A common misperception in the software industry is whether aspects of software are patentable in the United States. Although it has been eight years since the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Alice Corp.
Google done been Aliced?
TR November 8, 2020 11:40 pm
“Here, Google has not sufficiently explained how the ‘489 patent is an improvement in computer functionality. Again, as noted above, Google is ultimately asserting that the ‘489 patent is an improvement over human limitations.”
“has not sufficiently explained” – first DDR becomes a “draftsman’s art” then will SCOTUS disapprove of its mechanical application like M-o-T test? Looking at foreign approaches, DDR appears on the cusp of rebuke. But can an “Internet-centric” claim really recite an abstract idea?
It seems like there could be a lot to unpack here.
Anon November 9, 2020 7:18 am
The notion of a claim being “centric” is being made into a Gordian Knot of how ANY judge at a district court level can use the mess created by the Supreme Court and the