A lonely college freshman named Emily finds herself in the clutches of a religious cult in “Those Who Prey,” the debut young-adult novel by Jennifer Moffett that was published in 2020 by Simon & Schuster.
New York Trilogy in three separate volumes, Laurie Colwin’s
Happy All the Time, Barry Hannah’s
Ray, Robb Forman Dew’s
Dale Loves Sophie to Death (which won a National Book Award), Tim O’Brien’s
The Things They Carried, Grace Paley’s
Later the Same Day, Larry Heinemann’s
Paco’s Story (another NBA winner), Frederick Barthelme’s
Moon Deluxe, Frank Conroy’s
Midair, Pete Dexter’s
You Bright and Risen Angels, Ivan Doig’s
English Creek, and Wallace Stegner’s
Crossing to Safety.
As is so often the case, editorial passion conquered timid conventional wisdom, and literature was born.