passengers told to stay in their cabins as powerful winds and high waves tossed the ship around. chief meteorologist rick reichmuth joins us now. what happened, rick? >> can you imagine being on that ship? >> no. >> that would have been misery. it's really interesting case. the forecasts were right on with this. in fact, there had already been hurricane force wind warnings that had been posted on saturday before the ship took off from new jersey, heading down kind of right directly through that path towards the bahamas. so it was either a lapse -- an error in judgment, or maybe they don't have a meteorologist that they're deferring to to get this information. but the national weather service add put out all of the advisories up before that time. so it's a really difficult case, i would imagine, would bring some litigation. >> well that's interesting. you know, you brought up el faro that ship with some of our best who are serving our country who all died. >> who all died in the bahamas in that area. and these winter storms while they're not exactly the same as hurricanes they can have the exact same kind of impacts on the ocean. there were winds of about 125 miles an hour that will kick up waves that are in excess of 40 to 50 feet high. so imagine being on that boat in the middle of that. it's an interesting thing. once you have a storm that gets in the water there's no friction to break that storm apart, and sometimes we can see a forecast that we expect a storm to strengthen rapidly. and this storm did strengthen very rapidly. you don't always see that. but we call it bombo genesis. the pressure drops by more than 25 millibars in a 24 hour period and we call it bombogenesis. a very powerful storm but a strengthening storm and taking your boat into the middle of that, not a good idea. >> i'm going to nominate rick reichmuth to be the new meteorologist for the royal caribbean cruise line. >> well, as long as i can stay on firm ground. i don't want to be on that boat. >> all right. if they're listening, give them a call. >> there you go. >> thanks, rick. some news about a historic president unveiled. we'll tell you about a piece of history uncovered that could give us some insight in to true lincoln lore? 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(team sing) ♪safelite repair, safelite replace.♪ new zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. welcome back to "real story." so a piece of abraham lincoln's legacy is going on display just in time for his 207th birthday. it's a bench mallet making its debut this week. lincoln was known as the rail splitter in his days before politics and used this hammer to bust apart logs for fencing until it broke. then he used it to build furniture. you can see his initials and the year 1829 carved on it. the mallet has been passed down quietly by its owners for generations. cool. a long history of politics. 600 pound pig showing up at a polling station strolling up to the door yesterday morning in pell up, new hampshire. the big apparently escaped from a local farm wandering through a parking lot. police eventually tracked down the owner who came to retrieve the big pig. so as candidates move on to south carolina now, i asked the question of the day if you had any advice for those candidates who came up short last night? so elizabeth says, be realistic and ruthless, ambition and vision are admirable but you have to look to bigger picture, be selfless and put the country first. well. kim says avoid being attack and explain why you should be the candidate we choose. tina says, some need to search their hearts and stop. stop taking donations when you know you aren't going to go anywhere. and eddie says not to make any decisions until after the south carolina primary. i got a lot of tweets on facebook for that question. the day after the new hampshire primary i'm gretchen carlson. let's go over now to shep. >> it's noon on the west coast, 3:00 in the east, where associated press and "the new york times," among others, are reporting the new jersey governor chris christie is the latest republican to fall. details ahead. and after donald trump's decisive win in new hampshire the focus shifts to south carolina. where the billionaire has long led in the polls. but ted cruz may be the most well-positioned to take on trump there. and today, it seems he's not wasting a moment. also the former governor john kasich with a surprise second place finish in new hampshire. but can the ground game he ran in the granite state work for the showdowns ahead? plus, we'll look at how much money the campaigns and the super pacs are spending. and the price they're paying for each vote.


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