we are tired of everybody talking. you go into the bar barbershop and hair salon, everybody run their mouth about what they want to do, how they want it do it, but nothing gets done. i m not one of those people. i m a guy of action. i want to understand that we can do this. so when i built these businesses, it was more for not just myself, i wanted to open the door for a lot of african-americans so they can follow me down the same path. then the athletes and entertainers, they got to understand, you know, somebody helped me get here. i didn t get here by myself. somebody tell me, boy, you can t good down that row or, if you do something wrong, i m going to call your parent. so the village raised me. so i got to go back now and give back because somebody helped me. then these athletes and entertainers, they got to understand that look, you re not going to do this forever. so you got to take care of your money and then hopefully you ll go back and invest it in the